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Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A |
Предметный указатель |
Desler, J.F. 21 56
Destructive partitioning 483
Deutsch, D.N. 524 539
Deutsch, J.P.A. 523 539
Devadas, S. 390—391 397 524 530 539
Devroye, L. 112 135
Dhall, S.K. 524 539
Dhar, V. 523—524 539
Dijkstra, E.W. 140
Dijoin 242
DIMACS benchmark graphs 39
DIMACS graph 33 35
DIMACS instance 512
DIMACS testbed 35
Dimitropoulis, C.H.D. 361 371
Dincbas, M. 523 539
Dirac, G.A. 15 56
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) 422
Directed graph 311
Directed multicut problem 247
Director, S.W. 524 561
Discrete Constrained Feasibility Formulations 386
Discrete Constrained Formulations 388
Discrete CSP model 383
Discrete gradient 456
Discrete Lagrangian function 455
Discrete Lagrangian Method (DLM) 456
Discrete Lagrangian search algorithm 455—460
Discrete local solution 8
Discrete Unconstrained Formulations 386—388
Discrete, constrained algorithms 390—392
Discrete, unconstrained algorithms 392
Disguised Horn formulas 470
Disjunctive normal form (DNF) 386
Disordered magnetic model 266
Distance 574
Diversify 36
Divide and conquer 463
Divisible sequence 182—183
Doenhardt, J. 524 539
Doignon, J.P. 314 372
Dominating set problem 13
Donald, J. 252
Donath, W.E. 110 140 524 539
Doob, M. 16 56
Doreian, P. 19 56
Double reduction 236
Doubly stochastic matrix 77
Dowaji, S. 41 56
Dowling, W.F. 469 540
Downey, R.G. 252
Dowsland, K.A. 262 287
Doyle, J. 415 540
Dror, M. 198 201
Du, B. 524 540
Du, D.Z. 578 575—577 584—585 587—589
Du, D.—Z. 13 56 64 389 451 506 525—526 540 545 578 575—577 584—585 587—589
Dual First-Fit (DFF[r]) 195
Dual Next-Fit (DNF) 195
Dual planes 574
Dual quadratic estimates 6
Dual simplex-based algorithms 99—101
Dubois, O. 391 400 415 451 491 540
Dudding, R.C. 86 141
Durbin, R. 279 287
Durkin, J. 301 372
Dyer, C.R. 523 535 558
Dynamic bin packing 187—189
Earliest opened bin 155
Eastman, C. 523 540
Ebenegger, C. 22 57
Ecker, K. 182 199
Eckstein, J. 94—95 137
Edge formulation 5
Edge set 3
Edging strategy 595
Edmonds, J. 113 140
Effective energy function 272
Eggleton, R.B. 314 321 372
Eigenvalue 16
Eigenvalue bound identity 17
Eiger, G. 531
Eiter, T. 525 540
Ekin, O. 101 135
Elfadel, I.M. 272 287
Ellickson, R. 524 568
Elliot, G. 400 414—415 547
Elmohamed, S. 285 287
Elwin, J. 252
Endpoint 211
Energy function 32
Enumerative algorithms 19—21
Eppley, P.H. 35 54
Epstein, R. 41 50
Equal circles packing problem 592—593
Erdoes, P. 18 30 52 108 140
Erdoes, R. 252
Erdos, P. 323 326—327 372
Eswaran, K.P. 523 540
Etherington, D.W. 476 537
Euler, R. 128 132 140—141
European Cooperation on the Long term in Defense (EUCLID) problem 336
Evaluate_objective_function() 433 436—438
Evaluate_object_function() 447
Even arc 100
Even, G. 228 231—233 240 243—244 247 252
Even, S. 392 469 540
Ewashko, T.A. 86 141
Exact solutions 397
Existence of a perfect matching 78
Expander graphs 13
Expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm 271
Extended Horn formula 471
Extended k-multiple 320
Extended literals 418
Extended partition 236
Extended resolution 409
Extension phase 230
F rule 185
F*D integer constraints 308—309
Faigle, U. 191 201
Falkowski, B.—J. 423 540
Fang, L. 275 281—282 284—285 287
Fang, M.Y. 394—395 541
Far-site interference 303—304
Faugeras, O. 523 541
Faugeras, O.D. 523 541
Fausett, L. 275 287
Favorable case 396
Faybusovich, L. 272 287
Feasible (primal or dual) forests 104
Fedjki, C. 391—392 401 549
Feedback arc set problem 239—244
Feedback set problem 210—211
FEEDBACK Vertex Set 212
Feedback vertex set problem 212—238
Feige, U. 13—14 48 57
Feldman, J. 41 73
Feldman, J.A. 523 541
Fellows, M.R. 252
Felsner, S. 15 57
Feo, T. 563
Feo, T.A. 30 57 71
Ferland, J.A. 35 57
Fermat function 579
Fermat, P. 574 588
Fernandez de la Vega, W. 175—177 182 196 201
Ferromagnetic model 266
Festa, P. 238 252
Festa, Paola 209
| FFD using Largest bins, and Repack (FFDLR) 186
FFD using Largest bins, and Shift (FFDLS) 186
Fiat, A. 191 199
Fiduccia, CM. 524 563
Fillion, E. 557
Filonenko, V.L. 85 140
Findler, J.D. 523 541
Finklestein, L.A. 413 532—533
Fiorini, C. 13—14 55
First improvement strategy 361
First-Fit Decreasing (FFD) algorithm 171
First-Fit Increasing (FFI) heuristic 194
First-order necessary condition for discrete problems 456
First_Fit (FF) 159
Fischer, K.H. 267 288
Fisher, D.C. 158 201
Fisher, M.L. 41 57
Fixed-clause-length model 401
Flat-move strategy 460
Fleurent, C. 35 57
Floudas, C.A. 285 288 523 541
Flow 81
Flow conservation constraints 81
Flow update 108
Fonlupt, J. 15 54 216 252
Forbes, G.W. 552
Forbidden difference graph 312
Forcing number 247
Forcing problem 247
Ford, L.R. 82 141
Forest algorithms 88 104—105
Fortin, D. 124 141
Forward arcs 92 97
Foster, J.A. 35 57
Foulds, L.R. 309 372
Fowler, R.J. 592 602
Fox, G. 285 287
Fox, M.S. 523 541
Franco, J. 14—15 55 390 400—401 411 413 429 472 478 489 490 492 525 531 535 541—542 544 561 565
Franco, John 379
Frank, A. 15 57
Franklin, M.A. 571
Frankot, R.T. 523 542
Fratta, L. 133 138
Frayman, F. 523 542
Frazier, R.A. 301 372
Fredman, M.L. 92 141
Free edges 90—91
Free nodes 90—91
Freeman, J.W. 415 542
Frenk, J.B.G. 110 141 170 202
frequency 300
Frequency assignment 296
Frequency assignment problem (FAP) 298—309
Frequency-distance function (F*D) 300
Frequency-distance interference constraints 300
Freuder, E.C. 400 413 415 542
Friden, C. 23 36 57—58
Friesen, D.K. 173—174 184 186 192 201—202
Frieze, A. 18 30 58
Frieze, A.M. 131—132 141 491 499—501 525 532 542
Froehlich, K. 129—130 138
Fu, K.S. 523 571
Fu, X. 504 542
Fueredi, Z. 331 372
Fujisawa, K. 7 17 58
Fujisawa, T. 15 64 66
Fujito, T. 225—228 250
Fukao, T. 33 74
Fulkerson, D.R. 113 140 314 372
Fulkerson, R. 82 113 141
Fully polynomial approximation scherr (FAS) 221
Funabiki, N. 33 58
Funahashi, K.—I. 275 289
Funke, M. 237—238 248 253
Fuqua, T.W. 524 542
Gabow, H.N. 80 114 141
Gajski, D. 524 532
Galambos, G. 154 159 164—165 170 175 180 182 191 199 201—202
Galambos, Gabor 151
Galil, Z. 392 407 542
Gallager, R.G. 299 370
Gallier, J.H. 469 540
Gallo, G. 86 116 138—139 414 476 525 542—543
Gamal, A.E. 524 557
Gambosi, G. 180 202
Gamst, A. 301 346 373
Ganesan, R. 33 63
Gao, B. 13 56 578 585 587—588
Garcia—Molina, H. 523 543
Gardner, P.C. 32 50
Garey, M. 12 46 58 154 156 176 83 187—188 192 194 196 200
Garey, M.R. 152—154 159 161 171—173 197 202—203 211 253 342 373 382 422 524 543 576 588 592 602
Garfinkel, R. 114 142
Garg, N. 253
Gasarch, W.I. 14 54
Gaschnig, J. 400 415 523 543
Gauss 574 588
Gauss — Seidel methods 106
Gauss — Seidel version of the auction algorithm 95
Gautheret, D. 557
Gavril, F. 15 58 216 253 257
Gay, Y. 347 372 377
Geiger, D. 213 221—226 240 246 250 262 288
Gelat, CD. 417 483 552
Gelatt, CD. 31 64 261 289 592 602
Gelatt, CD. Jr. 358 374
Gelder, A.V. 391 399 15 479 525 543
Geman, D. 523 543
Gendreau, M. 23 36—37 58 72
Gendreau, T.B. 524 559
Generating Radiolink frequency Assignment Problems Heuristically (GRAPH) 368
Generic discrete Lagrangian algorithm 456
Genesereth, M.R. 390 543
Genetic algorithms (GA) 34—36 362—364
Genetic Engineering via Negative Fitness (GENF) 25
GENF algorithm 36
GENF procedure 35
Gent, LP. 525 544
Gentle-flip() 438
Gerards, A.M.H. 15 59
Gerhards, L. 20 58
Gershovitz 531
Ghosh, A. 390—391 397 530
Giacomini, R. 39 52
Gibbons, L.E. 8—10 35 38 59
Gibbons, P.B. 198—199
Gilbert — Pollak conjecture 577
Gilbert, E.N. 574 576 588
Gill, P. 24 53
Gilmore, P.C. 178 182 203 392 544
Ginzberg, A. 523 544
Girosi, F. 262 288
girth 231
Gislen, L. 285 288
Glauber, R.J. 267 288
Glicksberg, I. 113 141
Global convergence 386
Global heuristics 357
Global maximizer 9—10
Global minimum point 507
Global quadratic zero—one problem 7—8
Glover, F. 36 59 80 92 96—97 108 136 142 361—362 373 458 460 483 544
Glover, R. 92 142
Goal of SAT problem 382
Godbeer, G.H. 32 59
Goecke, O. 85 140
Goemans, M.X. 17 59 64 110 142 226 228 242 251 253
Goerdt, A. 491 544
Goertzel, G. 524 564
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