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Attwood S.S. — Electric and Magnetic Fields |
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(del-square) 170 177 437 438
Absorption charge 105 106
Absorption current 105 106 134
action 13 256 461
Air gap 249 361 362 382
Air, corona, concentric-cylinder gradient 91
Air, corona, parallel-wire gradient 90
Air, corona, point gradient 55
Air, density 90 161
Air, dielectric constant 63
Air, dielectric strength 63
Air, permeability 205
Air, properties of 19 63
Air, spark-over 160
Alnico 386—390
Alternating characteristic 328 331 332
Alternating core loss 345 350—355 357—360
Alternating fields 103 117 329 364 414 419 431
Aluminum, properties of 127
Ampere 457
Ampere's Rule 236 426
Anode 170 175
Antenna 147 430
Arago 457
Arc, characteristic 137 138
Arcing rings 71
Armco iron 333—341
Atom, atomic number 9 10 451
Atom, atomic weight 9 10 12
Atom, chemical properties 9 453
Atom, data 10 12 19 448
Atom, electron arrangement 10 411
Atom, excited 14
Atom, hydrogen 11—19 451
Atom, ionization potential 10
Atom, ionized 10 14
Atom, model 11 15 448
Atom, neutral, normal 9 10
Atom, nucleus 11
Atom, oxygen 10
Atom, unit weight 11 12
Atom, valency 9 10
Atom, wave-mechanical 453
Avogadro 16
Barkhausen effect 375
battery 23 105 120 457
Battery to coils 290 295 301 307
Battery to magnet 306
Battery to RLC circuit 411
Battery to tube 170
Battery, charging condenser 130 135 188
Battery, line and load 130
Becquerel 459
Bennett 269
Berzelius 457
Biot and Savart 267
Bohr 11 15 256 463
Bohr magneton 256
Bohr theory 11 15 431 463
Boltzmann 16
Boltzmann constant 16 174
Boundary conditions, current 128 135
Boundary conditions, electric 59—65 103 126—128 135 172 194—198
Boundary conditions, magnetic 221 240—243
Boundary film 196
Boundary pressure 196 197 363
Brass, properties of 127
Breakdown 27 160 416
Breakdown, surge 416
Bucherer 462
Bureau of Standards 6
Cable, single-conductor 77 78
Cable, single-conductor, with graded insulation 79
Cable, three-conductor 153
Cable, two-conductor 150
Cable, wave velocity 422
Cap (or shell) 219—222
Cap (or shell), equivalent 221
Cap (or shell), plane 220
Capacitance see also "Condenser"
Capacitance, concentric cylinders 78
Capacitance, concentric cylinders, spheres 71
Capacitance, conductance, geometric equivalence 138
Capacitance, definition 57
Capacitance, eccentric cylinders 149
Capacitance, energy in 57
Capacitance, forces in 188
Capacitance, frequency dependence 103
Capacitance, geometric 105 138
Capacitance, methods of changing 190
Capacitance, parallel, plates 75
Capacitance, parallel, wires 88
Capacitance, sphere 71
Capacitance, sphere gap 160
Capacitance, temperature dependence 105
Capacitance, three-wire cable 153
Capacitance, two-layer 135
Capacitance, two-wire cable 152
Capacitance, wire and ground 143 145
Carbon tetrachloride 105 417
Carbon, properties of 127
Carlisle 457
Cast iron 333—341
Cast steel 333—341
Cathode 170
Cathode ray 460
Cathode, sheath 176
Cathode, temperature 175
Cathode, virtual 173
Cathode-ray oscillograph 330 417
Center of gravity 42 394
Charge, absorption 105
Charge, accelerated 430
Charge, accelerated, radiation 430
Charge, bound 25 102 108 109
Charge, circular motion 239
Charge, density 22 52 116 168
Charge, discrete 41
Charge, free 21 25 101 107 109 135 167
Charge, moving, equivalent current 237
Charge, moving, field of 237 426 430
Charge, moving, mass 430
Charge, moving, radiation 430
Charge, moving, radius 427
Charge, sign 9 12 13
Circuits, closed 117 418
Circuits, constants of, distributed 411 422
Circuits, constants of, lumped 411
Circuits, production of voltage 287
Circular current 203 215 226 227 239 243 248 252 259 262 286
Circular disk of charge 73
Circular ring of charge 71
Classical theory 459
Clausius 459
Cobalt 205 339 340 346 374 387—390
Coefficient of coupling 230
Coercive force 328 329 339—341 352 381 382—388
Coils, forces and torques 227
Coils, in parallel 307
Coils, in series 231
Coils, transformer-coupled 301
Comparison of electric and magnetic fields 396 399
Condenser 56 see
Condenser with three conductors 109
Condenser with two dielectrics 107 134
Condenser, absorption, charge 105
Condenser, absorption, current 105 134
Condenser, charging 131 411
Condenser, displacement current 117 136 428 459
| Condenser, energy in 187
Condenser, forces in 188
Condenser, history of 456
Condenser, inductance circuit 411
Condenser, movable 188
Condenser, resistance circuit 131
Condenser-type bushings 80
Conductance 124 426
Conductance, resistance equivalent 138
Conduction current 22 116 121 125
Conductivity 22 126
Conductivity, dielectric 63
Conductivity, metallic 127
Conductor 21
Conductor point 55
Conductor, boundary conditions 52 109 128 392
Conductor, charged 52
Conductor, coefficients of, conductivity 127
Conductor, coefficients of, temperature 127
Conductor, corona 55 90 91
Conductor, cylindrical 126 265—284
Conductor, heat loss 125
Conductor, intensity, inside 53 54 127 129 205—208 398
Conductor, intensity, off surface 53
Conductor, intensity, surface 54
Conductor, isolated 52
Conductor, mechanical pressure 55
Conductor, metallic 21 127
Conductor, production of voltage in, moving 298
Conductor, production of voltage in, stationary 287
Conservation of energy 459
Constants, distributed 411 422
Constants, lumped 411
Convection current 116 168
Copper, diamagnetism 255
Copper, electric field in 127
Copper, magnetic field in 392 398 402
Copper, properties of 127
Copper, skin effect 267
Core, loss 350—354 357
Core, transformer 352 357
Corona, light 55
Corona, parallel-wire 90
Corona, point 55
Coulomb 6 456
Coulomb's law 5 24 217 221
Crookes 460
Crystal, ferromagnetism 373
Curie 459
Curl 439
Current 21 115
Current, absorption 105 106 134
Current, alternating 65 118 130 267 329 350—357 414 431
Current, concentration 269
Current, conduction 21 116 122 123
Current, convection 116 168
Current, definition 115—117
Current, density 116 439
Current, direct 118
Current, displacement 117 136 418 428 429
Current, eddy 297
Current, effect on field 128
Current, equivalent shell 221
Current, equivalent-charge motion 237
Current, ethereal 117
Current, field of dement 236
Current, flow, effects of 118 128
Current, flux equivalent 305
Current, force on 234 238
Current, heat loss 125
Current, in air near iron 401
Current, in CR circuit 131
Current, in insulators 22 105 128 134 136 138
Current, in iron near air 404
Current, in LR circuit 289 301
Current, in RLC circuit 411
Current, leakage, volume, surface 128
Current, magnetic effect 203
Current, magnetizing, distortion 329 332
Current, mesh 221
Current, polarization 117
Current, pulsating 118
Current, self-energy 228
Current, sheet 243
Current, space-charge-limited 170
Current, steady-state 118 123 127
Current, temperature-limited 174
Current, time relations 118
Current, transient 118 122 131 134 289 301 411
Current, types of motion 116
Current, unit 115
Curvilinear squares 178 392
Cyclotron 239
Cylinders, concentric 77 423
Cylinders, parallel 85 88 141—153 265—284
Cylinders, single 76 126 266
Cylindrical sheet of current 263
Damping, critical 415
Davy 457
de Broglie 463
Definitions, conductance 124
Definitions, conductivity 126
Definitions, current 115—117
Definitions, current, density 116 439
Definitions, electric field 24
Definitions, electric field, capacitance 57
Definitions, electric field, dielectric constant 6 24
Definitions, electric field, energy 55 57 58 69 119 125 187
Definitions, electric field, farad 57
Definitions, electric field, flux 28
Definitions, electric field, flux density 28
Definitions, electric field, intensity 26
Definitions, electric field, polarization 102
Definitions, electric field, potential 34—38
Definitions, electric field, potential gradient 38
Definitions, electric field, unit charge 27
Definitions, electron-volt 36
Definitions, magnetic field 203
Definitions, magnetic field, current 115—117
Definitions, magnetic field, dipole 217 219
Definitions, magnetic field, energy 222—225 227—230 233 313—322 348 384 388
Definitions, magnetic field, flux 209 348
Definitions, magnetic field, flux density 207 210 348
Definitions, magnetic field, flux linkages 224—231 287
Definitions, magnetic field, fundamental concepts redefined 345 348
Definitions, magnetic field, henry 230
Definitions, magnetic field, inductance, mutual 227 230 286 294 301 313 348
Definitions, magnetic field, intensity 205 218 237 249
Definitions, magnetic field, intensity of magnetization 247
Definitions, magnetic field, MMF 211 327
Definitions, magnetic field, permeability 204 217 238 326 337 348 355
Definitions, magnetic field, permeability, incremental 364 366
Definitions, magnetic field, permeance 232
Definitions, magnetic field, permittivity 233
Definitions, magnetic field, potential 211 218
Definitions, magnetic field, potential gradient 213
Definitions, magnetic field, reluctance 232
Definitions, magnetic field, reluctivity 233
Definitions, magnetic field, self-inductance 230 244 262 264 276 289 348
Definitions, magnetic field, shell 203 219—221
Definitions, magnetic field, unit current 115—117
Definitions, magnetic field, unit pole 217 219
Definitions, Poynting's vector 420 433
Definitions, resistance 124
Definitions, resistivity 126
Definitions, scalars 23
Definitions, solid angle 32
Definitions, vectors 23
Demagnetization curve 383
Density, air 90 161
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