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Di Battista G. — Graph Drawing: Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs |
Предметный указатель |
-SP-Draw 69
-SP-Label 73
-visibility representation 129
-visibility representation, planar graph 129—130
Acyclic digraph 4
Acyclic digraph, layered drawing 269—294
Adjacency matrix 5
Adjacent vertices 4
Adjacent-Exchange 283
Aesthetics 12 14
Aesthetics, angular resolution 16
Aesthetics, area 14
Aesthetics, aspect ratio 16
Aesthetics, crossings 14
Aesthetics, maximum bends 16
Aesthetics, maximum edge length 15
Aesthetics, precedence relation 18
Aesthetics, symmetry 16
Aesthetics, total bends 15
Aesthetics, total edge length 15
Aesthetics, uniform bends 16
Aesthetics, uniform edge length 15
Algorithm, -SP-Draw 69
Algorithm, -SP-Label 73
Algorithm, Adjacent-Exchange 283
Algorithm, Assign-Upward 183
Algorithm, Barycenter-Draw 311
Algorithm, Coffman — Graham-Layering 275
Algorithm, Constrained-Polyline 110
Algorithm, Constrained-Visibility 105
Algorithm, Dominance-Polyline 127
Algorithm, Dominance-Straight-Line 116
Algorithm, Embedded-Single-Source-Upward-Planar-Test 195
Algorithm, Embedded-Upward-Planar-Test 191
Algorithm, Fast-Rectangle-Compact 156
Algorithm, Form-Pairs 242
Algorithm, Four-Orthogonal 247
Algorithm, Greedy-Cycle-Removal 297
Algorithm, Layered-Tree-Draw 45
Algorithm, Optimal-Orthogonal 162
Algorithm, Orthogonal-from-Visibility 131
Algorithm, Orthogonalize 149
Algorithm, Planarity-Testing 80
Algorithm, Planarize 218
Algorithm, Polyline 107
Algorithm, Right-Heavy-HV-Tree-Draw 58
Algorithm, Saturate-Face 185
Algorithm, Split 284
Algorithm, Tessellation 97
Algorithm, Tidy-Rectangle-Compact 152
Algorithm, Visibility 100
Algorithmic step 18
angle 180
Angle, large 180
Angle, small 180
Annulus wedge 52
Arc of a network 144
Armature 333
Artificial acyclic orientation 25
Aspect ratio 59 60 64
Assign-Upward 183
Assigned vertex 241
Attachment 75
Augmentation 28 128 129
Augmentation approach 27—29 33
Axially isomorphic 45 123
Axially symmetric 123
Barycenter method 284 309 310
Barycenter-Draw 311
Bend 20
Bend-angle 139
Bend-stretching 164
Bend-stretching transformations 166
Biconnected 8 74 75 78—80 128—131 141 196—199 211 212 239—241 247 250 255—259 261
Biconnected component 8
Biconnected graph 8
Biconnected graph, orthogonal grid drawing 240—253
Bimodal embedded digraph 180
Bimodal vertex 180
Binary tree 30 42
Bipartite 188
Bipartite digraph 281
Bipartite digraph, layered drawing 281—293
Bipartite graph 77
Bipolar orientation 128 212
Block 8
Block cutvertex tree 253
bounding rectangle 56
Bounding triangle 68
Branch and cut 290
Canonical subsequence 183
Canonical vertex numbering 29
Child 42
Class inheritance diagram 14
Class of graphs 11
Closed component 67 121
Coffman — Graham-Layering 275
Collision 333
Column pair 241
Compaction 21
Component 67 122
Congruent drawing 20
Connected component 8
Connected graph 8 33
Connector 258
Consistent assignment 181
Constrained-Polyline 110
Constrained-Visibility 105
Constraint 12 16
Constraint, alignment 322
Constraint, bend 163
Constraint, center 17
Constraint, cluster 17 322
Constraint, crossing 216
Constraint, energy function 321
Constraint, external 17 216
Constraint, fixed-subgraph 321
Constraint, force 321
Constraint, left-right sequence 17
Constraint, orientation 321
Constraint, orthogonal representation 163
Constraint, position 321
Constraint, shape 17 163
Constraint, tessellation representation 97
Constraint, upward planar polyline drawing 109
Constraint, vertex-angle 163
Constraint, visibility representation 103
Continuous deformation 19
Convex drawing, planar graph 311
Convex polytope 132
Cost of the flow 145
Covering digraph 210
Critical path 112
Crossing number 281
Crossing Reduction 265
Cutvertex 8
Cycle Removal 265
Dart 141
data flow diagram 18
Decomposition tree 65
Degree 4
Depth 43
Diagonally dominant matrix 310
Digraph 4 33
Digraph, layered drawing 22—25 294—300
Digraph, orthogonal drawing 315
Digraph, upward drawing 315
Direct route 230
Directed cycle 4
| Directed graph 4
Directed path 4
Discrete energy function 316
Divide and conquer 30
Divide and conquer approach 30
Dominance drawing 112
Dominance drawing, planar st-graph 126—127
Dominance drawing, reduced planar st-graph 112—126
Dominance-Polyline 127
Dominance-Straight-Line 116
Downward see "Upward"
Draw-from-scratch scenario 221
Drawing 33
Drawing convention 12
Drawing convention, grid 12
Drawing convention, orthogonal 12
Drawing convention, planar 13
Drawing convention, polyline 12
Drawing convention, straight-line 12
Drawing convention, strictly upward 13
Drawing convention, upward 13
Dual graph 8 91 155
Dummy vertex 20 22 271
Dynamic graph drawing 219
Edge-segment 99
Efficiency 17
Electrical force 305
Elementary transformation 164
Embedded graph 7
Embedded-Single-Source-Upward-Planar-Test 195
Embedded-Upward-Planar-Test 11
Embedding 7
Embedding-preserving 48 51
Endvertex 4
entity-relationship diagram 18
Equilibrium configuration 309
Equivalent drawing 7
Euclidean distance 29 306 312
Euler's formula 7 78 147
Expansion cycle 168
External face 7
Face 7
Face-sink graph 192
Fast-Rectangle-Compact 156
Feedback arc set 295
Feedback arc set problem 295
Feedback set 295
Flag 333
Flagged link graph 337
Flow 145 189
force 305
Force model 29
Force-directed approach 29—30 33
Forest 193 194 212
Form-Pairs 242
Four-Orthogonal 247
Free edge 223
Free tree 55
Full-control scenario 221
Gadget 198
Genetic algorithm 320
Good row pair 252
Graph 1 3 6
Graph theoretic distance 312
Graph, interactive orthogonal grid drawing 218—235
Graph, mutual nearest neighbor drawing 339
Graph, orthogonal drawing 18—22
Graph, orthogonal grid drawing 253—262
Graph, planar drawing 74—81
Graph, planarization 215—217
Graph, polyline drawing 25—29
Graph, straight-line drawing 29—30 305—309 312—324
Graph, symmetric drawing 308
Graph, unit disk touching drawing 339
Greedy-Cycle-Removal 297
Grid drawing 12
Grid drawing, biconnected graph 240—253
Grid drawing, graph 218—235 253—262
Grid drawing, planar graph 130—134 151—162
Grid drawing, planar st-graph 107—112
Grid drawing, rooted tree 45
Grid drawing, series-parallel digraph 64—74
Grid drawing, tree 338 339
h-layered digraph 269
Hasse diagram 210
Height of a layered digraph 269
Height of a tree 43
Hexagonal grid 339
Hierarchical approach 22—25 33
Hooke's law 29 306
Horizontal combination 56
Horizontal Coordinate Assignment 265
Horizontally adjacent^ 96
Hv-drawing 56
hv-drawing, rooted tree 316
incident 4
Incoming edge 4
Indegree 4
Independent vertices 243
Induced subgraph 5
inheritance 31
Inheritance Hierarchy 31
Inner path 201
Interactive drawing 219
Interactive drawing, graph 218—235
Interactive drawing, planar st-graph 219
Interactive drawing, series-parallel digraph 219
Interactive drawing, tree 219
Interlace 77
Interlacement graph 77
Interleaved spanning tree 29
Internal vertex 180
Is-a hierarchy 22
Isomorphic subtree 30
Isomorphism 45 49 51 59 72 121 123 126
Jordan curve 6
Kernel 175
Lattice 211
Layer assignment 265
Layer-by-layer sweep 280
Layered digraph 22 269
Layered drawing 43 269
Layered drawing, acyclic digraph 269—294
Layered drawing, bipartite digraph 281—293
Layered drawing, digraph 22—25 294—300
Layered drawing, planar layered digraph 327
Layered drawing, rooted tree 43—55
Layered-Tree-Draw 45
layering 269
Layering, longest path 272
Layering, requirements 270
Leaf 42
Left contour 46
Left half-plane 175
Left median incoming edge 260
Leftmost path 95
List of incident edges 5
Local degree 223
Locally minimal energy 309
Logic Engine 331
Logic graph 335
Magnetic field 313
Magnetic field, bidirectional 314
Magnetic field, concentric 313
Magnetic field, parallel 313
Magnetic field, radial 313
Magnetic field, unidirectional 314
Marker 196
Maximal planar graph 28
Maximal planar subgraph 20 216
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