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Ïîèñê êíèã, ñîäåðæàùèõ: Master equation
Êíèãà | Ñòðàíèöû äëÿ ïîèñêà | Cardy J. — Scaling and renormalization in statistical physics | | Sornette D. — Critical phenomena in natural sciences | | Schmalzried H. — Chemical Kinetics of Solids | 92, 99 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 402.I | McComb W.D. — Physics of Fluid Turbulence | See Markov process | Liboff R. — Kinetic Theory | 43, 319, 446 | Mukamel S. — Principles of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy | 177—178, 184 | Huang K. — Statistical Mechanics | 190 | Stauffer D., Aharony A. — Introduction To Percolation Theory | 116 | Belavkin V.P., Hirota O., Hudson R.L. — Quantum communications and measurement | 75, 121, 221, 246, 248, 251—263, 265—271, 292, 343—349, 467—474, 506, 523, 524, 526 | Honerkamp J. — Statistical Physics | 161 | Heermann D.W. — Computer Simulation Methods in Theoretical Physics | 68 | Gershenfeld N. — The Nature of Mathematical Modelling-Neil Gershenfeld | 55 | Shiryaev A., Peskir G. — Optimal Stopping and Free-Boundary Problems | 227, 228 | Balescu R. — Equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics | 526 | Alberti P.M., Uhlmann A. — Stochasticity and Partial Order | 30, 31, 40 | Garbaczewski P. (eds.), Olkiewicz R. (eds.) — Dynamics of dissipation | 75, 83, 96, 97, 99, 104, 244, 354, 448, 449 | Isihara A. — Statistical physics | 43, 44, 377 | Rammer J. — Quantum transport theory | 293 | Stauffer D., Aharony A. — Introduction to percolation theory | 116 | Gitman D.M., Tyutin I.V. — Quantization of Fields with Constraints | 174 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 402.I | Mukamel S. — Principles of nonlinear spectroscopy | 177—178, 184 | Grabert H., Devoret M.H. — Single charge tunneling: coulomb blockade phenomena in nanostructures | 78, 96, 239, 241 | Gerstner W., Kistler W.M. — Spiking Neuron Models | 425 | Prigogine I. — Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics | 44, 59, 60, 64, 65, 66, 70, 88, 89, 107, 133, 134, 137, 191, 231, 262, 263, 291, 295 | Yamamoto Y., Imamoglu A. — Mesoscopic quantum optics | 266 | Haake F. — Quantum signatures of chaos | 10, 323—331, 377, 383, 387 | Dalvit D.A.R., Frastai J., Lawrie I.D. — Problems on statistical mechanics | 16, 6,7—6.9 | Kubo R., Toda M., Hashitsume N. — Statistical physics II. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics | 61, 69, 82, 83, 93 | Gardiner C.W., Zoller P. — Quantum Noise: A Handbook of Markovian and Non-Markovian Quantum Stochastic Methods with Applications to Quantum Optics | 13, 18, 71, 76, 349, 351 | McComb W. D. — The Physics of Fluid Turbulence | see “Markov process” | Elze H.-T. (ed.) — Decoherence and entropy in complex systems | 65, 86, 123, 136, 139 | Kenzel W., Reents G., Clajus M. — Physics by Computer | 185, 191 | Gardiner C.W.W., Haken H. — Handbook of Stochastic Methods: For Physics, Chemistry and the Natural Sciences | 51, 235—301 | Aldrovandi R. — Special matrices of mathematical physics (stochastic, circulant and bell matrices) | 61 | Haug H., Jauho A.-P. — Quantum kinetics in transport and optics of semiconductors | 12, 20 | Nakamura K., Harayama T. — Quantum chaos and quantum dots | 180 | Nicolis G., Prigogine I. — Self-organization in nonequilibrium systems | 231 | Kumar P., D'Ariano G.M., Hirota O. — Quantum communication, computing, and measurement 2 | 195, 201, 259, 314 | Pfeiler W. — Alloy Physics: A Comprehensive Reference | 253, 430, 667, 735 | Akulin V.M. (ed.), Sarfati A/ (ed/), Kurizki G. (ed.) — Decoherence, Entanglement and Information Protection in Complex Quantum Systems | 101, 111, 219, 236—237, 244, 252, 261—262, 272, 275—276, 279, 282, 284, 288, 293, 306, 556, 560, 638 | Greiner W. — Quantum mechanics: special chapters | 166 | Mazo R.M. — Brownian Motion: Flucuations, Dynamics, and Applications | 68 | Volovik G. — Artificial black holes | 63 | de Groot S.R., Mazur P. — Non-equilibrium thermodynamics | 218 | West B.J., Bologna M., Grigolini P. — Physics of Fractal Operators | 192—194, 275 | Risken H. — The Fokker-Planck equation: methods of solution and applications | 11 | Prigogine I. — From being to becoming: time and complexity in the physical sciences. | 5, 144, 192 | Prigogine I. — Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport. Processes in Statistical Mechanics, held in Brussels,. August 27-31, 1956 | 11, 15, 30, 31, 33, 40, 239, 246, 247, 275, 276, 346 | Auletta G. — Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics | 366, 369 | Likharev K.K. — Dynamics of Josephson junctions and circuits | 549 | Adler S.L. — Quantum theory as emergent phenomenon | 167—168 | Pathria P.K. — Statistical Mechanics | 470, 493 | Accardi L., Lu Y.G., Volovich I. — Quantum Theory and Its Stochastic Limit | 27, 132 | Mangiarotti L., Sardanashvily G. — Connections in Classical and Quantum Field Theory | 411 | Perina J., Hradil Z., Jurco B. — Quantum optics and fundamentals of physics | 145, 146, 150 | Flogge S. (ed.) — Encyclopedia of Physics. Thermodynamics of Gases | 232 | Gardiner C.W. — Quantum Noise | 13, 18, 72, 77 | Carmeli M. — Classical Fields: General Gravity and Gauge Theory | 144 | Prigogine I. — Monographs in Statistical Physics And Thermodynamics. Volume 1. Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics | 44, 59, 60, 64, 65, 66, 70, 88, 89, 107, 133, 134, 137, 191, 231, 262, 263, 291, 295 | Barnett S.M., Radmore P.M. — Methods in Theoretical Quantum Optics | 10, 161—179, 262—265 | Mandel L., Wolf E. — Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics | 74, 877 | Weinberg S. — The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 2 Modern Applications | 43, 45, 82, see also "Quantum master equation" | Haken H. — Synergetics: an introduction | 75, 83, 88, 204 | Papadopoulos G.J. (ed.), Devreese J.T. (ed.) — Path integrals and their applications in quantum, statistical, and solid state physics | 40, 59, 381 | Rucker R. — Mind Tools. The Five Levels of Mathematical Reality | 313—314 | Puri P.R. — Mathematical methods of quantum optics | 104, 105, 158 | Prigogine I. (ed.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume XI | 319, 333 | Fluegge S. (ed.) — Encyclopedia of Physics. Volume XII. Thermodynamics of Gases | 232 | Christe P., Henkel M. — Introduction to conformal invariance and its applications to critical phenomena | 244 | Reif F. — Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics | 549 | McQuarrie D.A. — Statistical Mechanics | 423 | Saito Y. — Statistical physics of crystal growth | 24 | Gould H., Tobochnik J., Christian W. — An introduction to computer simulation methods | 250 | Thirring W., Harrell E.M. — Quantum Mathematical Physics. Atoms, Molecules and Large many-body Systems | 429 | Flügge S. (ed.) — Encyclopedia of Physics (Volume 3/2 Principles of Thermodynamics and Statistics) | 294, 297, 521 | Henkel M. — Conformal Invariance and Critical Phenomena | 375 | Walls D.F., Milburn G.J. — Quantum Optics | 91 | Hartmann A.K., Rieger H. — Optimization Algorithms in Physics | 76 | Chandler D. — Introduction to modern statistical mechanics | 165 | Binder K., Heermann D.W. — Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics | 29 | Breuer H.-P., Petruccione F. — The Theory of Open Quantum Systems | 22, 109 | Powell R. — Physics of Solid State Laser Materials (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Series) | 204—205, 212 | Davies P. — The New Physics | 337 | Reichl L.E. — Modern Course in Statistical Physics | 229, 241—250 | Plischke M., Bergersen B. — Equilibrium statistical physics | 304—306, 313, 314, 322, 323, 329, 331 | Honerkamp J. — Statistical physics: an advanced approach with applications | 161 | Bruss D. (ed.), Leuchs G. (ed.) — Lectures on Quantum Information | 474 | H. Fehske, R. Schneider, A. Weile — Computational Many-Particle Physics | 249 |