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Schmalzried H. — Chemical Kinetics of Solids |
Предметный указатель |
53 254 372
catalyst 372
chemical diffusion 373
mixed conductor 373
phase transformation 305 401
- incoherent scattering 418
- neutron diffraction 418
- self-correlation function 418
-alumina 377 ff
-alumina conductivity 378
-alumina sensor 378
-alumina structure 377
-NMR 404 407
formation 413
optical spectrum 413
- 311
cation diffusion 409
formation 409 f
Moessbauer spectra 411
- - 278
cation rearrangement 413
high temperature spectrum 413
(Ag, Na)Br$formation 417
(Co, Mg)O 39
(Cu, Zn) 298
(Mg, Co)O 188
(Ni, Mg)O 275
(Pd, Pt) 340
(Pt, Ni) 282
(Ta, Ni)H 381
(Ti, Cu)H 381
Abromeit, C. 316
Activated jump 103
Activity coefficient 26
Additive crystal growth 209 266
Ag photography 327
AgBr 224 327
AgCl-NaCl interdiffusion 288
AgCl/KCl couple 270 288
AgI/ boundary 249
Ahlefeld, G. 381
Aifantis, E.G. 312
Aleshin, A.N. 51
Allnatt, A.R. 27 29 30 40 100 102 109 112 132 195 197 201 320 407
Alloy dissolution 274
Alloy interface velocity 178
Alloy oxidation 175ff 276
Alloy reaction path 177
Almond, D.P. 115
Aluminosilicate 356
Amorphization 381
Atkinson, A. 171 180
Atomic jumping 110
Averback, R.S. 321
Avrami( — Johnson — Mehl) equation 145 385
Avrami, M. 145 385
Backhaus, M. 281
Backhaus-Ricoult, M. 219 220 231 277
Bacon, D.J. 43
Bai, Q. 358
Ball milling 351
Ball milling amorphization 352
Ballistic diffusion coefficient 323
Ballistic energy 353
Balluffi, R.W. 43 260
Baranowski, B. 201 257 339 341 382 386
Barkert, N. 312
Baur, E. 374
Bazan, J. 365
Becker, K.D. 258 374 409 410 411 413 414 415
Becker, R. 107
Beevers — Ross site 377
Behrens, H. 362
Belkbir, L.N. 385
Benard, J. 172
Bimolecular reaction 11
Binder, K. 302
Birks, N. 179 371
Blocking current 88
Blocking electrode 81
Boise, W. 213
Boldyreva, E.V. 331
Bollmann, W. 52
Bormann, R. 402
Born, M. 35
Boundary 236 ff
Boundary defect chemistry 240
Boundary elastic strain energy 56
Boundary energy 54
Boundary impurity segregation 254
Boundary mobility 307
Boundary morphology 271
Boundary motion 59
Boundary orientation 52
Boundary segregation 53
Boundary stability 266
Boundary structure 52
Breakaway scale 181
Britcher, A.R. 389
Brittle fracture 347
Brown, M.E. 398
Brown, R. 6
Brownian motion 6 103ff
Building element (unit) 20 23 29 67
Building element (unit) transport coefficient 196
Building element (unit), electronic 195
Bunde, A. 368 370
Burgers vector 43
Burgers, J.M. 10
Burkert, N. 312
Busch, R. 126
Buschow, K.H.J. 381
CaO 229
Capillarity 282
Caterpillar motion 371
Cation counterdiffusion 149
Cation flux coupling 147
Charge carrier, electronic 25
Charge of transport 197
Charge, effective 65
Chemical diffusion 71ff 124
Chemical diffusion coefficient 74 124 127 134
Chemical diffusion interdiffusion coefficient 109
Chemical potential sensor 399 ff
Chemical potential stress term 334
Chemical potential transport in gradient 184f
Chemical potential, virtual 24
Classification of processes 62
Clausius — Clapeyron equation 293
Clausius — Clapeyron equation, generalized 177
Clustering 291 311
| Coarsening 145
Coherency strain 56
Coherent spinodal 308
Collision process of particle 317
Color center 220 412
Combustion 158 f
Combustion reaction front 159
Composition fluctuation 309
Compound formation 16
Compound formation kinetics 146 ff
Compound formation of metals 153
Compound Gibbs energy 253
Compound reaction path 142
Compound semiconductor 135
Concentration modulations 302
Conductance, generalized 64
Conducting polymer 389 f
Conductivity frequency dependence 114
Conductivity, electrical 97 112 197
Configurational entropy 27 30
Continuity equation 64
CoO 49 197 277
CoO boundary stability 273 f
CoO disorder 33
CoO-NiO 127 131
Cordierite 363
Correlation 109 ff
Correlation factor 108
correlation length 292 302
Cottrell atmosphere 44 53 58 336
Coulometric titration 399
Crack 331
Crack propagation 348
Crack tip 350
Crack velocity 350
creep 342 ff
Creep, anelastic 343
Creep, steady state 345
Critical radius 140
Cross coefficient 108
Cross effect 65 191
Crystal shift 14 80 150 186
Damm, J.Z. 326
Darken equation 75 109 132
Darken, L.S. 75 109 125 132
Darwin, G.G. 9
Davidov, I.W. 9
de Groot, S.R. 64 193 196
DeBroglie wavelength 394 415
Debye — Hueckel interaction 116
Debye( — Hueckel) length 53 56 86 174 244
Debye, P. 112
Decomposition relaxation time 311
Decomposition, field-driven 221
Decomposition, kinetics 228
Decomposition, peritectic 294
Defect cluster 29 35 37
Defect equilibration 123 ff
Defect equilibration, local 127
Defect hopping 113
Defect interface chemistry 235
Defect lifetime 111
Defect potential 113
Defect relaxation 248 371
Defect supersaturation 232
Defect, associate 133
Defects in alloys 38 ff
DeFontaine, D. 309
Dehlinger, U. 9
Demixing 185 292
Demixing in T-gradient 200
Demixing of (A,B)O 186
Demixing of (Mn,Fe) 203
Demixing strength 185
Demixing stress induced 200
Demixing transient 189
Dendritic growth 265
Density of states 98
Developer, photographic 328
Dickens, M.H. 371
Dieckmann, R. 39 197 240
Dielectric permittivity 100
Dielectric response, Debye equations 101 344
Dielectric response, universal 116
Differential scanning calorimetry 398
Differential thermal analysis 398
Diffusion 68 ff
Diffusion anisotropy 122
Diffusion coefficient 69 105
Diffusion control 251
Diffusion matrix 72
Diffusion path 73 284
Diffusion potential 87
Diffusion profile, stability 287
Diffusion, ballistic 323
Diffusion, stress-induced 339
DIGM 260 f
Dimos, D. 200
Dislocation 9 43 331
Dislocation climb 44 49 57 345
Dislocation drag 58
Dislocation energy 46
Dislocation interaction 46
Dislocation jog and kink 44
Dislocation loop 47 56
Dislocation mobility 57
Dislocation motion 57
Dislocation network 49
Dislocation stress 45
Disorder type 31 33 153
Disorder, Frenkel type 370
Dispersion hardening 217
Displacement reaction 155 ff 276
Displacement reaction morphology 155
Displacement reaction, Jost mechanism 155
Displacement reaction, Wagner mechanism 155
Dividing surface 102
Double salt, formation 137
Driven system 220
Driving force 64 f 125
Dryden, J. R. 247
Duckwitz, G.A. 251 258
Duffy, D.M. 52
Duplex scale 180
Durham, W. 198 335
Dyer, A. 363
Dynamic equilibrium 83 89
Eckold, G. 416 417 418
Edge dislocation 43 ff
Effective diffusion coefficient 180
Einstein frequency 102
Einstein, A. 6
Elastic energy 297
Elastic energy of concentration waves 309
Electric conduction 76 f
Electric field influence on reaction 205
Electrochemical polarization 225
Electrochemical potential 222
Electrode charge transfer 84
Electrode polarization 82
Electrode stability 286
Electrolysis cell 287
Electrolytic domain 377
Electromagnetic spectroscopy 403 412
Electron hole 26
Electron tunneling 173 f
Electron, energy level 172
Electronic transference number 222
Electrotransport 197
Emf measurement 399
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