Авторизация |
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Schmalzried H. — Chemical Kinetics of Solids |
Предметный указатель |
Spinodal decomposition 294 308
Spinodal decomposition in ionic crystals 311
Spodumene 408
Spring, W. 6
Stability analysis 269 ff
Stability formal analysis 277 ff
Stability rules 284
Stability simulation 274
Stability thermodynamic condition 283
Stabilizing factor, morphological 282
Static interfaces 244 ff
Steady state creep 345
Steady state, demixing profile 187
Stephenson, G.B. 383
Stilkenboehmer, U. 229
Stochastic force 106
Stress corrosion 348
Stress potential 334
Stress relaxation 342
Stressed solid 199
Stressed solid thermodynamics 332 ff
Stressed solid transport 336
Stressed solid, mobile components 335
Stressed solid, particle distribution 335
Strom, U. 115
Structural conditions (constraints) 22 23 28 66 91
Structural disorder 370
Structure element 19 23
Structure element flux 66
Structure transformation 263
Stubb, H. 390
Stubican, V. 53 240
Surface diffusion 240
Tensiometry 397
Terai, R. 367
Tetot, R. 197
Tfeichler, H. 381
Thermal analysis 397 f
Thermal decomposition 162f
Thermobalance 398
Thermodynamic factor 70 71 129
Thermodynamic force 63 ff 65 76
Thermodynamic potential gradients 183 ff
Thermogravimetry 395 f
Thermomanometry 396 f
Thermotransport 197
Thermovolumetry 396 f
Thick film oxidation 167
Thin film oxidation 171
Thomson, R.M. 342 347
Ti( -Ti) 116
tic 158
Tigelmann, P. 281
Tilt boundary 50 51 59
Tkylor, G.I. 9 10
Tompkins, F.C. 163
Toughening 349 f
Tracer diffusion 108
Transference number 78 376
Transference number, ionic 197
Transformation diffusionless 297 f
Transformation hysteresis 257
Transformation of line compounds 305
Transformation, Bain-deformation 296 f
Transformation, diffusive 304 ff
Transformation, displacive 298
Transformation, first-order 295
Transformation, kinetics 301
Transformation, martensitic 294 296
Transformation, nondiffusive 296 ff
Transformation, order-disorder 294
Transformation, polymorphic 295 304
Transformation, second-order 295 298
Transformation, toughening 349
Transition metal hydrides 381
Transition state 96 101
| Transport across phase boundaries 82 ff
Transport coefficient 194
Transport control 4
Transport in AX 78ff
Transport in ionic solids 75 ff
Transport in multiphase systems 81
Transport in special systems 355 ff
Transport matrix 193
Transport stress influence 338 f
Transport theory 112
Transport theory of SE 192 f
Transport, Fickian 70
Transport, field-driven 287
Tribochemistry 351 ff
Tubandt, C. 6
Twist boundary 50 51
Ueshima, Y. 203 204 284
Uhlenbeck, G.E. 6
Ullrich, M. 402
Undercooling 139
Uniaxial stressed solid 199
Universal response 371
Vacancy accommodation 171 180
Vacancy drift 12 188
Vacancy enthalpy 28
Vacancy flux 126
Vacancy flux, stress driven 200
Vacancy pair 36
Vacancy production 126 130
Vacancy sink 44
Valence control 34
van Landuyt, J.G. 52
van Loo, F.J.J. 256
Velocity autocorrelation function 106 113
Verfurth, E. 213
Vermiculite 360
Vermiculite structure 360
Vetter, K.J. 166 172
Vibrations, anharmonic 116
Vineyard, G. 96 102
Virkar, A.V. 311
Volterra, V. 9
Voorhees, P.W. 239
Wagner — Hebb method 226
Wagner, C. 7 8 9 19 27 35 57 126 145 146 155 165 166 176 197 209 212 213 224 225 226 276 277 284 289 305 324 382
Wagner, R. 146
Wang, M.C. 6
Wax, N. 6
Wayman, C.M. 298
Weertmann, J. 342 346
Weghoeft, R. 359
Welker, H.J. 8
Wever, H. 197 201
Whittle, D.P. 176 275
Wicke, E. 381
Wiedersich, H. 320
Wiemhoefer, H.-D. 246
Wilson, A.H. 9 325
Wolf, D. 43 51 52 53 237 407
work function 172
Work hardening 344
Wright, K. 364
Wu, T. 359
Wulff plot 54
Wysk, H. 402
Xiao, S.Q. 141
Yield strength 48
Yoo, H.I. 197
Yund, R.A. 364
Yurek, G.J. 156 274
Zeolite 362
Zeolite struaure 362
Zirconia 369
Zirconia electrolyte 375
Zirconia fuel cell 375
Zirconia, stabilized 374 f
Zr( -Zr) 116
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