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Schmalzried H. — Chemical Kinetics of Solids |
Предметный указатель |
Local equilibrium 95 ff
Local equilibrium defects 118
Local magnetic field, noise 406
Lockhart, N.C. 389
Lovesey, S.W. 416
Ludwig — Soret effect 65 191 200
Luecke, K. 260
Ma, Q. 51
Mahnke, H.E. 408
Maier, J. 235
Majority defect 31
Manning, J.R. 129 132 192
Manometry 397
Marker movement 126
Martensite 294
Martin, G. 323 353
Martin, M. 20 68 192 274 281
Master equation 92 99
Mayer, A.B. 29
Mean square displacement 69 103 106 110
Mechanical alloying 352
Mechanical stress 331 ff
Mechanochemistry 332 351
Metal oxidation 80 272
Metal oxidation morphological stability 175 ff
Metal oxidation reaction path 175 f
Metal oxidation, cu 169
Metal oxidation, ni 174
Metal oxidation, Wagner theory 166 ff
Metal oxidation, Zn 169
Microcrack 347
Miller, G.H. 365
Miscibility gap 270 283 308
Misfit dislocation 55
Mixed alkali effect 367
Mobility 70
Mobility of SE, stress influence 336
Moessbauer spectroscopy 404 407 409
Moessbauer spectroscopy, quasi-elastic (QMS) 408
Molecular crystal 386 f
Molecular crystal activation energy 389
Molecular crystal diffusion 388 f
Molecular crystal point defects 387
Molecular crystal transport 387
Morphological stability 271 f
Morphology 265 ff
Motion, diffusional 122
Mott, N.F. 8 173 345
Moving interface 250 ff
Moving interface structure 263
Muller-Krumbhaar, H. 265. 276
Multicomponent stability analysis 281
Multiphase reaction 160
Multiphase system 184
Multiphase system in electric field 204 f
Multiphase system, demixing 202 ff
Munir, Z. 159 204
Murch, G.E. 110
MuUins, W.W. 280 284 332
n-i junction 222 f
Na- -alumina 115
Nabarro — Herring creep 335 341 346
Nabarro, F.R.N. 47
Nakamura, A. 357
Neimann, A.Y. 207
Nernst — Einstein equation 13 105 108
Network former 365
Network modifier 365
Neutron diffraction, real time 417
Neutron elastic scattering 416
Neutron inelastic scattering 416
Neutron scattering function 416
NiO 229
NMR 404 405
Nolfi, F.V. 316
Non-equilibrium interface 84
Non-hydrostatic stress, demixing 198
Non-isothermal system 201
Nonstoichiometric compound 118
Nonstoichiometry,  77
Nordus, D. 381
Nowick, A.S. 344
Nuclear spectroscopy 402 ff
Nucleation 138 ff
Nucleation energy 140
Nucleation kinetics 140f
Nucleation rate 141 143
Nucleation site, dislocation 141
Nye, J.F. 333
Olivine 357 f 360
Olivine internal reaction 359
Omphacite 303
Onsager relations 64 68 195
Onsager, L. 63 112
Order parameter 298
Order parameter coupling 303
Order-disorder reaction 292 363
Ordering, homogeneous 291 f
Ore reduction 217 220
Oriani, R.A. 348
Orowan, E. 9
Orthosilicate 356
Orthosilicate diffusion 358
Orthosilicate reaction 358
Orthosilicate, demixing 358
Ostwald ripening 145 226 311
Ostyn, K. 216
Overpotential 84 f
Oxidation FeO to 170
Oxidation mechanism 165
Oxidation of metals 165 ff
Oxidation rate constant 168
Oxidation reaction 167
Oxide reduction 275
p-n junction 9 85 222
PAC 407
PAC spectroscopy 404
Pairing of defects 36
Pannetier, J. 416
Parabolic rate constant 80
Parabolic rate law 17 144 154 167 212
Parabolic rate law, internal oxidation 216
Parker, S.C. 357
Particle irradiation 315 317
Particle size, distribution function 146
Particle spectroscopy 415
Particle, dynamics 96 107
passivation 166 384
Pd-H 382
Peach — Koehler force 46
Pearson, K. 6
Peierl’s energy 47
Peltier effect 191
Periodic reactions 288 f
Permeation 183
Perovskite formation, internal 231
Perturbation, Fourier analysis 280
Petot-Ervas, G. 189
Petry, W. 405
Pfeiffer, T. 49 130 131 148 152
Phase boundary in solids 54 f
Phase diagram, first kind 293
Phase diagram, second kind, a-b-o 214
Phase diagram, third kind 178. 283
Phase transformation 291 ff 349
Phase transformation interface motion 252 f
Phenomenological transport coefficient 107
Phonon states 97
Phonons 116
Photochemistry 325
| Photocurrent 325
Photographic films 328
Photographic process 327
Photolysis 326
Photon absorption 325
Photon irradiation 315 324
Photon spectrum 394
Photovoltaic cell 326
Pieraggi, B. 171 173 180 263
Pipe diffusion 48 219
Pit formation, AgBr 226
Point defect relaxation 10
Point defect segregation 53
Point defect, radiation induced 316
Point defect, statistics 27
Point defect, thermodynamics 19 ff 31
Poisson equation 173 174 222
Polanyi, M. 9
Polarization cell 224 227
Polyacetylene 390
Polyethylene oxide 389
Polymers, electron conduction 390
Polymers, polarons in 390
Polymers, semiconduction of 390
Porter, D.A. 298
Positron annihilation (PA) 417
Powder reactions 157 f
Processes in solids, systematic 61
Propagator 99
Protective oxide layer 179 f
Proton conduction 379 f
Proton conduction mechanism 379
Prussin, S. 339
Pulsating interface 254 289
Putnis, A. 364
Pyroxene 356
Quasi-binary system approach 269
Radiation damage 316 327
Radiation effects metals 321
Radiation effects, halides 320 326
Random-alloy model, Manning 129 132 192
Rapp, R.A. 171 179 277
Rate constant, first kind 154
Rate constant, rational 154
Rate constant, second kind 154
Rate law, cubic 174
Rate parameter 122
Reaction control 121
Reaction morphology 155
Reaction of first kind 152
Reaction of second kind 152
Reaction path 101 139 214 265 277 278 282
Reaction path, interdiffusion 232
Reaction path, internal reduction 218
Reaction path, multiphase system 202
Reaction path, second order transition 300
Reaction radius 121
Reaction rate, field dependence 206
Reaction volume 120
Reaction, bimolecular 11 120
Reactive (crystal) growth 209 266
Read, W.T. 10 50
Recombination 87
Recombination rate 248
Recombination zone 87 249
Reduction, internal 218
Reference frame 74
Reference velocity 70
Reinke, C. 200
Relaxation 92
Relaxation of disorder 12 92 117 119
Relaxation process, defeas 127 f
Relaxation time 16 87 119 123 130 249
Response function 101
Reye, H.J. 401
Rickert, H. 246
Ricoult, D. 219
Roberts-Austen, W.C. 6
Rotational motion 96
Rudman, P.S. 383
Russel, K.C. 142
Rutherford scattering 317
Saddle point 101
Sale, L. 8
Salje, E. 301 304 364
Saturation current 88
Sauer, E. 126
Sauthoff, G. 220
Scattering cross section 317
Schatz, G. 417
Schimschal, S. 287 288
Schmalzried, H. 27 29 33 38 74 112 126 138 148 177 187 188 192 209 211 213 216 219 220 229 232 249 253 254 274 293 305 306 327 357 358 359 363 370 371 372 374 377 402
Schmidt, G.M.J. 387
Schneider, F. 216
Schottky disorder 32
Schottky, W. 7 9 19 20 35
Schrader, R. 352
Scope 1 ff
Screw dislocation 43 ff
Seebeck effect 191
Seebeck, T.J. 8
Sekerka, R.E. 280 284
Self-correlation function 408
Self-inhibition 170
Self-propagating reaction 158 f
Self-stress 339
Semiconductor 8 85
Sensor 395
Sensor, chemical potential 399 ff
Shift velocity of crystals 80
Shockley, W. 9
ShoU, C.A. 110
Siemens, W. 9
Silicate glass 365
Silicates 356 ff
Silicates hydrogen dissolution 364
Silicates layered 356
Silicates order-disorder reaction 363
Silicates point defects 357
Silicates transport 357
Single-file diffusion 363
Singwi, K.S. 408 416
Site conservation 66
Slichter, C.P. 407
Small-angle grain boundaries 50
Smekal, A. 6
Smigelskas, A. 125
Smith, W. 8
Smoluchowski, M.v. 6 120
Sodium-sulphur battery 378
Soft mode 116
Sohege, J. 371
Solid electrolytes 76 198
Solid electrolytes conductivity 368 f
Solid electrolytes, buffer capacity 400
Solid electrolytes, miniaturized 400
Solid solution point defects 38
Solid state ionics 369
Solid state reaction, internal 210
Solubility product 230
Solute drag 258 f
Sommerfeld, A. 9
Space charge 53 86 174 244
Spectroscopic measurement, scheme 394
Spin-lattice relaxation 406 408
Spinel decomposition 150 190
Spinel formation 146 f
Spinel interface reaction 148
Spinel parabolic rate constant 149
Spinel stability 150 190
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