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Schmalzried H. — Chemical Kinetics of Solids |
Предметный указатель |
Encounter, vacancy with atom 108 110
Enhancement factor 118
Entropy production 63 67 194
Equation of motion 96
Equilibrium interface 239
Equivalent circuit 167
Ernst, F. 342 349
Exchange flux 84 245 250
Exchange reaction 22 23 90
Excluded sites 30
Experimental methods 393 ff
Extrinsic disorder 33
Eyring, H. 102
Falkenhagen, H. 371
Fast diffusion paths 171 219
Fast ion conduction 368 ff
Faupel, F. 390
Fe-Mn-O 284
Fe-Si-C 74
Feldspar 361
Feldspar diffusion 362
Feldspar spinodal decomposition 364
FeO 277
Fermi energy 172
Fick’s reference system 74
Fick’s second law of diffusion 69 71
Finnis, M.W. 52
Fischbach, H. 171
Fischer, W.A. 369
Five-frequency model, vacancy jump 112
Flanagan, T.B. 382
Flemings, M.C. 253
Flux coupling 192
Flynn, C.P. 35
Formation of multiphase products 153f
Fracture 342 347
Frank — Read source, dislocations 47
Franke, W. 408 409
Frauenfelder, H. 408
Frenkel defect formation 32
Frenkel defects 10
Frenkel disorder 7 28
Frenkel reaction 7 91 123 227
Frenkel reaction rate equation 228
Frenkel, J. 7
Frequency dispersion 98
Frick, T. 229
Frischat, G.H. 368
Fromhold, A.T. 166 173
Funke, K. 113 115 371 418 419
Gabrera, N. 174
Gahn, J.W. 238 242 309
Galvanic cell 399
Garpenter, M.A. 303
Garter, B.G. 263
Garter, R.E. 158
Gatlow, G.R.A. 8
Gdsele, U. 123
Generalized conductance 78
Ghadwick, A.V. 407
Ghandrasekhar, S. 6 103
Ghemla, M. 367
Ghen, Y. 352
Ghezean, J.M. 388 389
Ghiang, G.K. 390
Ghupakhin, A. P. 331
Gibbs adsorption isotherm 53 238
Gibbs dividing surface 242
Gibbs energy of defect formation 32 130
Gibbs fluid 198
Gibbs phase rule 175 239 293 336
Gibbs triangle A-B-O 214
Gibbs — Thomson equation 145
Gibbs, G. B. 240
Gibbs, J.W. 198 335
Ginzburg — Landau equation 302 307
Glass diffusion 367
Glass electric conduction 366
Glass structure 366
Glass transport 365
Glasstone, S. 101
Glaussen, N. 349
Gleiter, H. 43
Glide plane 44
Goble, R.L. 342
Gollin, G. 377
Golomban, P. 379
Goodenough, J.B. 379
Gooper, A.R. 74
Gorish, H. 246
Gorts, T. 316
Gottrell, A.H. 336
Gradient energy 242 309
Grain boundary 50
Grain boundary energy 55
Grain boundary motion 260
Grank, J. 3
Greenwood, G.W. 145
Gremer, E. 388
Gries, B. 232
Griffith parameter 348
Griffith, A. A. 348
Growth kinetics 145
Growth morphology 231 271
Growth parameter 212
Growth rate, logarithmic 174
Growth, early stage 143 ff
Guinier — Preston zone 55
Habit plane 297 f
Haefke, H. 48 49
Haenngi, P. 103
Halides 370 ff
Hard sphere scattering 317
Harding, J. 35
harmonic oscillator 97
Harmonic oscillator potential 97
Harrison, J.D. 275
Havlin, S. 104 231
Hayes, W. 316
Heat flux 201
Heat of transport 201
Hebb, M.H. 225
Heinicke, G. 351
Hermeling, J. 409
Herring, C. 335
Hesse, D. 161 263 338
Heterogeneous nucleation 141
Heterogeneous reaction 137 ff
Heterogeneous reaction, influence of stress 337 f
Heterovalent compound, interdiffusion 133 f
Heterovalent doping 180
Hexamelhylethane 388
High temperature corrosion 166 181
High temperature coulometry 397
High temperature creep 345
Hillert, M. 260
Hirth, J.P. 43 46 50 58 183
Historical remarks 6 ff
Hittorf, J.W. 6
Hobbs, B.E. 364
Hoelscher, U. 397
Homogeneous nucleation 138
Homogeneous reactions 10 88
Hooke’s law 333
Houlier, B. 358
Howard, R.E. 112 133
Hund, F. 374
Hydrides 380
Hydrides formation kinetics 383
Hydrides hysteresis 382 385
| Hydrides nucleation 384
Hydrides phase equilibria 382
Hydrides quantum effects 381
Hydrides sorption-desorption 381
Hydrogarnet defect 364
Hydrogen permeation 340
Hydrogen weakening 364
Hydrogenation kinetics 385
Immobile component, potential 335
In-situ experiments 393 ff
Incoherent boundary, energy 239
Incubation period 163
Inert marker 126
Ingram, M.D. 368
Initial growth 138 ff
Instability, morphological 265 ff
Instability, temporal 289
Interaction parameter 30
Intercalation 362 378
Interdiffusion 95. 109 118 123 127 133 231 270
Interdiffusion coefficient 131 f
Interdiffusion zone 48
Interface AgI/ 402
Interface curved 241
Interface defect distribution 252
Interface energy 237
Interface equilibrium 83
Interface geometry 237
Interface Gibbs energy 242
Interface kinetics 82 235
Interface local equilibrium 153
Interface matter transfer 247
Interface mobility 246 252 258
Interface motion AX/BX 286
Interface nonlinear kinetics 256
Interface polarization 221 246
Interface potential 15 243
Interface rate control 160 f 251 257
Interface reaction 14 235 245 247
Interface relaxation processes 255 f
Interface resistance 246 249
Interface segregation 240
Interface semicoherent 55
Interface stability, morphological 261 f 267 285
Interface structure 244 262
Interface thermodynamics 236 ff
Internal decomposition 210
Internal decomposition in AgBr 225
Internal friction 344
Internal junction 223
Internal oxidation 179 209
Internal oxidation reaction scheme 215
Internal oxidation, metals 211 ff
Internal oxidation, nonmetals 213 ff
Internal oxidation, oxidizing agent 217
Internal precipitation 210
Internal reaction 209 ff
Internal reaction A + B = AB 229 ff
Internal reaction by interdiffusion 231 ff
Internal reaction in heterophase assemblages 221 ff
Internal reaction, electrochemical 210 222
Internal reduction 217 276
Interstitial diffusion 104
Intrinsic disorder 32
Ion blocking 226
Ion drift 206
Ionic conductivity 112 ff
Ionization equilibria 195
Irradiation 315 ff
Irradiation by electrons 318
Irradiation by neutrons 318
Irradiation decomposition 323
Irradiation defect cascade 321
Irradiation defect recombination 318
Irradiation demixing 322
Irradiation point defect concentration 319
Irregular structure element 27
Irreversible thermodynamics 63 ff
Isomerization, photon induced 324
Isotope effect 102
Jackson, K.A. 266
Jacobs, P.W.M. 35
Jander equation 157
Jander, W. 157
Janek, J. 197 289 397
Jansen, M. 390
Jaoul, O. 358
Jedlinski, J. 181
Johnson, H.H. 183
Johnson, W.A. 145
Johnson, W.C. 238 239 242
Johnson, W.J. 293
Jost, W. 6 7 8 96 102 155 167 276 389
Jump, ineffective 112
Junctions 85 f
Kaerger, J. 363
Kahnt, H. 365 366 367 368
Kanert, O. 407
Ke, T. 344
Kelly, S.W. 110
Kinchin, H.G. 321
Kinetic coefficients, 65
Kinetic decomposition 150 189
Kinetic demixing 185 f 203
Kinetic segregation 188
Kinetic theory 107 ff
Kinetics diffusion controlled 120
Kinetics, interface relaxation 256
Kinetics, non-parabolic 171 ff
Kinetics, spinodal decomposition 310 f
Kinetics, stress influence 337 ff
Kirchheim, R. 241 381
Kirkaldy, J.S. 74 284
Kirkendall effect 117 125
Kiukkola, K. 374
Koch, C.C. 352
Kofstad, P. 173
Kohlstedt, D. 360
KOnigsberger, J. 8
Kramers, H.A. 101
Kreuzer, J.H. 64
Kroeger — Vink diagram 33
Kutner, R. 111
Kutsche, G. 89 127 128 131
Laboratory frame 71
Laborde, P. 367
Lacher, J.R. 382
Lagrange multipliers 28
Lam, L. 370
Landau theory 302
Landau, L.D. 303 332
Langer, J.S. 265
Laplace field 280
Laqua, W. 150 191
Larch6, F.C. 339
latent image 327
Lattice molecule 14 24 133
Lattice parameter distortion 310
Lattice reference frame 67
Lattice velocity 75 125
Lechner, R.E. 416
Lewis, F.A. 183
Li, J.C.M. 339
Lidiard, A.B. 8 29 30 112 129 133 134
Liebermann, D.S. 298
Liesegang phenomenon 209 213 289
Lifshitz, L.M. 145
Limoge, Y. 104
Linear rate law 161 172
Linear response 99 ff 114
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