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Kenzel W., Reents G., Clajus M. — Physics by Computer
Kenzel W., Reents G., Clajus M. — Physics by Computer

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Название: Physics by Computer

Авторы: Kenzel W., Reents G., Clajus M.


This course, intended for upper-division undergraduate or graduate students, was designed by W. Kinzel and G. Reents as a textbook in computational physics but may also serve as a supplement to courses in theoretical physics. It is an introduction to the solution of physical models by computer. The programs developed in this book are based on the modern computer languages Mathematica and C and are written for PCs as well as for workstations. 28 examples from different fields of physics are worked out, including chaos, fractals, the Hofstadter butterfly, phase transitions, Monte-Carlo simulations, percolation, polymers, combinatorial optimization, neural networks, and game theory. Detailed explanation of the algorithms and computer programs together with source files and graphics routines help the student gain thorough experience right from the start.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 289

Добавлена в каталог: 17.03.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
#define      5 125 227
#include      5 125 227
$\chi^{2}$ distribution      24 26
$\chi^{2}$ test      23
abs      9
AccuracyGoal      86
Aggregate      166 167
Aggregate, fractal      170
Aliasing      17
Alternating Current      52
Alternating voltage      52
Amplitude equation      140 143
Anharmonicity      50
Annihilation operator      48 71 73
Antisymmetry      72
apply      4
Approximation      48 138
arcsin      8 213
Array, two-dimensional      168
Arrhenius’ law      198 202
AspectRatio      105 213
atoi      205
Attractor      87 104 122
Attractor, periodic      123
Attractor, strange      123
AUTOMATIC      105 213
Average      138
Average, statistical      183 192
Average, thermal      199
Average, weighted      20
B$\acute{e}$nard experiment      129
Band      65 78
Band, chaotic      90 127
Barrier, Gaussian      156
Basin of attraction      123
Bessel function      21
besselj      21 213 218
Bifurcation point      84
Bloch theorem      65
Block      4 86 218
Boltzmann constant      39 190
Boltzmann factor      196 202 204
Bond percolation      176
Boundary condition      77 132 147 165
Boundary condition, periodic      60 73 195
break      112 229
Bulirsch-Stoer method      119
CASE      112
CDF      26
Ceil      133
Central limit theorem      191
Chaos      81 83 87
Chaos, deterministic      81 83
char      5 225
Charge distribution      30
Charge, total      31
Chirikov map      94
ChiSquareDistribution      26
Chop      62 216
circle      31
clock-t      5
Cluster      165 171 172 175 177 180
coexistence      40
Compilation      6
Concentration, critical      172
Confidence interval      24 26
Confidence level      29
contour      27 32
contourplot      9 32 214
contours      9
Contraction      32
Control parameter      129 199
Convection cell      127
Convergence      109
Convolution      14 21
Coordinate representation      47 145
Correlation      159
Correlation, length      175 193 197
Courant condition      140
Creation operator      48 71 73
Critical concentration      see Concentration critical
critical exponent      see Exponent critical
Critical phenomenon      172
Critical slowing down      199
Crystal, aperiodic      19
Curl      37
Current density      146 166
CYCLE      88 127
D      37 40 219
Data, noisy      22
Data, smoothed      21
default      112 229
Degeneracy      78
Derivative      39 84
Derivative, discretized      143
Derivative, operator      37
Detailed balance      185 191 194
Determinant      72
Deterministic system      113
Deviation, quadratic      24
Devil’s staircase      99
DiagonalMatrix      49 61 220
Difference equation      137 149
Differential equation      82 203
Differential equation, linear      47 59
Differential equation, nonlinear      115
Differential equation, ordinary      115
Differential equation, partial      136 144 148
Diffusion      164 195 198
Diffusion, equation      164
Diffusion, equation, radially symmetric      166
Diffusion, limited aggregation      164
Dimension, embedding      102
Dimension, fractal      102 123 164 171 174 175 182 189
Dipole approximation      33
Dipole moment      30 32
Distribution, initial      146
Distribution, initial, symmetrized      148
Distribution, stationary      185
DO      4 86 138 141 219
Domain wall      195 198
Dot      31 221
double      5 225
Double occupancy      78
Double-well potential      51 121 135
Drop      31
Duality theorem      44
Dynamic, continuous      94
Dynamic, symbolic      84 90 92
Eigenmode      61 63 139
Eigenstate      47 65 77 131 145
Eigensystem      76 221
Eigenvalue      47-49 59 61 65 67 69 76 78 131 145
Eigenvalue, equation      47 51 61
Eigenvalue, equation, generalized      60
Eigenvalue, problem      66
Eigenvalues      49 62 76 221
Eigenvector      47 59 61 66 76
Elliptic integral      7
EllipticE      35
EllipticF      8
EllipticK      8 12 35
else      187 228
End-to-end distance      182 183 186
Energy      190 202
Energy, eigenvalue      50 131
Energy, landscape      208
Energy, level      42 51 77 134
Equation of motion      60 118 120
Equation of motion, linear      59
Equation of state      38
Equation, implicit      149
Equation, transcendental      42
Equations, system of      52 56
Equations, system of, linear      47 59
Equilibrium, thermal      190-192 195 198 202 203
Error, local      118
Euler method      116 119 120
Euler step      118 148
Evaluate      8
expand      75 214 223
Expansion coefficient      146
Expansion, symbolic      11
Explosion criterion      134
Exponent, critical      174 181 182 193 199
Expression, logical      54
Fast Fourier transform (FFT)      15
Feigenbaum constant      83 88
feof      112
fgetc      112
Fibonacci number      19
Field      38
Field, electric      30
Field, magnetic      34 63
Filter      56
FindMinimum      25
FindRoot      41 84-86 98 218 221
Finite size scaling      175 178 181 193 199
first      95
Fit, nonlinear      23 25
Five-cycle      88 92
Fixed point      82 87
Flatten      62 74 105
float      5 225
Flory, P. J.      182
Fluctuation      175 192 195 198 199
Flux quantum      64
Flux, area-preserving      94
Flux, magnetic      64
fopen      112
for      4 219
Force, gravitational      120
Force, periodic      122
Forward-two-point formula      137
Four-cycle      83 90
FOURIER      8 15
Fourier coefficient      55
Fourier series      8 54
Fourier transformation      7 10 13-21 52 55 60 152 210
Fourier transformation, inverse      13 55
Fractal      102 105 123 173
Frequency, angular      52
Frequency, fundamental      146
Frequency, incommensurate      97
Frequency, spectrum      83
Friction      120
Fugacity      199
Function, boolean      108
Function, nonlinear      93
Gain      42 44
game of chance      46
Game theory      42
Gamma function, incomplete      24
Gas      39
Gaussian distribution      20 163
gcc      6 240
Generalization      108 110
Gershgorin’s theorem      67
Golden ratio      98
Gradient      30 36
Graphics      31 105
Graphics object      31 105 158
Graphics3D      159
Grassberger, P      123
Ground state      76 78 94 99 131
Ground state, energy      50 79 203
Growth algorithm      178 180
Growth process      164 177
Hamiltonian      48 51 71 73 75 119 149
Hamiltonian, normalized      145
Harper equation      64 66 70
Hermite polynomial      48
histogram      86
Hit frequency      110 112
Hofstadter butterfly      63-70
Hofstadter, D      63
Hoshen, J      177
Hubbard, J      71
Hyperplane      108 109
if      41 76 218 219
Impedance, complex      52
Implicit method      144
Information dimension      124
Information entropy      124
Initial condition      61 83 121 165
Initial state      see state initial
Initial value      116 132
Initial-value problem      164
Initialization      138
int      5 225
Integrate      9 11 37 220
Integration procedure      125
Integration step      133
Integration, numerical      148
Interaction potential      93
Interaction, attractive      183
Interaction, magnetic      172
Interference pattern      146 153
Interpolation      141
Inverse      61 221
InverseFourier      15 21
Irrational multiple      123
Irrational value      65
Ising ferromagnet      192 197
Ising model      190
Isotherm      38
Isotropy      165
Iteration      84
Iteration, inverse      85 90 150
JacobiAmplitude      8
JacobiSN      8
Join      86
KAM orbit      98 100
Kernel      20
Keyboard buffer      206
Kirchhoff’s law      52
Koch curve      106
Kopelman, R      177
Korteweg-de Vries equation      136
Lattice, cubic      164
Lattice, gas      199
Lattice, square      172
Lattice, triangular      172
Lattice, vector, primitive      159
Lattice, vibration      59 62
Leapfrog method      118
Learning      106 108 110
Learning, rule      107
Leath, P.L      177
Length      4 76 216
Line      31
Line integral      36
LinearProgramming      42 45
Liouville’s theorem      94
Liquid      39
LIST      4 215
Listable      37 215
listplot      10 62 95 138 216
Logistic map      81 88
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