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Kenzel W., Reents G., Clajus M. — Physics by Computer
Kenzel W., Reents G., Clajus M. — Physics by Computer

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Название: Physics by Computer

Авторы: Kenzel W., Reents G., Clajus M.


This course, intended for upper-division undergraduate or graduate students, was designed by W. Kinzel and G. Reents as a textbook in computational physics but may also serve as a supplement to courses in theoretical physics. It is an introduction to the solution of physical models by computer. The programs developed in this book are based on the modern computer languages Mathematica and C and are written for PCs as well as for workstations. 28 examples from different fields of physics are worked out, including chaos, fractals, the Hofstadter butterfly, phase transitions, Monte-Carlo simulations, percolation, polymers, combinatorial optimization, neural networks, and game theory. Detailed explanation of the algorithms and computer programs together with source files and graphics routines help the student gain thorough experience right from the start.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1997

Количество страниц: 289

Добавлена в каталог: 17.03.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Long      5 225
Loop, conducting      34
Lorenz model      130
Lorenzj E.N      129
Lyapunov exponent      83 91
magnetization      192
Magnetization, spontaneous      198
Main      5 225 226
MAP      62 95 105 158
Marsaglia, G      160
Mass matrix      60
Master equation      185 191
Matrix      4 48 65 74 76 229 232
Matrix, diagonal      48
Matrix, Hamiltonian      49 71 75 76
Matrix, hermitian      61
Matrix, representation      48
Matrix, tridiagonal      48 66 67 139 144 149
MatrixForm      49 220
Maxiterations      86
Maxwell construction      38
Mean-field theory      182
Measured value      20
Mechanical system      121
memcpy      206
Metropolis algorithm      192 194 208
Minimax theorem      44
Minimum, absolute      202
MOD      96 158
Model function      23
Module      119
Modulo function      95 158 161 187 227
Molecular Dynamics      118
Momentum operator      64
Monomer      102
Monte Carlo simulation      195 197 202 204
Monte Carlo step      210
Multiparticle state      71 74 190
Multiparticle system      71 202
Multipole expansion      30
NDSolve      115 222
Needs      26 217
Nest      84 91 95 219
NestList      95 119 158 219
Network, electrical      52
Network, linear      54
Neumann, J. von      42
Neural computer      107
Neural network      107
neuron      107
Neuron, activity      111
NIntegrate      12 220
Node theorem      68 132
Nonlinearity      7
NonlinearRegress      25 217
Normal mode      60
Normalization      208
Number, irrational      65 70 95
Numerov method      132
Occupancy probability      185 191
OddQ      86
odeint      124-126
Ohm’s Law      52 54
Onsager, L      193 197
Operator      75
Operator, algebra      74
Operator, unitary      149
Optimization, combinatorial      203
Optimization, continuous      201
Optimization, discrete      201
Optimization, linear      42 44 201
Orbit      97 122
Orbit, chaotic      87 98 100 127
Orbit, periodic      87 88
Orbit, superstable      84 85 90
Order parameter      199
Order, magnetic      172
Oscillation      138
Oscillation, damped      126
Oscillation, longitudinal      59
Oscillator, anharmonic      48 131
Oscillator, harmonic      49
Oscillatory circuit      52
Parallel circuit      54 58
Parameter set      28
Parameter space      27
Parameter vector      23 28
ParametricPlot3D      37 214
Partition function      190
Path length, normalized      207
Pauli exclusion principle      71 72
Payout table      42 43 46
PDF      26
Peak voltage      19 210
Peierls trick      64
Pendulum      6 119
Pendulum, harmonic      9
Pendulum, nonlinear      122
Perceptron      107 112
Perceptron, learning rule      109
Percolation cluster      174
Percolation threshold      172 175
Period      146 158 161
Period, doubling      127
Period, relatively prime      161
Permutation      201
permutations      74 216
Perturbation      49 83
Phase      56
Phase difference      52
Phase factor      146
Phase space      9 11 120 122
Phase transition      39 82 172 174 182 190 198
phase velocity      152
Phase-space diagram      95
Phonon      59 62
Pixel      86 103 134
plot      8 141 213
PLOT3D      32 213
PlotRange      8
PlotVectorField      32 35
plus      4
Poincar$\acute{e}$ section      82 94 123 126
Poincar$\acute{e}$, H      121
Point      159
POINTER      5 230 233
Polygon      105
Polymer configuration      183
Polymer dynamics      183
Polymer molecule      102 182 186
Polynomial      68
Potential      37 131
Potential, anharmonic      48 134
Potential, chemical      199
Potential, commensurate      65
Potential, electric      107
Potential, electrostatic      30
Potential, periodic      93 97
Potential, quadratic      59
Potential, symmetric      131
Potential, well      42 121
Power dissipation      58
Power singularity      193
Power spectrum      19
Predictor-corrector method      119
print      141 218 219
printf      5 226
probability      43 145
probability distribution      154
Probability of presence      47
Probability, density      164
Probability, overall      148
Procaccia, I      123
Procedure      4
Product ansatz      47
Pseudo-random number      157 159 162
Pulse, rectangular      16
Quadratic form      32
Quadrupole approximation      33
Quadrupole moment      30-32
Quantile      26
Quantum Monte Carlo method      78
Quasi-ellipsoid      29
rand      5 103 158 168 177 206 230
Random      4 158 159 214
Random motion      164
Random number      4 21 46 113 157 205
Random number, generator      157-162 197
Random number, generator, linear congruential      158
Random number, generator, shift register      160
Random number, normally distributed      29
Random number, subtract-with-borrow      160
Random number, uniformly distributed      162 195
Random vector      102
Random walk      102 103 164 182 183 189
RAND_MAX      5 168 170 230
Rectangular voltage      58
Recurrence time      144
Recursion      150
Recursion, inverse      93
Relaxation time      195
Renormalization group theory      174 193
ReplacePart      75
Reptation      184-186
Resonance      54 56 57
Resonance, curve      56
Resonance, Frequency      54 56 58
Rest position      59 93 94 120 122 126
RETURN      5 231
Richardson extrapolation      118
Rosenblatt rule      110
Rosenblatt, F      109
RotateLeft      21 138 141
RotateRight      141
round      119
round trip      200
Rule      40
Runge — Kutta method      116 117 124 130 132
Sander, L.M      163
scalar      30
Scalar product      31 36 75
Scaling behavior      204
Scaling exponent      175
Scaling law      174 193
scanf      227 234
Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger equation      47 64 130 137 145 148 151 152
Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger equation, discrete      64 69
Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger equation, stationary      47 130 131
Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger equation, time-dependent      144
Schroeder, M      106
sech      138
Self-avoiding walk (SAW)      182
Self-intersection      184
Self-similarity      104
Sequence, periodic      158
Series      9 220
Series circuit      53 54 56
Series expansion      9
Series representation      145
Shooting method      132 135
Show      31 213 216
ShowProgress      26
Sierpinski gasket      104
Sign change      67 68
SIMPLIFY      38 220
Simulated annealing      200 203 208
Simulation      162 183
Single-particle level      77
Single-particle state      71
Site percolation      176
Size, average      165 173
Soliton      136
Solution, analytic      41
Solution, numerical      41 47 51 71 115 141
Solve      40 41 55
sort      76 216
Specific heat      199
Spectrum      63
Spin configuration      191
Spin correlation      80
Spin glass      202
sqrt      9 49 212
Stability      143
Stability, condition      143
Stability, limit      144
Standard deviation      176
Standard map      94
State      94
State, commensurate      95 97
State, incommensurate      98 99
State, initial      83 150
State, quasiperiodic      98
State, stable      93
State, stationary      47 145 191
Step size      117 118 120 142 152
Step size, adaptively controlled      125
Stochastic process      192 194 202
Strategy      43 44
Strategy, optimal      44 46
Strategy, stochastic      44
Stroboscopic illumination      123
struct      103 178 186 205
Sturm sequence      67
Subharmonic      83
SUM      32 75
Supercomputer      191
Superposition      47 61 148
Superposition, infinite      146
Susceptibility, magnetic      193 198
switch      112 169 228
Symmetry      66 68 69 74 78 131 133 145 146 193
Symmetry, breaking, spontaneous      192
Synapse      106
Synaptic plasticity      108
Synaptic strength      108
table      4 49 76 138 141 158 215
Take      158
Taylor expansion      116 132 139 153
Temperature, critical      39 41
Temperature, normalized      41
Tensor      4 30
TeXForm      12 77
Thickness      31
Thread      76 119 221
Threshold value      108 172
Time average      58
Time derivative      140
Time evolution      149 153
Time evolution, operator      148
Time evolution, quantum-mechanical      144
Time scale      123 198
Time scale, characteristic      152
Time series      110
Torque, periodic      122
Torus      195
Transfer matrix method      191
Transition probability      185 191 194 196 202
Translation      60
Translation, operator      64
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