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Bruss D. (ed.), Leuchs G. (ed.) — Lectures on Quantum Information
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Название: Lectures on Quantum Information
Авторы: Bruss D. (ed.), Leuchs G. (ed.)
Аннотация: Quantum Information Processing is a young and rapidly growing field of research at the intersection of physics, mathematics, and computer science. Its ultimate goal is to harness quantum physics to conceive—and ultimately build—"quantum" computers that would dramatically overtake the capabilities of today's "classical" computers. One example of the power of a quantum computer is its ability to efficiently find the prime factors of a larger integer, thus shaking the supposedly secure foundations of standard encryption schemes.
This comprehensive textbook on the rapidly advancing field introduces readers to the fundamental concepts of information theory and quantum entanglement, taking into account the current state of research and development. It thus covers all current concepts in quantum computing, both theoretical and experimental, before moving on to the latest implementations of quantum computing and communication protocols. With its series of exercises, this is ideal reading for students and lecturers in physics and informatics, as well as experimental and theoretical physicists, and physicists in industry.
Рубрика: Computer science /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 610
Добавлена в каталог: 15.11.2009
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pulse 541
-pulse 541
pulse 541
Absorption 505
Active transformations 46
Additivity 170
Adiabatic approximation 382 384
Adiabatic computation 100
Adiabaticity 458
Alphabet 315
Anti-Jaynes — Cummings Hamiltonian 394
Asymmetric cloning 67
Asymptotic continuity 168
Atom chip 549
Atom-cavity microscope 545
Atomic ensemble 516
Atomic kaleidoscope 545
Atomic spin operator 517
Atomic trajectory 544
Attenuated laser pulses 278
Authentication 275
Base norm 172
BB84 protocol (Bennett — Brassard) 272
BBPSSW protocol 187
Beam splitter 151 153 300 321 547 576
Bell basis 186
Bell inequality 135
Bell measurement 350 531
Bell state 186 257 260
Bell state, basis 258
Bell state, measurement, BSM 260 262
Bell states 337
Berry phase 383
Bipartite mixed states 125
Bipartite pure states 123
Bipartite system 179
Biseparable 244
Bit-flip error 110
Bloch ball 40
Bloch band 402
Bloch equation 474
Bloch sphere 360 436
Bloch vector 40
Block code 10
Boolean function 315
Boolean Function Conjunction 345
Boolean Function Disjunction 345
Bound entangled 155
Bound entanglement, bipartite 183
Bound entanglement, multipartite 193
Bound state photon+atom 567
Branch 472
Breeding 191
Bright squeezed states 584
Bures distance 165
Bus mode 395
Caldeira — Leggett model 473
Calderbank — Shor — Stean code(CSS) 276
Canonical commutation relations 43
Canonical transformations 530
Cartan decomposition 493
Cavity 512 544
Cavity lifetime 544
Cavity QED 375 466
Cavity QED with ions 442
CCSIGN (controlled Sign gate) 357
CD-decomposition of unitary operators 373
Channel capacity, discrete memoryless 8
Channel capacity, discrete noiseless 4
Channel capacity, quantum 108
Channel dephasing 106
Channel depolarizing 106
Channel discrete 4
Channel noise 275 505
Channel noiseless 4
Channel noisy 4
Channel, binary symmetric 8
Channel, product 107
Characteristic function 44 150
Charge qubit 481 494 496
Charge-box qubit 469
Chord 472
Cirac — Zoller 95 395
Cirac — Zoller gate 436
Circuit theory 472
Classical Gaussian noise 48
Clauser, Home, Shimony, and Holt (CHSH) inequality 136
Clifford 249
Clifford group 370
Cluster state 194 249 360
CNOT gate 494 495 542
Code block 10
Code dual 13
Code Hamming 14
Code quantum 108
Code rate 10
Code repetition 10
Code stabilizer 117
Code, CSS 116
Coherent attack 277
Coherent quantum control 399
Coherent spectroscopy 488
Coherent spin state 519 525
Coherent state 43 579
Coherent states 45
Coherent superposition 542
Coincidence(s) 261
Collective attack 277
Coloring 25
Commutation relation 150 298
Commutation relations, angular momentum 517
Commutator 154
Complete positivity 42
Completely positive map Gaussian 529
Composability 275
Composite phase gate 435
Composite system 256
Compositeness 24
composition 42
Concurrence 247
Conditional entropy 7 169
Conditional variance 267
Configuration Interaction (CI) 465
Connection 507
Continuous variable quantum communication 297
Continuous variables 147 297
Continuous variables, CV 263 264
Control theory 487 490
Controlled phase flip (CPF) 453 454 456 467
Controlled-not operation 187
Convex roof construction 170
Cooper pair boxes 550
Correlation matrix 150
Correlation operator 186 194
Coset 487 493
Coset leader 15
Coulomb interaction 458—460 462—464
Coupling topology 492—494 496
Criterion 154
Criterion, Duan's inseparability 154 155
Criterion, npt 156
Criterion, partial transpose 155
Criterion, Peres — Horodecki 156
Criterion, Simon's inseparability 157
Cross norm 173
Cryogenic environment 539
Cryptography 30
CSS code 116
Current fluctuations 475
Current-voltage relations (CVRs) 473
Decoherence 323 529 538 543
Decoherence time 458 467 469 470 474
Defect mode 564
DEJMPS protocol 188
Delft qubit 475
Dense-codeable (DC) states 141
Density operator 485
Density operator, thermal 485
Dephasing channel 106
Depolarization 186
Depolarizing channel 106
Depumping rate 520
Deutsch's algorithm 88
Deutsch-Josza Algorithm 90
Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm 482 486 487 492 495
Dipole approximation 556
Dipole-blockade 413
Dipole-dipole interaction 412
Discrete log 97
Discrete variables, DV 264
Displacement operator 44
Displacer 302
Distillability 197
Distillable entanglement 165 181
Distillable entanglement, Rains' bound 172
Distillation 177
Divide-and-conquer 20
Double layer structure 476
Drift term 488
Dual code 13
Dual-homodyne detector 303
Dual-rail encoding 352
Duan separability criterion 525
Dynamical trapping, Paul trap 425
eavesdropping 68 272 277
Efficiency 259
Eigenvalue 331
Eigenvector 331
Einstein locality assumption 136
Einstein Podolsky Rosen argument 135
Einstein — Podolski — Rosen 541
Electromagnetic field in photonic crystal 564
Electromagnetic field in spherical cavity 558
Electron shelving 424
Electron spin resonance 481
Electron spin resonance (ESR) 459 467
Element distinctness 100
Encoded operator 113
Encoding 456
Energy constraint 39
Ensemble quantum computing 481 486 495
Ensemble states 495
Entangled state 123 525
Entangled state of atomic ensembles 525
Entanglement 67 147 177 256
Entanglement bipartite 147
Entanglement cost 165
Entanglement criteria 125
Entanglement fidelity 107
Entanglement measures, additivity 170
Entanglement measures, additivity on pure states 168
Entanglement measures, asymptotic continuity 168
Entanglement measures, axioms for 167
Entanglement measures, convex roof construction 170
Entanglement measures, cross norm measure 173
Entanglement measures, distillable entanglement 165
Entanglement measures, entaglement of formation 169
Entanglement measures, entanglement cost 165
Entanglement measures, entanglement monotones 167
Entanglement measures, entropy of 166 168
Entanglement measures, extremality of distillation and cost 169
Entanglement measures, logarithm of the negativity 171
Entanglement measures, norm based monotones 172
Entanglement measures, ordering of 168
Entanglement measures, regularization 169 170
Entanglement measures, relative entropy of entanglement 170
Entanglement measures, robustness of entanglement 172
Entanglement measures, squashed entanglement 173
Entanglement measures, uniqueness on pure states 168
Entanglement monotones 246
Entanglement of distillation 181
Entanglement of formation 169
Entanglement of formation, additivity 170
Entanglement of formation, strong superadditivity 170
Entanglement pumping 188
Entanglement purification 177
Entanglement swapping 507 532
Entanglement two-party 147
Entanglement witness 154 245
Entanglement witness (EW) 129
Entanglement witness, decomposable 129
Entanglement witness, nondecomposable (nd-EW) 129
Entanglement-based QKD 290
Entropy function 9
Entropy of entanglement 166 180
Entropy, conditional 7
Entropy, entropy of entanglement 166 168
Entropy, joint 7
Entropy, Shannon 5
EPR 147 152
EPR entangled state 525
EPR, pair 255 258 260
EPR, particle 258
Error basis 109
Error model 198
Error operator 106
Error syndrome 13
Error threshold 204
Error weight 109
Error, bit-flip 110
Error, sign-flip 110
Eulerian path 18
Exchange coupling J 452 456 459 462 464
Exchange coupling J, anisotropic 454
Exchange coupling J, antiferromagnetic 458 462
Exchange coupling J, ferromagnetic 462
Exchange coupling J, Ising 454
Exchange coupling J, transverse (XY) 454
Exchange-only quantum computing 457
Expectation-value quantum computer 482
Experimental control 488 496
Extension field 11
Fabry — Perot 544
Factoring 93
Factorization 29
Fast Fourier Transform 94
Feed forward 303
Fermi's golden rule 561
Fiber-based QKD 286
Fidelity 186 259—260 542
Fidelity, entanglement 107
Field, extension 11
Field, prime 11
Field-ionization 539
Filtering 184
Filtering operation 239
Five-qubit NMR quantum computer 484
Flat-continuum approximation 561
Flux qubit 469 475 481
Free-space QKD 289
Full controllability 482 483
Fully entangled 240
Fully separable 243
Fundamental loop 473
Fusion operations on graph states 375
Gate complexity 492
Gaussian operations 151
Gaussian states 45 147 149 151
Gaussian transformations 300