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Mangiarotti L., Sardanashvily G. — Connections in Classical and Quantum Field Theory |
Предметный указатель |
-superfunction 302
-superfunction 302
-tangent bundle 314
-vector bundle 313
-superfunction 302
-superfunction 306
-supermanifold 306
-graded algebra 451
*-left module 261
*-module 449
1-parameter group of diffeomorphisms 13
3-velocity 227
3-velocity, phase space 227
4-velocity 228
4-velocity, phase space 228
Absolute acceleration 114
Adapted coordinates 108
Adjoint representation 151
Admissible metric 233
Affine bundle coordinates 9
Affine bundle coordinates, morphism 9
Almost complex structure 204
Annihilator of a distribution 23
Anomaly 439
Anomaly, exact sequence 443
Anomaly, global 443
Anomaly, group 443
Anomaly, local 443
Antibracket 409
Antighost number 411
Antiholomorphic function 344
Associated atlas 157
Associated atlas, principal connection 158
Atiyah class 283
Atiyah — Singer connection 429
Autoparallel motion 225
Basic form 15
Basis of a graded manifold 291
Berry connection 379
Berry connection, phase factor 380
Betti number 431
Bialgebra 319
Bicomplex 399
Bimodule central 448
Body manifold 309
Body manifold of a DeWitt supermanifold 309
Body manifold of a graded manifold 290
Body manifold, map 287
Boundary 208
Boundary, relative 211
Bounded operator 372
BRS operator 327
BRST anomaly 446
BRST anomaly, cohomology 414
BRST anomaly, connection 417
BRST anomaly, operator 412
BRST anomaly, tensor field 416
BRST anomaly, total 413
BRST-closed form 427
BRST-closed form, locally 413
BRST-exact form 428
BRST-exact form of constant local trivializations 47
BRST-exact form, affine 8
BRST-exact form, associated 156
BRST-exact form, atlas 4
BRST-exact form, bundle 4
BRST-exact form, canonically 157
BRST-exact form, composite 48
BRST-exact form, coordinates 5
BRST-exact form, cotangent 10
BRST-exact form, isomorphism 5
BRST-exact form, linear 7
BRST-exact form, locally 414
BRST-exact form, morphism 5
BRST-exact form, natural 215
BRST-exact form, of principal connections 154
BRST-exact form, of world connections 217
BRST-exact form, universal 196 425
BRST-exact form, with a structure group 157
Canonical energy function 138
Canonical energy function, energy-momentum tensor 68
Canonical energy function, lift of a vector field 14
Cartan connection 46
Cartan connection, homotopy formula 437
Cech cohomology group 213
Centre of a bimodule 448
Centrifugal force 113
Chain complex 207
Chain complex, relative 210
Characteristic class 197
Characteristic class, form 197
Characteristic class, vector bundle 291
Chern character 201
Chern character of a manifold 204
Chern character, class 197
Chern character, form 198
Chern character, number 201
Chern character, total 198
Chern — Simons form 436
Chevalley-Eilenberg coboundary operator 454
Chevalley-Eilenberg coboundary operator, cochain complex 454
Chevalley-Eilenberg coboundary operator, cohomology 454
Chevalley-Eilenberg coboundary operator, differential calculus 455
Christoffel symbols 45
Classical basis 409
Classical basis, solution of a differential equation 32
Classification Theorem 196
Classifying space 196
Clifford algebra 243
Clifford algebra, group 244
Coadjoint representation 151
Coalgebra 318
Coboundary relative 211
Cochain complex 208
Cochain complex, relative 211
Cocycle 213
Cocycle, relation 4
Cocycle, relative 211
Codistribution 23
Cohomology algebra 209
Cohomology algebra with coefficients in a sheaf 213
Cohomology algebra, group 208
Cohomology algebra, relative 211
Coinverse 319
Commutant 209
Complete set of Hamiltonian forms 80
Complex canonical coordinates 356
Complex of complexes 399
Configuration space of fields 55
Connection 35
Connection on a Hermitian manifold 348
Connection on a holomorphic manifold 347
Connection on a module 269
Connection on a ring 273
Connection on a sheaf 278
Connection on an infinite order jet space 395 397
Connection principal 154
Connection principal, canonical 160
Connection, Abelian 369
Connection, admissible 353
Connection, affine 45
Connection, canonical 130
Connection, complete 94 220
Connection, composite 50
Connection, covertical 53
Connection, curvature-free 47
Connection, dual 43 52
Connection, dynamic 101
Connection, flat 47
Connection, form 155
| Connection, irreducible 422
Connection, Lagrangian 61
Connection, linear 42
Connection, metric 224
Connection, projectable 49
Connection, reducible 40
Connection, second order 57
Connection, second order holonomic 58
Connection, symmetric 101
Connection, symplectic 367
Connection, tensor product 43 53
Connection, vertical 53
Connes’ differential calculus 464
Conservation law covariant 175
Conservation law covariant, integral 66
Conservation law covariant, weak 65
Contact form 26
Contact form, projection 395
Contorsion 224
Coriolis force 113
Cotangent bundle 345
Cotangent bundle, Hamiltonian vector field 349
Cotangent bundle, line bundle 199
Cotangent bundle, space 345
Cotangent bundle, structure 344
Cotangent bundle, tangent bundle 345
Cotangent bundle, tangent bundle, space 345
Covariant derivative 39
Covariant derivative, differential 39
Covariant derivative, differential on a module 270
Covariant derivative, differential vertical 51
Covariant derivative, Laplacian 423
Cup-product 209
Curvature 41
Curvature of a connection on a module 273
Curvature of a connection on a module on a sheaf 280
Curvature of a Dubois — Violette connection 459
Curvature of a graded connection 296
Curvature of a non-commutative connection 456
Curvature of a principal connection 156
Curvature of a superconnection 315
Curvature of an NQ-superconnection 338
Curvature, canonical 161
Cycle, fundamental 430
Cycle, relative 211
De Rham cohomology group 208
De Rham cohomology group, complex 208
De Rham cohomology group, complex on an infinite order jet space 393
Deformation associative 361
Deformation associative, formal 361
Democracy group 124
Derivation 259
Derivation, graded 292
Derivative left 409
Derivative left, right 409
Descent equations 414 427 446
Determinant line bundle 443
DeWitt supermanifold 308
DeWitt supermanifold, topology 308
Differential calculus 451
Differential calculus, equation 32
Differential calculus, ideal 23
Differential calculus, operator 33
Differential calculus, operator, linear 258
Differential calculus, universal 452
Dirac operator 247
Dirac operator, chiral 442
Dirac operator, spin structure 245
Dirac operator, total 252
Dirac’s condition 350
Dirac’s condition, Lagrangian 247
Direct image of a sheaf 275
Direct image of a sheaf, limit 274
Direct image of a sheaf, limit of endomorphisms 392
Direct image of a sheaf, sum connection 43
Direct image of a sheaf, system of endomorphisms 392
distribution 23
Distribution, completely integrable 23
Distribution, involutive 23
Donaldson invariant 433
Donaldson invariant, polynomials 432
Donaldson’s theorem 431
Dual Lie algebra 151
Dual vector bundle 7
Dubois — Violette connection 458
Dynamic equation 98
Dynamic equation, conservative 99
Dynamic equation, first order 32 56
Dynamic equation, second order 58
Dynamic equation, second order, autonomous 96
Energy function 138
Energy function, Hamiltonian 141
Energy-momentum current 68
Energy-momentum current, superpotential of tensor fields 237
Energy-momentum current, tensor 68
Equation of continuity 172
Equilibrium equation 135
Equivalent fibre bundles 5
Euler characteristic 206
Euler characteristic, class 205
Euler Lagrange equations 60
Euler Lagrange equations, form 402
Euler Lagrange equations, map 402
Euler Lagrange equations, operator 59
Euler Lagrange equations, operator higher order 402
Euler — Lagrange-type operator 402
Evaluation morphism 303
Exact sequence 8
Exterior algebra of a graded module 287
Exterior algebra of a graded module of a vector space 286
Exterior form 15
Exterior form, complex 345
Exterior product of vector bundles 7
External force 120
Fedosov deformation 364
Fibred manifold 4
Fibred manifold, morphism 5
Field 216
Filtered module 392
Filtered module, morphism 392
Filtered module, ring 392
First variational formula 59
First variational formula in the presence of background fields 70
First variational formula, higher order 402
Foliation 24
Foliation of level surfaces 24
Foliation, simple 24
Foliation, singular 24
Frame 7
Frame, bundle 216
Frame, connection 114
Frechet ring 267
Free motion equation 111
Froelicher — Nijenhuis bracket 20
Fubini Studi metric 350
Fundamental form of a Hermitian metric 347
Fundamental form of a Hermitian metric, group 207
Fundamental form of a Hermitian metric, vector field 152
G-function 303
G-superbundle 312
G-supermanifold 305
Galilei group 113
Gauge algebra bundle 153
Gauge algebra bundle, convention 167
Gauge algebra bundle, global 424
Gauge algebra bundle, group 167
Gauge algebra bundle, group effective 422
Gauge algebra bundle, group pointed 422
Gauge algebra bundle, parameter 167
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