Авторизация |
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Mangiarotti L., Sardanashvily G. — Connections in Classical and Quantum Field Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Gauge algebra bundle, potentials 154
Gauge algebra bundle, transformation 58
Gauge-covariant 171
Gauge-invariant polynomial 435
Gelfand - NaTmark theorem 449
General covariant transformations 216
General covariant transformations, linear graded group 289
General covariant transformations, linear supergroup 319
General covariant transformations, principal automorphism 166
Generalized Coriolis theorem 116
Generalized Coriolis theorem, first Bianchi identity 42
Generalized Coriolis theorem, function 421
Generalized Coriolis theorem, second Bianchi identity 41
Generating function of a foliation 24
Generator 13 151
Geodesic equation 97
Geodesic equation, line 97
Geodesic equation, vector field 97
Geometric module 267
Geometric module, phase factor 381
Ghost Grassmann parity 407
Ghost Grassmann parity, number 407
Ghost Grassmann parity, total 407
Ghost-for-ghost 408
Graded commutative algebra 286
Graded commutative algebra, Banach algebra 286
Graded commutative algebra, ring 285
Graded connection 295
Graded connection on a graded bundle 327
Graded connection, composite 297
Graded De Rham cohomology 299
Graded De Rham cohomology, complex 299
Graded differential algebra 451
Graded differential algebra, envelope 287
Graded differential algebra, exterior differential 299
Graded differential algebra, form 297
Graded differential algebra, function 290
Graded differential algebra, horizontal differential 407
Graded differential algebra, manifold 289
Graded differential algebra, manifold simple 294
Graded differential algebra, module 286
Graded differential algebra, module free 286
Graded differential algebra, principal bundle 326
Graded differential algebra, principal bundle connection 327
Graded differential algebra, submanifold 326
Graded differential algebra, tensor product 286
Graded differential algebra, total derivative 406
Graded differential algebra, vector field 292
Graded differential algebra, vector field space 286
Grassmann algebra 284
Grassmann algebra, manifold 33
Gribov ambiguity 424
Grothendieck group 341
Grothendieck’s topology 268
Group bundle 166
Group bundle, cohomology 441
Group-like element 325
Half-density 355
Hamilton equations covariant 76
Hamilton equations covariant, operator 76 133
Hamiltonian 131
Hamiltonian connection 72 130
Hamiltonian connection form 74
Hamiltonian connection form associated 77
Hamiltonian connection form associated weakly 77
Hamiltonian connection, map 74
Hamiltonian connection, vector field 129
Heisenberg equation 372
Helmholtz — Sonin map 402
Hermitian manifold 347
Hermitian manifold form on a *-module 450
Hermitian manifold, metric 346
Hilbert manifold 345
Hirzebruch’s signature theorem 431
Hochshild cohomology 362
Holomorphic function 344
Holomorphic function, manifold 345
Holonomic atlas 10
Holonomic atlas, automorphism 216
Holonomic atlas, coordinates 10
Holonomic atlas, section 26
Holonomic atlas, vector field 96
Holonomy group 191
Holonomy group, abstract 191
Holonomy group, restricted 191
Homogeneous element 286
Homology group 208
Homology group, relative 211
Homotopic connection 436
Homotopic connection, invariant 207
Homotopic connection, maps 206
Homotopic connection, topological spaces 207
Homotopy derivation 436
Homotopy derivation, operator 73 437
Hopf algebra 319
Horizontal density 16
Horizontal density, differential 29 395
Horizontal density, distribution 36
Horizontal density, foliation 47
Horizontal density, form 16
Horizontal density, lift of a curve 190
Horizontal density, lift of a curve of a vector field 37
Horizontal density, projection 29
Horizontal density, splitting canonical 38
Horizontal density, splitting canonical higher order 389
Horizontal density, splitting canonical of a vector field 38
Horizontal density, vector field 36 93
Horizontal density, vector field standard 219
Hurewicz homomorphism 209
Imbedding 5
Immersion 3
Induced coordinates 10
Inertial force 111
Infinite order jet space 390
Integral curve 12
Integral curve of motion 137
Integral curve, manifold 23
Integral curve, manifold maximal 23
Integral curve, manifold of maximal dimension 23
Integral curve, section of a connection 39
Interior product 16
Interior product of vector bundles 7
Interior product, left 18
Interior product, right 19
Intersection form 430
Intersection form, even 431
Inverse image of a sheaf 275
Jacobi field 86
Jacobi field, equation 124
Jacobi field, vector 123
Jacobi field, vector, field 124
Jacobi field, vector, mass-weighted 123
Jet bundle 25
Jet bundle of a module 261
Jet bundle of ghost 406
Jet bundle of sections 26
Jet bundle of submanifolds 30
Jet bundle, affine 25
Jet bundle, manifold 25
Jet bundle, manifold of submanifolds 30
Jet bundle, manifold repeated 27
Jet bundle, manifold second order 27
Jet bundle, manifold sesquiholonomic 27
Jet bundle, manifold, higher order 28 384
Jet bundle, module 261
Jet bundle, prolongation of a morphism 26 386
Jet bundle, prolongation of a morphism of a section 26 28 386
Jet bundle, prolongation of a morphism of vector a field 26 387
Jet bundle, sheaf 278
k-contact form 395
| K-cycle 463 0
Kaehler manifold 347
Kaehler manifold, metric 347
Kernel of a differential operator 3
Kernel of a differential operator of a fibred morphism 6
kinetic energy 122
Klein — Chern geometry 182
Komar superpotential 237
Komar superpotential, generalized 241
Kostant — Souriau formula 354
Koszul — Tate differential 415
kth homotopy group 207
Kuenneth formula 209
Lagrangian 55
Lagrangian, affine 82
Lagrangian, almost regular 60
Lagrangian, constraint space 60
Lagrangian, gauge-invariant 168
Lagrangian, hyperregular 60
Lagrangian, regular 60
Lagrangian, system 116
Lagrangian, variationally trivial 61
Left Lie algebra 150
Left-invariant form 152
Left-invariant form, canonical 152
Legendre bundle 60
Legendre bundle, homogeneous 59
Legendre bundle, map 60
Legendre bundle, vector bundle 72
Legendre bundle, vertical 87
Leibniz rule 270
Leibniz rule for a derivation 259
Levi — Civita connection 45 225
Lie bracket 12
Lie bracket of a graded Lie group 325
Lie bracket, coalgebra 151
Lie bracket, deformation 362
Lie bracket, derivative 17 21
Lie bracket, superalgebra 293 320
Lie bracket, supergroup 317
Linear derivative 9
Liouville vector field 14
Local connection form 155
Local connection form, form 409
Local connection form, ring 275
Locally finite open covering 281
Locally finite open covering, Hamiltonian form 131
Locally finite open covering, ringed space 275
Lorentz atlas 222
Lorentz atlas, connection 223
Lorentz atlas, force 120
Lorentz atlas, structure 220
Lorentz atlas, subbundle 220
Mass metric 119
Mass metric, tensor 118
Master equation 411
Matter bundle 165
Matter bundle, field 165
Metric bundle 221
Metricity condition 224
Minkowski metric 179
Minkowski metric, structure 222
Module dual 448
Module dual, finite 449
Module dual, locally free 269
Module dual, projective 448
Moduli space of connections 429
Momentum phase space 127
Morphism of graded manifolds 290
Motion 99
Mourer — Cartan equation 152
Moyal product 364
Multisymplectic form 74
Multivector field 17
Multivector field, simple 18
n-body 147
Newtonian system 120
Newtonian system, standard 122
Nijenhuis differential 21
Noether conservation law 67
Noether conservation law, current 67
Noether conservation law, superpotential 171
Non-commutative connection 456
Non-commutative connection, conjugate 460
Non-commutative connection, gauge field 465
Non-commutative connection, Hermitian 460
Non-commutative connection, left 457
Non-commutative connection, linear 461
Non-commutative connection, real 460
Non-commutative connection, right 457
Non-commutative connection, torsion 461
Non-commutative connection, universal 456
Non-commutative connection, vector bundle 450
Non-metricity tensor 224
Norm operator topology 372
NQ-superbundle 335
NQ-superconnection 336
O(k)-bundle 202
Orbit space 423
p-coboundary 208
P-cocycle 208
p-connected topological space 207
Parallel transport 190
Parameter bundle 142
Partition of unity 281
Pin group 244
Poincare duality isomorphism 210
Poincare duality isomorphism, lemma relative 73
Poincare — Cartan form 59
Polarization 355
Polysymplectic form 72
Pontryagin class 202
Pontryagin class of a manifold 204
Prequantization bundle 354
Presheaf 274
Presheaf, canonical 275
Principal automorphisms 166
Principal automorphisms, bundle 149
Principal automorphisms, superbundle 321
Principal automorphisms, vector field 167
Proca field 180 238
Product G-supermanifold 312
Product G-supermanifold of G-supermanifolds 311
Product G-supermanifold, connection 40
Projection 4
Projective freedom 239
Projective freedom, Hilbert space 349
Projective freedom, limit 390
Pull-back connection 37
Pull-back connection, fibre bundle 6
Pull-back connection, form 15
Quantum Hilbert space 356
R-supermanifold 306
Rank of a map 3
Real spectrum 268
Reduced structures 182
Reduced structures, equivalent 183
Reduced structures, isomorphic 183
Reduction of a structure group 182
Reference frame 108
Reference frame, complete 108
Reference frame, geodesic 110
Related vector fields 40
Relative acceleration 114
Relative acceleration, velocity 108
Relativistic dynamic equation 232
Relativistic dynamic equation, geodesic equations 232
Relativistic dynamic equation, Hamiltonian 230
Relativistic dynamic equation, momentum phase space 230
Relativistic dynamic equation, system 228
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