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Papadopoulos G.J. (ed.), Devreese J.T. (ed.) — Path integrals and their applications in quantum, statistical, and solid state physics |
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-transition 419 421 434
-theory 409
Abe, R. 113 118 125 128 161
Abers, R.S. 60
AC transport 359
action 123
Action functional 15 20 25 28 34 127
Action principle 14
Action, classical 39 48 126 128
Action, effective 31 35
Action, quadratic 319 325
Admittance 365 368
Ahrenkiel, R.K. 344 357
Alexander-Katz 314
Allcock, G.R. 318 342
Amit, D.J. 398 399 418
Anderson functional integral 402
Anderson model 383 397 400
Anderson, P.W. 72 79 82
Anisotropic Kepler problem 167 174 176 190 194
Annealed disorder 71—72
Anosov, D.V. 197
Appel, J. 318 342
Arnold, V.I. 198
Arthurs, A.M. 60 160 162 198 384 418
Artin, E. 197
Ascarelli, G. 344 357
Aslaksen, E.W. 38
Autocorrelation 98 105—109
Auxiliary fields 68—69 73 75 395
Avez, A. 198
Bach, A. 40 49 59
Baldo, M. 434 435 454
Balian, R. 38 193 199
Barut, A.D. 38 157 158
Baym, G. 82
BBGKY hierarchy 455 457 459 461
BCS model 412
Bell, J.S. 82
Berezin, F.A. 38
Bernoulli sequences 175—176 194—195
Berry, M.V. 199
Blatt, J. 250 279
Bloch, C. 193 199
Bloch, F. 197
Bogoliubov theory 426
Bogoliubov, N.N. 87 158 159 316 321 342 384 418 457 474 475
Bohr, N. 164 166 167
Boltzmann 110 471
Boltzmann entropy 471—472 475
Boltzmann equation 338 371 373 376 381 455
Boltzmann equation, relaxation time approximation 339
Boltzmann factor 252
Boltzmann statistics 109 420
Born, M. 165 197
Bose condensation 70
Bose fluid 419 430 433—434
Boson partition function 128 130 419
Brascamp, H.J. 279
Breakdown 369 373
Brittin, W.E. 87 161
Brout, R. 157 158 159 408 418
Brouwer, D. 197
Brown, E.W. 197
Brown, F.C. 344 357
Brownian motion 26 49 85—86 109 288 462—463 466
Brownian particle 90 95—96 98 104 106—107 109—110 112
Brownian trajectories 464
Brush, S.G. 162
Buimistrov, V.M. 316 342
Burkey, B.D. 317 342
C-number fields 61—62
Caianiello, E.R. 82
Callen, H.B. 38 381
Canonical distribution 456 469—471 474—475
Canonical kinematical form 36
Canonical transform 164
Capel, H.W. 403 418
Casher, A. 132 161
Catara, E. 434 435 454
Catastrophes 481 484 489
Caustic 481 483—484 488 490
CdS 493—494
Center of gravity 319
Central limit theorem 456 471
Chandrasekhar, S. 86 94 105 109 161
Chapman, S. 102
Chappell, W.R. 87 159
Charazain, J. 193 199
chemical potential 62
Clarck, R.C. 318 342
Class A theories 204 207—208 210 212 214—216
Class B theories 208 210 212 214 216
Class C theories 208—210 212 214 216
Class D theories 208-210 212 214 216
Classical limit 215
Clemence, G.M. 197
Cluster expansion 65
Coarse-graining 456 466—467 474
Coherent states 5 12 14 17 26 31 36 132 134 143 420
Coherent-potential approximation 416
Cohn, P.M. 38
Coles, B.R. 82
Colin de Verdiere, Y. 193 200
Composition law 29 102
Condensation 433
Conditional Wiener average 244
Continuous representations 5
correlation length 452—453
Correspondence principle 18
Coulomb problem 184
Courant, R. 27
Creutz, M. 224
critical exponent 451 453
Critical phenomena 71
Current instabilities 369
Current saturation 493 496—497
d-electron 393 396
D.C. nonlinear response 359
D.C. transport 366
Daniell, P.J. 86 161
Dashen, R.F. 224
De Boer, J. 162 475
De Sitter, J. 324 343 381
De Witt, B.S. 160
Debye — Hueckel theory 412
Dekker, H. 40 49 59
Den Duden, L.W. 403 418
Density matrix 105 108 134
Density of states 241 129
Density operator 420
Denton, R. 414 418
Derrick, G.D. 318 342
Devreese, J.T. 88 160 161 315 317 324 343 344 356 381
Diffusion 41 45—46 50 52 58 101 23
Diffusion equation 213 293
Dirac equation 88
Dirac, P.A.M. 86 161
Disordered system 239—240
Dissipation 70 106 359 366 373
Domb, C. 82 384 410 418 431 454
Donor impurities 166
Donsker, M.D. 279
Douglas, R.W. 82
Dowker, J.S. 41 60 160
Duistermaat, J.J. 193 199 200
Dyson integral equation 394
Dyson's time ordering equation 119
Edwards — Anderson mean field theory 81—82
Edwards, S.F. 72 79 82 87 132 147 158 159 160 162 198 245 279 285
| Ehrenreich, H. 318 342
Einstein approximation 99
Einstein, A. 86 89 161 164 165 166 167 174 183 197 292
Ellis, W. 82
Energy functional 202
Energy functionality 202 204 210 218 225—227
entropy 19 309 471
Entropy production 467
Ergodic hypothesis 456
Ergodic movement 166
Ergodic theorem 477
Ergodic theory 464 470—471
Everts, V. 412 418
Evrard, R. 317 343 344 356
Exchange energies 152
Factor ordering 26
Faddeev, L.D. 38
Family, F. 435 454
Faulkner, R.A. 197
FE 73
Fermi energy 110
Fermi systems 142—144
Fermi — Dirac statistics 25 110 148
Feshbach, H. 38 224
Feynman diagrams 1—500
Feynman path integral 1-500
Feynman, R.P. 1—500
Fiducal vector 8 11 17 23 26
Firsov, Yu.A. 327 343
Fisher, K. 82
Fixed points 448 450
Floquet 198
Flory, P.J. 286 313
Fluctuating random force 287
Fluctuation-dissipation 330 359 368 376 378
Fluctuations 70 439
Focal point 483
Fock, V. 198
Fokker — Planck 456 461—463 470
Fokker — Planck equation 39—41 44 47 50 52 86 93 103 297
Ford, J. 200
Freed, K.F. 147 159 199
Friedberg, R. 240 253 271 279
Friedel — Andersson — Wolff condition 76
Friedrichs, K.D. 87 162
Froehlich, H. 317 318 319 342 349 357
Functional calculus 86 90—92
Functional differentiation 94 99 202 459
Functional equations 455—456
Functional formalism of statistical mechanics 474
Functional influence 360 367—368 374 380
Functional integral 49 59 85 93—94 104 201 223
Functional probability 96
Functional random-walk model 455—456 459 463 472 474—475 477
Functionality 202—203 223 231
Garrod, C. 176 177 198
Gauge theories 40 41
Gauge transformation 43—45 49 58
Gaussian measure 66 71
Geiger, H. 197
Gel'fand, I.M. 82 162
General H-theorem 469
Generic self-interaction energy density 204
Geodesic 166 193
Gervais, J.L. 224
Gibbs 471
Gibbs canonical distribution 477
Gibbs theorem 457 477
Gibbs, J.W. 456
Giffard, R.P. 111 161
Ginzburg — Landau — Wilson hamiltonian 71
Girardello, D. 38
Glauber, R.J. 162
Goldstone, J. 224
Goovaerts, M. 160 324 343 381
Gorkov model 412
Graham, R. 40 41 49 51 53 59
Grand canonical 62 395 422
Grant, J.V. 159 313
Grassman algebra 62
Gray, A.H., Jr. 475
Green function of interacting particles 62 68
Green functional 458
Green kernel 473 475
Green, M.S. 82 384 410 418
Gross, E.P. 262 263 318 321 323 342 350 357
Groundstate theorem 330
Guillemin, V.W. 193 200
Gulayev, V.B. 245 279
Gulayev, Y.V. 198 160
Gurevich, V.L. 327 343
Gutzwiller, M.C. 163 198
Hadamard, J. 197
Hadron 202 216
Haken, H. 40 58 59 60
Hamann, D.R. 399 418
Hamilton, J.F., Jr. 160
Hammersley, J.M. 60
Hardy, G.H. 271
harmonic oscillator 122 126 129 139
Harrison, W.A. 396 418
Hassing, R.F. 412 413 418
Healing length 430
Hedlund, G.A. 197
Heiles, C. 198
Heisenberg canonical group 6
Heisenberg equations of motion 331
Heisenberg Hamiltonian 152
Heisenberg model 153
Helix 309
Hellwarth, R.W. 159 324 325 326 327 329 330 332 333 334 335 337 338 343 345 357 381
Hemmer, P.C. 262 279
Henon, M. 197 198
Hertz, V.A. 416 417
Hibbs, A.R. 23 38 127 128 141 157 161 313 352 357 381 384 405 418
Hida, T. 38
Hietarinta, J. 224
Hijmans, J. 454
Hilbert, D. 381
Hill, G.W. 169 198
Hirota, R. 424 454
histories 178—179
Homology constant 220 222
Hopf, E. 87 162 197 475
Hormander, L. 193 199
Horsthemke, W. 40 49 59
Hortograph 181
Hosokawa, I. 87 159 455 475
Hsu, J.P. 224
Hubbard Hamiltonian 153 416
Hubbard, J. 82 132 384 418
Huybrechts, W. 324 343
Iddings, C.K. 324 325 326 327 329 330 332 333 334 335 337 338 343 357 381
Impedance 360 366
Impedance expansion 369
Impurity average 244
Infinitesimal generators 121—122
Information-theoretical approach 470 474
Inomata, a. 160
Ionization 369 373
Irreversible dynamics 455—456 463 472 474
Ising 80
Ising fixed point 450 452
Ising model 80 152 400
Isomeric partition 92 104
Isoperimetric inequalities 239 241 269 271 281
Ito, K. 26 38 311 313
Jackiw, R. 224
Jalickee, J.B. 454
Jamieson, H.C. 82
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