Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Alberti P.M., Uhlmann A. — Stochasticity and Partial Order |
Предметный указатель |
-numbers, generalized 113
-operation 107
-property 64 81 87
-property, for 111
&-operation 109
*-ideal 65
Algebra, - and - 58
Boltzmann equation 30
C-ideal 68
c-process 30 40
c.v.c.t. (centre valued convex trace) 71
Canonical interpretation 82
Canonical, of -canonical type 97
Canonical, of type 97
Centre 62
Chaotic, maximally 17 77
Chaotic, minimally 21
Chaotic, more chaotic than 16 37 61
Coherent vector 56
Comparability 67
Completely positive 41
components 9
Cone, convex 32
Contraction, contracting 10
Density matrix 40
Density matrix, reduced 44
Diagonal part 45
Dimension, canonical, relative 114
Direct sum 56
Discrete gas model 30
Dual of 58
Dual, second 81
Duality theorem 87
Element, hermitian 58
Element, unitary 58
Entropy functional 25
Entropy functional, -entropies 28
Entropy, Boltzmann — Gibbs — Shannon 35
Entropy, relative 35
Entropy-like 25
Equivalence class 55
expectation value 59
Expectation, conditional 44
Function(al), affine 9
Function(al), concave 9
Function(al), convex 9
Function(al), elementary h-concave 34
Function(al), entropy-like 25
Function(al), generalized 113
Function(al), h-concave 32
Function(al), h-convex 32
Function(al), isometrically invariant 23
Function(al), Ky Fan 60
Function(al), Ky Fan type 48
Function(al), lower semicontinuous, (l.s.c.) 9 60
Function(al), simultaneously convex 9
Function(al), symmetric 23
Function(al), unitariliy nvariant 46 60
Function(al), upper semicontinuous, (u.s.c.) 9
Gibbsian mixture 16
Gibbsian state 19 40
Group of unitary elements 41 58
H-Theorem 35
Haar measure 41
Hartley entropy 28
Hermitian part 58
| Information , relative 35
Information contents 35
Information of order 28
Irreversibility, direction of 16
Isometry 10
Kronecker product 56
Lattice operations 65
Lattice operations, projection 65
Lattice operations, properties 55
Map, chaos-enhancing 29
Map, chaos-reducing 29
Map, doubly stochastic 11 37 57
Map, elementary 19
Map, extremal stochastic 13
Map, isometric 10
Map, k- 18
Map, mixing-enhancing 29
Map, mixing-reducing 29
Map, positivity preserving 11 37
Map, stochastic 11 37
Mappermutation 11
Master equation 30 31 40
Matrix, centre valued 111
Matrix, doubly stochastic 15
Matrix, stochastic 12
Measure space 56
Measurement a la von Neumann 43
Mixed, more than 16 37
n-tuple 9 32
n-tuple, positive 10
n-tuple, strictly positive 10
Norm, - 37 58
Norm, - 58
Norm, - 9 10
Observable 59
Orbit 62
Orbit, double 62
Order structure 37
P-ideal 65
Parallelogram law 65
Partition sum 20
Positive cone 58
Process 30 40
Projection, canonical decomposition of 68
Projection, disjunct 70
Projection, properly infinite 66
Pure, less — than 16 37
Seminorm, symmetric 52
Set, convex 9
Set, isometrically invariant 23
Set, symmetric 23
Set, unitarily invariant 45 60
Singular numbers 49
State 59
State space 59
State, maximally chaotic 77
State, maximally mixed 77
State, passive 89
State, tracial 70
Structure, dual 91
Subadditive 22 32
Support projection 65
Topology, - 59
Trace, centre valued 76
Trace, centre valued convex 71
Unit sphere 62
von Neumann’s relation 65
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