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Gardiner C.W. — Quantum Noise |
Предметный указатель |
Abramowitz, M. 348
Absorber, non-linear 201
Absorption of light 7
Absorption, as a result of detection 250
Added noise A( ) 217
Added noise A( ), absence of in degenerate parametric amplifier 223
Adiabatic elimination, in laser theory 294 302 324
Adjoint equation 71
Adjoint equation, commutative noise for 74
Adjoint equation, computation of correlation functions 75
Adjoint equation, defined 74 76
Adjoint equation, derivation of 72
Adjoint equation, eigenfunction methods 342
Adjoint equation, equivalence to Langevin equation 74
Adjoint equation, general form 76
Adjoint equation, numerical methods 92 342
Adjoint equation, simulation methods 342
Adjoint equation, using squeezed light 339
Amplifier, degenerate parametric, P-function treatment 190
Amplifier, degenerate parametric, Q-function treatment 193
Amplifier, degenerate parametric, QSDE for 221
Amplifier, degenerate parametric, Wigner function treatment 194
Amplifier, harmonic oscillator 188
Amplifier, noise 188
Amplifier, noise temperature 218
Amplifier, phase conjugating 221
Amplifier, QSDE for 216
Amplifier, signal to noise ratio 218
Amplifiers 213
Amplifiers, input-output theory 213
Amplifiers, treated by P-, Q- and Wigner representations 188
Amplitude correlation function for output field from a two level atom 286
Anharmonic oscillator 7
Anharmonic oscillator and dispersive optical bistability 314
Anharmonicity and quantum optical master equation 89
Antibunched light 256
Antibunching 256
Antibunching in output light from two level atom 288
Antinormally ordered products and Q-function 117
Asquini, M.L. 350
Atom, interaction of light with 279
Atom, interaction with electromagnetic field 43
Atom, two level 14 279 279
Atom, two level in EM field, master equation 282
Atom, two level, in EM field 281
Atomic decay 1 61
Attenuators, input-output theory 213
Back action evading measurement 4
Baker — Hausdorff formula 108
Baker — Hausdorff formula, derivation 138
Baker — Hausdorff theorem 121 125
Balanced homodyne and heterodyne detection 265
Barchielli, A. 179 349
Bargmann states 110
Bayes theorem, quantum 27
Beams of light 239
Benguria, R. 10 11 90 347
Black body radiation 5
Black body radiation, measurement of spectrum by absorption 5
Boltzmann distribution 10
Boltzmann distribution as stationary solution of the quantum optical master equation 89
Bonifacio, R. 350
Born, M. 1 347
Bose — Einstein distribution 38
Boundary condition at end of transmission line 55
Boundary condition between "in" and "out" fields 162
Brambilla, M. 350
Brownian motion, quantum 11
Brownian particle 42 58
Brownian particle, quantum Langevin equation for 62
Bunched light 256
Caldeira, A.O. 91 348
Callen, H.B. 5 347
Canonical commutation relations 11 43 54
Canonical momentum 51
Carmichael, H.J. 208 288 349 350
Carnot cycle 39
Causality 55
Causality and commutators for inputs and outputs 163
Caves, C.M. 24 27 57 326 347 348 350
Chakravarti, S. 91 348
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation 156
chemical potential 37 39
Circuit, LRC 6
Clarke, J. 347 348
Classical light field 19
Classical limit, of noise operators 59
Co-operativity parameter, for the laser 297
Coherence, of light fields 242
Coherent signal, homodyne and heterodyne detection 264
Coherent state 99
Coherent state, classical limit 105
Coherent state, driven oscillator wavefunction 113
Coherent state, eigenstate of destruction operator a 107
Coherent state, electromagnetic field, correlation function 244
Coherent state, expansion of an operator in terms of 111
Coherent state, expansion of arbitrary states in terms of 110
Coherent state, minimum uncertainty state 106
Coherent state, Poissonian number state distribution of 112
Coherent state, properties 108
Coherent state, quasi-classical state 106
Coherent state, solution of the harmonic oscillator 107
Coherent state, wavefunction for 113
Coincidence probability, in photon counting 251
Coincidence probability, in terms of QSDE solutions 253
Coincidence probability, relation to elementary probability 252
Collett, M.J. 57 158 326 348 349 350
Commutation relations for noise sources 49
Commutation relations, canonical 11 43 54
Commutation relations, equal times 45
Commutation relations, preservation of 68 68
Completely positive map 32
Complex impedance 67
Complex P-function, for an ideal squeezed state 328
Consistency requirements for quantum noise theory 10
Consistency with quantum mechanics 11
Correlation function 24 34
Correlation function of system, inputs and outputs 175
Correlation function, adjoint equation 75
Correlation function, electromagnetic field in coherent state 244
Correlation function, light fields 242
Correlation function, noise operators 59
Correlation function, normalised 244
Correlation function, time ordered 35
Correlation function, time ordered, in P-representation 185
Correlation time, thermal 60
Coulomb gauge 233
Coupling constants, to harmonic oscillator heat bath 48
Creation operator 12
Creation operator , defined 102
Cumulant expansion 93
Cumulant expansion and quasiclassical Langevin equation 137
Cumulant expansion, higher order terms 95
Cumulant expansion, range of validity 80
Cumulant expansion, van Kampen's 78
Currie, D.G. 348
Damping, and locality 52
Damping, radiation 43 51 55
Davies, E.B. 245 350
Decay, atomic 1
Degenerate parametric amplifier, and squeezing 328
Degenerate parametric amplifier, correlation functions for the output field 333
Degenerate parametric amplifier, internal mode properties 330
Degenerate parametric amplifier, internal mode quadrature phases 331
Degenerate parametric amplifier, maximum squeezing 332
Degenerate parametric amplifier, normally ordered variances 331
Degenerate parametric amplifier, output field 331
Degenerate parametric amplifier, P-function treatment 190
Degenerate parametric amplifier, Q-function treatment 193
Degenerate parametric amplifier, QSDE for 221
| Degenerate parametric amplifier, squeezed white noise limit of output field 333
Degenerate parametric amplifier, squeezing in 223
Degenerate parametric amplifier, Wigner function treatment 194
Delta function, transverse 237
Denker, J.S. 57 348
Density operator 14 21
Density operator in terms of Q-function 119
Density operator, and measurement 31
Density operator, canonical 37
Density operator, damping of off diagonal elements 183
Density operator, factorisable 58
Density operator, Gaussian 128
Density operator, grand canonical 37
Density operator, initial factorisation of 142
Density operator, properties 22
Density operator, reduced 16 40 142
Destruction operator 12
Destruction operator a, defined 102
Detection, generalised 32
Devoret, M.H. 348
Diagonalisation of density operator, by coupling to noise 226
Diffusion matrix, non-positive-definite 195
Dirac, P.A.M. 7 9 347
Dissipation 41
Dissipation and tunnelling 91
Doerfle, M. 349
Dorsey, A.T. 348
Double well potential 90
Dreaver, R.W.P. 347 350
Driven harmonic oscillator, P-function method for 134
Driving field and quantum Langevin equation 89
Driving field and quantum optical master equation 88
Drummond, P.D. 195 208 212 242 317 349 350
Duality, wave-particle 9
Effect 26
Einstein, A. 7 9 11 19 232 347 350
Electromagnetic field, optical 237
Electromagnetic field, quantisation 232 235
Electromagnetic field, quantisation in an infinite volume 236
Electron number operator 269
Elementary probability in photon counting 251
Elementary probability in photon counting, in terms of QSDE solutions 254
Elementary probability in photon counting, relation to coincidence probability 252
Emission of light 7
Energy level 7
entropy 35 36
Entropy, maximisation 36
Equations of motion, and operator correspondences 132
Equilibrium, thermodynamic 36
Esteve, D. 348
Fermi — Dirac distribution 39
Fermi's "golden rule" 9
Fermi, E. 9 347
Field interpretation of noise inputs and outputs 51
Fields, input and output 53
First Markov approximation 49 160
First Markov approximation and commutation relations for noise sources 50
Fisher, M.P.A. 348
Fluctuations 41
Fokker — Planck equation, and classical Langevin equation 72
Ford, G.W. 5 11 56 347 348
FPE see "Fokker — Planck equation"
Fringe, optical 245
Gain 214
Gardiner, C.W. 75 98 158 195 205 208 326 339 341 347 348 349
Garg, A. 348
Gauge transformation 233
Gaussian density operator 128
Gaussian density operator, definition 128
Gaussian density operator, higher moments for 131
Gaussian density operator, P-, Q- and Wigner function for 130
Gaussian density operator, quantum characteristic function for 129
Gaussian variable, classical, higher moments for 132
General kinds of measurement 29
Generalised P-representation see "P-representation generalised"
Ghielmetti, F. 269 350
Glauber, R.J. 99 110 122 196 232 240 348 349 349
Golden Rule 9
Gordon, J.P. 13 294 347 349
Grabert, H. 348
Gradshteyn, I.S. 348
Graham, R. 212 349
Haake, F. 350
Haken, H. 13 140 294 315 347 348 349
Hall, J.L. 349 350
Hanbury-Brown Twiss effect 254
harmonic oscillator 38 100
Harmonic oscillator heat bath 44
Harmonic oscillator, cannot be treated as two level system 279
Harmonic oscillator, damped 6
Harmonic oscillator, damped, and quantum Langevin equation 162
Harmonic oscillator, damped, example of destruction of quantum coherence 227
Harmonic oscillator, damped, master equation treatment 180
Harmonic oscillator, energy eigenvalues 102
Harmonic oscillator, Heisenberg picture 104
Harmonic oscillator, mean energy of 68
Harmonic oscillator, number states 102
Harmonic oscillator, P-representation of 183—187
Harmonic oscillator, phase damped 182
Harmonic oscillator, quantum Langevin equation for 66
Harmonic oscillator, squeezed states of 326
Harmonic oscillator, wavefunctions in momentum space 104
Harmonic oscillator, wavefunctions in position space 102
Hartle, J.B. 347
Hashitsume, N. 348
Heat bath 39 41 42
Heat bath of Harmonic oscillators 44
Heat bath of two level atoms 150
Heat bath, fermionic 270
Heat bath, field interpretation of 43 51
Heat bath, initial independence of system 57
Heat bath, inverted 214
Heat bath, negative temperature 215 220
Heisenberg picture 72 102
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle 1 326
Hermite polynomial, Roderigues' formula 104
Heterodyne detection 261
Heterodyne detection with imperfect photodetectors 265
Heterodyne detection, balanced 265
Heterodyne detection, coherent signal 264
Heterodyne detection, local oscillator noise 264
Heterodyne detection, mean detected signal 263
Heterodyne detection, variance of detected signal 263
Heterodyne measurement of spectrum of quantum noise 6
Homodyne detection 261
Homodyne detection with imperfect photodetectors 265
Homodyne detection, balanced 265
Homodyne detection, coherent signal 264
Homodyne detection, local oscillator noise 264
Homodyne detection, mean detected signal 263
Homodyne detection, variance of detected signal 263
Imprecise measurement 25-26
Ingold, G.L. 348
Input 43
Input and driving field 88
Input field 53
Input, noise 55
Input-output methods, using fermions 270
Input-output theory of amplifiers and attenuators 213
Input-output theory of photodetection 267
Inputs, and quantum stochastic differential equations 158
Intensity correlation 254
Intensity correlation, antibunched light 255
Intensity correlation, laser light 255 256
Intensity correlation, thermal light 254 255
Interaction picture 15
Interaction picture and the cumulant expansion 79
Interference fringe 86
Inverted oscillator heat bath 214
Ito calculus, quantum 166
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