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Prigogine I. — Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport. Processes in Statistical Mechanics, held in Brussels,. August 27-31, 1956 |

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Название: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport. Processes in Statistical Mechanics, held in Brussels,. August 27-31, 1956
Автор: Prigogine I.
Рубрика: Механика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 1958
Количество страниц: 436
Добавлена в каталог: 26.03.2010
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"Redundant" variables 267 272
a priori probability 88 133 137
A priori random phases 249
Absorption lines 164
Activation energy 187 396 400
Activity coefficient for strong electrolytes 255
Admittance matrix 346
Aerodynamics 136
Affinity 281 327 328 343 348
Agar, J.N. 402 (ref. 4) 411
Alder, B.J. 97—131 136 376 2) 379
Alterman, Z. 176 (ref. 7)
Analytical invariants 247
Andrade, E.N. da C. 150 154
Angle action variables 26 et seq. 30 247
Anharmonic oscillators 356
Anharmonically coupled waves 141
Anharmonicity 37—38 63 67—72
Annihilation operator 233
Antiferromagnetics 193
Antisymmetrical wave function 172
Argon 370 376 394 396
Arrhenius law 251 400
Asymptotic time limit 19—20
Asymptotic, solution or expansion 12 21
Average collision time 322
Average regression of fluctuations 279
Bagchi, S.N. 253 260
Balescu, R. 30 33—36 37 72 343—346 348 349
Barker, W.A. 311 (ref. 3) 318
Barron, T.H.K. 72
Barycentric frame 85
Barycentric velocity 74
Bauer, E. 64 72
Bazley, N. 359
Berman, R. 64 (refs. 2 3) 72
Bernouilli's relation 60
Bessel functions 139
Bethe, H. 351 (ref. 1) 353 360
Binary collisions 1 et seq. 15 77 234
Binary encounters 365 385
Binary interactions 97
Bird, R.B. 86 (ref. 4) 96 99 131 177 179 259 260 382 385
Blatt 196
Bogolyubov, N.N. 1 (ref. 4) 7 10 14 192 266 270
Boguslawski, S. 174 176
Bohm — Pines plasma theory 194
Bohm, D. 35 36 192 195
Boiling point 383
Boltzmann collision integral 13 21
Boltzmann constant 287 307 383
Boltzmann distribution 351
Boltzmann equation 1—7 8—14 20—22 25 31 105—106 121 123 125 161 162 163 168 169 173 180—183 184 185 218 228—237
Boltzmann function 101 123 127—130
Boltzmann H-function 97
Boltzmann principle 306
Boltzmann theory of transport properties 99
Boltzmann — Einstein principle 335 337
Boltzmann — Uhling — Uhlenbeck equation 237
Boltzmann, L. 135 174 176
Bontsch-Bruewitsch 193
Borel, E. 133 135
Born approximation 249
Born collision approximation 228 237
Born — Green development 203
Born — Green — Yvon integral equation 258
Born, M. 1 (ref. 3) 7 71 72 99 11) 131 203
Bose — Einstein distribution 194
Bose — Einstein plasma theory 194
Bose — Einstein statistics 234
Bosons 42 62
Botzen, A. 365 (refs. 2 4) 369 370 371 375 382 4) 385
Boyle temperature 382 384
Bridgman's formula, 38
Brillouin, L. 132 135
Brout, R. 15—18 19 23 25—32 33 36 37 38 40 64 70 72 136 137 138 139 184 217 246 247 273 346
Brownian motion 47 56 136 148 149 155 164 166 208 213 216 224 275 376 395
Brueckner, K.A. 229 232 9) 238
Bruk, W.G. 402 (ref. 4) 411
Buehler, R.J. 99 (ref. 2) 131
Buess, R. 383 (ref. 6) 386
Buff, F.P. 24 378
Callen, H.B. 23 321 323 327—333 335 337 341 342 346
canonical ensemble 55
Capture of a particle 107
Capture, elastic 182
Capture, inelastic 182
Carbon dioxide 373
Careri, G. 137 218 396 399—401
Cascade phenomena, 215
Casimir, and variables 321
Casimir, antisymmetry 330
Casimir, H.B.G. 89 90 96 275 278 280 284 329 333 337 341 342
Cavitation 45
Chandrasekhar, S. 33 (ref. 2) 35 36
Chanu, J. 397 402—411
Chapman — Enskog development 203
Chapman — Kolmogoroff equation 11
Chapman, S. 7 81 96 99 131 173 176 203 263 265 365 376
Charosin, A.V. 409 411
chemical potential 263 407
Chew, G.F. 232 238
Chipman, J. 402 (ref. 2) 411
Circulation effect 383
Clark Jones, R. 389 393
Clausius regime 161
Cluster function (or Ursell — Mayer function) 11 12 22 104 144 147
Cluster integral 385
Cluster theory 395
Coarse grained in space 201
Coarse grained variables 276
Coarse grained, distribution function 1 20 21 37 39
Coarse grained, entropy 39
Coefficient of diffusion 73 86 104 117 120 121 137 161 154
Coefficient of diffusion, binary 177 185 213 216
Coefficient of Lagrangian correlation 212 216
Coefficient of scattering 181
Coefficient of self-diffusion 80 97 104 117 151 176
Coefficient of thermal conductivity 85 176
Coefficient of viscosity 150—152 176
Cohen, E.G.D. 169—172 184
Collective bosons 195
Collective model 196 197
Collective variables 32 34 194 195
Collective, quanta, 195 197
Collidge, R. 409 (refs. 11a 11b) 411
Collision operator 166
Collision rate 97 100 130 204 208
Collision terms 262
Collision time 97
Collisional integral 82 265 325
Collisions (electrons with lattice vibrations) 65 70
Compaan, K. 397 414—418
Compatibility, concept of 45 48—49
Compressibility isotherms 379
Compton, W.D. 418
Condensation pressure 383
Condensation region, 365
Conduction of heat 324
Conductivity of strong electrolytes 253
Configuration space 249
Conjugate variables, in thermodynamics 74 91
Conservative forces 155
Conservative system 144
Continuity equations 177
Convection flux 403
Cooperative phenomena, 152
Correlation(s) 14 16 97 98 99 119 120 128 142 203 248 414
Correlation(s) coefficients 209 210 211
Correlation(s) function 4 24 113 155 158—159 160 218
| Correlation(s) time (of sound) 39
Correlation(s), long-range 216
Correspondence principle 239 247
Costa de Beauregard, O. 132—135
Coulomb energy of repulsion 189 190
Coupling parameter 26
Covariance tensor 207
Cowling, T.G. 7 81 96 99 131 173 176 203 263 265 365 376
Cox, R.T. 312 (ref. 4) 318
Creation operator 233
Critical demixtion point 203
Critical density 369 373 378
Critical solution point 413
Critical temperature 192 373
Cross-section 15 20 56 59 151 163 164 169 170 172 181—184 228 231 235 249
Current density 263
Curtiss, C.F. 86 (ref. 4) 96 99 131 177 179 185 259 260 382 385
Cyclic processes 343
Damping (anharmonic of waves in a crystal) 70
De Boer, J. 99 (ref. 5) 131 172 261—265
De Gennes, P.G. 198 273
de Groot, S.R. 74 (ref. 3) 96 275—284 311 317 321 323 346 347 403 407 409 411 412 413
de Troyer, A. 387 (ref. 1)
Debye length 35
Debye temperature 140
Debye, ionatmosphere 255
Debye, P. 63 72 251
Defay, R. 413
Degrees of freedom 100 141 189 195 198 240 287
Delta function 5—6 105
Denbigh, K.G. 311 (ref. 2) 318
Dense gas 365 373
density 366
Density gradient 419
Density matrix 41 62 228 233 234 319 327 328
Density of quantum states 287
Density operators 41 62 243
Devonshire, A.F. 99 (ref. 2) 131
Diagonal operator 222
Diagonal singularity (Van Hove) 29
Diatomic molecule 351
Differential diffusion coefficient 255
Diffusion 204 214 383 399 400 402 414 422
Diffusion activation energy 396
Diffusion coefficient 383 387 413 414
Diffusion in gas mixtures 177—179
Diffusion in velocity space 148 154
Diffusion, equations 185
Diffusivity 387 414
Dimers 382
Dirac, P.A.M. 383 (ref. 6) 386
Dispersion law 63
Dispersion time 211 212 213
Dissipation process 29 31 138 250 324 325 334 339
Dissipative systems 227
Dissociated gas 383
Distribution(s) function 1 et seq.
Distribution(s) function in configuration space 249 340 384
Distribution(s) function in momentum space 249
Distribution(s) function, radial 116 117
Distribution(s) function, singlet 103 149
Distribution(s) function, velocity 169 173 103
Distribution(s), angular 145
Distribution(s), configurational 138
Distribution(s), spectral 146 146 202
Distribution(s), statistical 132 138
Doppler formula, 262
Double time scale 16
Drift velocity 177
Dufour effect 86
Dugdale, J.S. 64 (ref. 7) 72
Dutta, M. 253 260
Dyadic 276 279
Dynamic coefficient 36 37
Dynamic friction 33—36
Dynamic pressure 130
dynamic variables 266
Eastman, E.D. 402 (ref. 6) 411
effective mass 65 67 194
Eigen, M. 253 260
Eigenfunctions 25 26 166 231 236 239 240
Eigenstates, of the density operator 42 235
Eigenvalues 25 26 166 196 226 227 231
Einstein relation, for diffusion coefficient 149
Einstein — Smoluchowski integral equation 216
Einstein, A. 213 336 337 342
Einstein, E. 325 326
Eisenschitz, R. 22 39 62 141—147 184 215 260 266—270 271 272
Elastic sphere model 166
Electric potential 407
Electrical conductivity of solids 65 70
Electrical conductivity resistance 154
Electrode coefficient 397
Electrolytes 402 407
Electron heat current 197
Electronic conduction 166
Elementary reversibility 309
Energy flux 177
energy levels 242
Ensemble average 142 143 205 206 207 209 212
Enskog effect 383
Enskog model 127
Enskog theory of transport properties 99 110 112 121 125 136
Enskog, D. 99 110 112 121 131 365 368 382 385
Enthalpy, partial 86
entropy 39 40 45 49 51 56 57 94 130 132—135 136 137 188 189 245 281 282 287 320 324 327 328 335 343 403
Entropy in a nonequilibrium system 320
Entropy in magnetic resonance experiments 319
Entropy of transport 397
Equation of motion 313
Equation of state 112 113 116 185
Equation of state and thermal conductivity 383 395
Equilibrium 242 247 278 316 321 328 339 351 383 420
Equilibrium distribution function 276 278 281
Ergodic behavior 328
Ergodic system 139
Ergodic theorem 248
Euler equations 250
Eulerian velocities 207 210
Excitation spectrum 261
Falkenhagen, H. 251—260 271
Fermi gas 148 150 151—154 190
Fermi level 196
Fermi surface 148 149 151—153
Fermi system 149
Fermi — Dirac statistics 151 194 234
fermions 42 62 195
Feynman, R. 261 (ref. 3) 265
Fick's law of diffusion 185 213 216
Fierz, M. 168 248 394
Fine-grained distribution function 20
Fission, nuclear 187—191
Flow of heat 325
Fluctuations 280 287 294 302 308 309 310 335—338 340 346 347
Fluxes, thermodynamic 281 321 328
Fokker — Plank equation 25 30 31 37 39
Fong, P. 187 188 189 191
Forces, thermodynamic 281 321
Forrez, G. 387 (ref. 1) 393
Fourier heat law 138
Fourier series 142—143
Fourier transform 144—158
Fowler, R.H. 61 53 61
Franck, E.U. 383 (ref. 6) 386
Frankel, S.P. 99 (ref. 12) 101 131 187 191
Fredholm type integral equation 358
Free path theory, of molecular transport in gases 262
Free volume theory 99 112 113
Frenkiel, F.N. 204—214 216 217
Friction, constant 119 141 143 146—149 151 376
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