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Prigogine I. — Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport. Processes in Statistical Mechanics, held in Brussels,. August 27-31, 1956
Prigogine I. — Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport. Processes in Statistical Mechanics, held in Brussels,. August 27-31, 1956

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Название: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport. Processes in Statistical Mechanics, held in Brussels,. August 27-31, 1956

Автор: Prigogine I.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Механика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1958

Количество страниц: 436

Добавлена в каталог: 26.03.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Friction, molar      185
Friction, phenomenological      155 160 163 164 185
Friction, tensor      377
Frictional relaxation      104
Friedman, A.S.      369 (ref. 6) 375 382 385
Frisch, H.L.      1 (ref. 5) 7 22 28 136 216 362
Froehlich      193
Furry, W.H.      389 393
Gaussian distribution      341
Generating function      157
Gibbs adsorption equation      271
Gibbsian ensemble      233
Gibson, R.O.      365 (ref. 3) 375
Glansdorff, P.      343
Goeppert Mayer, M.      187—191 198
Goldberger, M.L.      232 238
Gottlieb polynomial      360
Grand partition function      51
Grand-canonical ensemble (Gibbs)      203
Gravitational forces      33—36
Green, H.S.      1 (ref. 3) 7 99 11) 131 203 229 238
Green, M.S.      8—14 19 21 37 39 62 150 151 154 184 198 215 247 271 348 378 394
Greene, R.F.      335 (ref. 8) 337 341 342
Gross state      276
Gross variables      276
H-Theorem      31 39 133 242 281
Haase, R.      394 396 407 411
Haga, E.      259 260
Hall effect      168
Hamilton's canonical equations      202
Hamiltonian      23 25 244 313
Hard sphere model      73—96 97 112 184 379 see
Harmonic forces      138 156
Harmonic oscillators      146
Harmonic wave approximation      69 70
Harmonic waves      67 68 69
Hashizume, N.      285 (ref. 1) 287 310 324 326
Haven, Y.      414—418
Heat bath      312 316 352
Heat conduction      394
Heat conduction of compressed argon      376
Heat conduction of gases and liquids      365
Heat conductivity      37 162 173 174 175 376
Heat expansion      38
Heat flux      73—96 138 151 383
Heat flux vector      171
Heat of formation      384
Heat resistance      154
Heat transfer      382 397
Heat transport      378 394 397
Heat, current      197
Heaviside step function      357
Helium      394
Hermiticity of an operator      227
Herpin, A.      64 71 72
Herzfeld, K.E.      353 361
Hilbert space      240 293 328
Hilbert, D.      44 173 174 176
Hill, D.L.      187 191
Hill, T.L.      385 (ref. 8) 386
Hirschfelder, J.O.      86 (ref. 4) 96 99 3) 131 177 179 259 8) 260 382 383 385 386 391
Holes, in semi-conductors      193
Holtan, H., Jr.      409 (refs. 12 16b) 411
Hueckel, E.      251
Husimi, K.      234 238
Hydratation effects      397
Hydrodynamics      136
Hydrodynamics equations      250
Hydrodynamics time derivative      384
Hydrodynamics velocity      199
Hydrogen      351
Hypergeometric functions      354
Ideal liquid      250
Impedance matrix      346
Impulsion current      201 202
Indium      399
Information theory      135 309
Insulating solids      63—72
Interferometric measures      407
Interstitial diffusion      414
Interstitial site      414
Invariants of a matrix      138
Invariants, energy      139
Ionic conductivity      414
Ionic parameter      253
Ionization energy      182
Ionization rate      183
Ionization, cross-sections      183
Irreversibility      16 20 65 68
Irreversibility, assumption of      70—72 142
Irreversible processes      275 311
Irreversible thermodynamics      73—76 282 327 334 343
Irving, J.H.      201 (ref. 2) 203
Isothermal diffusion      402
Isotope effects in diffusion      414
Joule — Thomson effect      48 49
Kac, M.      11 14 15 18 30
Kaminshy, M.      252 360
Kelbg, G.      263 260
Khalatnikov, I.      262 264 265
Kihara, T.      180—183
Kinetic coefficients      330
Kinetic equations of thermodynamics of irreversible processes      329 339
Kirkwood theory of liquids      148 235
Kirkwood theory of transport processes      99
Kirkwood, J.G.      1—7 19 37 99 131 139 141 147 148 154 201 203 218 229 235 238 248 376 378 379 394 396
Klein, G.      177—179 217
Klein, M.J.      311—318 321 323 327 333
Klemens, P.G.      64 (ref. 10) 72
Knudsen domain      382
Knudsen number      162
Knudsen regime      161
Koopman type of formalism      203
Kramers, H.A.      31 32 263 265 359 361
Kronig, R.      261 (ref. 2) 262 266
Lafleur, S.      383 (ref. 5) 384 385
Lagrange multiplier      313
Lagrange, postulate      337
Lagrangian microscale of turbulence      212 213
Lagrangian velocities      206 210
Lamb, H.      204
Lamb, W.E., Jr.      11 (ref. 5) 14
Laminar flow      152
Lamm, O.      185
Landau, L.      192 261 262 265 352 353 361
Lande, A.      64 (ref. 11) 71 72
Langevin equation      99 148 149 156 159 160 302 340 341 377
Laplace transform      157 158
Lattice vibrations      65
Lattice waves      63 68
Lead      399
Lebowitz, J.L.      20 23 39 137 168 346 347 363
Leibfried, G.      64 (refs. 12 13) 72
Leist, M.      254 260
Lennard-Jones 6—12 potential      379
Lennard-Jones, J.E.      99 (ref. 2) 131
Lenoble, J.      402 (ref. 5) 411
Lepoutre, G.      409 411
Levinson, C.A.      232 (ref. 9) 238
Levy, P.      133 135
Lewinson, V.A.      99 (refs. 7 12) 101 131 376 379
Lidiard, A.B.      414 (ref. 1) 418
Liouville equation      1 8 15 21 23 25 37 39 89 215 216 228 233—235 249 324 376
Liouville operator      25 et seq. 31
Lippman — Schwinger equation      232
Lippman, B.A.      232 238
Lipscomb, F.J.      351 (ref. 2) 360
Localization principle      43
Long-range correlated density fluctuations      394
Longuet-Higgins, H.C.      40 73—96 136 137 138 246
Lorentz force      181
Lorentz — Sommerfeld theory, for semiconductors and metals      192
Loschmidt paradox      132 133
Ludwig, C.      402
Lurcat, F.      323
Luttinger, J.M.      164 165
MacDonald, D.K.C.      20 38 63—72 136 139 168 396
Machlup, S.      275 (ref. 4) 280 284 285 310 324 326 335 336 337 338 339 342 348 376—381 396
Macroscopic observation      292 300 309
Macroscopic operators      287
Macroscopic variables      276 346
Macroscopic weight      300
Macroscopic, causality theorem      44 161
Macroscopic, indetermination of energy      286 289
Macroscopic, relaxation time      299
Magnanini      383 (ref. 7) 386
Magnetic field      283
Magnetic resonance      242 319
Mahmoud, H.M.      232 (ref. 9) 238
Malagnini      383 (ref. 7) 386
Manning, I.      334—342
Many-body problem      60
Many-body theory      192—194
Many-particle systems      102 215
Mariens, P.      387 (ref. 1) 393
Markoff chain      99
Markoff process      11 31 119 121 226 225 239 248 337
Massignon, D.      23 199—203 215
Master equation      11 15 30 31 33 40 239 246 247 275 276 346
Maun, E.K.      99 (ref. 7) 131
Maxwell molecules      165
Maxwell, J.C.      166 167
Maxwellian velocity distribution      73 80 93 94 103 106 123 127—130 149 161 162 182
Mayer, J.E.      22 40 99 131 259 260 395
Mazo R.M.      261—265 271
Mazur, P.      275—284 409 411
McCombie, C.W.      414 (ref. 1) 418
Mean free path      65 101 104 162 192 194 196 208 213 216
Mean probability      297
Meijer, P.H.E.      311 (ref. 2) 312 314 318 319—323 327 333
Meinel, A.B.      351 (ref. 3) 360
Meitner, L.      191 (ref. 4)
Meixner, J.      383 (ref. 6) 386
Mencher, A.      311 (ref. 3) 318
Method of stochastic differential equations      336
Metropolis, N.      99 (ref. 13) 131 187 191
Michels, A.      365—375 382 4) 385
Microcanonical average      228
microcanonical ensemble      301
Microcanonical equilibrium      227 228
Microscopic reversibility, principle of      90 239 280 282 284 337
Migdal      193
Milner, S.R.      251
Molecular agitation      206 208 213 214
Molecular chaos, assumption of      4 19 43 80 121
Molecular cluster      394
Molecular diameter      379
Molecular distribution function      325
Moller, C.      231 238
Momentum inversion operation      330
Momentum parity      329
Momentum reaction      351
Momentum reversal operator      329
Monomer      382
Monte-Carlo techniques      360
Montroll, E.W.      37 351—361
Moreau, Ch.      409 (ref. 16a) 411
Mori, H.      229 238
Moyal, J.E.      2
Multiply periodic systems      362
N-Hexanenitrobenzene      413
N-particle distribution functions      21
Navier — Stokes equation      199—203 215—218
Nearest neighbor interaction      66
Nernst, W.      383 (ref. 6) 386
Neutron scattering, in a liquid      394
Nijboer, B.R.A.      98 (ref. 1) 131
Nishiyama, T.      234 238
Nitrogen      351
Noise in a linear reactive electric network      341
Nonequilibrium distribution function      277 381
Nordsieck, A.      11 (ref. 6) 14
Normal modes      63 138
Normal vibrations      72
Norrish, R.G.W.      351 (ref. 2) 360
Offerhaus, M.J.      169—172
Ohm’s Law      181
One photon-one atom radiation problem      246
One-particle distribution function      81 83
Ono, S.      229—238 259 325
Onsager — Machlup reciprocal relations      275 et seq. 280 327 346 348
Onsager — Machlup relations      73 74 87—91 94
Onsager — Machlup theorem      335 338 340
Onsager, L.      73 75 96 185 215 251 271 275 4) 278 280 284 285 310 324 326 335 336 337 (ref. 338 339 341 342
Oppenheim, I.      376 (ref. 1)
Ornstein, L.S.      63 72
Ornstein’s formula,      217
Ortho-para mixtures, transport properties of      169 172
Ortho-para ratio, for hydrogen      139
Orton, B.R.      147
Oscillator      247
Overhauser nuclear polarization effect      311 327
Overhauser, A.W.      311 (ref. 3) 318
Oxygen      351
Pair function      81 134 136
Paoletti, A.      399—401
Partition function      60 61
Pauli, W.      220 (ref. 3) 225 228
Peierls Umklapp processes      140
Peierls, R.E.      30 32 63 64 65 70 71 72
Pekeris, C.L.      173—176 184
Perturbation theory      352
Perturbation, Hamiltonian      293 352
Phase angle      67
Phase averaging      21
Phase cells      240
Phase correlations      30
Phase independent classical systems      248
Phase space      2 25 31 37 137 149 200 202
Phase space, distribution function      235 249
Phase transformation functions      2
Phenomenological coefficient      75 84—87
Philippot, J.      29 (ref. 7) 32
Phonons, collision of      139 193 219
Phonons, free propagation of      136 138 194 196 197
Pidduck, F.B.      174 176
Pines, D.      35 36 192 195 196
Plane parallel plate method      365
Plasmons      198
Poincare condition      28
Poincare cycle      20 391
Poincare period      40
Poincare recurrence time      28 362
Poincare theorem      139
Poincare, H.      28 32 132 136
Poisson bracket      25
Poisson distribution      146
Pomeranchuk, I.      64 71 72
Pople, J.A.      73—96
Predictive probability      309
Pressure      199 201
Pressure, hydrostatic      171
Pressure, tensor      171 202
Prigogine, I.      16 (ref. 3) 18 25—32 33 36 37 64 70 72 137 139 215 247 271 272 282 284 311 2) 317 318 324 326 327 333 336 342 343—345 347 348 349 383 6) 384 385 386 394 403 407 411 412 413
Principle of least dissipation      325
Principle of minimum entropy production (domain of validity)      311
Principle of the macroscopic physical reality      286 298 347
Probability distribution function      336
Probability distribution function in a macroscopic cell      309
Probability distribution function, generalization      331
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