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Gerstner W., Kistler W.M. — Spiking Neuron Models |
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Action potential 13 47
Adaptation 19 59
Afterpotential 15
Alpha function 110
AMPA receptor 62 387
Analog neuron 204
Arborization function 409
Arrhenius Current model 199
Arrhenius formula 199
Asynchronous firing 240
Asynchronous firing stability 294
Attractor length 319
Auditory system 450
Autocorrelation function 169
Axon 12
Back propagating action potential 378
Balanced excitation and inhibition 187 248 317
Barn owl, auditory system 450
BCM rule 370
Bifurcation 86
Bifurcation Hopf 86
Bifurcation saddle-node 89
Binary neuron 313
Blobs of activity 331
Cable equation 64
Calcium current 55 60
Calcium dynamics 60
Calcium second messenger 387
Cluster states 296 308
Coding, neuronal 23
Coding, neuronal, correlation code 31 151 442
Coding, neuronal, phase code 31 149 450 453
Coding, neuronal, pulse code 29 149
Coding, neuronal, rate code 24 25 34 35 204
Coding, neuronal, signal transmission 257 441 450
Coding, neuronal, spike code 29 149 442 450
Coefficient of variation 196
Coincidence detector 450 453
Coincidence rate 128
Compartmental model 71
Competition 402
Complex cells 406
Conditioning 432
Conductance-based neuron model 45 124
Connectivity, mexican hat 324 329
Connectivity, sparse random 246
Continuity equation 220
Correlation code 31 151
Correlation function 414
Correlation matrix 396
Correlation, input-output 281 284
Correlation, reverse 32 286
Correlation, spario-temporal 418
Correlation, spike-spike 415
Cortical map 410
Covariance matrix 396
Covariance rule 369
Delay lines 442 446 455
Dendrite 12 63
Dendrite compartmental model 71
Density equation 217
Density equation for membrane potential 219
Density equation for phase variable 229
Density equation for refractory variable 225
Diffusion model 188 220
Electric fish 445
entropy 320
Epsilon kernel definition 110
Epsilon kernel interpretation 112
Escape model 174
Escape model for population 223
Escape rate 174
Eta kernel definition 110
Eta kernel for Hodgkin — Huxley model 126
Eta kernel interpretation 111
Excitable system 91
Field equation 254 325
Field equation blob/bump solution 331
Field equation for hypercolumn 335
Field equation for several populations 338
Field equation for spiking neurons 343
Field equation homogeneous solution 325
Firing intensity 174
Firing rate 24 25 34 169
Firing rate instantaneous 414
Firing rate joint 414
First passage time 192
First principal component 397 399
Fish, electric 445
Fitzhugh — Nagumo model 79 89
FitzHugh — Nagumo model impulse response 114
FitzHugh — Nagumo model nulldines 86
Fixed point 83
Flow field 82
Flux across threshold 218
Flux drift 219
Flux jump 219
Flux refractory 224
Fokker — Planck equation 189 221 425
Frozen noise 312
Gain function 25
Gain function and population activity 243
Gain function of Hodkgin — Huxley model 48
Gain function of integrate-and-fire model noise-free 104
Gain function of integrate-and-fire model with noise 223
Gain function of neocortical neuron model 55
Gain function type I 90
Gain function type II 90
Gating variable 45
Green's function 67
Hazard 164
Hazard model 174
Hebb's postulate 361
Hodgkin — Huxley model 44
Hodgkin — Huxley model eta kernel 126
Hodgkin — Huxley model gain function 48
Hodgkin — Huxley model kappa kernel 126
Hodgkin — Huxley model reduction to SRM 125
Hodgkin — Huxley model reduction to two dimensions 77
Hopf bifurcation 86
Hopf bifurcation subcritical 88
Hopf bifurcation supercritical 88
Hypercolumn 334
Impulse response 112
Impulse response FitzHugh — Nagumo model 114
Inferior olive 310
Information theory 320
Inhibition shunting 21
Inhibitory rebound 19 48 55
Integrate-and-fire model 101
Integrate-and-fire model gain function 104
Integrate-and-fire model noisy 184
Integrate-and-fire model relation to detailed model 133
Integrate-and-fire model relation to SRM 116
Integrate-and-fire model, leaky 102
Integrate-and-fire model, multi-compartment 142
Integrate-and-fire model, multi-compartment, relation to 144
Integrate-and-fire model, multi-compartment, relation to SRM 146
Integrate-and-fire model, nonlinear 105 133
Integrate-and-fire model, quadratic 106
Integrate-and-fire model, two-compartment 145
Interneuron model reduction to nonlinear i&f 133
Interneuron model reduction to SRM 137
Interval distribution 164
Interval distribution for escape rate models 178
Interval distribution for inhomogeneous Poisson process 180
Interval distribution for periodic input 181
Interval distribution input-dependent 163
Interval distribution interspike 162
Ion channel 44 51
| Ion channel, A-current 54
Ion channel, potassium 53
Ion channel, sodium 51
Ion current, calcium 55
Kappa kernel definition 110
Kappa kernel for Hodgkin — Huxley model 126
Kappa kernel interpretation 112
Kramers — Moyal expansion 189
Langevin equation 184 190
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) 406
Learning equation 395
Learning rule, Oja's 405
Learning window 366 373
Limit cycle 85 319
Locking 300
Locking noise-flee 300
Locking theorem 301 303
Locking with noise 306
Long-term potentiation see “LTP”
Low-connectivity network 246
LTP 362
LTP heterosynaptic 369
LTP homosynaptic 369
Markov process 189
Master equation 425
McCulloch — Pitts neuron 314
Mean field dynamics 314
Membrane potential 14
Membrane potential density 188 192 217
Membrane potential stationary distribution 221
Morris — Lecar model 78 90
Nernst potential 41
neuron 11
Neuron bursting 19
Neuron postsynaptic 12
Neuron presynaptic 12
Neurotransmitter 14
NMDA receptor 62 383 387
NMDA receptor coincidence detector 387
Noise 157
Noise channel 160
Noise model, diffusive noise 184
Noise model, noisy integration 184
Noise model, noisy reset 183
Noise model, noisy threshold 174
Noise model, random connectivity 246
Noise model, stochastic spike arrival 184
Noise spectrum 170
Noise, escape 174
Noise, Gaussian white 184
Noise, Johnson 159
Noise, slow 182
Noise, synaptic 160 320
Noise, thermal 159
Nulldines 82
Oja's rule 370
Orientation selectivity 406
Orientation selectivity map 410
Orientation selectivity, model of 334
Ornstein — Uhlenbeck process 184 190
Oscillation 293
Oscillation as an instability 294
Oscillation of spatial network 338
Oscillation, cluster states 296 308
Oscillation, synchronous irregular 310
Oscillation, synchronous locked 300
OWL 450
Pairing experiment 365
Phase code 31 149
Phase plane analysis 82
Phase portrait 82
Place cells 431
Point process 161
Poisson neuron 172
Poisson neuron with absolute refractoriness 167 173
Poisson neuron, linear 415
Poisson process 172
Poisson process, homogeneous 165
Poisson process, inhomogeneous 180 203 206
Population 28
Population activity 28
Population activity as a flux 218
Population activity asynchronous firing 240
Population activity continuum model 250
Population activity definition 28 213
Population activity density equation 217
Population activity field equation 254 325
Population activity integral equation 232
Population activity linearized equation 258 263
Population activity noise-flee equation 259
Population activity oscillations 293
Population activity transients 269
Population activity Wilson — Cowan equation 208 235 238
Population activity, blobs/bumps of 331
Population rate model 207
Population vector 29
Population, coupled 207 250
Population, fully connected 214
Population, homogeneous 214
Population, inhomogeneous 183
Postsynaptic potential 14 112
Postsynaptic potential, excitatory 20
Postsynaptic potential, inhibtory 20
Power spectrum 170
Prediction 429
Primary visual cortex (V1) 406
Principal component analysis 395
Principal components 396
PSTH, peri-stimulus time histogram 27 281
Pulse code 29; see “Coding”
Quasi steady state 78
Random connectivity 246
Random walk 187
Rate 24 25
Rate code 25 204
Rate, mean firing rate 24 25
Rate, population activity 28
Rate, spike density 27
Rebound, inhibitory 19 48 55
Receptive field 406
Receptive field development 406
Receptive fields, asymmetric 406
Receptive fields, center-surround 406
Reconstruction kernel 32
Refractoriness 113
Refractory density 223
Refractory period 13
Refractory period, absolute 13
Refractory period, Hodgkin — Huxley model 47 50
Renewal hypothesis 167
Renewal process 161
Response kernel 111
Reverberating loop 310
Reversal potential 21 43
Reverse correlation 32 286
Saddle point 83
Self-averaging 401
Separation of time scales 94
Sequences 441
Short-term memory 320
Signal transmission 257 433 441 450
Signal-to-noise ratio 170 201 280
Simple cells 406
Soma 12
Sparse network 312
Spike packets 351
Spike response model 110
Spike response model definition 110
Spike response model relation to Hodgkin — Huxley model 125
Spike response model relation to integrate-and-fire 116
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