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Davies P. — The New Physics
Davies P. — The New Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: The New Physics

Àâòîð: Davies P.


Physics affects the way we live and, ultimately, how life itself functions. This new take on a classic text investigates key frontiers in modern physics. Exploring our universe, from the particles within atoms to the stars making up galaxies, it reveals the vital role invisible mechanisms play in the world around us, and explains new techniques, from nano-engineering and brain research to the latest advances in high-speed data networks and custom-built materials. Written by leading international experts, each of the nineteen chapters will fascinate scientists in all disciplines, as well as anyone wanting to know more about the world of physics. First Edition Hb (1989) 0-521-30420-2 First Edition Pb (1992) 0-521-43831-4

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1989

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 526

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 01.04.2014

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$CuCl_{4}$      217 219
$La_{2} CuO_{4}$      228
$Rb_{2} CoF_{4}$      217 228
$Rb_{2} MnF_{4}$      217
'Holes' in the distribution of galaxies      183
'Refusal to rotate'      275—278 281
'tHooft, G.      436 453
3C 273      98 100 109 172 175—176 179—181
Abrahams, E.      231
Acceleration of high energy particles in active galactic nuclei      176 178—182
Acceleration of high energy particles in supernovae      132
Accelerators      2 4 396 400 420—421 481—488
Accretion      100 104 135
Accretion in X-ray binaries      139—146
Accretion onto black holes      145 170 172
Accretion, disc      129 141—142 145 176 179—182
Accretion, thick discs      176 181—182
action      394
Active galactic nuclei      96—100 104 107—110 169—182
Active galactic nuclei, blue bump continuum feature in      172 175
Active galactic nuclei, broad line emission regions      173 176—177
Active galactic nuclei, continuum spectra of      172—176
Active galactic nuclei, narrow line emission regions      176—177
Active galactic nuclei, primary ingredients of      172—176
Active galactic nuclei, X-ray variability of      169—171
Actualisation      373 382 387 389—390 393—395
Adams, G.      229
Adaptation      342 344
Adsorbed gases      209 218—222 234—235
Advanced X-ray Astronomy Facility (AXAF)      204
Aharonov — Bohm effect      283 469
Albrecht, Andreas      45
Alfven velocity      150
Algorithmic complex theory      350 368—369
Alpha particle      397—398 400 410 426 449
Ambegaokar, V.      226
Amplification of ultra-weak effects      287
Amplifier      229
Analyser      381—383 386
Anderson, P.W.      230—231
Andronikashvili oscillator      225—226
Angular distribution (of scattered particles)      411 419
Annihilation      400 409 413
Annihilation, Drell — Yan process      418
anomalies      439 441
Anomalies in quantum field theory      489
Anthropic principle      201
Anti-shielding (in QCD)      478
Antibunching of photons      294
Antiferromagnetism      210—211 216—219 228 230
Antimatter      40 47 427
Antiparticle      90 400 413
Antiproton      400 409 418
Antiquarks      397 428 430 see
Antisymmetry      405—406
Apparatus      389—390 392 394—395
Argand diagram      463
Argonne National Laboratory      413
Aristotle      61 394
Aspect, A.      385—388 395
Astronomical colours      206
Astronomical nomenclature      206
Astronomical unit      206
Astrophysical cosmology      183—201
Astrophysical cosmology, basic observations of      183—186
Astrophysical cosmology, basic problems of      201
Astrophysical cosmology, standard dust-filled models      186—189
asymptotic freedom      476—478
Atmosphere, transparency of      94—95
Atomic elements      422
Atomic hydrogen      272 274
Atomic nucleus      see "Nucleus"
Atomic theory      1
Atomic transitions      293
Atomists      481
atoms      70 396—398 404 410 423
Atoms, excited      408
Atoms, neutrality of      421
Attraction basin      332
Attractors      310 331 355—363
Attractors, chaotic      332—333 335 346
Attractors, dimension of      332—333 345—346
Attractors, fixed point      331
Attractors, fractal      350 359—363
Attractors, limit cycle      332
Attractors, torus      332
Autocatalysis      321 323
Autoionising state      302
AVLIS      303—304
Axions      164 200—201 491
Baade, Walter      24
Bar magnet      214—215
Bardeen, James      29 48
Bare charge      477
Barnsley, M.      355—358
Baryon      195 401—402 404
Baryon asymmetry in the early universe      197 201
Baryon number      40 47 49—51 54
Baryon-antibaryon pair production      195—197
BCS Theory of Superconductivity      282
Beaming of the emission from active nuclei      179—182
Beams of high energy particles in active galaxies      173 177—182
Beams of high energy particles in active galaxies, precession of      179
Beauty quark      399
Becklin — Neugebauer object      157
Bednorz, J.G.      228
Bekenstein, Jacob      29
Bell's inequality      384—385 387
Bell's theorem      385
Bell, J.S.      384—385 387 393
Belousov — Zhabotinski reaction      321
Benard cell      317 319 see
Berezinskii, V.L.      224
Berry, M.      368
Beta-brass      216—217
Beta-decay      83 399 419
Bethe, H.A.      212
Bialynlcki-Birula, I.      391
Biased galaxy formation      200—201
Bifurcation      311 334 338—339 343
Bifurcation, cascades      335—336
Bifurcation, diagram      334
Bifurcation, equations      336
Bifurcation, global      336
big bang      4 31 34—38 65—67 71 92—93 101 164 185 194—201 413 421 485 491 see
Big bang, relics of      66
Big crunch      65—66
Binary alloy      216 269
Binary liquid      216
Binary pulsar      17—18 99
Binary pulsar, energy loss to gravitational waves      18
Binary pulsar, periastron shifts in      17
Binary stars      127—129
Binary x-ray sources      113
Biological evolution      325 334 342
biology      448
Bipolar outflows      148 155—161
Bishop, D.J.      226—227
Bistability      323 325
BL-Lac objects      98 109 169—182
BL-Lac objects, polarisation of      172—173
BL-Lacertae objects      see "BL-Lac objects"
Black holes      3 67—68 84 90 100 110 113 129 144—145 164 169—182 484
Black holes and Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis      29
Black holes and Cygnus X1      30
Black holes and M87      30
Black holes as source of gravitational waves      20
Black holes in active galactic nuclei      176 181—182
Black holes in X-ray binaries      145
Black holes, collision of      33
Black holes, entropy of      30
Black holes, evaporation of      29 104
Black holes, event horizon of      26 28
Black holes, four laws of mechanics      29
Black holes, Hawking — Penrose theorem      28
Black holes, increase of horizon area      28
Black holes, Kerr solution      25
Black holes, Kerr — Newman solution      28
Black holes, last stable circular orbit      144—145
Black holes, Penrose process      26
Black holes, primordial      491
Black holes, radiation from      67—68 see
Black holes, Reissner — Nordstrom solution      28
Black holes, Schwarzschild radius of      25
Black holes, Schwarzschild solution      25
Black holes, supermasslve      110 169—170 176 194
Black holes, temperature of      29
Black holes, uniqueness of      28
Bloch, F.      223
Block variables      244
BLOCKS      212—213
Bohm, D.      388
Bohr, Niels      6 373 393—395
Boiling      210—211 220
Boltzmann constant      212
Bondi, Hermann      7 17 31 32 66
Born, M.      352 377
Bose condensation      273 275—277 282—283
Bose statistics      272—273 275 283
Bose, Satyendra      486
Boson      86—87 486
Bottom hadron      418
Bottom quark      399 420 484
Bottomium      404
Boundaries      212—213 223—224
Bragg peak      224
Braginsky, Vladimir      10
Braking index of pulsars      136
Brans — Dicke theory      8—9 11 15
Brans, Carl      8
Bremsstrahlung      100 148
Bremsstrahlung, X-ray emission from hot gas in galaxies      163
Bremsstrahlung, X-ray emission from supernovae      132
Bretz, M.      221—222
Brightest galaxies in clusters      161 166—168 182
Brightest galaxies in clusters as active galaxies      182
Brightest galaxies in clusters, multiple nuclei in      166
Brightest galaxies in clusters, redshift-magnitude relation for      184—186 190—191
Brightness temperature      175
Brown dwarfs      122 163—164 199
Bulk (three-dimensional) material      209 215 217 222 226—227
Calabi — Yau space      490
cAMP      326 327
cAMP, oscillatory synthesis of      327
Carbon      218—219 220—221
Carbon burning      121—122
Carter, Brandon      29
Casati, G.      367—368
Casimir forces      296
Cassiopaeia A      132—133
Cataclysmic variable      129
Causality      76—79 387 388 448
Caves, C.M.      314
Cavity high-Q      296
Centre manifold theory      336
CERN      400 409—410 412—414 418 471 482—483 486
Chains of atoms      215 217—218 220 226—227 234—235
Chaltin, G.      350
Chance      373 379 382 388—389 395 see
Chandrasekhar limit      111 134
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan      24
Chaos      6 309 348—372
Chaos as many-scale phenomenon      264
Chaos in excited atom      370
Chaos, quantum      365—370
Chaotic dynamics      333 342 346
Chaotic fields      302
Chaotic inflation      52—53
Charge, conjugation      403—405
Charge, electric      400—402
Charge, fractional      420—421
Charge, integer      420
Charm      339 401 404 414 418 472 484
Charm, quark      415 420 422
Charmonium      404 409 479
Chemical enrichment of interstellar gas      127 164—165
Chemical oscillations      321—322 326—327
Chemical oscillations, waves      323—324 326—327
Chemotaxis      326
Cherenkov light      443
Chirality      323 484 487 489
Chirikov, B.      366—368
Chirped light      307
Chromomagnetism      398 407
Chromostatics      398 406
Classical cosmological tests      189—193
Classical physics      374 389 394
Classical statistics      272
Clauser, John      292 385—386
Climatic variability      344 346
Clusters of galaxies      107 160—169
Clusters of galaxies as isothermal gas spheres      165—166
Clusters of galaxies, brightest galaxies in      161
Clusters of galaxies, cooling flows in      168
Clusters of galaxies, crossing time of      163
Clusters of galaxies, evolution of      166
Clusters of galaxies, hot intergalactic gas in      166—169 191
Clusters of galaxies, types of      165
Clusters of galaxies, violent relaxation of      166
Clusters of galaxies, virial theorem as applied to      163
Clusters of galaxies, X-ray emission of      100
Clusters of phase      239
CNO cycle      121—122
Coarse-grained energy function      251
Coarse-graining      243
Coexistence of phases      211 220
Coherence      289 294 313
Coherent emission from pulsars      137—138
Cohesion of matter      389
coin tossing      364
Coleman, Sidney      43 45
Collider      400 418—420
Collimation of beams of ultrarelativistic particles      177—182
Colour (in particle physics)      3 398—399 405—406 423 428 472 475 478 484
Colour centre laser      308
Colour magnetism      407
Colour-magnitude diagram for stars      110—111
Coma cluster of galaxies      163 165—166
Complementarity      81 393—394
Complex number      225
complexity      4—5 318 319 323 325 341
Complexity, algorithmic      342
Composite models (of quarks and leptons)      423
Composite quantum system      379 380 385 389
Compton scattering of microwave background radiation      168
Compton wavelength      427 436 448
Computer simulation, Ising model      239
Condensate wave function      225
Conduction band      228—230
Conductivity      214 228 230—231
Configuration flow      244
Configurational energy      238 250
Confinement (of quarks)      416 437 475—476 478—479
Consciousness      393 395
Conservation laws      40 54
Conservative system      322 331
Conserved quantity      387—388
Constraints (nonequilibrium)      317 326 328—329 334 338—339 341 344
Contact binaries      128
Contingencies      373
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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