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Davies P. — The New Physics |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Continuous phase transition 211 223—224 226 230
Contractive mapping 358
Control parameter 319 330 334
Convection cells 5
Cooling flows in clusters of galaxies 169
Cooper pairs 226 282—285 288
Coordinate system 72—74
Copernicus, Nicolas 61
copper 216—220 228
Copper ammonium sulphate 218
Copper sulphate 218
Corotation radius 137—138
Correction length, critical behaviour 241
Correction length, definition 240
Correction-to-scaling 246 255
Correlation 379 383 386 392—393
correlation length 209 213—218 220 223 226—227 231 339—340
Correlation, long range 318 328 336 340
Correspondence principle 448
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) 205
Cosmic background radiation see "Cosmic microwave background radiation"
Cosmic censorship hypothesis 29
Cosmic microwave background radiation 4 31 268
Cosmic microwave background radiation, discovery of 64 66
Cosmic rays 100—101 146 148 205 401 421 484
Cosmic strings 41 51—52 164 491
Cosmic time 186—188
Cosmic time, redshift and 188
Cosmic virial theorem 164 192
Cosmological (or cosmic) constant 30 38 43 63—64 188—189
Cosmological models, ancient 61—62
Cosmological models, Freidmann's 64—66
Cosmological models, static 62—64
Cosmological models, steady state 7 31 66
Cosmological principle 186
Cosmology 3—4 30—31 183—201 481 485 see "Universe"
Cosmology of Einstein 30 62—65 68
Coulomb system 229—230
Coupling constant 426 449
covalent bond 389
Covalent forces 406
Crab Nebula 99 132 137—138
Crab nebula, pulsar in 136
Crab Nebula, rotational energy loss of pulsar in 136
Creation of universe from nothing 4
Critical density of the universe 187 201
Critical dimensionality 339—340
Critical exponents 211—212 216—217 221
Critical indices, definition 241
Critical indices, universality 248
Critical mass density 37—38 49—51 54—55 187
Critical opalescence 213
Critical phenomena 5—6 209 211 213 216—217 220 222 226 231
Critical point 236
Critical point phenomena 236
Critical region 242
Critical slowing down 257
Critical surface 254
Critical temperature 210—215 217—219 221 223 226
Crommelin, Andrew 12
Cronin, James W. 40
Cross-over in dimensionality 209 214—215 218 231
Cross-section 214—215 231
Cross-section for scattering 414 415
Crossing time of a cluster of galaxies 163 165—166
Crossover region 263
Crystal structure 211 218—219 221 228 234
Curie temperature 269
Curie, P. 210—212
Curvature radiation 137—138 175
Cyclotron emission 135 141
Cyclotron frequency 232
Cygnus A 177—178
Cygnus X-1 30 145
Cygnus X-3 144 484
d' Espagnat, B. 395
Dalaibard, J. 385—386
Dark matter in the universe 49—51 65 107 122 163—164 192—193 199—201 482 491
Dark matter in the universe in galaxies and clusters of galaxies 163—164 192
Dark matter in the universe, cold 199—200
Dark matter in the universe, detectors for 205
Dark matter in the universe, hot 199—200
Dark matter in the universe, shadow matter 487
DC Kerr effect 299
De Broglie relation 270
de Broglie wave 272 277—279 286—287
de Broglie, Louis 377
de Cheseaux, J.L. 61
Deceleration (of quarks) 418
Deceleration parameter (in cosmology) 187 189—193
Decimation form of renormalisation group 252
Decuplet 405
Deflection of light 7 12
Deflection of light and quasars 13
Deflection of light, eclipse expeditions 12
Degeneracy 232
Degeneracy pressure in stars 129 133—134
Degeneracy temperature 271
Degenerate electron gas 228—229
Degrees of freedom 464 474—475
Delta resonance 407 412
Density inhomogeneities 35—36 48—52
Density parameter of the universe 164 187 189—193
Density parameter of the universe from primordial nucleosynthesis 192 195—197
Density parameter of the universe, due to galaxies 191
Density wave theory of spiral structure 146
Detailed balance 320 330—332 337
Determinism 348 353—358 364—365 368—370
Deterministic chaos 311 see
Deterministic randomness 350 369
Deuterium 272 274
Deuterium, abundance in interstellar clouds 151
Deuterium, synthesis in early universe 101
Deuteron 413 421—422
Diamagnetism 477 479
Dicke, Robert 8 10 37
Dictyostelium discoideum 326
dielectric constant 229 476—477 479
Differential geometry 74
Diffraction 271
Diffraction grating 307
Dimension of space, role in critical phenomena 238 262
Dimensions, higher 488—490
Dirac equation 448
Dirac, P. 377 436
Dislocations 224 230
Disorder 216—217 220 230—233 313 see
Dissipative system 322 331
Dissipative system, structure 319
Distances in astronomy 206
Distances in cosmology 186—187
Divergences (in quantum field theory) 3 449
Divisibility of photons 292
domain walls 41 46 48 50 53
Domain walls, cosmological 491
Domain walls, magnetic 210 212—213 224
Domains of linear operator 377
Domains, magnetic 210 212—213 215 223—224
Doping in semiconductors 228
Dorda, G. 232
Double quasar, (0957 + 561) 99
Down quark 397 402 414 422 428 484
Down quark, distribution in proton 412
Drell — Yan process 418
Drever, Ron 10
Drift velocity 229—230 232
Duality 212
Dust (in the universe) 102 116—117 146 148—149 152—153
Dust (in the universe), absorption coefficient of 152
Dust (in the universe), far infrared emission 149
| Dust (in the universe), reradiation of 149
Dust (in the universe), shells around giant stars 126
Dust (in the universe), very small grains 152—153
Dynamic Stark splitting 293
Dynamical evolution of galaxies 190—191
Dynamical friction 166 191
Dynamical system 330—331 335—336 348—371
Dynamics 348—371 373 389 391 395
Dyons 491
Eddington limiting luminosity 140 143 146 169—171
Eddington, Arthur 11—12
Effective coupling 250
Effective field theory 85 455—456
effective mass 279 284
Eightfold way 397—398 401
Einstein A and B coefficients 290
Einstein gravitational field equations 11 75 78 81—85 87—88 92
Einstein gravitational field equations, approximations to 19
Einstein gravitational field equations, exact solutions of 32
Einstein gravitational field equations, post-Newtonian approximation to 11
Einstein X-ray Observatory 100 125 132 136 172
Einstein's mass-energy relation 145
Einstein, Albert 3 6—7 62—63 67 70 72 75 93 379—380 382 394 427 490 see
Einstein, Albert and cosmology 30
Einstein, Albert and gravitational waves 17
Einstein, Albert and Schwarzschild solution 25
Electric charge 398 400—402 426
Electric charge, fundamental unit of 488
electric field 228—230 232—233
Electrical plasma 473
Electrical resistance 210 214 228 230—231 233
Electrode 229—230
Electrodynamics 232
Electroencephalogram 344 346
Electromagnetic forces 398—399 423 458 482 484 487—488
Electromagnetic radiation 289 396
Electromagnetism 1 70—71 75 79—80 82—83 85 407 468
Electron 2 70 82 88 209—210 218 226—227 228—235 396 399 404 448 472
Electron beam 398 410
Electron beam lithography 234
Electron diffraction 373
Electron microscope 396
electron pairs 226—227
Electron scattering 411
Electron systems 209—210 214 228—233 234 235
Electron-photon cascades 138 144
Electron-positron annihilation 100 143—144 413
Electron-positron annihilation in early stages of hot big bang 195—197
Electron-positron annihilation, line from the Galactic Centre 171
electronics 209 234
Electrostatics 398 406
Electroweak force 2 482 484—485 489 491
Electroweak theory 39 42 85 87—89 419
Elementary particle theory 234
Elementary particles 1 71 81—82 88 396—423
Elements, atomic 422
Embryonic development 326
Emission line regions in active galactic nuclei 176—177
Energy 210—213 216 218 220 223—224 226—229 396 404
Energy in vacuum 418
Energy, bands 228—230 232
Energy, density of the universe see "Mass/energy density of universe"
Energy, gaps 228—229
Energy, mass conversion 413 421
Energy, momentum 461
Energy, resolution 410
Energy-entropy competition 239
Enrichment of primordial gas 125 131 199—201
Ensemble 374 383
Entanglement 373 379 382—383 389 395
entropy 5 212 224 268 331 337
Entropy of black holes 30
Environment, nonreactive 379 390
Environment, reactive 380
Eoetvoes experiment 10
Eoetvoes experiment and lunar orbit 16
Epoch of recombination 195—197
EPR (Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen) 382—383 385 387 394
Epsilon expansion method 261
Equation of state for degenerate matter 134
Equipotential surfaces, gravitational 128
Equivalence principle 7—8 70 72 75 85 490
Equivalence principle and Eoetvoes experiment 10
Equivalence principle and gravitational redshift 10
Equivalence principle of Einstein 8
Equivalence principle of Newton 8
Equivalence principle, strong 15
Error contours 315
Eta Carina 127
Eta-charm 407
European Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network 204
Event horizon 90
Event horizon of black hole 26
Eventuality 374 378 380—384 387 389
Everett, Hugh 6 373 392—393 395
Evolution with cosmic epoch 193—194
Evolution with cosmic epoch, quasars 190 193—194
Evolution with cosmic epoch, radio galaxies 190—191 193—194
Evolution with cosmic epoch, temporal 391
Exchange 210
Excitation energies 408
Excitation spectra 397 404—405 409
Exclusion principle see "Pauli exclusion principle"
Exfoliated graphite 219
Exothermic reactions 323—324
Exotic hadrons 404
Expansion of the distribution of galaxies 185—186
Experiment 209 217—228 230 232 234
Explosive nucleosynthesis 131
Exponential 230—232
Exponents 211—212 216—217 221
Extended states 210 230
Extragalactic radio sources 177—182
Extragalactic radio sources, adiabatic expansion of 178 181
Extragalactic radio sources, energy requirements for 177
Extragalactic radio sources, evolution of 178—182
Extragalactic radio sources, isotropy of the distribution of 183—184
Extragalactic radio sources, strong evolution with cosmic epoch 193—194
Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) 204
Ezawa, h. 395
Fairbank, W. 421
False vacuum 42—48 53—54 57 59
Far infrared astronomy 96—97
Far Infrared Space Telescope (FIRST) 205
Faraday, Michael 488
feedback loop 327
Feigenbaum, Mitchell 6 311 364
Femtosecond 306
Fermi energy 273 279 284
Fermi statistics 272 282 284
Fermi's constant 450
Fermi, Enrico 486
Fermilab 418
fermions 83 86—87 486 489
ferromagnetism 210—213 215—216 219 230 234 486
Feynman diagrams 86 88 300 427
Feynman graph expansion method 260
Field 464
Field equations 392
Field theory, classical 77—78
film 209 214—215 217 221—222 225—227 231—232 234—235
Film creep 275
Filter 381
Fine structure 407
Fine structure constant 233 265
Finite-size scaling 257
First order phase transition 211 220—221 223—224 230
Fitch, Val L. 40
Fixed point 309
Fixed point of configuration flow 244
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