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Davies P. — The New Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Universe, primeval 234
Universe, radiation-dominated 188 194—197 198—201
Universe, scale factor of 187
Universe, smoothness problem 36 48—52
Universe, static model 62—65
Universe, steady-state model 7 31 66
Universe, thermal history of 195—197
Universe, variable, dynamical 390—392
Unstable stars 126
Up distribution in proton 412
Up quark 397 402 414—415 422 428 484
Upper critical dimension 260
Uranium 303
VACUUM 408 415
Vacuum fluctuations 296
Vacuum polarisation 432 477
Vacuum, repulsive effect of 189
Valence band 228
Valence quark 410 412 418
Valley splittings 232—233
van der Waal 406
Vapour 213 229
Variable-scaling in renormalisation group operation 244
Vector 216 222 225 375 392—393
Vector mesons 402
Vector space 76—78 92
Vector space, complex 377
Vector space, finite-dimensional 377
Vector space, infinite-dimensional 377
Vector space, linear 375 378 385 389 392—393
Vector space, real 377
Velocity dispersions in clusters of galaxies 166
Velocity dispersions in elliptical galaxies 161—163
Very Large Array (VLA) 177—178 204
Very Large Telescopes (VLTs) 203 205
Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) 204—205
Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) 173—175 178—181 204—205
Vessot, Robert 10
Vibration 229—230
Vigier, J.-P. 388
Viking Mars mission 14 16
Vilenkin, Alexander 53
Violent relaxation 166
Virial theorem 163
Virtual particles 90 427 464 486
viscosity 225
Visual binaries 127
Voids in the universe 106—107 183—184
von Eoetvoes, Roland 10
von Klitzing, K. 232—233
von Neumann, J. 377
Vortex pairs 224 226
Vortices 209 223—227
| W particle 2 88—89 434 471 473—474 478 484—485 487 489—490
W UMa-type binaries 128
W-boson 399—400 418
Wagner, H. 224
Wannier, G.H. 212—213
Wave function 210 225—226 228 230—231 389 393 401 404 463
Wave packet reduction 295
Wave-particle duality 270—271 464
Wavelength 213 288 396 407
Weak force 1—3 71 85 287 399 418—420 432 458 471 473 482 484
Weak force in the early universe 195—197
Weak force, charged current 434
Weak interaction 287 411 419—420 432
Weak localisation 230—231
Weather forecasting 358
Weber, Joseph 17 21
Weber, Joseph, gravitational wave experiments 21—22
Wegner, F.J. 224
Weinberg, Erick 45
Weinberg, Steven 2 39 436 442 457 474 490
Weiss, R. 210—212
Wheeler, John 26 395
White dwarf stars 111—113 126 129 133—134
White dwarf stars, maximum mass of 24 133
Wigner, Eugene 6 395
Wilson, Robert 31 35 64 66
Winding number 279 283 286
wires 209 226—227 231
Witten, E. 490
Wolf — Rayet stars 127 129
World-line 459
X-ray astronomy 3 97 99—100 484
X-ray astronomy, future of 204
X-ray binaries 100 104 113 129 139—144
X-ray binaries, bursters 143
X-ray binaries, dippers 142
X-ray binaries, quasi-periodic oscillations 142
X-ray Timing Explorer (XTE) 204
X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei 169—171
X-rays 217—219 222—223 224
XMM (High Throughput X-ray Spectroscopy Observatory) 204
Yajima, T. 395
Yan, T.M. 418
Yang — Mills theory 88 489
Yang, C.N. 419
Yorke, J. 364
Z particle 2 434 471—474 478 484—485 489—491
Z-boson 399—400 418
Zel'dovich, Yakov B. 49
Zero-point energy 290 296 313
Zinc 216—217
Zurek, W. 395
Zweig rule 408
Zwicky, Fritz 24
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