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Davies P. — The New Physics |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
NGC 4151 170
Niobium 228 421
Nomura, S. 395
Non-renormalisability 92 452
Nonclassical light 294 313
Nonlinearity 330 332 341 471
Nonlinearity in optics 297
Nonlinearity, refractive index 307
Nonlocality 373 379 392 395
Nonmagnetic phase 211—212
Nordtvedt effect 16
Nordtvedt, Kenneth, Jr 12 16
Normal form equations 366 341 see
NOVA laser system 292
Nuclear force 400
Nucleosynthesis in stars 111 118—122 126 164—165 167 196—197
Nucleosynthesis in the big bang 485
Nucleosynthesis, explosive 131
Nucleosynthesis, primordial 164 195—197
Nucleus 396 398 405 421 see
Nucleus, quark content of 412
Null vector 375
Number, complex 377
Octet 405
OH/IR stars 126
Ohnuki, Y. 395
Oil-drop experiment 421
Olbers, H. 61
Olbers, H., paradox of 61—63
Omega-minus 402
One-dimensional systems 209 212—216 218 220 227 230—231 234—235
Onsager, L. 212—213 217 225 234
Open systems 320—321 330
Optical astronomy 97 103
Optical astronomy, future of 201—203 205
Optical axis 380
Optical bistability 315
Optical computing 315
Optical fibres 307
Optical gain 292
Optical hysteresis 315
Optical solitons 308
Orbit 402 404
Orbital angular momentum 403 405
Orbital magnetism 285
Order 210 215—217 220 222—224
Order parameter 216 336 341
Order parameter, component number 248—262
Order parameter, critical behaviour 241
Order parameter, definition 238—239
Order, concept of 348—349 355 358—365 367—369
Ordering process at phase transition 238
Organic materials 217 219 228 234
Orion Nebula 114—116 155—157
Osheroff, D.D. 221
Oxide superconductors see "High-temperature superconductivity"
Oxygen burning in stars 121—122
OZI rule see "Zweig rule"
P-Cygni profiles 125
p-p chain 118—119 121
P-state (P-wave) 404—405
Page, D. 388
Parallax-second (parsec) 206
Paramagnetic substance 477
Parametric Down Conversion 315
Parametrised post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism 11
Parity 403 405 411 419—420
Particle accelerators 2 4 396 481—488
Particle decay 432
Particle Physics 481—490
Particle physics in the early universe 197 200—201
Particle-antiparticle production in big bang 195—197
Partition function 238
Pati 437
Pauli exclusion principle 228—230 273 399 400 402 404—406 478 486
Pauli, W. 228 377
Pearle, P. 391
Peebles, P. James E. 37
Peierls, R.E. 212—213 223—221 388
Penrose, Roger 8 26 28 32
Penzias, Arno 31 35 64 66
Pepper, M. 232
Percival, I. 367
Percolation 263
Periastron shift, in binary pulsar 17
Perihelion advance of Mercury 7 14—15 85
Period doubling 311
Periodic potential 219
Periodic table 399
Permanent magnet 210
Perturbation theory 81 84—85 90 411
Perturbations in cosmological medium, adiabatic 198—201
Perturbations in cosmological medium, growth in an expanding universe 198—201
Perturbations in cosmological medium, isothermal 198—201
Perturbations in cosmological medium, origin of 201
Perturbations in cosmological medium, vortex 198
Petersen, A. 395
Phase 211—213 216—217 220—223 225
Phase (of complex number) 225—226
Phase (of wave function) 463 469
Phase conjugation 304
Phase noise 314
Phase transitions 5 209 211—213 215—228 230—231 234—235 328—330 336 338 340
Phase transitions, nonequilibrium 329—330
Phase-space 331—332 345 451
Philosophy 374
Photinos 487
photoelectric effect 380
Photoionisation 304
Photoionisation in active galactic nuclei 172
photolithography 305
Photon 2 5 81 83 290 380 383 386—388 399 400 407—408 416 419 422 425 448—449 461 464 486
Photon barrier at large redshifts 195—196
Photon correlations 294
Pi, So-Young 48
Pion 397 400 402 407
Pion, decay of neutral 100—101 117—118 427
Pion, negative/positive production 416 418—420
Piron, C. 391
Planar spin model of superfluidity 216 222—225
Planck energy 71 85 482
Planck length 71—72 82 84—86 89—90
Planck mass 486—487 489—490
Planck temperature 490
Planck time 71 490
Planck's constant 71 232 426 447
Planck, M. 377 380 399
Planetary nebulae 111—114 125—126 129 153
Planetary systems, formation of 158
Plasma emission mechanisms 175
Plato 61
Plutonium 304
Pockel's effect 299
Podolsky, B. 382 see
Poissonian distribution 337—339
Polarisation 229 380—381 383—384
Polarisation of spin 419
Polaroid 378 380—381
Polkinghorne, J.C. 395
Polyakov, A.M. 224 436 490
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) 153—154
Polymers 227 234—235 264
Pomphrey, N. 367
Population dynamics 342—343
Population III stars 125 199
Population inversion 291
Positional information 328
Positive energy theorem 32
Positron 2 404 408 410 413
| Positronium 404
potential flow 225
Potentiality 373 379 382 387—390 393—395
Potts model 220—222
Pound — Rebka experiment 8 10
Pound, Robert 8 10
Power laws 211—212 216 220—221 224 226 231
Power-law amplitude in critical phenomena 241
Predictability 333 341—342 346 348—353 368—369 371
Predictability, loss of 351—352 358
Preons 482 488 490
Primordial helium 485
Primordial nucleosynthesis 164 195—197
probability 78 82 92 378 388
Probability amplitude 292
probability distribution 412
Proposition 374 see
Proton 2 71 88 90 396 398 400 411—412 418—422 428
Proton, decay 441 482 491
Protostars 102 114—118 155—158
Protostars as far infrared sources 158—160
Protostars, dust photosphere of 159
Protostars, hydrostatic core in 159
Pseudoscalar meson 401—402
Psi 407 409 415
Psychophysics 393
Pulsars 99 113 117 129 135—139
Pulsars as rotating magnetised neutron stars 136—139
Pulsars in supernova remnants 138
Pulsars, millisecond 135
Pulsars, X-ray 135
Pyrgons 489 491
Pythagoras's theorem 73 83
Pythagoras's theorem in curved space 73—74 78 82 92
Q-switching 306
Quanta and forces 409
Quantisation of rotation 277
Quantum chaos 6 365—370
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) 3 39 89 398 400 407 409 412 415 428 475—476 478 see
Quantum cosmology 7 71 189
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) 2—3 85 88 266 398 407 415 426 449 455 477
Quantum field theory 2—3 72 80 82 84—86 89—90 446 486 490
Quantum fluctuations 80 82 84
Quantum flux lines 226—227
Quantum gravity 3 67 70—71 80 88—89 486 489
Quantum Hall effect 210 232—235
Quantum indistinguishability 272
Quantum interference 292 300
Quantum Jump 294—295
Quantum liquids 270—275
quantum mechanics 67 397 403—404
Quantum mechanics, conceptual foundations 6 78—79 352 369—370 373—395
Quantum numbers 403
Quantum optics 5 289
quantum states see "States in quantum mechanics"
Quantum statistics see "Bose statistics" "Fermi
Quantum theory 70—72 76—80 89—90 92 93 462 464
Quantum theory of solids 210 228 230 232
Quantum tunnelling 93
Quantum vortices 225—227
Quark model 403—405
Quark-molecule 422
Quarkonics industry 421
Quarks 2 82 85 397—421 428 472 478 482—490
Quarks, bound states of 404
Quarks, flavour of 401 405 415—416 475
Quarks, light 407 418
Quarks, masses of 399 405 407
Quarks, stability of 421
Quasars 8 98 107—110 169—182
Quasars and deflection of light 13
Quasars at large redshifts 186 194
Quasars, abundances of elements 165
Quasars, double 13
Quasars, evolution of 190
Quasars, radio emission from 177—182
Quasars, spectra of 172 175—176
QUASAT radio astronomy mission 205
Quasi-stellar radio sources see "Quasars"
Quinn 442
Rabi frequency 293 295 302
Rabin, M. 355
Radar 410
Radiation 400 408 411
Radio astronomy, future of 204—205
Radio astronomy, history of 96—99
Radio emission from active galaxies and quasars 177—182
Radio galaxies 107 177—182
Radio galaxies in clusters of galaxies 167—169
Radio galaxies, confinement of radio lobes 168
Radio galaxies, evolution with cosmic epoch 193—194
Radio galaxies, radio interferometry 12
Radio galaxies, radio-quiet quasars 109
Radio galaxies, redshift-magnitude relation for 190—191
Radioactive decay 458
Radioactivity 399 418—422
Radioactivity, gamma-ray line from supernovae 131
Rae, A. 395
Ram pressure stripping 167—169
Ramakrishnan, T.V. 231
Random mutations in biology 355
Randomness 313 319 334 337 342—343 350—352 354—355 358 364—370
Rapid (r) process 122
reality 393—395
Rebka, Glen, Jr 8 10
Recombination, epoch of 195—199
Redshift 184—185 187—188
Redshift-angular diameter relation 188—189
Redshift-flux density (or redshift-magnitude) relation 188—189
Redshift-flux density (or redshift-magnitude) relation for brightest galaxies in clusters 190—191
Redshift-flux density (or redshift-magnitude) relation for quasars 190
Redshift-flux density (or redshift-magnitude) relation for radio galaxies 190—192
Reduced temperature 241
Reductionism 373 389 393
Regular structure 219—220 228 230
Reinhardt, W. 367
Relativistic plasma (in astrophysics) 96—101
Relativity, general theory 3 62—68 387 389 392
Relativity, special theory 2 7 9 81 459 464
Relaxation oscillations 310
Relevant perturbation 225
Renormalisable theory 449
Renormalisation 450 486
Renormalisation group 5—6 72 85—86 88
Renormalisation group, Fourier space 259
Renormalisation group, history 237 265
Renormalisation group, key concepts 250
Renormalisation group, Monte Carlo 258
Renormalisation group, purpose 243
Renormalisation group, real space 256
Renormalisation group, transformation 251
Reppy, J.D. 226—227
Representations of symmetry groups 430
Residence time of chemical reagents 321 323
Residual resistance 230
Resolution (in particle physics) 396 410 412—413
Resolution length in coarse-graining 243
Resonance 300 397
Resonance fluorescence 293
Rest mass 461
Retro reflector 305
Rho-meson 407
Riemann tensor 33
Riemannian geometry 10 75
Robertson — Walker metric 186—187
Roche lobe 128
Roche lobe, overflow 140—142
Roger, G. 385—386 395
ROSAT X-ray astronomy satellite 204
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