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Davies P. — The New Physics |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Instability strip 126
Insulator 210 214 228—229
integrated circuits 209 229
Interaction 210—211 216—220 229—230 232—233
Interference 270
Interference (in quantum theory) 463 469
Intergalactic gas in clusters of galaxies 166—169
Intergalactic gas in clusters of galaxies, iron line emission from 167—169
Intergalactic gas in clusters of galaxies, ram pressure of 167—169
Intermolecular interactions 328—329 338
International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) 101 125 130 148 170 172
Interstellar chemistry 103 150—152
Interstellar chemistry, gas phase reactions 150—151
Interstellar chemistry, surface reactions on dust grains 151—152
Interstellar dust features 152—153
Interstellar gas 114—116 145—160
Interstellar gas, cooling of 148—149
Interstellar gas, heating of 132 147—148
Interstellar medium 113—119 146
Interstellar medium, large scale dynamics of 146—147
Interval (in space-time) 459
Intrinsic spin 81 83
Inverse beta decay 133
Inverse beta decay, importance in collapsing stars 130
Inverse Compton scattering 175 178
Inversion layers 210 214 230 235
Ionisation 398
Ionisation above threshold 302
Ionisation losses of cosmic rays 148
Iota particle 409
Ippen 308
Iron 210
Iron, quark distribution in 413
Irreversibility 322 331 342
Irvine — Michigan — Brookhaven (IMB) neutrino experiment 130
Ising model 211—213 216—224 234
Ising model, computer simulation studies 240 244
Ising model, definition 238
Ising model, exact solution in two dimensions 243
Ising model, one-dimensional 256
Ising model, two and three state forms 246
Ising, E. 211—212
Isotope separation 303
Isotopic purification 287
Isotopic spin (isospin) 87 475
Israel, Werner 28
Iterative map 309
Japanese National Large Telescope (JNLT) 203
Jarrett, J. 388
Jets of elementary particles 478 480
Jets of hadrons 415—416
Jordan, P. 377
Josephson junction 283 287
Jost, R. 481
Kadanoff, L.P. 216
Kalatnikov, I. 66
Kaluza, Theodore 488—489 491
Kamefuchi, S. 395
Kamioka neutrino experiment 130
Kant, I. 394
Kaon 400 402
Karolyhazy, F. 392
Keck 10 m telescope 203
Kelvin, Lord 361 364
Kepler's laws of planetary motion 163 350
Kerr black holes 144—145
Kerr effect 299
Kerr solution 25
Kerr, Roy 25
Kibble, T.W.B. 474
Kicked rotator 366—367
kinetic energy 228—230 415
Klein, Oskar 488—489 491
Kleppner, D. 296
Kochen, S. 384
Kolmogorov, A. 350 364
Kondo effect 265
Kosterlitz, J.M. 224
Kramers, H.A. 212—213
Krypton 221
Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO) 148
Lagrangian point 128
Lamb shift 449
Lambda transition (temperature) 275—276 278
Landau levels 232—233
Landau — Ginzburg potential 341
Landau, L.D. 24 223
Landauer, R. 230
Langevin, P. 392
Laplace, Pierre Simon 25
Large Deployable Array (LDR) 205
Large-scale distribution of matter and radiation in the universe 104—107
Large-scale distribution of matter and radiation in the universe, formation of 198—201
Lasers 5—6 289
Latent heat 211 220
Lattice gas 220—221
Laughlin, R.B. 233
laws of physics 68—69
Layered materials 214—215 217—219 226 228 234—235
LEAR 409
Lee, T.D. 409
Left-handed (spin) 411 419
Lehmann, D. 355
Leibniz, G. 72 394
Length of a vector 375—376 378
Lenz 212
LEP 414 423 482—483 485
Leptons 2 85 399 422—423 472 482 484 486—490
Leptoquarks see "Squarks"
Levine, Martin 10
Levitation (magnetic) 421
Li, T.-Y. 364
Liapunov exponents 350
Licciardello, D.C. 231
Lifshitz, E. 66
Light amplification 291
Light cylinder 137—138
Light elements, formation in early universe 195—197
Light fluctutations 302
Light visible 410
Light waves 396
Light, inverse square law 62
Light-cone 459
Limit cycle 309 see limit
Linde, A.D. 45 52
Linear dispersion 308
Linear domain of irreversible processes 332
Linearity in quantum systems 373 389—390
Lines of force 468
Liquid 209 211 213 216 219 220
Liquid crystals 209 222—223 234 235
liquid helium 209 225—227 229—230
Local oscillator 314
Local supercluster 184
Localisation length 231
Localisation of wave function 210 230—233 235
Locality in quantum mechanics 385—387 448 450 see
Logistic equation 343
Logistic map 309
London, F. 225
Long period variables 126
Long-lived particles 424
Long-range forces 459 465 468
Lorentz invariance and Hughes — Drever experiment 10
Lorentz invariance, local 9—10
Lorentz, H.A. 313
Low energy electron diffraction 218
Lower critical dimension 256
Lowest mass stars 122
Lukacs, B. 392
| Luminosities in astronomy 206
Luminosity function of galaxies 160—162 182
Luminosity function of stars 122
Luminosity-temperature diagrams for stars 110—111 123—125 see
Lunar laser ranging 16
Lyapounov exponent 333 345
LYMAN far-ultraviolet telescope 204
Mach's principle 189
Mackey, G. 391
Magnetic dipole radiation of pulsars 136
Magnetic domains 269
Magnetic field 209—212 214 216 227 232—233
Magnetic field of the Galaxy 118 146
Magnetic field problem in star formation 158—161
Magnetic field, cosmic 491
Magnetic field, galactic 118 146
Magnetic flux 468
Magnetic flux freezing 135
Magnetic levitation 421
Magnetic materials 209—210 214—215 217—220 222 227 230 234
magnetic moment 210—211 214 217 406—407
Magnetic monopoles 3—4 34 41 46 48 50—53 437 444 482 491
Magnetic phase 211—212
Magnetic resonance 209
magnetic susceptibility 210—212 214—215 218
Magnetic systems 210—214 216—220 225 234—235
Magnetisation 210—214 216—217 219 223—221
Magnetism 210—214 217—221 228 230 234—235
Magnetosphere of pulsars 137—138
Magnetospheric cavity about accreting neutron stars 141
Magnitudes, astronomical 206
Magnitudes, astronomical, absolute 206
Main sequence 111 127
Main sequence, termination point of 123—124 126
Malus 380 388
Many-length-scale structure 243
Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics 392
Markovian process 337
Maser emission from astronomical sources 102
Mass of particles 423
Mass of quarks 399 405 407
Mass, conversion into energy 413 421
Mass, density in our Galaxy 122 163
Mass, loss from stars 111—113 125—128 146
Mass-luminosity relation for stars 111
Mass/energy density of universe 35—38 43—41 48—49 51 54—55 57—59
Masses in astronomy 206
Massive neutrinos 164 199—200
Massive neutrinos, ground-based experiments 164 200 205
Master equation 337
Matter, continuous creation of 66
Matter, large scale distribution of 104—107
Maxwell distribution 272
Maxwell's equations 75 448
Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism 488
May, R. 364
McCusker, B. 420
Mean field theory 260
Measurement in quantum mechanics 380 384 389 390 395
Meikton 407
Meissner effect 280—283 287
Mendeleev 397 399 410
Mercury, perihelion advance of 7 14—15 85
MERLIN radio interferometry array 204
Mermin, D. 224
Meson 397 401 403
Metal 209—210 214—216 228—232 234—235
Metric 9 33
Metric tensor 74—75 83—85 92
Metric theories of gravity 9
Michell, John 25
Microscope 396 410
Microwave background radiation 34—35 37 44 49 96—97 99 183—187 189 194—197
Microwave background radiation, dipole anisotropy of 104 183—185
Microwave background radiation, distortions of 168
Microwave background radiation, fluctuations due to galaxy formation 198—201
Microwave background radiation, isotropy of 104 183—184 189
Microwave background radiation, last scattering surface for 195—196
Microwave background radiation, specrum of 195
Microwave background radiation, Sunyaev — Zeldovich effect 191
Mielnick, B. 391
Milky Way galaxy see "Galaxy ours"
Millikan, R. 421
Millimetre astronomy 96
Millimetre astronomy, future of 205
Minimum entropy production 332
Minkowski spacetime 75 82—81 459
Mode locking 306
Molecular beam epitaxy 234
Molecular discs about young stars 158 160
Molecular line astronomy 102—103
Molecules 218 219 221 222—223 227 396—397 410
Molecules, interstellar 102 114—115 117 146—148 150—154
Mollenauer 308
Moment of inertia 226
Momentum 410—411
Momentum, distribution of quarks in hadrons 411 418—420
Moonrock 421
MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor) systems 210 229—230 232—233
Mott, N.F. 230
Muller, A. 228
Multi-critical point 256 263
Multiphoton processes 294 300 303
Muon 399 414—415 472
Muon, role in fusion 421
Murayama, Y. 395
Mycielski, J. 391
Mylar 226
N-galaxies 98 107
Namiki, M. 395
Narrow channels 215 231
National New Technology Telescope (NNTT) 203
Nelson, D.R. 223 226
Nematic phase (of liquid crystal) 222—223
Neodymium laser 300
Neutral current interaction 434 471
Neutral hydrogen emission 102
Neutral hydrogen emission from our Galaxy 146—147
Neutrino opacity in collapsing stars 130
Neutrinos 2 83 87—88 399 400 410—411 417 422 433 458 472 482 484
Neutrinos from supernova 1987a 130 164
Neutrinos, 'freeze out' in the early universe 195—196
Neutrinos, barrier in the early universe 195—197
Neutrinos, mass of 164 482 485
Neutrinos, number of species 197 485
Neutrinos, oscillations in identity 482
Neutrinos, right-handed 487
Neutrinos, solar 118—121 482
Neutron 2 88 396 398 400 428
Neutron drip 133
Neutron interferometer 270
Neutron liquid 134
Neutron scattering 209 211 217—219 234
Neutron stars 3 23—25 99—100 104 113 128—129 133—145 274 288
Neutron stars and pulsars 24
Neutron stars in X-ray binaries 139—144
Neutron stars, binding energy of 129
Neutron stars, break-up rotational velocity 135
Neutron stars, cooling of 136
Neutron stars, internal structure of 134—135
Neutron stars, masses of 139—140
Neutron stars, maximum mass of 24
Neutron, internal structure 406
New inflationary universe 45—53
Newman, Ezra 32
Newton, Isaac 8 61 70 76 392
Newton, Isaac, gravitational constant 70—71 488—489
Newton, Isaac, theory of gravity 61—62
Newtonian dynamics 348 352 354 370
Newtonian mechanics 70 72 76
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