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Plischke M., Bergersen B. — Equilibrium statistical physics
Plischke M., Bergersen B. — Equilibrium statistical physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Equilibrium statistical physics

Àâòîðû: Plischke M., Bergersen B.


This third edition of one of the most important and best selling textbooks in statistical physics, is a graduate level text suitable for students in physics, chemistry, and materials science. Highlights of the book include a discussion of strongly interacting condensed matter systems with a thorough treatment of mean field and Landau theories of phase transitions. Discussions of the Potts model and the asymmetric exclusion process have been added. Along with traditional approaches to the subject such as the virial expansion and integral equations, newer theories such as perturbation theory and density functional theories are introduced. The modern theory of phase transitions occupies a central place in this book. A separate, largely rewritten, chapter is devoted to the renormalization group approach to critical phenomena, with detailed discussion of the basic concepts of this important technique and examples of both exact and approximate calculations given. The development of the basic tools is completed in an expanded chapter on computer simulations in which both Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics techniques are introduced.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 3rd

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 639

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 22.11.2014

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$CrBr_{3}$      217 219
$S^{4}$ model      284—290
Absolute temperature scale      7
Absorbing boundary      328
Absorbing state      129 309
Absorption      467
Action-angle variables      30
Adiabatic compressibility      14
Adiabatic compression      26
Adiabatic process      4 5 9 10 25 28
Adiabatic susceptibility      19
Adsorbed monolayers      268—272
Alben model      104
Allele      305 330
Alloys      113
Amorphous materials      551—565
Ampere’s Law      19 230
Anderson localization      519—525
Anisotropic Heisenberg model      300
Anisotropic relaxation time      501
Annealed disorder      515 545
Annihilation operators      465 572—574
Anomalous diffusion      333
Anticommutator      573
Argon gas      351
Artificial boundaries      328 331
Assignment problem      376
Assocative memory      371
Autocatalytic systems      371
Axial vectors      494
Bachelier — Wiener process      324 336
Backbone      533 542 550
Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) theory      226 442—452
Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) theory, BCS ground state      445—449
Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) theory, finite temperature BCS theory      449—452
Basin of attraction      292
BBGKY hierarchy      157 158
BEG model      121 123
Bending rigidity      408 409 413—415
Beta-brass      110 113 515
Bethe approximation      71—76 80 101
Bethe lattice      533
BGY-equation      158
Biaxial phase      120
Binary alloys      110 516 530
Binary tree      362
Birth and death process      305—309 313 345
Birth rate      307
Black-body radiation      58
Blobs and strings picture      550
Bloch function      498 527
Bloch’s theorem      517
Block diagonal matrix      358
Block spin      278
Blume — Emery — Griffiths model      121 123
Bogoliubov theory of superfluidity      439—442
Bogoliubov transformation      441 450 477
Bohm — Staver velocity      489
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization      33
Boltzmann constant      50
Boltzmann equation      498—507
Boltzmann equation, dc conductivity      500—502
Boltzmann equation, thermal conductivity      503—507
Boltzmann equation, thermoelectric effects      503—507
Boltzmann statistics      45 46
Boltzmann — Shannon entropy      50 51
Bond percolation      530 531 534
Born — Green — Yvon equation      158
Bose condensation      422—429
Bose condensation in arbitrary dimension      429
Bose gas      439—442 475—477 508
Bose — Einstein distribution      46
Bose — Einstein integral      422
Bose — Einstein statistics      43
Bragg-Williams approximation      67—71 80 82 87 127 137
Branched polymers      418
Branching process      309—313
Brayton cycle      26
Brillouin zone      280—282 526
Broken symmetry      66 83
Broken symmetry in BCS theory      448
Brownian dynamics      350 353
Brownian motion      323—325 345
Brownian particle      354
Burger’s vector      232
Canonical distribution      37 38 52 354
canonical ensemble      29 35—39 41 43 44 47 55 57 357
Canonical partition function      38 43 44 56 57 249
Canonical transformation      33 516
Canonical variable      30
Capillary length      170
Capillary waves      163 169 415
Carnot cycle      5—8 24
Carrying capacity      129
Catastrophic events      257 258
Cauchy distribution      378
Causality      471 474
Cellular automaton      372
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation      311
Characterisitic length      399
chemical potential      2 3 10 24 25 34 36 40 41 45 121 126 129 367 402 422—424 441
Chemical reactions      362
Classical vectors      226
Classical-quantum correspodnence      186
Classifier systems      371
Clausius formulation of second law      5 6
Clausius — Clapeyron equation      23 426
Cluster approximation      101
Cluster integral      146 147 150 159 181
Cluster methods      362
Coarse graining      498
Coexistence of phases      20—23 80 92 105 125—127 129 137
Coherence length      168 454
Coherent potential approximation      525—530
Colloidal suspensions      233
Combinatorical optimization      376
Complete set of states      46 47
Compressibility      1 14 15 29 42 43 97 125 154—156 356 367
Compressibility equation of state      155
Compressibility, isothermal      27 156 366
computer simulations      349—382
Computer simulations, molecular dynamics      350—357
Computer simulations, Monte Carlo methods      357—370
Comtinuous phase transition      68
Concave functions      17 27 28
Concentrated solutions      403 405
Conditional probability      311 324 327
Conductivity      490—492 500—502 533 541
Conductivity, temperature dependence      514
Configuration integral      144 145 147 148 161
Connected cluster      514
Conservation of energy      3
Conservative molecular dynamics      351
Constant energy simulation      355
Constant pressure ensemble      60
Constitutive relation      321
Content addressible memory      371
Continuous symmetry      226 229
Continuum time evolution      306
Convex function      28 114
Cooper problem      443—444
Correlation function      96 97 162 174 183 215 217 220 227—229 235 274 283 284 286
Correlation function, current-current      492
Correlation function, direct      158 161 177 179 180
Correlation function, equilibrium      468 490
Correlation function, Gaussian model      283—284
Correlation function, Heisenberg model      477—480
Correlation function, noninteracting electrons      579—582
Correlation function, pair correlation function in liquids      155 157 159 161 178 179
Correlation function, retarded      464
Correlation function, spin-spin      75 76 80 82 220
correlation length      82 96 98 215—218 220 221 223 225 240 243 295
Correlation time      367
Corresponding states      126—128
Cost function      376 377
Coulomb gas      161
Coulomb gas, two dimensions      231
Coulomb repulsion      60
Creation operators      465 572—574
Critical dimensionality      93 97 98
critical exponent      246
Critical exponents      197 200 209—214 220 222—225 229 232 235 237 245 275 289 369
Critical exponents, complex      257
Critical exponents, correlation length      96
Critical exponents, critical isotherm      257 301
Critical exponents, crossover exponent      300 547—548
Critical exponents, disordered systems      546—551
Critical exponents, Flory      393
Critical exponents, Gaussian      410
Critical exponents, Gaussian model      282—284
Critical exponents, Heisenberg model      210
Critical exponents, Ising model      209 247
Critical exponents, Landau theory      98
Critical exponents, linear polymers      399
Critical exponents, mean field theory      101 197 282
Critical exponents, n-vector model to order $\epsilon = 4 - d$      290
Critical exponents, order parameter      67 93 197 257 301
Critical exponents, percolation      535 536 549
Critical exponents, roughness      411 414
Critical exponents, specific heat      76 197 233 246 255 266 301 548
Critical exponents, susceptibility      197 255 290 301 392
Critical exponents, tricritical point      93 98 104
Critical exponents, XY-model      210 247
Critical isotherm      76 235
Critical line      244
Critical opalescense      156
Critical point      20 21 24 74 75 77 82 83 91 93—95 98 119 123 183 197 199 200 212 216—221 231 243 365 370 399
Critical point, liquid vapor      168
Critical point, van der Waals      125
Critical slowing down      362 367
Critical temperature      64 120 194 207 212 221 222 229 233 234 243 255 278
Critical temperature, two dimensional Ising model      173
Critical velocity of superfluids      432
Crosslinking      541
Crossover behavior      220
Crumpled membranes      406—409 412 414
Cubic symmetry      100
Cubic term in Landau expansion      86
Cumulant expansion      258 285 288
Cumulant expansion, first order approximation      262 264 295
Cumulant expansion, second order approximation      264 292 296
Curie constant      3
Curie law      3 25
Curvature energy      417
Damping coefficient      353 354
dangling bonds      532 550
Death rate      307
Debye screening      507
Debye temperature      506
Degeneracy      43 59 98
Density functional theory      168
Density matrix      29 46—48
Density of states      517—530
Density operator      47 576
Density-functional methods      171—181
Detailed balance      306 359—362 467 499
Diagrammatic expansion      530
Diamond fractal      248—258
Diatomic gas      56
Diatomic molecule      58 59
Dielectric function      56
Dielectric function, diatomic gas      57
Dielectric function, electron gas      473—475
Dielectric function, local field correction      475
Dielectric function, metals      487—490
Diffusion      321 328
Dilute solutions      403
Diluted ferrmomagnet      542
Dimerization      105
Dipolar hard spheres      161
Dipolar interactions      291
Dipole moment      56
Direct correlation function      158 161 177 179 180
Director field      117
Discrete time Markov processes      358—359
Dislocations      232
Disordered systems      513—567
Disordered systems, single particle states      515—530
Dissipation      467
Distinguishable particles      32 33
Distribution function      116 144 152—154 157—160 162 163 181
Distribution function, single particle      498
Domain wall      70 101
domains      548
Double tangent construction      114 115 165 167
Drift term      321
Drift velocity      502
Drude model      485
Dynamic structure factor      465—472
Dynamic structure factor, electron gas      480—487
Dynamic structure factor, Heisenberg ferromagnet      477—480
Dynamic structure factor, ideal Bose gas      508
Dynamic structure factor, interacting bosons      475—477
Earthquakes      258
Edwards model      394 395 413
Edwards — Anderson order parameter      558
Effective bond length      418
effective mass      502
Efficiency      5—7 25—27
Einstein oscillator      59
Einstein realtion      325
Elastic scattering      153—155 499
Elasticity theory      413
Electrolytes      161
Electromotive field      504
Electron gas      480—487
Electron gas, pairing      442—449
Electron gas, screening      480—485 507—508
Electron gas, Thomas — Fermi approximation      483 507—508
Electron states, disordered alloys      515—530 565—567
Electron states, one dimension      565
Ellipsometry      169
emission      467
End-to-end distance      388
Energy fluctuations for an ideal gas      58
Energy gap in superconductors      445—452
Ensemble average      32
Entanglement      403
Enthalpy      65 182 361
Entropic elasticity      383 390 406
entropy      1 2 5 7—10 12 15—17 21 28 32—36 39 40 50—53 65 70 111 124 392 497
Entropy, Bragg-Williams approximation      67
Entropy, concavity      17 27
Entropy, ideal gas      34 55 124
Entropy, information theoretic      48 52
Entropy, maximum principle      9 59
Entropy, mixing      27 33 55 128 400
Entropy, orientational      116 138
Entropy, production      492—494
Entropy, statistical definition      32
Entropy, vortices      229 231
Epidemiology      305 316
Epsilon expansion      279—295 297 409 414
Equal-area construction      126 127
Equation of state      1 2 23 28 56
Equation of state, compressibility      155
Equation of state, fluctuations      156
Equation of state, hard sphere system      150
Equation of state, ideal gas      25 125 145 156
Equation of state, mixtures      128
1 2 3 4
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