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Garbaczewski P. (eds.), Olkiewicz R. (eds.) — Dynamics of dissipation
Garbaczewski P. (eds.), Olkiewicz R. (eds.) — Dynamics of dissipation

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Название: Dynamics of dissipation

Авторы: Garbaczewski P. (eds.), Olkiewicz R. (eds.)


This collection of lectures treats the dynamics of open systems with a strong emphasis on dissipation phenomena related to dynamical chaos. This research area is very broad, covering topics such as nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, environment-system coupling (decoherence) and applications of Markov semi-groups to name but a few. The book addresses not only experienced researchers in the field but also nonspecialists from related areas of research, postgraduate students wishing to enter the field and lecturers searching for advanced textbook material.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Термодинамика, статистическая физика/Необратимые процессы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 510

Добавлена в каталог: 04.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Adiabatic response      337
algorithmic complexity      127
Andersen thermostat      74
Anomalous diffusion      104
Anomalous Drude formula      468
Anosov system      10 47 51
Aperiodic solid      442
Arnold cat map      168
Asymptotic completeness      360 365 366
Asymptotic stability      223
Asymptotically stable semigroup      229 231 233
Baker map      132 153 156 169 175
Bloch theory      437
Bloch — Boltzmann equation      239 245 257
Boltzmann equation      494
Boltzmann statistics      16
Brownian motion      340—342
C*-algebra      267 306 439 449
Caldeira — Leggett equation      98 261
Caldeira — Leggett model      343
Chaos      340
Chaotic dynamics      147 209 317
Chaotic hypothesis      8 10 37 51 59
Chaotic motion      170 320
Chaotic system      127 165 169 172 193
Clausius entropy      423
Coherence      358
Coherent and dissipative transport      413
Coherent transport      452
Complete positivity      241 270 284 290 293 296
Completely mixing semigroup      234
Completely positive map      285
Completely positive semigroup      242 283
Controlled dynamical system      233
Damped harmonic oscillator      239
Damped oscillator      273
Damping      101 265 268
Decay rate      190
Decoherence      239 244 344
Density of state      416 446
Dephasing      259 260 345
Detailed balance      308
Diffusion      157 170 193 194 209
Diffusion exponent      457
Dissipation      259 269 283 317 331 333 341 451
Dissipative quantum dynamics      282
Dissipative system      265
Dissipative transport      462
Driving      69 70 325 327 329 338 339
Drude formula      333 495
Drude model      463 464
Dyadic baker map      151
Dynamical instability      125
Dynamical map      286 290
Dynamical randomness      127
Dynamical systems      153
Dynamical theory of relaxation      111
Entanglement      284 303 309 311 344 382
Entropy production      45 47 147 149 193 202 206 428
Environment      343 382
Equilibrium states      65
Equilibrium statistical mechanics      422
Ergodic hypothesis      9 35
Ergodic transformation      217
Ergodicity      124
Escape rate      124
Escape-rate theory      112 136
Evans — Searles theorem      53
Exact transformation      217
Fermi — Pasta — Ulam model      84
Feynman — Kac theorem      74
Feynman — Vernon formalism      344
Fluctuating environment      27
Fluctuation relations      51
Fluctuation theorem      13
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem      63 101 103
Foguel alternative      225
Fokker — Planck equation      218 227 379
Fokker — Planck operator      450
Fourier's law      84 89 92 107 429
Fractal diffusive modes      195
Fractal environment      101
Fractal heat bath      104
Fractal hydrodynamic mode      196
Fractal structures      193 201 209
Fractional derivative      103
Fractional Langevin equation      103
Frobenius — Perron operator      121 130 140 153 165 171 175 177 178 181 182 184 217 224 235
Gallavotti — Cohen fluctuation theorem      52
Gallavotti — Cohen hypothesis      395
Gaussian random variables      93
Gaussian thermostats      40
Guarneri inequality      459
Hamiltonian evolution      71
Hausdorff dimension      197 200
Heat bath      93 97 102 239 254 317 382
Heat reservoir      65 71 83
Hull      430 433 443
Hydrodynamic mode      111 113 117 140 142 154 157 193
Hyperbolic system      126 165 169 174
Influence functional      94
Integrated density of state      446
Inverted harmonic potential      155
Irreversibility      328
Irreversible process      77 148
Irreversible thermodynamics      14 60 420
Irreversible-isothermal processes      65
Ito — Schrodinger equation      246
Jaynes — Cummings dynamics      356 360
Jaynes — Cummings model      355
Jensen inequality      79
Kicked oscillator      268
Kicked quantum oscillator      272
Kicked rotor      182
Kicked top      168 178 279
Kinetic temperatures      50
Klein — Kramers equation      106
Kolmogorov — Sinai entropy      111 127 395
Kubo's formula      467 477
Langevin equation      26 29 101 340 379
Langevin evolution      72
Large dynamical systems      395
Lindblad equation      388
Lindblad evolution      379 380
Lindblad master equation      383
Lindblad operator      475
Linear Boltzmann equation      491 493 496
Linear response      89
Linear Vlasov equation      489
Liouvillian thermostats      123
Local density of state      456
Local equilibrium      88
Local equilibrium approximation      424
Local exponent      453
Lorentz gas      142 144 154 193 198—202 207
Lyapunov exponent      91 126 129 131 142 153 169 197
Markov approximation      300
Markov chain      76
Markov generator      309
Markov limit      386
Markov operator      216 232
Markov process      74 75 80 100
Markov semigroup      215 216 219 220 223 225 227 239 449 452
Markovian approximation      239 255 303
Markovian limit      251
Markovian master equation      242 245 253 254 257 261
Markovian semigroup      265
Master equation      75 83 96 97 99 104 244 354 448 449
Mean field limit      498
Memory effect      258 275 385
Mittag — Leffler function      103
Mixing      111 154 217
Models of reservoir      250
Modified cat map      178
Molecular Dynamics      36
Mott transport      416
Multibaker map      157 193
Multibaker models      111
Non-commutative algebra      439
Non-equilibrium steady state      87
Non-equilibrium steady states      83 107
Non-Lindblad master equation      387
Non-Markovian dynamics      381 385
Non-Markovian process      101
Non-perturbative response      334
Noncommutative Brillouin zone      438
Noncommutative geometry      420 441
Nonequilibrium physics      63
Nonequilibrium stationary state      8 10 80 81
Nonequilibrium steady state      35 395
Nonequilibrium work relation      77
Nonlinear Boltzmann equation      504
Nonlinear Hartree equation      499
Nonlinear Vlasov equation      498
Normality      271
Nose — Hoover thermostat      41
Ohm's law      429
Onsager reciprocity relations      63
Onsager relations      46 47
Onsager's reciprocity      430
Open multibaker map      396
Open quantum system      240 377 380
Open system      261 283 377 379
Oscillator bath      99
Periodic-orbit theory      132
Pollicott — Ruelle resonance      111 112 129 133 140 151
Positivity      270 287
Pump-billiard thermostat      43
Quantum Brownian motion      377 383 389
Quantum Brownian particle      261
Quantum chaos      317 321 322
Quantum detailed balance      244
Quantum diffusion      462 469
Quantum dot      317 319 333
Quantum dynamical semigroup      239 240 242
Quantum dynamics      493 496
Quantum heat baths      92
Quantum Jump      358 360 367 371 450 474
Quantum map      242 312
Quantum open system      239 302
Quantum reservoir      251
Quantum state control      352
Quantum state diffusion      378 380
Quantum stochastic dynamics      308
Quasicrystals      418 471
Random matrices      83 93 94 97 99 100 102 104 317 318 331 461 468 471—473
Random matrix models      107
Random matrix techniques      83
Random matrix theory      92
Random Schrodinger equation      493
Random vector      93
Relative entropy      235 255
Relaxation      31 111 129 150
Relaxation rate      190
Relaxation time approximation      466 473
Reservoir      96 254
Response theory      332 333 428
Reversible thermodynamics      90
Ruelle — Pollicott resonances      165 174 179 190
Ruelle — Pollicott theorem      165 173 174
Scaling limit      491 496
Schrodinger dynamics      487
Schrodinger equation      489 499
Schrodinger operator      443 444 461
Semiclassical relaxation      112
Semigroup      272
Semigroup property      266
Semigroups of linear maps      283
Shannon entropy      421
Sinai billiard      319 321
Sinai — Ruelle — Bowen distribution      8 9
Sinai — Ruelle — Bowen measures      201
Smoluchowski equation      73
Solids      117
Spectral exponent      456
Standard map      151 153 166
Statistical ensemble      64 68 120
Statistics and dynamics      15
Stochastic resonance      367
Stochastic Schrodinger equation      377 384 385 388
Sweeping      224 230
Systems far from equilibrium      32
Takagi functions      207
Thermal environment      354
Thermal equilibrium      63 97
Thermal Markov dynamics      74
Thermodynamic equilibrium      111 112
Thermodynamics      64 144
Thermostats      40
Thermostatted dynamics      44
Thermostatting      40
Transport      426
Transport coefficient      84
Transport coefficients      193
Transport equation      220 230 232
Transport processes      209
Transport properties      107
Transport theory      414
Tsallis entropy      21
Tsallis statistics      16 21 31
von Neumann entropy      294 421
Weisskopf — Wigner Hamiltonian      293
Wigner model      321 323 327
Wigner transform      105 106
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