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Prigogine I. (ed.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume XI
Prigogine I. (ed.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume XI

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Название: Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume XI

Автор: Prigogine I. (ed.)


The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics and physical chemistry fields with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Filled with cutting-edge research reported in a cohesive manner not found elsewhere in the literature, each volume of the Advances in Chemical Physics series serves as the perfect supplement to any advanced graduate class devoted to the study of chemical physics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1967

Количество страниц: 410

Добавлена в каталог: 10.11.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$H$-Theorem      333 335
Abragam, A.      289 296 312 315 316 [4 26]
Accascina, F.      161 219 287 [14]
Activity coefficients      8 30 31 36 42 44—46 57 59 69 70 72
Activity coefficients, Debye — H$\ddot{u}$ckel value of      42 44
Airoldi, G.      42 46 82 [83]
Alkalihalides, association in vapors      94 96
Alkalihalides, corresponding-states law      95
Alkalihalides, dimerization, enthalpy of      97
Alkalihalides, dimerization, entropy of      97
Alkalihalides, dimerization, isothermal relations for      97
Alkalihalides, dimers in vapor      94
Alkalihalides, energy of association in vapors      98
Alkalihalides, reduced equation of state      93
Alkalihalides, thermodynamic data for vapors      96
Alkalihalides, trimers in vapor      94
Allnatt      1 2 6 22 27 30 32 33 41 46 51 55 59 61 65 67 71 72 79 [1—6]
Allnatt, A. R.      11 1
Alloys, order-disorder      40 41
Amdur, I.      10 29
Anderson, A. G.      289 296 304 305 309 315 [7]
Anderson, C. W.      114 [17]
Anderson, J. B.      10 275
Anderson, J. S.      5 40 44 79 [7]
Andres, R. P.      10 275
Andrews, F.      335 380 [1 12]
APM      see average potential model
Approximation, Born-Oppenheimer      13 14
Approximation, Brownian      244
Approximation, Brownian-static      240
Approximation, plasma-dynamic      230 272
Aqueous electrolyte theory      108
Armstrong, G. T.      144 155 [30]
Aroeste, H.      6 1
Articulation point (in interaction graphs)      337 345 346 347 357 362 378
Artman, J. O.      298 316 [18]
Association of ion and defect      43 64 67 71 73
Average potential model (APM)      117 119 121 123
Bak, T. A.      3 33
Balescu, R.      161 162 172 174 186 195 227 286 287 [1 2 28] 318 329 336 341 343 380 [2 15]
Baluffi, R. W.      6 37 40 41 80 82 [8 79 80]
Barriault, R. J.      128 154 [22]
Barriol, J.      8 5
Bastiansen, O.      3 323
Bauer, S. H.      94 98 109 114 [8]
Bealtie, J. A.      128 154 [22]
Beaman, D. R.      40 41 80 [8]
Bearman, R. J.      1 1
Bederson, B.      10 1
Beenakker, J. J. M.      120 143—145 154 155 [19 28]
Bellemans, A.      85 117 117—119 125 154 [5 10]
Bernstein, R. B.      10 75
Bertozzi, G.      107 114 [16]
Bigeleisen, J.      1 15
Binary mixtures      106
Bird, R. B.      133 134 155 [23]
Bjerrum, N.      7 43 80 [11 12]
Blander, M.      83 94 95 97—99 109 112—114 [9 10 13 18 19]
Bloch, F.      291 295 315 [13 16 17]
Block equations      290
Bloembergen, N      292 298 315 316 [14 18]
Boer, J. de      71 81 [47]
Bogolubov, N. N.      318 319 320 321 322 323 356 357 358 371 380 [3]
Bohm, D.      179 190 286 [3]
Boltzmann equation, collision term      319
Boltzmann equation, generalized      317 et seq.
Boltzmann equation, generalized, virial expansion of      337 356
Boltzmann equation, operator, generalized      319 320 330 353 356 359 365
Bom, M.      58 74 80 [9 10]
Borel, E.      312 316 [28]
Boundary condition (for distribution functions)      321 324
Bouwkamp, C. J.      289 296 315 [3]
Br$\ddot{o}$nsted, J. N.      85 114 [2]
Braams, R.      7 259
Bradbum, M.      58 80 [10a]
Braterman, P. S.      7 359
Braumstein, J.      112 114 [18]
Brierley, J. S.      128 154 [22]
Brocas, J.      317 321 341 367 377 378 380 [4 4a]
Brouck$\grave{e}$re, L. de      1 77
Brout, R.      19 23 80 [13] 286 [4] 312 316 [30]
Brown, W. B.      106 114 [14] 119 120 123 154 155 [14 35 36]
Brownian approximation      244
Brownian approximation, model      228
Brownian approximation, motion      202 203 209 277 290
Brownian approximation, particle, moving, velocity field around      254
Brownian-dynamic model      246
Brownian-static approximation      240
Bruner, L. J.      4 82 [82]
Careri, G.      1 119
Carley, D. D.      71 80 [14]
Carruthers, P.      19 23 80 [13] 286 [4]
Casimir, H. B. G.      289 296 315 [2]
Casper theory of spin-spin relaxation      305
Caspers, W. J.      289 296 305 315 [5]
Cauchy integrals      180
Cell model      117 123
Cell model, of solution      117 118
Chapman, S.      324 376 377 380 [5]
Choh, S.      318—321 324 356 360 380 [3]
Christy, R. W.      4 41 80 [15 16]
Cluster expansion, function, Ursell      321 326
Cluster expansion, Helmholtz free energy of      19
Cluster expansion, Helmholtz free energy of, in equilibrium case      318 335
Cluster expansion, Helmholtz free energy of, in non-equilibrium case      319 325 375
Cluster expansion, Helmholtz free energy of, of thermodynamic functions      8 19 28 77
Coefficient, diffusion      209
Coefficient, friction      203 213 254
Coefficient, transport      319 335 365
Cohen, E. G. D.      318—321 325 327 356 357 359 365 373 380 [3]
Cohen, M. H.      2 22 30 33 46 59 61 65 67 79 [3 4]
Collective Coulomb interactions      271
Collective Coulomb interactions, effect      189 200
Collective Coulomb interactions, hydrodynamical interactions      271
Collins, F. C.      1 135
Collision      324
Collision, term      329 336
Collision, term, three-particle      321
Collision, Time      318 323
Collision, time, finite      334
Collision, time, long      334
Collision, triple      318
Combination rules for parameters of interaction      131
Complexes of a vacancy and an ion      7 42 65—67
Concentration of intrinsic defects      28 39
Concentration of vacancies      36 37
Conductance, limiting (of electrolytes)      216 225
Conductance, zeroth-order      202 208
Conductivity tensor      182
Conductivity, ionic, in crystals      3
Configuration, specification of, for defect-containing crystals      8
Configurational integral of ionic systems      85
Configurational integral of ionic systems,scaling of      87
Conformal ionic mixtures      101
Conformal ionic mixtures, ionic solution theory      98
Conformal ionic mixtures, ionic solution theory, aqueous solutions      107
Conformal ionic mixtures, ionic solution theory, comparison with experiment      107 113
Conformal ionic mixtures, ionic solution theory, reciprocal systems      109
Conformal ionic mixtures, pair potentials      101
Conformal ionic mixtures, solution theory      99 120
Conte, S. D.      239 276 286 [10]
Correlation, creation of      332 335 372
Correlation, destruction of      332 334 373
Correlation, equilibrium      182 330 335
Correlation, functions for defects      32 64
Correlation, functions for defects, equilibrium      195
Correlation, hydrodynamical      253 263
Correlation, initial      324 333 334 357
Correlation, initial, pair      170 192
Corresponding states, expression for vapor pressures      88
Corresponding states, law for dimerization of alkali, halides      95
Corresponding states, law of, comparison with experiment      91
Corresponding states, relation for surface tension      93
Corresponding states, theorem of      118 119 121 127 132
Corresponding states, theory of mixtures      119
Coulomb forces, interactions      41
Coulomb forces, long-range      187 195
Cowling, T. G.      324 376 377 380 [5]
Craig, D. P.      8 27
Cramer, H.      20 80 [17]
Cross relaxation      298
Cross-section, asymptotic      337
Curtiss, C. F.      59 133 134 155 [23]
Damask, G. J.      37 80 [19]
Danford, M. D.      86 114 [4]
Das, T. P.      4 303
Datz, S.      95 97 98 114 [10]
Daudel, R.      1 165
Davies, C. W.      43 80 [18]
Davies, R. C.      7 359
Davis, H. T.      114 [20] 161 184 210 212 230 234 253 284 286 287 [5 32]
Debye length, inverse      191 239
Debye — H$\ddot{u}$ckel theory      189 200 202
Debye, P.      189 217 286 [5a 6]
Defay, R.      299 316 [19]
DeLap, J. H.      43 65 67 73 81 [70]
Dense gas, particle interaction in      358
Desmyler      118 154 [8]
Destruction term      175
Devonshire, A. F.      74 81 [48]
Dewar, M. J. S.      8 65
Dewel, G.      253
Diagram (for particle interactions)      341 342 344 347
Diagram (for particle interactions), irreducible      346
Diagram (for particle interactions), reducible      343
Diagram (for particle interactions), ring      199 230 242 247
Diagram (for particle interactions), skeleton      344
Diagram (for particle interactions), technique      168 172
Diagram (for particle interactions), volume dependence of      343
Diagrams (topological), classification of      46
Diagrams (topological), cycle      49
Diagrams (topological), irreducible      22—25
Diagrams (topological), linked, reducible      22 24
Diagrams (topological), unlinked      22 24
Dielectric constant (of solvent)      228
Dielectric constant (of solvent), zero-frequency      196
Dienes, A. C.      37 80 [19]
Diffusion coefficient      209
Diffusion coefficient, force      219
Dilute gas, particle interaction in      357
Dimensional analysis, configuration integral of ionic systems      85
Dimensional analysis, methods, ionic systems      83
Dipole-dipole relaxation      298 303 309 315
Dirac, P. A. M.      166 286 [7] 331 380 [9]
Disorder, antistructure      2 30 40
Disorder, Frenkel      2 3 5 6 30 41
Disorder, interstitial      2 29
Disorder, interstitial-antistructure      3
Disorder, intrinsic lattice, large degrees of      74
Disorder, Scholtky      2 3 41
Disorder, Scholtky-antistructure      2 40
Disorder, vacancy      2 29
Distribution function      319 320 321
Distribution function, $n$-particle      318 323 324 371
Distribution function, equilibrium      322
Distribution function, for defects      32 63 65 72
Distribution function, for ion pairs      43
Distribution function, Fourier coefficient of      331
Distribution function, non-equilibrium, virial expansion of      322
Distribution function, of velocities      325 329 330
Distribution function, of velocities, evolution equation for      318
Distribution function, one-particle      318 321 322 358
Distribution function, reduced      326
Distribution function, specialized      34 66
Distribution function, two-particle      327
Distribution function, variation of      336
Distribution function, variation of, virial development of      327
Divacancies on lattice sites      6 37 38
Domb, C.      40 77 80 [20]
Douzon, P.      7 339
Drickamer, H. G.      4 161
du Pr$\acute{e}$, F. K.      289 296 315 [2]
Duchesne, J.      2 187
Ebeling, W.      161 253 286 [9]
Effective force, limit      284
Ehrenberg, A.      7 602
Ehrlich, P.      80 [21]
Eisendrath, H.      289 296 299 314 315 [9]
Electrolytes, binary, equilibrium      222 225
Electrolytes, dilute      246
Electrolytes, equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties      159
Electrolytes, equilibrium theory      187
Electrolytes, limiting conductance      216
Electrolytes, thermodynamic properties      192
Electrolytes, transport properties      202
Electrophoresis      263
Electrophoretic effect (in conductance)      217 223 241 263
Eley, D. D.      7 238
Elving, P. J.      3 1
Englert — Chevoles, A.      119 125 154 [10]
Englman, R.      8 13
Enskog, D.      324 380 [10]
Enthalpy of mixing      106
Enthalpy of mixing, molten alkali nitrates      106
Enthalpy of vaporization of salts      90
Equation, Boltzmann, generalized      317 et seq.
Equation, Boltzmann, Markovian      319
Equation, Boltzmann, virial expansion of      337 356
Equation, evolution, for velocity distribution function      318 333
Equation, Fokker — Planck      207 213
Equation, generalized transport      163 174 176 182 209 225
Equation, Liouville      163 322 323 326 330 331
Equation, master      333
Equation, master, non — Markovian      319
Equation, of state      88
Equation, of state, reduced      88
Equation, of state, “thermodynamic      90
Equation, Poisson      190 219
Equation, Stokes — Navier      261
Equation, transport      186 256 283 333
Equilibrium correlation      178 182
Equilibrium correlation, properties of electrolytes      159 187
Equilibrium function      195
Eriksson, J. C.      6 145
Evans, E. L.      92 114 [7]
Evolution equation for velocity distribution function      318 333
Evolution equation for velocity distribution function, non — Markovian      334
Excess compressibility      126
Excess compressibility, enthalpy      126
Excess compressibility, entropy      126
Excess compressibility, free energy      126
Excess compressibility, free energy, of mixing, binary systems      105
Excess compressibility, free energy, of mixing, Gibbs      106
Excess compressibility, free energy, of mixing, Helmholtz, reciprocal systems      110
Excess compressibility, free energy, of mixing, reciprocal systems      112
Excess compressibility, functions      118 120 121 125
Excess compressibility, properties      126
Excess compressibility, specific heat      126
Excess compressibility, volume      126
Excluded site      26
Excluded-site property, relating to defects in crystals      15
Excluded-site property, restriction      20
Expansion, Fourier      168
Expansion, virial, of generalized Boltzmann equation      328
Eyring, H.      4 1
Falkenhagen, H.      160 161 194 217 222 253 272 286 [5a 8 9]
Fenn, J. B.      10 275
Fern$\acute{a}$andez — Alonso, J. I.      7 3
Feshbach, H.      281 287 [24]
Fixman, M.      1 1 6 175
1 2 3
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