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Weinberg S. — The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 2 Modern Applications
Weinberg S. — The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 2 Modern Applications

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Íàçâàíèå: The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 2 Modern Applications

Àâòîð: Weinberg S.


In The Quantum Theory of Fields Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg combines his exceptional physical insight with his gift for clear exposition to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to quantum field theory. Volume II gives a fresh and logical account of the methods of quantum field theory, and how they have led to an understanding of the weak, strong, and electromagnetic interactions of the elementary particles. Modern mathematical methods are interwoven with accounts of the problems of elementary particle physics and condensed matter physics. It includes topics not usually found in books on quantum field theory, such as the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism and its application to renormalization and anomalies in gauge theories; the background field method; the effective field theory approach to symmetry breaking; critical phenomena; and superconductivity. Intended for graduate students in physics and mathematics, the book contains much original material, and is peppered with examples and insights from the author's experience as a leader of elementary particle physics. Problems are included at the end of each chapter.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 09.10.2005

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$a_{1}$ meson      271
$J/\psi$ particle      313
$SU(2) \times SU(2)$ symmetry      182—185 191 271 360—361
$SU(2) \times U(1)$ symmetry      see "Electroweak theory"
$SU(3)$ and $SU(3) \times SU(3)$ symmetry      225—338 243 273
$SU(4) \times SU(4)$ symmetry      328
$W^{\pm}$ particles      307—311 316
$Z$ and $Z_{n}$ groups, defined      433 472
$Z^{0}$ particle      127 157 307—311 316
$\Delta$ operator, defined      49
$\Delta_{+}$-function, defined      170
$\eta$ meson      225—226 229—231 244—245 361
$\lambda$ matrices, defined      226
$\Lambda$ parameter in quantum chromodynamics      155—157
$\omega$ meson      232
$\phi$ meson      236
$\rho$ mesons      232 271
$\sigma$ model      193—196
$\sigma$ term      209
$\tau$ lepton      272 313
$^{14}O$ decay      185 312
't Hooft, G.      61 110 153 161 251 294 300 354 390 394 395 408 418
Abachi, S.      355
Abbot, L.      110 477
Abe, F.      355 356
Abe, K.      162
Abrikosov, A.A.      358
Accidental symmetries      155
Accidental symmetries in quantum chromodynamics      155
Accidental symmetries in standard model      317—318 326
Actor, A.      477
Ademollo, M.      293
Adjoint representation, defined      3
Adler zero      175
Adler — bardeen theorem      380—381
Adler — Bell — Jackiw Anomaly      see "Anomalies in symmetries"
Adler — Weisberger sum rule      191 210—211 248
Adler, S.      160 248 250 361 380 417
Affine connection      6—7
Albrecht, A.      475
Altarelli — Parisi equations      280—282
Altarelli, G.      160 162 280 294
Alvarez, O.      418
Alvarez-Gaume, L.      61 417 418
Amaldi, U.      357
Anderson, P.M.      332 357
Anomalies in symmetries      42 359—416 454 459
Anomalous dimensions      133
Anomaly constant $D_{\alpha\beta\gamma}$, defined      373
Anselmi, D.      110
Anti-BRST transformations      41 62
Antibrackets      45—47 82 see "Anticanonical
Anticanonical transformations      47 93
Antifields      42—43 92 405
Antighost translation invariance      88
Antighosts      see "Ghost and antighost fields"
Arafune, J.      438 475
Arnison, G.      356
asymptotic freedom      133—136 153
Atiyah — Singer index theorem      370 464
Atiyah, M.F.      417 418 476
Aubert, J.J.      355
Augustine, J.E.      355
Axial coupling constant $g_{A}$      187 203—204
Axial gauge      5 15—18 35 41
Axions      458—461
b quark      154 313—315
Background field gauge      95—100
Baker, M.      160
Balian, R.      110
Baluni, V.      476
Bamert, P.      356
Banks, T.      417 419
Barbieri, R.      419
Bardeen formula      379—380 398 414
Bardeen — Cooper — Schrieffer theory      342—352
Bardeen, W.A.      161 332 342 357 379 380 417 418
Barnich, G.      61 110 406 420
Barrier penetration      see "Tunneling"
Baryon number      239 436 443 454—455 464
Baryons      225—226 see
Base point, defined      430
Batalin — Vilkovisky formalism      42—50 91—95 404—407
Batalin, I.A.      61 62 405
Baulieu, L.      61
Baur, R.      248
Beane, S.R.      249
Becchi, C.      28 60 110
Belavin, A.A.      450 452 474
Bell, J.S.      361 417
Bender, C.M.      78
Benfatto, G.      358
Benvenuti, A.      356
Bernard, C.      293
Bernstein, J.      248
Beta-function dependence on coupling definition      138—139 141 see
Beta-function for electrodynamics      126—127 150 see
Beta-function for minimum subtraction      150 see
Beta-function for multiple couplings      140—142 see
Beta-function for quantum chromodynamics      152—153 see
Beta-function for scalar field theory      121 129 see
Beta-function, defined      120—121 see
Bianchi identity (for gauge fields)      13 58
Bijnens, J.      248 250
Bismut, J.M.      418
Bjorken scaling      273—275 280 283
Bjorken, J.D.      273 293
Bleuler, K.      60
Bloom, E.D.      161 293
Bludman, S.      355
Bogoliubov, N.N.      159
Bogomol'nyi inequalities      425 440 451
Bogomol'nyi, E.B.      338 358 425 440 441 475
Bonora, L.      61
Borel transform, defined      283
Borel, A.      251
Bott periodicity theorems      473
Bott, R.      251 449 476
Bouchiat, C.      418
Bounce      421—422 465—468
Bound states      238—239 389—396
BPS monopoles      441
Branchina, V.      79
Brandt, F.      61 110 406 419 420
Breidenbach, M.      161 293
Brezin, E.      160 161
Brout, R.      354
Brown, D.E.      358
BRST quantization      35—36 41 91
BRST symmetry      27—41 46 81 398—404
Bubble formation      467—468
Burgess, C.P.      356
c quark      152 312—315
Cabibbo angle      185 312—313
Cabibbo, N.      355
Cahill, K.      79
Callan — Gross relation      275 280
Callan — Symanzik equation      121 see
Callan, C.G.      159 160 250 275 294 474 476
Canonical transformations (in Batalin — Vilkovisky formalism)      see "Anticanonical transformations"
Carlson, C.      357 418
Cartan decomposition      215
Cartan — Maurer integral invariant      445—450
Cartan, E.      11 26 62
Castorina, P.      79
Chaikin, P.M.      160
Chanda, R.      419
Charge conjugation invariance      155 240
Chern — Pontryagin density      365 451
Chern — Simons form      366 402
Chiral symmetry      182—185 191 see SU(3)\times
Choi, K.      476
Chou, K.-C.      248
Christ, N.      60 294
Christensen, S.M.      418
Chu, C-S.      416 420
Cluster decomposition principle      167 456
Cohen, T.      249
Cohomology antibracket      94—95 405—407
Cohomology de Rham      238
Cohomology, anti—BRST      61
Cohomology, BRST      32—33 41 399
Coleman, S.      69 78 127 160 247 250 251 419 474 475 477
Collective parameters      462—464 467
Collins, J.C.      160
Color, denned      152
Compact Lie algebras, defined      9
Compact Lie groups      10
Consistency conditions      see "Wess — Zumino consistency conditions"
Constraints      15
Convexity of effective potential      74
Cooper, F.      78
Cooper, L.N.      332 342 357
Cornwall, J.M.      357
correlation length      337—338
Cosets, defined      214
Cosmic strings      429
Cosmology      426 443 455 461 464
Cotta-Ramusino, P.      61
Coulomb gauge      15
Coupling constants electroweak      305—310 325—326 329—330 464
Coupling constants for non-Abelian gauge fields      11—12 100 108—109 297
Coupling constants for scalar fields      120
Covariant derivatives in gauge theories      4
Covariant derivatives in general relativity      6
Covariant derivatives in spontaneous symmetry breaking      195 219 321
Covering groups      58 443—444
CP non-conservation      7—8 315 457—461
Crewther, R.J.      476
Critchley, R.      418
Critical exponents, phenomena      145—148
Curci, G.      60 61
Currents axial—vector      185—190 199
Currents in gauge theories      12—13
Currents in superconductors      323 336
Currents of anomalous symmetries      365—367 377—378 380
Currents of broken symmetries      169—170
Currents of semileptonic weak interactions      311—313
Currents used to define effective action      63—65
Currents vector (of isospin)      185
Curvature      see "Riemann — Christoffel curvature tensor"
Custodial symmetry      326
Cut-off      108 112 364—365
d quarks      see "u and d quarks"
D'hoker, e.      251
Das, T.      248
Dashen, R.F.      248 250 476
de Boer, W.      357
De Wit, B.      61
De Witt notation      37
De Witt — Faddeev — Popov method      see "Faddeev — Popov — De Witt method"
De Witt, B.S.      2 28 60 110 418 419
Debye frequency      351
Deep inelastic scattering      153 252 272—283
Delbouro, R.      418
Derrick's theorem      424 428—429 466
Derrick, G.H.      475
Descent equations      402—404
Deser, S.      293 417
di Vecchia, P.      476
Dicus, D.A.      477
Differential forms      36 38—39 400
Dimensional regularization      108—109 122 148—149 see
Dimopoulos, S.      357 419
Dine, M.      476 477
Dirac quantization conditions      441—442 445
Dirac, P.A.M.      14 475
Direct sums, defined      9 52
Dixon, J.A.      419
Domain boundaries      421 425—426
Domb, C.      160
Donoghue, J.F.      248 249 250 272 293
Dragon, N.      419
Dubois-Violette, M.      419
Duff, M.J.      418
Duncan, A.      293 294
Dyson, F.J.      283 294
Dzyaloshinskii, I.Ye.      358
Ecker, G.      250
Effective action      see "Quantum effective action"
Effective field theory      145 see
Effective field theory general broken global symmetry      211—225 425 see
Effective field theory pions and nucleons      192—211 see
Effective field theory superconductivity      342—352 see
Effective potential      68—74 127—130 168 347—350
Eguchi, T.      418
Eichten, E.      161 357
Eightfold way      see "$SU(3) \times SU(3)$"
Einstein, A.      163
Electric dipole moment of neutron      458
Electrodynamics      1 33—34 108 118—119 125—127 150 157—158
Electron      305—311 385
Electron $e^{-} e^{+}$ annihilation      127 154 272 273 287 316 see electrodynamics"
Electroweak mixing angle 0      307—308 310—311 330
Electroweak theory      305—318 325—327 454 464
Electroweak—strong unification      327—332
Ellis, J.      161 355 356 357
Energy-momentum tensor      13—14 283 391
Englert, F.      354
Ericson, T.      248
Euclidean path integrals      240 362 368—370 451 468—472
Exceptional Lie groups and algebras      11 57 384
Extended technicolor      327
Exterior derivative, defined      36 400
External fields $K_{n}$      80—81
F parameter for broken symmetry, defined      172
Faddeev — Popov — De Witt method      2 19 24 43
Faddeev, L.D.      2 28 60
Fanchotti, S.      356
Farhi, E.      251 357 419
Farrar, G.      419
Fayyazuddin      293
Feldman, J.      358
Fermi coupling constant      185 316
Fermi surface      343
Fernandez, R.      160
Ferrara, S.      62
Ferrari, R.      60 61
ferromagnetism      147
Feynman gauge      23
Feynman, R.P.      2 60 274 293
Field strength tensor $F_{\mu\nu}$, defined      5
Finkelstein, R.J.      417
Fischler, W.      476 477
Fisher, M.E.      147 160
Fixed point      133 145—148
Flavor, defined      152
Flux quantization      335 338 340 342 429
Fogli, G.L.      355 356
Fowler, E.C.      476
Fradkin, E.S.      61
Fradkina, T.E.      61
Free energy      147
Freed, D.S.      418
Freedman, D.Z.      62 356
Freund, P.G.O.      418 438 475
Friar, J.      249
Friedman, J.L.      161 273
Frishman, Y.      417 419
Fritzsch, H.      161
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