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Weinberg S. — The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 2 Modern Applications |
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Froehlich, J. 160
Fubini, S. 248
Fujikawa — Lee — Sanda gauge 301—304
Fujikawa, K. 301 354 361 362 417
Fujimoto, Y. 78
Fukuda, H. 417
Fundamental group 430
Furstmann, H. 357
Gaillard, M.K. 161
Gallavotti, G. 358
Gamow, G. 355
Gap function 348—349
Gasser — Leutwyler parameters 232—233
Gasser, J. 232 233 250
Gatto, R. 161
Gauge fixing functional 19 43 48 301
Gauge invariance 2 7 319 332
Gell — Mann — Low function see "Beta-function"
Gell-Mann, M. 60 111 126 157 159 161 225 226 231 248 249 250 349 356 413
General relativity see "Gravitation"
Generalized Feynman gauge 23—24
Generators (of symmetries) 14
Georgi — Glashow electroweak model 305 436 442 444
Georgi, H. 281 294 355 357 418 419 475 476
Ghost and antighost fields 24—27 38 302—304
Ghost number 25 43 88
Ghosts of ghosts 39
Gibbons, G.W. 419
Gilkey, P.B. 418
Gilman, F.J. 356
Gilmore, R. 62
GIM mechanism 312
Ginsparg, P. 417 418
Ginzburg — Landau theory 337 341
Ginzburg, V.L. 358
Glaser, V. 477
Glashow, S.L. 60 250 251 355 357 418 475
Glimm, J. 160
Gluons 154—156 278
Goebel, C.J. 438 475
Goldberger — Treiman relation 187 190—191 204 360
Goldberger, M.L. 248
Goldman, T. 249
Goldstone bosons 167—191 215—225 295—296 408—416 see "Pions" "Skyrmions"
Goldstone, J. 78 167 191 247 354
Golowich, E. 249 250 272 293
Gomis, J. 62 110
Gor'kov, L.P. 337 358
Grand unification see "Electroweak-strong unification"
Gravitation 1 6—8 13—14 36 43 91 386
Green, M. 356
Green, M.S. 160
Greenberg, O.W. 161
Greub, W. 251
Gribov ambiguity 15
Gribov, V. 60
Grisaru, M. 293 417 418
Gross, D.J. 59 153 160 161 275 281 294 418 476
Gupta, S.N. 60
Guralnik, G.S. 248 354
Guth, A. 475
Haar measure 22
Hadrons see "Mesons" "Baryons"
Hagberg, E. 355
Hagen, C.R. 354
Hall, L.J. 357
Halperin, S. 251
Han, M.Y. 161
Hanson, A.J. 418
Hanson, G. 161
Harada, M. 110
Hardy, G.N. 294
Hardy, J.C. 355
Harvey, J. 358
Hasert, F.J. 355 356
Hasslacher, B. 294 476
Hawking, S.W. 160 418 419
Haymaker, R.W. 78
Heitler, W. 60
Henneaux, M. 61 62 110 406 419 420
Herb, S.W. 355
Higgs boson 316
Higgs mechanism, defined 295
Higgs, P.W. 354
Hinchliffe, I. 162
Hindmarsh, M. 79
Ho, P-M. 420
Hodge operator 40 62
Hollik, W. 356
Holstein, B.R. 248 249 250
Homotopic equivalence, defined 430—431
Homotopy groups 235 423—425 427—436 444—447 472—473
Hubbard — Stratonovich transformation 345
Hubbard, J. 358
Hypercharge y, defined 306
Iliopoulis, J. 78 355 418
Infrared divergences 113—114 154
Infrared-safe, defined 114
instantons 286 421 426—427 436 450—464
Irreducible, defined 51—52
Irrelevant interactions 145 148 344
Isham, C. 110
Isotopic spin 3 163 182—183 243
Israel, W. 160
Itzykson, C. 78
Iverson, G. 418
Iyanaga, S. 251
Jackiw, R. 60 160 251 357 361 417 418 419 475 476
Jacobi identity 3 39 45 46
Jaffe, A. 61 160
Jets 114 154—155
Johnson, K. 160 357
Johnston, D. 79
Jona-Lasinio, G. 78 191 248
Josephson junction 335—336
Josephson, B.D. 335 357
Jost, R. 160
Julia, B. 475
K mesons 228—231 236 312—313
Kallosh, R.E. 62
Kaplan, D.B. 249 476
Kawada, Y. 251
Kawarabayashi, K. 293
Kelley, S. 357
Kemmer, N. 355
Kendall, H.W. 161 273
Khlopov, M.Yu. 475
Kibble, T.W.B. 354 475
Killing, W. 11
Kim, J.E. 476 477
Kimura, T. 61
Kirk, W.T. 161
Klein, O. 59
Kleinknecht, K. 356
Klinkhammer, F.R. 476
Kniehl, B. 356
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix 313
Kobayashi, M. 355
Kobzarev, I.Yu. 474 475
Kogut, J. 161
Kolb, E.W. 477
Koslowsky, V.T. 355
Kotchan, D. 248
Kreuzer, M. 419
Kronecker index 438
KSFR formula 271
Kugo, T. 60 110
Kursunoglu, B. 60
Kuzmin, V.A. 476
Landau (or Lorentz) gauge 23 301
| Landau ghost 132 136
Landau, L.D. 136 160 358
Lane, K. 161 357
Langacker, P. 250 356 357
Lattice approximation 22 37—38 112 136—139 238 239
Lautrup, B. 60 294
Lavrov, P.M. 61 110
Le Guillou, J.C. 160 161 294
Lee, B.W. 110 301 354
Lee, C.Y. 249
Lee, T.D. 60 355 356 474 475
Legendre transformation 65 81
Lehmann, H. 61
Leites-Lopes, J. 355
Lepton number 306 317—318 464
Leutwyler, H. 161 232 233 250
Levy, M. 248 249 419
Lie algebras see "Compact Lie algebras" "Semisimple "Simple "U(1)
Lie groups see "Compact Lie groups" "Exceptional "Orthogonal "Symplectic "Unitary
Lipatov, L.N. 284 294
Lisi, E. 355 356
LoSecco, J. 293
Low, F.E. 111 126 157 159 248 349
Lubensky, T.C. 160
Lurie, D. 248
Luttinger, J.M. 160
Magnetic monopoles 225 421 429 435—445
Maiani, L. 250 355 419
Maksymyk, I. 356
Maltman, K. 248
Mandelstam variables, denned 114
Manes, J. 61 418 419
Manohar, A.V. 476
Manton, N.S. 476
Marginal interactions 145
Martin, A. 78 477
Maskawa, K. 355
Master equation 43 45 82 see
Mathur, V.S. 248
McArthur, I. 476
Measure for integration over fermion fields 361—370 454
Measure for integration over gauge fields 18
Mehta, M.L. 418
Meissner effect 334
Meissner, U.G. 250
Mesons 225—234 236 243—246 271 see
Metric for gauge groups 7—12 50—53
Metric for Goldstone boson fields 423
Metric for Lie groups 448
Meyer, Ph. 418
Miller, G. 249
Mills, R.L. 1 11 59
Min, D.-P. 249
Minimal variables 44
Minimum subtraction 122 146—151 157
Mitter, P.K. 61 419
Miyamoto, Y. 417
Miyazawa, H. 248
Modified minimum subtraction see "Minimum subtraction"
Moshhin, P.Yu 61
Mostow, G.D. 250
Mott cross section, defined 273
Mueller, A.H. 294
Muon 309—311 389
Musset, P. 356
Muzinich, I. 60
Nakanishi — Lautrup field 28
Nakanishi, N. 60
Nambu — goldstone bosons see "Gold—stone bosons"
Nambu, Y. 161 167 191 247 248
Nanopoulos, D.V. 357
Ne'eman, Y. 225 226 231 250 413
Neutral currents 311—313 315 327
Neutrinos 305—311 385
Neutrinos reactions 272 311
Neutrinos masses and oscillations 317—318
Neutron see "Electric dipole moment of neutron nucleon"
Neveu, A. 476
Nickel, B.G. 161
Nielsen, H. 474
Nielsen, N.K. 418
Non-Abelian gauge theories 1—58 86—91 152—157 426—430 436 see "Quantum "Electroweak-strong
Non-linear realizations 195 215—224
Norton, R.E. 356
Novikov, V.A. 356
Nucleon as skyrmion 436
Nucleon axial form factors 186—187 190
Nucleon interaction with pions 202—209
Nucleon masses 209 233—234
O'Raifeartaigh, L. 78
Oakes, R.J. 250
Oehme, R. 248
Ojima, I. 60 61
Okubo, S. 231 250 251
Okun', L. 356 474 475
Oleson, P. 474
One-particle-irreducible graphs 65—67
Open gauge algebras 42 44 48—50
Operator product expansions 252—283 287—292
Order parameters 224—225 336—337 429
Ordonez, C. 249
Orthogonal groups 11 55—58 384 473
p-form fields see "Differential forms"
Pagels, H. 250
Palais, R.S. 250
Pancheri, G. 250
Pang, Y. 474
Paris J. 62
Parisi, G. 280 294
Parity conservation 155 240 315 416 457—461
Park, T.-S. 249
Parravicini, G. 78
Partial conservation of axial current (PCAC) 191
Partition function 469 471
Parton model 274—275
Pati, J. 357
Paver, N. 250
Peccei — Quinn symmetry 458—461
Peccei, R.D. 458 476
Pendleton, H. 293 417
Penetration depth 334 337 352
Penrose, R. 110
Perez-Mercader, J. 78
Perl, M.L. 355
Perlmutter, A. 60
Pernice, S. 294
Perry, M.J. 418
Persistent currents 335—336
Persistent mass condition 238—239 395—396
Peskin, M. 161
Peterman, A. 159
Petronzio, R. 419
Phase transitions 148
Pich, A. 250
Pions decay 359—361 368
Pions decay 185—186 189
Pions as Goldstone bosons 182—211
Pions coupling to nucleon 187
Pions mass 189 201
Pions scattering on nucleons 206—209
Pions scattering on pions 198—202 249
Pions tadpoles 458
Polchinski, J. 60 358
Politzer, H.D. 153 161 281 294
Polonsky, N. 357
Polyakov, A.M. 436 450 474
Pope, C. 418
Popov, V.N. 2 28 60
Power counting 197—198 200 205—206 203 323 344
Prasad, M.K. 441 475
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