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Weinberg S. — The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 2 Modern Applications |
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Preskill, J. 251 419 475 477
Proton decay 318
Pseudo — Goldstone bosons 177—182 324
Pseudo-real representations, defined 384
Pure gauge fields 6 334 412 427 428 449 455
Quantum chromodynamics 152—157 181 192 225 238 239 287—288 421 453 see "Gluons" "Asymptotic "Deep
Quantum effective action 63—68 75—77 164 167 346—347 352
Quantum electrodynamics see "Electrodynamics"
Quantum master equation 49 92 407
Quarks 152—157 194 225—227 275 312—315
Quarks masses 231—232 243 457—461 see
Quinn, H.R. 357 458 476
Rabi, I.I. 250
Raby, S. 419
Raffelt, G.G. 477
Ramond, P. 356
Ray, L. 249
Real and pseudoreal representations 384
Rebbi, C. 60 475 476
Reducible gauge algebras 38—39
Relevant interactions 145 148
Renk, B. 356
Renner, B. 250
Renormalization at sliding scale 111—112 119—130
Renormalization group 111—158 263—265 329—332 349—350 453 see "Asymptotic "Asymptotic "Beta "Critical "Fixed "Landau
Renormalization in 'renormalizable' gauge theories 82—91
Renormalization in general theories 91—95 141—142
Renormalization of electron-electron potential 349
Renormalization of fields 99—100 118—119
Renormalization of gauge coupling constants 100 108—109 119
Renormalization of general operators 115—118 123 255 260 291
Renormalization of masses 99 143—144
Renormalization of pion self—interaction coupling constants 199
Renormalization of scalar coupling constants 114—115
Renormalons 283—288
Reshetnyak, A.A. 61
Rho, M. 249
Riazuddin 293
Riemann — Christoffel curvature tensor 6 386
Riemann — Lebesgue theorem 166
Right cosets, defined 214
Romer, R. 418
Rosenberg, L. 417
Rouet, A. 28 60 110
Roy, P. 419
Rubako, V.A. 476
Running coupling constant see "Coupling constants" "Beta-function"
s quark 152 226 244 312—315
Sakata, S. 417
Salam, A. 78 167 191 247 354 355
Samuel, S. 62
Sanda, A. 301 354
Sanford, J. 250
Sarid, U. 357
Savage, M. 249
Savard, G. 355
Schrieffer, J.R. 332 342 357
Schur, I. 418
Schwarz, A.S. 61 450 474
Schwimmer, A. 417 419
Schwinger terms 403—404
Schwinger, J. 355 417 419
Schwitters, R.F. 161
Sciama, D. 110
Scott, L. 60
Second class currents 186
Seely, R. 251
Shankar, R. 358
Shaposhnikov, M.E. 476
Shellard, E.P.S. 475
Shifman, M.A. 162 476
Shirkov, D.V. 159
Shrauner, E. 248
Siegel, W. 61
Sigg, D. 249
Sikivie, P. 477
Simple Lie algebras, defined 9
Singer, I.M. 61 417 418
Sirlin, A. 356
Skyrme, T.H.R. 474
Skyrmions 421 423—426
Slansky, R. 356
Slavnov operator, defined 39
Slavnov — Taylor identities 76—77 81 407
Slavnov, A.A. 79
SO(10) (or Spin(10)) symmetry 328 386
Sokal, A.D. 160
Sommerfield, C.M. 441 475
Spectral function sum rules 266—272
Sphalerons 476
Spin(n) group 436 444
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 63
Spontaneous symmetry breaking approximate symmetries 177—182
Spontaneous symmetry breaking dynamical symmetry breaking 318—327
Spontaneous symmetry breaking global symmetries 163—246 265—266
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in superconductivity 332
Spontaneous symmetry breaking local symmetries 2 295—352
Srednicki, M. 476
Srivastava, P.K. 418
Standard model 384—388 see "Quantum
Standard SU(2) subgroup 449
Steinberger, J. 360 417
Steinhardt, P. 475
Sterman, G. 161
Stora — Zumino descent equations see "Descent equations"
Stora, R. 28 60 61 110 418 419
Strangeness 155 239
Stratonovich, R.L. 358
String theories 36 37 38 39 41
Structure constants 2—3 8—11 39 50—53 89
Structure functions 272—280
Stueckelberg, E.C.G. 159
SU(5) symmetry 328
Subalgebras, defined 9
Superconductivity 225 332—352
Supergravity 42
| Supersymmetry 331
Surface tension 426 468
Susskind, L. 357 419
Sutherland, D.G. 360 417
Suzuki, M. 293
Svartholm, N. 354
Symanzik, K. 78 159
Symmetric space, denned 215
Symplectic groups 9 56—58 384 473
t quark 152 154 313—316
Talon, M. 419
Tanikawa, Y. 417
Taylor, J.C. 79 273
Technicolor 239 326—327
Teitelboim, C. 62
Teller, E. 355
Temperature effects 146—147 455 469 471
Temporal gauge 427—428 437 454
Teplitz, V.I. 477
Theta angle 455—461
Thierry-Mieg, J. 61
Thin wall approximation 468
Thirring, W. 248
Threshold corrections 358
Time reversal invariance 240 315
Tinkham, M. 340
Titchmarsh, E.C. 247
Tomozawa, Y. 249
topology 422—430 see "Cohomology"
Totally reducible, denned 52
Towner, I.S. 248 355
Townsend, P.K. 419
Trapping 2 153—155
Tree graphs, defined 66
Treiman, S. 248 294
Trivial pairs 44
Triviality 137—138
Troost, W. 420
Trubowitz, E. 258
Tunneling 165 455 464 468
Turner, M.S. 477
Twist 277
Tyupkin, Yu.S. 450 474
Tyutin, I.V. 28 60 62 110
u and d quarks 152 182 226 244 275 312—315 367 385
U(1) Lie algebras, denned 9
U(1) problem 243—246 454
Unbroken symmetries 238—243
Unitarity gauge 295—301 324 352—353 473
Unitary groups and algebras 11 54—55 58 384 433 473
Universality classes 148
Urech, R. 248
Utiyama, R. 60
Vacuum alignment 179 181 188—189
Vacuum decay 129—130 421—422 464—468
Vacuum degeneracy 163—167
Vafa, C. 239 240 251 395
Vainshtein, A.T. 358 476
van Holten, J.W. 62
van Kolck, U. 249
van Nieuwenhuizen, P. 62 356 418 420
van Proeyen, A. 420
Vanstone, R. 251
Velo, G. 60 110
Veltman, M. 110 354 356 360 417
Veneziano, G. 293 476
Viallet, C.M. 419
Vilenkin, A. 475
Vilkovisky, G.A. 61 62 405
Voloshin, M.B. 475
Voronov, B.L. 62 110
Vortex lines 225 338—342 421 429
Vysotsky, M.I. 356
Wagoner, R.V. 477
Ward, J. 355
Ward, R. 476
Weak interactions 185
Weinberg, E. 69 78 111 475
Weinberg, S. 60 78 110 160 161 167 191 247 248 249 250 251 293 354 355 356 357 358 418 419 458 475 476
Weingarten, D. 238 251
Weisberger, W.I. 248
Weise, W. 248
Wentzel, G. 355
Wess — Zumino consistency conditions 396—407 409 411
Wess — Zumino — Witten terms 234—238 413—415
Wess, J. 234 250 251 396 397 408 419
Wick, G.C. 474
Wightman, A.S. 60 110
Wigner, E.P. 62
Wilczek, F. 153 161 281 294 357 458 476 477
Wilson — Fisher expansion 147—148
Wilson, K.G. 112 147 160 161 252 293
Winding number 435—436 449 452—453 455—457
Wise, M.B. 249 477
Witten, E. 234 236 239 240 251 383 396 415 418 419 420 476
Wu, Y-S. 417
Wyler, D. 248
Yamawaki, K. 110
Yanagida, T. 356
Yang — Mills theory see "Non-Abelian gauge theories"
Yang, C.N. 1 11 59 355
Yankielowicz, S. 417 419
Young, J.E. 248
Yukawa interactions 308—310
Zakharov, V.I. 476
Zappala, D. 79
Zee, A. 153 161 357 417 419 475
Zel'dovich, Ya.B. 474 475
Zero mass singularities see "Infrared divergences"
zero modes 426 462 464 467 476
Zhitnitsky, A. 476
Zichichi, A. 294
Zimmerman, W. 252 293
Zinn-Justin Equation 42 80—82 93 405—406
Zinn-Justin, J. 42 62 80 110 160 161 294 354
Zumino, B. 61 234 250 251 396 397 408 417 418 419 420
Zweig, G. 161
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