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Mandel L., Wolf E. — Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics |
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-ordered delta function 559
Abate, J.A. 741
Abate, J.A., Kimble, H.J. and Mandel, L. 719 Fig.
Abella, I.D., Kurnit, N.A. and Hartmann, S.R. 809 813 Fig.
Abraham, N.B. and Smith, S.R. 1023
Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I.A. 999 1050
Absolute integrability 214
Absorber 358
Absorption coefficient 817
absorption operator 574 see
Absorption probability 763
Acharya, R. and Sudarshan, E.C.G. 629
Ackerhalt, J.R. and Milonni, P.W. 689 691
Ackerhalt, J.R., Knight, P.L. and Eberly, J.H. 511 766
Ackerhalt, J.R., Milonni, P.W. and Shih, M.L. 970 Fig.
Acoustical source 312
Adam, A., Janossy, L. and Varga, P. 713
Adiabatic elimination 934
Adiabatic following 754
Agarwal, G.S, Brown, A.C, Narducci, L.M. and Vetri, G. 841 885
Agarwal, G.S, Ravi, S. and Cooper, J. Fig. 18.2
Agarwal, G.S. 782 784 849 878 880 883
Agarwal, G.S. and Dattagupta, S. 993 995
Agarwal, G.S. and Saxena, K. 791
Agarwal, G.S. and Saxena, R. 791
Agarwal, G.S. and Tara, K. 1032
Agarwal, G.S. and Wolf, E. 108 147 214 433 559 560 579 619
Agarwal, G.S., Brown, A.C., Narducci, L.M. and Vetri, G. 841 885
Agarwal, G.S., Feng, D.H., Narducci, L.M., Gillmore, R. and Tuft, R.A. 885
Agarwal, G.S., Foley, J.T. and Wolf, E. 307
Agarwal, G.S., Friberg, A.T. and Wolf, E. 1099
Agarwal, G.S., Ravi, S. and Cooper, J. 901
Aitken, A.C. 356
Albano, A.M., Aboundadi, J., Chyba, T.H., Searle, C.E., Yong, S., Gioggia, R.S., and Abraham, N.B. 972
Allen, L., and Eberly, J.H. 741 743 745 752 766
Allen, L., Gatehouse, S. and Jones, D.G.C. 389
Amplifier 1021
Amplifier gain 1024
Amplitude transmission function 118 174
Amplitude-squared squeezing 1067
Amrein, W.O. 480 630 637
Analytic signal 93 340
Angular correlation function 273
Angular momentum operator 486
Angular spectrum representation 109
Angular spread of Gaussian beam 271
Anharmonicity parameter 1102
Annihilation operator 479 1039
Annihilation operator configuration space 487 566
Anode 692
Antes, G., Baltes, H.P. and Steinle, B. 245
Anti-bunching 719—720
Anti-commutator 742
Anti-Stokes line 418
Anti-superradiance 841
Antinormal ordering 518
Aperture 239
Area theorem (McCall and Hahn) 817
Arecchi, F.T. 727 Fig.
Arecchi, F.T. and Courtens, E. 848
Arecchi, F.T. and Degiorgio, V. 953
Arecchi, F.T., Berne, A. and Burlamacchi, P. 921
Arecchi, F.T., Courtens, E., Gilmore, R. and Thomas, H. 852 857 858
Arecchi, F.T., Degiorgio, V. and Querzola, B. 953
Arecchi, F.T., Gatti, E. and Sona, A. 448 718
Arecchi, F.T., Rodari, G.S. and Sona, A. 926
Arimondo, E., Lew, H. and Oka, T. 794 796
Arimondo, E., Phillips, W.D. and Strumia, F. 803
Armstrong, J.A., Bloembergen, N., Ducuing, J. and Pershan, P.S. 1070 1073
Aronwitz, F. 977
Arrow of time 898
Asher, I.M. and Scully, M.O. Fig. 16.6
Ashkin, A. 791 795 797 799
Ashkin, A. and Gordon, J.P. 795 799
Aspect, A., Dalibard, J. and Roger, G. 655 Fig.
Aspect, A., Dalibard, J., Heidmann, A., Salomon, C. and Cohen-Tannoudji, C. 799
Aspect, A., Grangier, J. and Roger, G. 655
Asymptotic approximation 128
Asymptotic expansion 128
Atomic density 910
Atomic hydrogen 745
Atomic interactions 805 839
Atomic system 612 683
Autocorrelation function 43 55
Axial mode 906
Back-action evading variable 1102
Backward Fokker — Planck equation 1014
Baker, B.B. and Copson, E.T. 126
Baker, H.F. 520
Baklanov, E.V. and Dubetskii, B.Ya. 791
Baltes, H.P. 249
Baltes, H.P. and Steinle, B. 244 297
Baltes, H.P. Steinle, B. and Antes, G. 244 249 Fig. 297
Balykin, V.I., Letokhov, V.S. and Mushin, V.I. 795
Bandilla, A., Paul, H. and Ritze, H. 495
Bandwidth 62 177
Banos, A. 120
Barakat, R. 362
Bargmann, V. 522 538
Barnett, S.M. and Pegg, D.T. 495
Basis vector 536
Basov, N.G., and Prokhorov, A.M. 900
Basov, N.G., Krokhin, O.N. and Popov, Yu.M. 611
Bastiaans, M.J. 171
Bayes' theorem 6
Beam angular spread 282
Beam condition 265 275 277
Beam expansion coefficient 279 282
Beam radius 282
Beam spectral coherence width 284
Beam splitter 316 511 639
Beam waist 270
Beard, T.D. 388
Bedard, G., Chang, J.C. and Mandel, L. 732
Beer's law 303
Bell's inequality 652
Bell, J.S. 648 649 651 652
Ben-Mizrachi, A., Grassberger, P. and Procaccia, I. 972
Ben-Mizrachi, A., Procaccia, I. and Grassberger, P. 972
Benedek, G.B. 418
Bentley, J. and Abraham, N.B. 971
Beran, M.J. 45
Beran, M.J. and Parrent, G. 367
Beran, M.J. and Parrent, G.B. 367
Berne, B.J. and Pecora, R. 401
Bernoulli distribution 21
Bertolotti, M., Daino, B., Gori, F. and Sette, D. 394
Bessel correlated source 250
Bessel function 121 192 297
Beth, R.A. 491
Bethe, H.A. 510 771
Bi-orthogonal series 391
Bienayme — Chebyshev inequality 16
Bigelow, N.P. and Prentiss, M.G. 796
Binomial sum 702
Bistability 822
Bjorkholm, J.E., Freemen, R.R., Ashkin, A. and Pearson, D.B. 791 795
Blackbody radiation 65 158 297 659
Blackbody radiation, higher-order correlations 670
Blackbody radiation, isotropy 671
Blackbody radiation, photon statistics 660—663
Blackbody source 297
Blanc-Lapierre, A. and Dumontet, P. 147
Blaschke factor 385—386
Bloch equations 750 753
Bloch representation 746
Bloch state 855
Bloch, F. 742 746 751
Bloembergen, N. 584 611 1069
Bloom, D.M. and Bjorklund, G.C. 1093
| Blueshift 312
Bochner's theorem 18
Bochner, S. 18
Bocko, M., Douglass, D.H. and Knox, R.S. 312 Fig. Fig.
Bohm, D. 648 649
Bohm, D. and Aharanov, Y. 649 651
Bohr, N. 648
Boltzmann distribution 659
Bonifacio, R. and Lugiato, L.A. 824 829 847
Bonifacio, R., Schwendimann, P. and Haake, F. 843 885
Born approximation (first-order) 403
Born, M. and Wolf, E. 132 147 154 157 161 167 179 187 190 191 271 288 351 355 397 402 639 767 808
Bose — Einstein distribution 25 451
Boson 479
Bothe, W. 159
Bound state 692
Boundary value, cross-spectral density 239 275
Boundary value, field 115 304
Bourret, R.C. 367 668
Bowden, C.M. and Sung, C.C. 829
Boyd, G.D. and Gordon, J.P. 389 390 394 902 905 906
Boyd, R.W. 584 1069 1073
Boyd, R.W., Habashy, T.M., Jacobs, A.A., Mandel, L., Nieto-Vesperinas, M., Tompkin, W.R. and Wolf, E. 1099 Fig. Fig.
Boyd, R.W., Habashy, T.M., Jacobs, A.A., Mandel, L., Nieto-Vesperinas, M., Tompkin, W.R.and Wolf, E. 1099 Fig. Fig.
Boyer,T.H. 761
Braceweil, R.N. 632
Braginsky, V.B. and Khalil, F.Y. 1100
Brannen, E., and Ferguson, H.I.S. 713
Brannen, E., Ferguson, H.I.S. and Wehlau, W. 713
Braun, G. 131
Breckinridge, J.B. 380 381
Bremerman, H. 57 549
Brewer, R.G. and Shoemaker, R.L. 808 Fig.
Brightness 293
Brillouin doublets 401 415 418
Brillouin, L. 415
Brown — Twiss effect 458 643 708
Brown, Hanbury R. 461
Brown, Hanbury R. and Twiss, R.Q. 157 448 452 457 458 Fig. 461 Fig. Fig. 708
Brown, Hanbury R., Davis, J. and Allen, L.R. 461 Fig.9.9
Brownian motion 84 876
Buley, E.R. and Cummings, F.W. 965
Bunching 448 712
Bures, J., Delisle, C. and Zardecki, A. 733
Burge, R.E., Fiddy, M.A., Greenaway, A.H. and Ross, G. 385
Burnham, D.C. and Weinberg, D.L. 1074 1084
Butcher, P.N. and Cotter, D. 1069
Cahill, K.E. 535
Cahill, K.E. and Glauber, R.J. 559 619
Callen, H.B. and Welton, T.A. 867 870
Campbell theorem 453
Campbell — Baker — Hausdorff theorem 519
Campbell, J.E. 519
canonical ensemble 659
Canonical equations of motion 473
Canonical variables 472
Cantrell, C.D., and Smith, W.A. 964
Cantrell, C.D., Lax, M. and Smith, W.A. 964 Fig.
Carmichael, H.J. and Walls, D.F. 738 787 885
Carruthers, P. and Nieto, M.M. 492 494
Carter, S.L. and Kelley, H.P. 690
Carter, W.H. 249
Carter, W.H. and Bertolotti, M. 258
Carter, W.H. and Wolf, E. 65 Fig. 239 Fig. 243 Fig. 249 297
Carusotto, S. 1023
Cascaded system 360
Casimir force 508
Casimir, H.B.G. 509
Casimir, H.B.G. and Polder, D. 509
Casperson, L.W. 915 971
Cathode 692
Cauchy distribution 11 17
Cauchy integral formula 95
Causality 96
Caves, C.M. 1022 1034 1036 1038 1042
Caves, C.M. and Schumaker, B.L. 1034 1036 1038 1056
Caves, C.M., Thorne, K.S., Drever, R.W.P., Sandberg, V.D. and Zimmerman, M. 1100
Cavity (laser) 905—907
Cavity mode 902 903 905
Central limit theorem 30
Chako, N. 134
Chandrasekhar, S. 287 302
Chang, R.F., Korenman, V., Alley, C.O. and Detenbeck, R.W. 926 929 Fig.
Chaos 832 967
Chaotic radiation 674
Chapman, S. 72
Characteristic function 17 557
Characteristic functional 45 564
Chebyshev inequality 15
Chopra, S. and Mandel, L. 719 958 964
Chu, B. 401 718
Chu, S., Bjorkholm, J.E., Ashkin, A. and Cable, A. 799
Chu, S., Hollberg, L., Bjorkholm, J., Cable, A., and Ashkin, A. 801
Chu, S., Prentiss, M.G., Cable, A. and Bjorkholm, J.E. 803
Chyba, T.H. Fig. 18.37
Chyba, T.H., Christian, W.R., Gage, E., Lett, P. and Mandel, L. 972
Classical optics 465
Classical state of light 541
Clauser — Horne form of Bell's inequality 653
Clauser, J.F. 648 649 651 653 655
Clauser, J.F. and Horne, M.A. 648 649 651 653 654
Clauser, J.F. and Shimony, A. 648 649 651
Clauser, J.F., Horne, M.A., Shimony, A. and Holt, R.A. 648 649 651
Coarse-grained derivative 934
Cohen-Tannoudji, C. 791
Cohen-Tannoudji, C. and Phillips, W.D. 803
Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B. and Laloee, F. 440
Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B. and Laloeo, F. 440
Coherence of laser resonator modes 389—395
Coherence, area 151
Coherence, complete 200—207
Coherence, degree of 163 169 171
Coherence, longitudinal 149 233
Coherence, matrix 343
Coherence, quantum 590
Coherence, tensor 363
Coherence, time 106 148 177
Coherence, transverse 151 233
Coherence, volume 155
Coherent mode representation 214 261 433
Coherent state (field) representation 538
Coherent state, atom 852—858
Coherent state, field 522
Coherent state, two-photon 1039 1046—1051
Coincidence detection 713—714
Collective atomic interactions 805
Collett, E. and Wolf, E. 251
Collett, M.J. and Gardiner, C.W. 1054 1056
Collett, M.J. and Walls, D.F. 1054 1056
Collett, M.J., Walls, D.F. and Zoller, P. 1056 1063
Commutation relations 473 474 502
Compensator 342 357
Complement of an event 2
Complementarity 1106
Completeness 440
Complex degree of coherence 163
Complex envelope 101
Composition law of probabilities 4
Conducting plates 508
Connes, J. 388 Fig.
Conservation law for probability 81
Constitutive relations 396—397 402
Cook, R.J. 630 738 795 797 798 Fig.
Cook, R.J. and Bernhardt, A.F. 791 795 796
Cooling (atomic) 799—803
Cooperation number 835 841
Cooperativity parameter 829
Copson, E.T. 94 95 131
Correlation coefficient 14
Correlation function (quantum), anti-normally ordered 611
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