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Mandel L., Wolf E. — Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics |
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Reactance (generalized) 871
Rebka, G.A. and Pound, R.V. 448 713
Receiver response function 507
Reciprocity inequality 179 214
Reciprocity relations, 3D, primary, quasi-homogeneous sources 236
Reciprocity relations, Gaussian Schell-model sources (beams) 285
Reciprocity relations, planar, secondary, quasi-homogeneous sources 243
Redshift 312
Reduction formula for cross-spectrally pure light 199
Regression theorem (quantum) 860
Regularization 637
Rehler, N.E. and Eberly, J.H. 843 848
Reid, M.D. and Walls, D.F. 653 657 1053 1064
Renaud, B., Whitley, R.M. and Stroud, C.R., Jr. 782
Reproducing property 32
Reservoir (quantum) 860 888
Resistance (generalized) 871
Resolving time 161
Resonance fluorescence 774
Resonator 900 906
Ressayre, E. and Tallet, A. 849
Reynolds, G.O. and Smith, A.E. 259
Rice, S.0. 51 101 453
Richter, T. 1056
Riemann zeta function 665
Riesz, F. and Sz.-Nagy, B. 67
Rigrod, W.W. and Bridges, T.J. 1013
Ring laser 976
Risken, H. 80 916 924 927 Fig. 929 946 948 Fig. Fig. 957 Fig.
Risken, H. and Nummedal, H. 915 965 968 971 1019
Risken, H. and Vollmer, H.D. 915 924 946 947 948 Fig. Fig. 957 Fig.
Rocca, F. 540 543
Rockower, E.B., Abraham, N.B. and Smith, S.R. 1023
Rohlfs, K. 381
Roman, P. 367
Roman, P. and Manes, K.R. 384
Roman, P. and Marathay, A.S. 384
Roman, P. and Wolf, E. 365 367
Root, W.L. and Pitcher, T.S. 65
Ross, S.L. 947
Rotating frame of reference 753
Rotating wave approximation 753
Rotation generator 611
Rotation matrix 610
Rotation of coordinate system 347
Rotator 358
Roy, R. and Mandel, L. 1001
Roy, R., Short, R., Durnin, J. and Mandel, L. 1017 Fig. 1018 Fig.
Ruby laser 612
Saleh, A.E. and Irshid, M.I. 251
Saleh, B.E.A. 251 727
Saleh, B.E.A. and Irshid, M.I. 251
Saleh, B.E.A. and Teich, M. 727 738
Saleh, B.E.A. and Teich, M.C. 738
Salomon, C., Dalibard, J., Aspect, A., Metcalf, H.J. and Cohen-Tannoudji, C. 795
Sanders, B.C. and Milburn, G.J. 1102 1103 Fig.
Sanders, B.C., Barnett, S.M. and Knight, P.L. 495
Santarsiero, M. and Gori, F. 318
Sarfatt, J. 668
Sargent, M., III., Scully, M.O. and Lamb, W.E., Jr. 930 977 980
Scalar product 440
Scaling law 330
Scarl, D.B. 448 716 717
Scattered field 402—404 406
Scattered field, spectral density 408 413 416
Scattering cross-section 780
Scattering from deterministic media 401
Scattering from random media 406
Scattering from two-level atoms 774
Scattering matrix 640
Schawlow, A.L. and Townes, C.H. 900
Schell, A.C. 234
Schell-model source, planar, secondary 242
Schell-model source, three-dimensional, primary 234
Schieder, R., Walther, H. and Woeste, L. 794
Schiff, L.I. 440
Schleich, W., Horowicz, R.J. and Varro, S. 495
Schrodinger, E. 522
Schroedinger equation 440 602 684
Schroedinger picture 529
Schroedinger wave function, coherent state 528
Schroedinger wave function, Fock state 482
Schubert, M. and Vogel, W. 495
Schubert, M. and Wilhelmi, B. 1069 1070
Schuda, F., Hercher, M. and Stroud, C.R., Jr. 761
Schuda, F., Stroud, C.R., Jr. and Hercher, M. 755 Fig. 784
Schumaker, B.L. 1034 1056
Schumaker, B.L. and Caves, C.M. 1034 1036 1038 1056
Schwarz inequality 53 79 586 593
Schweber, S.S. 513
Scudieri, F., Bertolotti, M. and Bartolino, R. 258
Scully, M.O. 913 930 932
Scully, M.O. and Lamb, W.E., Jr. 930 932 936 Fig. Fig.
Scully, M.O., Zhu, S.Y. and Gavrielides, A. 901
Secondary source plane 240
Secondary, planar source 239
Self-coherence function 169
Self-induced transparency 813
Semiclassical theory 439
Senitzky, I.R. 888 890
Separable random process 72
Separation of variables 946
Series, G.W. 509
Shapiro, J.H. 1057
Shapiro, J.H., Shepard, S.R. and Wang, N.C. 495
Shapiro, J.H., Yuen, H.P. and Machado Mata, J.A. 1049 1052
Shen, Y.R. 584 1069 1070 1073
Shenoy, S.R. and Agarwal, G.S. 1013
Sherman, G.C. 117
Sherman, G.C., Stamnes, J.J. and Lalor, E. 114
Shih, Y.H. and Alley, C.O. 655
Short, R. and Mandel, L. 627 738 790
Shot noise 455 1060
Shurcliff, W.A. 362
Siegman, A.E. 262 903 906
Siegman, A.E. and Arrathoon, R. 961
Siegman, A.E., Daino, B. and Manes, K.R. 961
Signal Photon 1074
Similarity transformation 517
Simmons, J.W. and Guttmann, M.J. 491 610
Simon, R. 362
Simple fluid 414
Simultaneous measurement 502
Sine operator 494
Singh, S. 738 980 981 984
Singh, S. and Mandel, L. 983 984 Fig. Fig. Fig. 1001 Fig. Fig. 1013 1015
Singh, S., Friberg, S. and Mandel, L. 958 Fig.
Single-mode field 435
Singular D-function 501
skewness 12
Skribanowitz, N., Herman, I.P., MacGillivray, J.C., and Feld, M.S. 846
Slab geometry 109
Slowly varying envelope approximation (SVEA) 908
Slusher, R.E. 820
Slusher, R.E. and Gibbs, H.M. 820 Fig.
Slusher, R.E., Hollberg, L.W., Yurke, B., Mertz, J.C. and Valley, J.F. 1054 Fig. 1064 1098
Small angle approximation 271
Smirnov, V.S. and Zhelnov, B.L. 979
Smith, A.W. and Armstrong, J.A. 921 926
Smithies, F. 67 391
Smoluchowski — Chapman — Kolmogorov relation 73
Smoluchowski, M.v. 72 415
Soleillet, P. 362
Solid angle 299
Source function 302
Source reconstruction 245 328
Source-integrated cross-spectral density 232
Space density of radiation 301
Space-time commutation relations 500
Spatial coherence 151
| Spatial frequency 115
Spatial frequency vectors 231 247
Spatial translation generator 608
Spatially incoherent source 189 377
Speaker 312
Specific intensity 301
Spectral amplitude 115
Spectral changes (due to source correlations) 307
Spectral component squeezing 1063
Spectral cross-correlation function of order (M, N) 425
Spectral degree of coherence 171 233
Spectral density 57 59 171
Spectral distribution function 664
Spectral interference law 173 310
Spectral invariance 330
Spectral visibility 173
Spectrum 59 171 328
Spectrum analyzer 316
Spherical wave 120
Spin (photon) 491
Spin echo 809
Spin operators 743 833
Spin- particle 742
Spontaneous emission 764 772—774 915
Spot size 270
Spread (averaging) function 505
Square-integrability 214
Squeeze operator 1038—1041 1056
Squeezed states 532 1034 1053—1056
Squeezed states, ideal 1042—1045
Squeezed states, photon number 1045
Squeezed states, vacuum 1043
Squeezing, amplitude-squared 1067
Squeezing, degree of 1063
Squeezing, full sense 1058
Squeezing, higher-order 1065—1068
Squeezing, homogeneous and inhomogeneous 1063
Squeezing, N'th order (intrinsic) 1065
Squeezing, spectral component 1063
Squeezing, spectrum of 1062
Srinivas, M.D. and Davis, E.B. 726
Srinivas, M.D. and Davis, S.P. 726
Srinivas, M.D. and Wolf, E. 75 867
Stamnes, J.J. 133 141
Standard deviation 12
Standing wave field 796
Star Betelgeuse 154
Starikov, A. and Wolf, E. 261 262 Fig.
Stark effect (a.c.) 784
State of definite phase 495
State of minimum uncertainty product 531
State vector 474
Static scattering 413
Stationarity (statistical) 45 47 601
Stationary phase, method of 128
Stationary points 129
Statistical independence 5
Statistics, Gaussian 428
Steepest descent, method of 131
Stefan — Boltzmann law 665
Steinle, B. and Baltes, H.P. 244
Stellar interferometry 375 460
Stenholm, S. 791
Stimulated emission 612 764
Stirling's approximation to -function 938
Stirling's theorem 85
Stochastic equation 80
Stokes line 418
Stokes parameters 348
Stokes' law (for particle in a viscous fluid) 876
Stokes' reciprocity relations 511 640
Stokes' representation 348
Stokes, G.G. 147 348 511 639
Stoler, D. 531 1036 1038
Stratonovich, R.L. 982 1013
Streifer, W. 389
Strong, J. and Vanasse, G.A. 388
Stroud, C.R., Jr. and Jaynes, E.T. 761
Stroud, C.R., Jr., Eberly, J.H., Lama, W.L. and Mandel, L. 848 849
Structure function 410
Sturm — Liouville equation 946 1003
Su, C. and Wodkiewicz, K. 657
Sub-Poissonian statistics 627 643 737—738
Sudarshan's equations 210
Sudarshan, E.C.G. 207 209 210 540 555 556 570 592 866
Summation law of probabilities 4
Super-Poissonian statistics 643 737
Superfluorescence 843
Superradiance 839
Susskind, L. and Glogower, J. 492 494
Swindell, W. 355
Swinney, H.L. 718
Symmetric ordering 475 541
Synthesized source 325
Sz.-Nagy,B., Riesz, F. and Swinney, H.L. 67
Szoeke, A., Daneu, V., Goldhar, J. and Kurnit, N.A. 822
Tam, A.C. and Happer, W. 799
Taylor series 516
Teich, M.C. and Saleh, B.E.A. 738 790 1034
Teich, M.C., Saleh, B.E.A. and Perina, J. 738
Tempered distribution 549
Temporal coherence 148
Temporal filter 174
Tervonen, E., Friberg, A.T. and Turunen, J. 259
Thermal equilibrium 872
Thermal light beam 675
Thermal radiation 674
Thermal reservoir 659
Thermal source 150 287
Thompson, A.R., Moran, J.M. and Swenson, G.W. 381
Thompson, W. 130
Threshold frequency 439
Time average 47
Time evolution of free field correlation functions 211
Time evolution, operator 529 861
Time ordering symbol 578
Time resolution (intrinsic) - circuit 713
Time translation generator 602
Time-to-amplitude converter (TAC) 716
Tipping angle 757
Titchmarsh, E.C. 56 94
Titulaer, U.M. and Glauber, R.J. 592 593 596 599 601
Toll, J.S. 385
Torrey, H.C. 755 758
Traceable operator 539
Transformation of coherence matrix 356 360
Transformation of Stokes parameters 362
Transformation of variates 9
Transition matrix element 574
Transition moments 76
Transition probability 72 441
Transition rate 74
Translation operator 516
Transmission matrix 356
Transmitted wave 511
Transversality 468
Transverse coherence 151 233
Transverse delta function 503
Trapping (atomic) 799—803
Treacy, E.B. and DeMaria, A.J. 754
Tricomi, F.G. 219
Trotter, A.P. 287
Tucker, J. and Walls, D.F. 1074
Turski, L.A. 495
Turunen, J., Tervonen, E. and Friberg, A.T. 259
Twiss, R.Q., Little, A.G. and Brown, Hanbury R. 448 713
Two-beam interference 150 172 387 582
Two-lens afocal system 324
Two-level atom, cooling/trapping 799—803
Two-level atom, definition 741
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