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Mandel L., Wolf E. — Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics |
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Correlation function (quantum), normally ordered 567 584
Correlation function of dielectric susceptibility 406
Correlation functions of fields obeying Gaussian statistics 428—432
Correlation time 62
Correspondence principle 476
Corti, M. and Degiorgio, V. 719 Fig. 964 Fig.
Corti, M., Degiorgio, V. and Arecchi, F.T. 719 958 Fig.
Cosine operator 494
Coulomb gauge 466 687
Counting rate - spontaneous 615
Coupled system 683
Courant, R. and Hilbert, D. 123
Courjon, D. and Bulabois, J. 259
Courjon, D., Bulabois, J. and Carter, W.H. 259
Covariance 14
Covariance matrix 62 343
Creation operator, configuration space 487 566
Creation operator, photon 479 1039
Cresser, J.D., Haeger, J., Leuchs, G., Rateike, M. and Walther, H. 720
Crisp, M.D. and Jaynes, E.T. 761
Critical opalescence 415
Critical points 129
Crosignani, B., Di Porto, P. and Bertolotti, M. 401 718
Cross-correlation function 62 423
Cross-correlation matrix 62
Cross-spectral density 63 170 427 588
Cross-spectral purity 196—200
Cummins, H.Z. 401
Cummins, H.Z. and Pike, E.R. 718
Cummins, H.Z. and Swinney, H.L. 401 464 718
Cummins, H.Z., Knable, N. and Yeh, Y. 463
Cumulant 19
Curie temperature 913
Current (classical) - field of 568
D'Espagnat, B. 648
Dagenais, M. and Mandel, L. 720 Fig. 755 Fig. 787 Fig. Fig.
Dainty, J.C. 380
Dalibard, J. and Cohen-Tannoudji, C. 799 803
Dalibard, J., Dupont-Roc, J. and Cohen-Tannoudji, C. 511
Dalibard, J., Heidmann, A., Salomon, C. and Cohen-Tannoudji, C. 799
Dalibard, J., Raimond, J.M. and Zinn-Justin, J. 803
Damping term (phenomenological) 755
Davenport, W.B., Jr. and Root, W.L. 61 106
Davidson, F. 716 722 964
Davidson, F. and Mandel, L. 716 Fig. 718 719 722 926 Fig. 964
Davis, J. and Tango, W.J. 380
Davis, R.C. 65
De Broglie relation 157
De Santis, P., Gori, F. and Palma, C. 256
Debye's theory of specific heats 415
Debye, P. 415
Dechamps, J., Courjon, D. and Bulabois, J. 259
Deflection (atomic) by light 790
Degeneracy parameter 158
Degenerate four-wave mixing 1093
Degiorgio, V. and Scully, M. 913 914
Degree of angular correlation 274
Degree of coherence, complex 163
Degree of coherence, global 262
Degree of coherence, spectral 171
Degree of polarization 354
Dennery, P. and Krzywicki, A. 131
Density of states 443
Density operator 481 684 686 692
Dephasing of atomic dipoles 807
Depolarization 356
Derjaguin, B.V., Abrikosova, I.I. and Lifshitz, E.M. 509
DeSantis, P., Gori, F., Guattari, G. and Palma, C. 256 Fig. Fig. Fig.
Determination of angular diameters of stars 379
Dialetis, D. 384
Dialetis, D. and Mehta, C.L. 602
Dialetis, D. and Wolf, E. 384
Dichotomic observable 651
Dicke state 834—839
Dicke, R.H. 743 835 839 850
Dicke, R.H. and Wittke, J.P. 835
Dielectric (nonlinear) 584 1073
Dielectric response of fluctuating medium 396—401
Dielectric susceptibility 396 584 1073
Differential scattering coefficient 302
Diffusion coefficient 77
Diffusion process 86
Dipole approximation 688
Dipole force 791
Dipole moment (atomic) 744
Dirac delta function 96 548
Dirac, P.A.M. 474 492
Direction cosines 471
Dirichlet discontinuous integral 632
Dirichlet problem 125
Dispersion relations 96
Displacement operator 516 526 852
Doppler limit for cooling atoms 802
Drexhage, K.H. 841
Drift coefficient 77
Drummond, P.D. 1070
Dugundji's theorem 101
Dugundji, J. 101
Dynamical structure factor 411
Eberly, J.H. 784 849
Eberly, J.H. and Kujawski, A. 602
Echo pulse 812
Effective field 823
Effective linear source dimension 238
Efficiency factor-source 299
Eigenfunction 215
Eigenvalue 215
Einstein A-coefficient 765
Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen (EPR) paradox 648
Einstein, A. 59 65 84 88 159 414 415 439 626 736 867
Einstein, A. and Hopf, L. 65
Einstein, A., Podolsky, B. and Rosen, N. 648 1082
Eisenhart, L.P. 135
Electric coherence matrix 363
Electric cross-spectral density tensor 369
Electric displacement vector 402 690
Electric energy density (average) 341 365 371
Electric field vector 340
Electric Hertz vector 402
Electromotive force (e.m.f.) 868
Elliptic integral K of first kind 554
Embedding dimension 972
Emission probability 614
Energy (atomic) 744
Energy conservation law 288 290
Energy density 288
Energy flux density vector 288
Energy level structure 612
Energy-nonlinear medium 1069—1070
Ensemble 7 218 275
Ensemble average 42
Entangled quantum state 648 1082
Entire analytic function 538
Entropy (thermodynamic) 924
Equal-time correlation function 168
Equation of radiative energy transfer 302
Equations of motion-field operators 503
Equipartition law 869
Equivalence theorem for radiant intensity 251 256
Erdelyi, A. 121 131
Ergodicity 48
Evanescent plane waves 111
Even-order correlation function 424
Events 1
Exit pupil 187
expectation value 11 474
Exponential distribution 108
Exponential filter 386
Exponential operator 525
Extinction coefficient 302
| Fabelinskii, I.L. 415
Fabry — Perot interferometer 824 901
Factorial moment 12
Factorial moment generating function 16
Fair sampling hypothesis 653
Faklis, D. and Morris, G.M. 316
Fan, H.Y. 1034
Fan, H.Y., Zaidi, H.R. and Klauder, J.R. 1034
Far-zone approximation 127 230 240
Far-zone coherence angle 285
Farina, J.D., Narducci, L.M. and Collett, E. 258 286 Fig.
Fearn, H. and Loudon, R. 640
Feigenbaum, M.J. 971
Fellgett, P. 388
Fermi Golden Rule 871
Fermion 742
Ferromagnetic material 913
Ferwerda, H.A. 388
Feynman, R.P., Vernon, F.L., Jr. and Hellwarth, R.W. 751
Field component (quadrature) 1035
Field correlations 153 159
Field of classical current 568
Field operator 566
Fields obeying Gaussian statistics 428 436
Filtered tight 175
First passage time 1013
Fisher, R.A. 1098
Fisher, R.A., Nieto, M.M. and Sandberg, V.D. 1038 1042
Fleury, P.A. and Boon, J.P. Fig. 7.10
Fluctuation spectroscopy 463
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 869 875
Flusberg, A., Mossberg, T., and Hartmann, S.R. 846
Fock space 478—479 514 1047
Fock space-continuous 513
Fock state representation 480 523 565
Focke, J. 131 133 134
Fokker — Planck equation 79
Fokker — Planck equation, backward 1014
Foley, J.T. 323 Fig. Fig.
Foley, J.T. and Wolf, E. 303 Fig. 332 411 418
Foley, J.T., and Zubairy, M.S. Fig. 5.22 Fig.
Ford, N.C. and Benedek, G.B. 463
Forster, D. 411
Fourier spectroscopy 388
Fourier — Stieltjes integral 57
Fox — Li modes 394
Fox, A.G. and Li, T. 389 394 902 905 906
Franken, P.A., Hill, A.E., Peters, C.W. and Weinreich, G. 1069 1070
Fraunhofer diffraction formula 117
Fredholm integral equation 67 215 391
Free electron energy state 693
Free induction decay (optical) 805—808
Freed, C. and Haus, H.A. 921 926
Freedman, S.J. and Clauser, J.F. 655 761
Fresnel integral 132
Fresnel transform 267
Friberg, A.T. 294 295 297
Friberg, A.T. and Drummond, P.D. 640
Friberg, A.T. and Sudol, R.J. 280
Friberg, A.T. and Turunen, J. 395
Friberg, A.T. and Wolf, E. 172 285 406 408
Friberg, A.T., Agarwal, G.S., Foley, J.T., and Wolf, E. 307
Friberg, A.T., Hong, C.K. and Mandel, L. Fig. 22.2 1084
Friberg, S. and Mandel, L. 1022 1025 1030 Fig. 1053 1056
Fried, Z. 690
Friedberg, R. and Hartmann, S.R. 847
Fringe visibility 166 376
Frisch, R. 794
Frozen atmosphere model 412
Fry, E.S. and Thompson, R.C. 655
Fuerth, R. 159 736
Gabor, D. 93 118
Gain medium 901
Gamliel, A. 312
Gamliel, A. and Wolf, E. 312
Gamma distribution 30
Gamo, H. 386 388 719
Garcia-Fernandez, P., Sainz de los Terreros, L., Bermejo, F.J. and Santoro, J. 1066
Gardiner, C.W. and Collett, M.J. 1057
Gardiner, C.W., and Savage, C.M. 1054 1056
Gas discharge tube 900
Gauss' theorem 288
Gaussian beam 267
Gaussian distribution 27—37
Gaussian error function 925
Gaussian mode 906
Gaussian moment theorem 36 38
Gaussian random process 44 107
Gaussian Schell-model beam 276
Gaussian Schell-model source 253
Gaussian statistics 428
Gaussian, quasi-homogeneous source 237
Generalized structure function 410
Geometrical trajectory 287
Gerhardt, H., Welling, H. and Guettner, A. 961
Ghielmetti, F. 623
Gibbs, H.M. 761 774
Gibbs, H.M. and Venkatesan, T.N.C. 784
Gibbs, H.M., Hopf, F., Kaplan, D.L. and Shoemaker, R.L. 832
Gibbs, H.M., Hopf, F.A., Kaplan, D.L. and Shoemaker, R.L. 832
Gibbs, H.M., McCall, S.L. and Venkatesan, T.N.C. 822 824 831 Fig.
Gibbs, H.M., Vrehen, Q.H.F. and Hikspoors, H.M.J. 847 Fig. 850
Gioggia, R.S. and Abraham, N.B. 971
Giordmaine, J.A. 1073
Giuliano, C.R. 1099 Fig.
Glauber — Sudarshan P-representation 540
Glauber, R.J. 409 522 525 526 540 541 555 556 568 573 574 585 590 591 703 705 722 726 1022 1042
Global coherence 262
Goldberg, R.R. 17 18 214
Goldman, S. 59
Goodman, J.W. 117 243
Gordon, J.P. and Ashkin, A. 797 799
Gordon, J.P., Zeiger, H.J. and Townes, C.H. 900
Gori, F. 256 261 262 267 281 389
Gori, F. and Palma, C. 256
Gori, F., Guattari, G., Palma, C. and Padovani, C. 315 Fig. Fig.
Gottfried, K. 488
Gradient force 791
Gradshteyn, I.S. and Ryzhik, I.M. 132 248 266 1005
Graham, R. 913 914 915 989 1075 1078
Graham, R. and Haken, H. 913 1019
Grangier, P., Roger, G. and Aspect, A. 720
Grangier, P., Roger, G., Aspect, A., Heidmann, A. and Reynaud, S. 720
Grassberger, P. and Procaccia, I. 972
Green's function 120 127 210 267 405
Green's theorem 138
Grischkowsky, D. 754
Grischkowsky, D., Courtens, E. and Armstrong, J.A. 754
Gross, E. 415
Gross, M., Fabre, C., Pillet, P. and Haroche, S. 846
Grossmann, S. and Richter, P.H. 984
Ground state 475
Guettner, A., Welling, H., Gericke, K.H. and Seifert, W. 961 Fig. Fig.
Haake, F., Haus, H.A., King, H., Schroeder, G. and Glauber, R.J. 850
Haake, F., Haus, J., King, H., Schroeder, G. and Glauber, R.J. 850
Haake, F., King, H., Schroeder, G., Haus, H.A. and Glauber, R.J. 850
Haake, F., King, H., Schroeder, G., Haus, J. and Glauber, R.J. 850
Haeger, J., Cresser, J.D., Leuchs, G., Rateike, M. and Walther, H. 720
Haensch, T.W. and Schawlow, A.L. 799 800
Hahn, E.L. 808 809
Haken, H. 888 890 903 913 914 915 923 930 936 965 989
Haken, H. and Ohno, H. 915
Haken, H. and Sauermann, H. 903 930
Half space 112
Haller, K. 691
Halliday, D. and Resnick, R. Fig. 13.1
Hambenne, J.B. and Sargent, M., III. 994
Hamiltonian (classical) 472
Hamiltonian (quantum)-interaction 687 689—691
Hamiltonian of quantized radiation field 474—478
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