Книга | Страницы для поиска |
Кормен Т., Лейзерсон Ч., Ривест Р. — Алгоритмы: построение и анализ | 826 |
Кормен Т., Лейзерсон Ч., Ривест Р. — Алгоритмы: построение и анализ | 672 |
Kedlaya K.S., Poonen B., Vakil R. — The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition 1985–2000: Problems, Solutions, and Commentary | 68 |
Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1) | 187 |
Grimaldi R.P. — Discrete and combinatorial mathematics. An introduction | 697 |
Dummit D.S., Foote R.M. — Abstract algebra | 157 |
Fisher Y. — Fractal Image Compression. Theory and Application | 53, 141 |
Bulirsch R., Stoer J. — Introduction to numerical analysis | 120, 169 |
Ben-Israel A., Greville T. — Generalized inverses: Theory and applications | 19 |
Latrve D.R., Kreider D.L., Proctor T.G. — Hp-48G/Gx Investigations in Mathematics | 439 |
Golub G.H., Ortega J.M. — Scientific Computing and Differential Equations : An Introduction to Numerical Methods | 117 |
Baker A. — Matrix Groups: An Introduction to Lie Group Theory | 153 |
Fulton W. — Young tableaux: with applications to representation theory and geometry | 41 |
Lueneburg H. — Tools and fundamental constructions of combinatorial mathematics | 290ff, 389 |
Lutkepohl H. — Handbook of Matrices | 116, 140, 143, 266 |
Meyer C.D. — Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra | 135, 140, 151 |
Bini D., Pan V.Y. — Polynomial and matrix computations. Fundamental algorithms. Vol.1 | 66 |
Roberts A.W., Varberg D.E. — Convex Functions | 200 |
Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 2) | 187 |
Webster R. — Convexity | 246 |
Hormander L. — Notions of Convexity | 46 |
Newman M. — Integral Matrices | 182 |
Opechowski W. — Crystallographic and metacrystallographic groups | 36 |
Artin M. — Algebra | 25 |
Dummit D.S., Foote R.M. — Abstract Algebra | 157 |
Merris R. — Combinatorics | 388 |
Scheinerman E.R., Ullman D.H. — Fractional graph theory: a rational approach to the theory of graphs | 128 |
Brünjes L. — Forms of Fermat Equations and Their Zeta Functions | 105, 156 |
Bapat R.B., Raghavan T.E., Rota G.C. (Ed) — Nonnegative Matrices and Applications | 1 |
Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations | 250 |
Cao Z.-Q., Kim K.H., Roush F.W. — Incline algebra and applications | 28 |
Anderson I. — A first course in discrete mathematics | 136 |
Marcus M., Rosen J. — Markov Processes, Gaussian Processes and Local Times | 600 |
James G., Liebeck M.W. — Representations and Characters of Groups | 45 |
Bronson R. — Schaum's Outline of Matrix Operations | 152 |
Cohen H.A. — A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory | 50 |
Morelos-Zaragoza R.H. — The art of error-correcting coding | 147 |
Elberly D.H., Shoemake K. — Game Physics | 579 |
Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A | 76 |
Ionin Y.J., Shrikhande M.S. — Combinatorics of Symmetric Designs | 18 |
Kress R., Gehring F.W. — Numerical Analysis | 19 |
Lin I.H. — Geometric Linear Algebra. Vol. 1 | 160, 767; see “Matrix” |
Semple Ch., Steel M. — Phylogenetics | 184 |
von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 457, 679, 680 |
Strang G. — Linear Algebra and Its Applications | 37, 62, 215 |
Sagan B.E. — The Symmetric Group: Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions | 6 |
Alperin J.L., Bell R.B. — Groups and Representations, Vol. 0 | 42 |
Brualdi R.A., Ryser H.J. — Combinatorial Matrix Theory | 1 |
Radjavi H., Rosenthal P. — Simultaneous Triangularization | 104 |
Silvester J.R. — Introduction to Algebraic K-Theory | 194 |
Littlewood D.E. — The Theory of Group Characters and Matrix Representations of Groups | 3 |
Draxl P.K. — Skew fields | 9 |
Micchelli C.A. — Mathematical Aspects of Geometric Modeling | 5 |
Aigner M. — Combinatorial Theory | 413 |
Wan Z.-X. — Geometry of matrices | 23 |
Searle S.R. — Matrix algebra useful for statistics | 173 |
Kincaid D., Cheney W. — Numerical analysis: mathematics of scientific computing | 147 |
Antia H.M. — Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers | 73, 111, 581 |
Olver P.J., Shakiban C. — Applied linear. algebra | 25, 28, 33, 43, 60, 72 |
Steeb W.- H. — Problems and Solutions in Introductory and Advanced Matrix Calculus | 12 |
Bona M. — Combinatorics of permutations | 75 |
Sewell G. — Computational Methods of Linear Algebra | 24 |
Clausen M. — Fast Fourier transforms | 52 |
Bóna M. — Introduction to Enumerative Combinatorics | 224 |
Mac Lane S., Birkhoff G.D. — Algebra | 247 |
Trefethen L.N., Bau D. — Numerical Linear Algebra | 34, 157, 220 |
Stewart G.W., Sun J. — Matrix perturbation theory | 3, 83, 85 |
Bazaraa M.S., Sherali H.D., Shetty C.M. — Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms | 753, 756 |
Katznelson I., KatznelsonY.R. — A (Terse) Introduction to Linear Algebra (Student Mathematical Library) | 44 |
Carl D. Meyer — Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra Book and Solutions Manual | 135, 140, 151 |
Bjoerck A., Dahlquist G. — Numerical mathematics and scientific computation | 12 |
Nicholson W.K. — Linear Algebra with Applications | 85, 288, 387 |
Ryser H.J. — Combinatorial Mathematics | 54 |
Cox D.A., Little J., O'Shea D. — Using Algebraic Geometry | 3799381, 384, 385 |
Blom G., Holst L., Sandell D. — Problems and Snapshots from the World of Probability | 172 |
Ortega J. M. — Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables | 46 |
Aigner M. — Graph theory | 122 |
Ortega J.M. — Numerical analysis: a second course | 102, 112ff |
Bapat R.B., Raghavan T.E.S. — Nonnegative Matrices and Applications | 1 |
Liu B., Lai H.-J. — Matrices in Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Network Theory and Applications Volume 3) | 1 |
Gloub G.H., Ortega J.M. — Scientific Computing and Differential Equations | 117 |
Knus M.-A. — Quadratic and hermitian forms over rings | 315 |
Finkbeiner D.T. — Introduction to Matrices and Linear Transformations | 109, 224—227 |
Abramovich Y.A., Aliprantis C.D. — An Invitation to Operator Theory | 333 |
Birkhoff G., Mac Lane S. — A Survey of Modern Algebra | 228 |
Elden L. — Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications in Data Mining | 21, 73 |
Graham A. — Kronecker products and matrix calculus: with applications | 23, 28, 32 |
Berry M.W., Browne M. — Understanding Search Engines: Mathematical Modeling and Text Retrieval | 48 |
Sachkov V.N., Tarakanov V.E. — Combinatorics of Nonnegative Matrices | 4 |
Stinson D.R. — Cryptography: Theory and practice | 21 |
Bhatia R. — Fourier Series (Mathematical Association of America Textbooks) | 106 |
Kept R. — Fundamentals of the Average Case Analysis of Particular Algorithms | 27 |
Luenberger D.G. — Introduction to dynamic systems | 249, 250 |
Wait R. — The numerical solution of algebraic equations | 13 |
Dieudonne J. — Linear Algebra and Geometry. | 6.1, Ex. 1 |
Schott J.R. — Matrix Analysis for Statistics | 15 |
Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction | 670 |
Lemm J.M., Meurant G. — Computer Solution of Large Linear Systems | 18, 23, 78—81, 95, 133, 466, 469 |
Wait R. — Numerical solution of algebraic equations | 13 |
Sachkov V.N. — Combinatorial methods in discrete mathematics | 6, 13 |
Mingarelli A.B., Halvorsen S.G. — Non-Oscillation Domains of Differential Equations with Two Parameters | 61 |
Abhyankar S.S. — Lectures on Algebra Volume 1 | 513, 629, 679 |
Burden R.L., Faires J.D. — Numerical analysis | 367 |
Hammerlin G., Hoffmann K.-H., Schumaker L.L. — Numerical Mathematics | 51, 52, 54 |
George A., Liu J. — Computer solution of large sparse positive definite systems | 9, 12, 115 |
Davis P.J. — Mathematics of Matrices | 20 |
Marcus M., Minc H. — Introduction to Linear Algebra | 164 |
Young D.M., Gregory R.T. — A Survey of Numerical Mathematics, Volume 2 | 726, 801, 924 |
Golan J.S. — The Linear Algebra a Beginning Graduate Student Ought to Know (Texts in the Mathematical Sciences) | 142 |
Abramovich Y., Aliprantis C. — An Invitation to Operator Theory (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 50) | 333 |
Joyner D. — Adventures in group theory: Rubik's cube, Merlin's machine, and other mathematical toys | 23, 44 |
Grimaldi R.P. — Student Solutions Manual for Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics | 670 |
Bhatia R. — Matrix Analysis | 32, 37, 165 |
Klein E. — Mathematical methods in theoretical economics | 347, 366 |
Chvatal V. — Linear programming | 83, 86—87, 90—91, 406—407 |
Bona M. — Combinatorics of Permutations | 75 |
Knuth D.E. — Selected papers on discrete mathematics | 96 |
J. M. Borwein, Qi.Zhu — Techniques of Variational Analysis (CMS Books in Mathematics) | 22, 302 |
J. M. Borwein, Qi.Zhu — Techniques of Variational Analysis (CMS Books in Mathematics) | 22, 302 |