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Ben-Israel A., Greville T. — Generalized inverses: Theory and applications |
Предметный указатель |
norm 8 123
- generalized inverse 118
-approximate solution 119
-vector 29
matrix 139
-metric projector 115
factorization 13 231 240
Absorbing chain 272
Absorbing state 272
Acute natrices 213
Acute perturbation 213
Adjoint 10
Admittance matrix 87
Affine set 162
Algebraic multiplicity 31
angle 7
Aperiodic state 272
B-singular value decomposition 224
B-singular values 224
B-SVD 224
Basic solution 107
Basic subspaces 210
Best rank-k approximation 189
Beta distribution 293
beta function 286
Bias 262
Binet — Cauchy formula 25
blue 255
Bott — Duffin inverse 79 85 131
Branches, currents 86
Canonical angles 207
Carrier 296
Cauchy — Schwartz inequality 6 124 209
Cauchy — Schwartz inequality, generalized 124
Cesaro average 274
Characteristic polynomial 30
Cholesky factorization 104
Cline's method 147 233
Closed set of states 272
Closure 295
Coefficient of inclination 205
Communicating states 271
Complementary subspaces 5
Compound matrix 28
Computation, basis for null space 21
Computation, basis for range space 21
Computation, Drazin inverse 146—149 232 233
Computation, full-rank factorization 22
Computation, group inverse 160 161 233
Computation, Hermite normal form 20 22
Computation, Moore — Penrose inverse 42 159 184 185 223 232—234 242 248
Computation, Smith normal form 33
Computation, {1,2,3}-inverse 41 159 231
Computation, {1,2,4}-inverse 41 159
Computation, {1,2}-inverse 39 40 158 185 229 230
Computation, {1,3}-inverse 185
Computation, {1,4}-inverse 185
Computation, {1}-inverse 36 185 230
Computation, {2}-inverse 43
Condition number 181
Consistent norms 16
Constrained inverse 79
Constrained least-square solution 94
Constrained minimum-norm least-square solution 99 227
Contraction 199
Convergent matrix 18
Convex body 123
Convex function 115
Convex set, rotund 125
Convex set, smooth 125
Coordinates, cylindrical 284
Coordinates, spherical 285
Covariance matrix 255
Cramer's rule 25 67 108 176 178
Current 86
Cylindrical coordinates 284
Decomposable 295
Density function 289
Derivative 269
Determinant 24
Difference equation, consistent initial solution 278
Difference equation, homogeneous 278
Difference equation, tractable 278
Differentiable 269
Dimension of inclination 205
Direct sum 295
Discriminant 81
Distance between subspaces 208
Distribution function 289
Distribution, 293
Distribution, bivariate normal 293
Distribution, exponential 292
Distribution, spherical 292
Distribution, uniform 293
Domain 296
Drazin inverse 138 145 146
Drazin inverse, Cline's method 147 233
Drazin inverse, computation 146—149 232 233
Drazin inverse, limit form 149
Dual function 122
Dual norms 123
Dual set 123
Dual vectors 124
Eigenfunction 308
Eigenspace 11
Eigenvalue 11 308
Eigenvector 11
Electrical network 85 132
Electrical network, currents 85
Electrical network, dual transfer matrix 87
Electrical network, transfer matrix 87
Electrical network, voltages 85
Elementary matrices 18
Elementary operations 33
Elementary row operations 18
EP matrix 139
Equivalent matrices 15
Equivalent norms 8
Erdelyi g.i. 305
Ergodic chain 272
Ergodic state 272
Essentially strictly convex norm 115
Estimable function 255 259
Euclidean norm 6
Expected value 255
Extension 76
Extremal g.i. 320
Extremal solution 318
Factorization, 13 231 240
Factorization, Cholesky 104
Factorization, full-rank see Rank factorization
Factorization, QR 13 229 240
Fredholm integral operators 300
Frobenius covariants 54 57
Frobenius norm 16 97 189
Full-rank factorization See Rank factorization
Function, convex 115
Function, strictly convex 115
Gamma function 286
Gauge function 122 204
Gauge function, symmetric 122
Gauss — Markov model 255
Gauss — Markov theorem 256
Gaussian elimination 20
Generalized Green's function 312
Generalized inverse 1
Generalized inverse, - 118 130
Generalized inverse, -inverse 135
Generalized inverse, associated with , 118 130
Generalized inverse, constrained 79
| Generalized inverse, Drazin inverse 138 145 146
Generalized inverse, maximal g.i. 303
Generalized inverse, Moore — Penrose inverse 159
Generalized inverse, quasi-commuting inverse 152
Generalized inverse, reverse order property 142 154
Generalized inverse, S'-inverse 149
Generalized inverse, S-inverse 144
Generalized inverse, S-restricted 77 98
Generalized inverse, strong spectral inverse 152
Generalized inverse, Tseng 300
Generalized inverse, {1,2,3}-inverse 40 159
Generalized inverse, {1,2,4}-inverse 40 159
Generalized inverse, {1,2,5}-inverse 138
Generalized inverse, {1,2}-inverse 39 158
Generalized inverse, {1,3}-inverse 91 97
Generalized inverse, {1,4}-inverse 97
Generalized inverse, {1}-inverse 37
Generalized inverse, {2}-inverse 264 265 269
Generalized inverse, {i,j,…,k}-inverse 35
Generalized power 222
Generalized resolvent 220
Geometric multiplicity 11
Grade 29
Gram matrix 25 67
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization process 234
Gram — Schmidt orthonormalization process 7 13 24
Gramian 25
Graph 85 296
Graph nodes 85
Graph nodes, connected 86
Graph nodes, directly connected 86
Graph, branches 85
Graph, connected 86
Graph, incidence matrix 85
Green's function 311
Greville's method 234
Group inverse 138
Group inverse, computation 139 160 161 233
GSO 7 13 24 234
Hadamard inequality 26 209 210
Hermite normal form 20 22 36 230
Hermite normal form, computation 20 22
Idempotent 37 50
Ill-conditioned 92
Incidence matrix 85 87
Inclination, coefficient 205
Inclination, dimension 205
Index of eigenvalue 31
Index of nilpotency 31 153
Inequality, Cauchy — Schwartz 6 124 209
Inequality, generalized Cauchy — Schwartz 124
Inequality, Hadamard 26 209 210
Inequality, Minkowski 8
Inequality, triangle 6
Inequality, Weyl 192
Inner product 5 295
Inner product, standard 6
Integral matrix 33 84
Integral vector 33 84
Interval linear program 82
Interval linear program, bounded 82
Interval linear program, consistent 82
Invariant factors 33
Inverse graph 296
Inverse, Bott — Duffin 79 85 131
Inverse, Drazin 146
Inverse, generalized 1
Inverse, Moore — Penrose 35 97 114 316
Inverse, weighted 105
Irreducible Markov chain 272
Irreducible matrix 34
Isometry 194
Isometry, linearity of 199
Isometry, partial 194 199
Iterative method 241
Iterative method, -order 241
Jacobian matrix 265 280
Jordan block 30
Jordan normal form 30 57 146 151
Kalman filter 294
Kirchhoff 86
Kirchhoff current law 86 132
Kirchhoff voltage law 86 132
Kronecker product 46
LE 255
Least extremal solution 318
Least upper bound 126
Least-squares solution, constrained 94
Least-squares solution, length 6
Least-squares solution, minimum-norm 96
Linear equations, approximate solution 91
Linear equations, ill-conditioned 92
Linear equations, least-squares solution 91
Linear estimator 255
Linear estimator, best unbiased 255
Linear estimator, unbiased 255
Linear manifold 162
Linear manifold, orthogonal representation 162
Linear operator, adjoint 297
Linear operator, bounded 296
Linear operator, carrier 296
Linear operator, closable 298
Linear operator, closed 296
Linear operator, closure 298
Linear operator, dense 297
Linear operator, domain 296
Linear operator, extension 297
Linear operator, graph 296
Linear operator, inverse graph 296
Linear operator, non-negative 298
Linear operator, normally solvable 298
Linear operator, null space 296
Linear operator, orthogonal projector 298
Linear operator, range 296
Linear operator, restriction 297
Linear operator, self-adjoint 298
Linear operator, symmetric 298
Linear regression 255
Linear statistical model 255
Linear statistical model, ridge regression estimator 262
Linear transformation 9
Linear transformation, extension 76
Linear transformation, intrinsic property 15
Linear transformation, inverse 9
Linear transformation, inverse image 9
Linear transformation, invertible 9
Linear transformation, matrix representation 9
Linear transformation, nonsingular 9
Linear transformation, null space 9
Linear transformation, range 9
Linear transformation, restriction 76
Loewner oredring 69
LUE 255
Markov chain 271
Markov chain, absorbing 272
Markov chain, closed set 272
Markov chain, ergodic 272
Markov chain, irreducible 272
Markov chain, recurrent 272
Markov chain, regular 272
Markov chain, state, absorbing 272
Markov chain, state, aperiodic 272
Markov chain, state, ergodic 272
Markov chain, state, leads 271
Markov chain, state, null 272
Markov chain, state, period 272
Markov chain, state, probabilities 273
Markov chain, state, recurrent 272
Markov chain, state, transient 272
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