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Brünjes L. — Forms of Fermat Equations and Their Zeta Functions |
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-representation see representation
Algebraic cycle 79 85 199
Base change 6 17 19 25
Base change in etale cohomology 88
Base change, conjecture see Weil conjectures base
Betti number 14
Binary cubic equation 4 8 135—152 162 209
Calibration 80 83
Cardano, formula of 145
Category of (discrete) S-groups 35—74 166 178 179
Category of (discrete) S-sets 34 35 57 62
Category of coefficient extensions see coefficient extension
Category of discrete -modules 77
Category of discrete S-modules 33
Category of etale sheaves 75
Category of graded anticommutative L-algebras 78
Category of Grothendieck motives see motif
Category of k-varieties see variety
Category of morphisms 21
Category of non-singular equations 135
Category of pointed sets 36—74 94 95 100 127 157
Category of S-groups see S-group
Category, fibre- 20
Category, fibred- 19—22
Category, filtered- 72
Category, pseudo-abelian- 9 165 170 175 222—226
Category, R-linear- 170 175 217—226
CHARACTER 9 109 165 167—170 173 175 177—179 187 188 205 206
Character, cyclotomic- 89
Character, Hecke- see Hecke character
Character, induced- 206
Character, multiplicative- 186 188 227
Character, unit- 165 167
Characteristic polynomial 87 88 90 211 214 215
Chow group 79
Cocycle 6 37—74 94—98 100—102 107—113 115—119 125 129 159 160 213
Cocycle condition 38—40 43 46 55 61 64 100
Cocycle, trivial- 38 47 100 110
Coefficient extension 5—7 9 15—33 36 91—102 156
Coefficient extension, continuous- 31—32 34 96 97 101 156
Cohomologous 38 40 41 43 46 47 55 56 58—62 64—66 70 71 95 100 110
Cohomology of groups see group cohomology
Cohomology, etale- 14 75 76 88 103
Cohomology, Forms of Fermat Equations and their Zeta Functions 77—78 80 85—92 102 165 181—211 214
Cohomology, Galois- 108 143—144
Cohomology, group 33 96
Cohomology, l-adic- 2 3 5—7 9 10 14 75 235
Cohomology, long exact sequence in- 45—48 50 53 63 111 159
Cohomology, nonabelian- 6 7 33—74 94
Colimit of pointed sets 72—74
Complete system of idempotents 167—169 171 222—224
Connecting morphism 45—48
Continuous group cohomology see group cohomology
CYCLE 117 204
Cycle map 79 80 83
Deligne, Pierre 1 2 7 14 88 90 186 191 192
Descent see Galois descent
Diagonal equation 2—4
Diagonal hypersurface 2
Discrete S-group see category of (discrete) S-groups
Discrete S-set see category of (discrete) S-sets
Discriminant 8 135—152
Dual abelian group see group dual
Dual homomorphism 79 166
Eigenspace 9 10 165
Eigenvalue 209—211 214 215
Elliptic curve 102 103
Etale cohomology see cohomology etale-
Etale sheaf see category of etale sheaves
Etale site 75
Euler — Poincare characteristic 13
Exact sequence of discrete S-groups 44—64 107 159
fcs-algebra 65—68 108 116 118 119 121 122 127 138 160 163 213
Fermat equation 1 3 5 105 135 153 181
Fermat equation, twisted form of the- see form of the Fermat equation
Fermat hypersurface 1 2 5 7 165 181 192
Fermat hypersurface, twisted- 165 208
Fermat's last theorem 1
Fibre category see category fibre-
Fibre functor 20 21
Fibred category see category fibred-
Formula see Lefschetz trace
Formula form 3 6 93—100 102 103
Formula form of the Fermat equation 3—5 7—10 90 91 105—139 150 153—164 213 214
Frobenius, arithmetic- 78 89 103 119 122 183 185 213
Frobenius, geometric- 2 39 78 86 87 90 117 181 185 186 191 192 194 208
Functional equation see Weil conjectures functional
Galois cohomology see cohomology
Galois descent 3 4 6 15—32 165
Galois representation see representation
Galois theory 15
| Gixed point 85 86 197—199
Gouvea, Fernando Q. 2
Grothendieck motif see motif
Grothendieck spectral sequence 76
Grothendieck topology 75 77
Grothendieck, Alexander 11 14 21
Group of automorphisms 3 4 6 8 33 94 96 105—107 128 153
Group of fractional ideals 187
Group, additive- 88 188
Group, cohomology 39
Group, dual abelian- 165 166 172 182
Group, multiplicative- 118 138 188
Group, opposite- 116
Group, symmetric- 3 49 52 66 67 172 207
Group, topological- 6 31 33 34 68 69
Group, twisted- 96 107
Hecke character 2 187
Hodge conjecture 1
Idempotent 167—169 171 177 218 222—224
Infinity type 187
Inflation 69—74 143 145 146
Intersection cycle 199
Intersection number 13 85 198 199
Inverse image 20 21
Inverse image, functor 20
Jacobi sum 2 10 186—191 196 227
Krull-topology 31 65 89 96 104
Kuenneth components 83
Kuenneth formula 79 82 83
l-adic cohomology see cohomology l-adic-
Lefschetz operator 80
Lefschetz theorem, strong- 80 192
Lefschetz theorem, weak- 80
Lefschetz trace formula 75 80 85 197—200
Long exact cohomology sequence see cohomology long
Module of definition 187
Moebius transformation 136
Morphism of -descent 21—23
Morphism of coefficient extensions 28—31 99—104
Morphism, cartesian- 20 21
Motif 10 165 174
Motivic 10 165
Nonabelian cohomology see cohomology nonabelian-
Nonsingular binary cubic equation see binary cubic equation
Pell's equation 3
Permutation 3 120 204—207
Permutation matrix 105 156
Poincare duality 78 82 88
Pointed set see category of pointed sets
Projection formula 81
Projection functor 20
Projector 170 173 218—226
R-linear category see category
R-linear-rationality see Weil conjectures rationality
Representation of a finite group- 168
Representation, - 16
Representation, - 2 5—7 10 102 103 175 181 185 186 191 201
Representation, induced- 206
Restriction 69—71 74 143—147
Restriction, -inflation-sequence 68—71 143 145
Riemann hypothesis see Weil conjectures Riemann
Riemann sphere 136
Rupprecht, Christopher 7
S-group see category of (discrete)
S-groups, abelian- 39
S-groups, finite abelian- 166 169 174
S-groups, twisted- see twisted (discrete) S-group
S-set see category of (discrete) S-sets
Semidirect product 9 48—50 52 63 129 165—179
Serre, Jean-Pierre 6 33 108
Shioda, Tetsuji 1 10 192 201
Subgroup, closed normal- 70
Symmetric group see group symmetric-
Tate conjecture 1
Transposition 10 173 196 197 204
Trivial class 46 47 60 71 74 93 96 99 100 121 122 146 147
Trivial cocycle 38 47 100 110
Trivial form 93 94
Twisted (discrete) S-group 54 56—64
Variety 1 6 11—14 17—25 31 76—78 102
Variety over a finite field 4 6 11—14 90 194 201
Weil cohomology theory 6 75 78—86
Weil Conjectures 1 2 4 6 11 13 14 88
Weil conjectures, base change 14 88
Weil conjectures, functional equation 13 88
Weil conjectures, rationality 13 88
Weil conjectures, Riemann hypothesis 14 88
Weil, Andre 1 2 13 189 192
Wiles, Andrew 1
Wreath product 3 6 9 48 52 105 106 119 153 155 165
Yui, Noriko 2
Zeta function 2—4 6 7 10 12—14 85 87 90 91 213—221
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