Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Wait R. — Numerical solution of algebraic equations |
Предметный указатель |
Adjacency matrix 42
Asymptotic error constant 82
Back substitution 17
Bandwidth 50
Barnes' secant method 119
Binary map 42
Bisection 113
bits 42
Block diagonal matrix 55
Block methods 78
Bracketing method 101
Cauchy sequences 67
Cauchy's method 86
Chebyshev's method 88
Complex conjugate roots 85
Davidenko's method 143
Davidon — Fletcher — Powell method 123
Density measure 48
Difference equations 78
Displacements, simultaneous 77
Displacements, successive 77
Divided differences 103
Double roots 87
Elementary transformations 13
Envelope 50
Errors, round-off 3 17
Factorization, Cholesky 25
Factorization, Crout 22
Factorization, Dolittle 22
Fill-in 43
Finite differences 49
Finite elements 49
Fourier conditions 99
Functional iteration 61
Gauss — Newton method 132
Gauss — Seidel method 77
Graph, connected 56
Graph, directed 43
Graph, undirected 49
Growth 20
Halley's method 86 89
Hessian matrix 90 131
Householder's formula 120
Illinois method 115
Index of efficiency 144
Informational usage 144
Interchange, row 17
Interchange, row and column 20
Interpolating polynomial 83
| Inverse function 86
Iteration function 61
Iterative refinement 26
Jacobi method 76
Jacobian matrix 71
Lagrange form 108
Levenberg — Marquardt method 132
Linked list 42
Lipschitz constant 64
Local cost matrix 45
Matrix scaling 25
Mean value theorem 64
Modified Newton methods 121
Muller's method 105
Non-linear Jacobi method 94
Norm reducing method 122
Normal equations 36
orthogonal matrices 36
Orthogonal transformations 36
Pegasus method 115
Permutation matrix 13
Pivoting, complete 20
Pivoting, partial 17
Poly-algorithms 116
Preprocessing 44
Profile 50
Pseudo-peripheral node 51
Rank 30
Rank-one modification 121
Rational interpolation 107
Regula-falsi 113
Rhubarb leaves 5
Rooted level structure 51
Round-off errors 3 17
Schroeder's method 135
Secant method 102
Separator 57
Sherman — Morrison — Woodbury formula 120
Sparsity 128
Splitting methods 76
Square-root-free Givens' transformation 32
Stationary iterations 75
Steepest descent method 131
Steffesen iteration 139
Stein — Rosenburg theorem 78
Structure preserving algorithm 129
Substructures 55
Successive-over-relaxation 78
Variable metric methods 123
Whittaker's method 71
Wynn's -algorithm 140
Реклама |