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Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations |
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norm 80
norm of a function 78
-expansion 123
-free morphism 31
-transition 131
-word 31
-word of DOL system 245
, decimal expansion of 26
, digits of 402
, irrationality of 40
, transcendence of 43 67
, whether automatic 402
(right part of an infinite word) 3
(k, l)-morphism 187
(k, l)-numeration system 103 164
Abelian cubefree 37
Abelian group 56
Abelian squarefree 24 37
Abelian squares 24 37
Aberkane, A. 341
Absolutely continuous 468
Accepting state 128
Acceptor 128
Adams, W.W. 297
Adjoint 249
Adler, A. 208
Adtan, S.I. 34
Agrawal, D.P. 125
Agronomof, N. 118
Ahrens, W. 476
Akiyama, S. 123 126 127
Alessaniiri, P. 68 343
Alexanderson, G.L. 36 473
Alfalfa 14
algebraic 41 57
Ali.M.K. 468 476
Allauzen, C 296
Allen, Jr., D. 171
Allouche, J.-R. 27 32 34 36 121—123 172 205 207 209—211 245 282 341 344 372 376—378 404 426 427 437 454 467—469 471 473—479
Almost periodic 344
Alphabet 1
Althofer, I. 476
Altman, E. 295
Alzer, H. 122
Ambiguous grammar 144
Ambiguous, inherently 144
Amou, M. 478
Amoux, P. 341—343 473
Anderson, P.G. 297 476
Angel, E.S. 297
Antichain 64
Aperiodic 32
Apery numbers 453
Apostolico, A. 31 35 128 246
Appearance function 333 400
Approximable by rationals 42
Arbib, M.A. 68
Arcelli, C 297
Ardila, R 478
Arithmetic complexity 340
Arno, S. 473
Arnold, A. 472 476
Arnoux — Rauzy sequences 342
Array, two-dimensional 405
Arshon word 206
Arshon, C.E. 32 475
Artin, E. 472
Associate 66
Astoorian, D. 34 209 474
Asymptotic notation 63
Atkinson, K.E. 124
Atkinson, M.D. 210
Atlatl 471
Aubry, S. 468
Autebert, J.M. 36
Automata, cellular 437
Automatic graphs 171
Automatic sequences, closure properties of 189—197
Automatic sequences, definition of 182
Automatic sequences, subword complexity of 304
Automaticily 428
Avgustinovich, S.V. 341 477
Avishai, Y. 468
Avizienis, A. 126
avoidance 24
Axel, F. 468 469
B (Barbier infinite word) 114
Baake, M. 36 468 473 479
Babeva, L.G. 469
Baibier, E. 473
Bailey, D. 402
Bak, T.A. xv
Baker, A. 67
Baker, K.A. 30 38
Balanced 313
Balanced ternary 101 124
Balasinski, W. 125
Ball, W.W.R. 454
Bang, T. 476
Bar-Hillel, Y. 150
Barbe, A.M. 426 427
Barberye, C. xv
Barbier infinite word 114 299 339
Baron, G. 340
Barton, S.K. 123
Baryshnikov, Yu. 343
Base for a topology 5
Base sequence 70
Base-k representation, canonical 73
Basic digit set 101
Bassily. N.L. 120
Basu, C. 469
Bateman, P. 115 473
Bath, E. xv
Baum — Sweet sequence 156 172 209
Baum, L.E. 172 209 210 472 477
Bazinet, J. 123
Beals, R.M. 376
Bean, D.A. 30 37 478
Beatty, S. 476
Beauquier, D. 31
Beauquier, J. 36
Beck, J. 122
Becker, P.-G. 377 454 478
Bell numbers 205
Bellissard, J. 468
Bellman, R. 119—121
Benczur, A. 477
Bender, E.A. 341
Bender-Samuel, A. 36
Bendisch, J. 209
Berche, B. 469
Berche, P.-E. 469
Bercoff, C. 210
Berend, D. 123 468
Berenstein, C.A. 297
Berlekamp, E.R. 454
Berndt, B.C. 472
Bernoulli, J. 295
Bernstein, D. 36
Berstel, J. xv 25 32 33 36 208 245 296 297 342 343 426 454 471 475 476 478
Berthe, V. xv 68 341—343 377 426
Bertrand-Mathis. A. 123
Bes, A. 350
Besineau.J. 120
Best, C.A. 121
| Betrema, J. 209 475
Beukers, F. 453
Bhargava, S. 472
Bi-infioite word 31
Bidirectional infinite word 3
Bifix-free 28
Big-O notation 63
Bijective representation 101
Binary balanced 313
Binding energy 457
Birget, J.-C. 474
Bisequcnce 31
Bispecial subword 341
Blanchard, A 210
Blanchel-Sadri, E 32
Blandiard. E 123 343
Blane, G. 341
Blech, I. 467
Bleeksmith.R. 122 123 473
Bleuzen-Guernalec, N. 341
Blom, G. 471
Bloom, D.M. 67 342 472
Blumberg, H. 403
Boardman, J.T. 209
Boasson, L. 32 36 472
Boehmer, P.E. 297 404
Boffa, M. 208
Boltzmann constant 457
Bongiovanni, G. 297
Bonvein, J.M. 477
Border 28 243
Borel, J.-P. 296
Borosh, I. 476
Borwein, P. 123 172 402 477
Boshemitzan, M. 476
Bosma. W. 473
Bounded gap property 331
Bounded repetition 36
Bousquet-Melou. M. 36 210 211 344 437
Boute, R.T. 125
Bouton, C.L. 454
Bovier, A. 468 469
Bow ties in Penrose tiling 455
Bowman, D. xv 117 297 374 473 476
Boyd, D.W. 475
Bracket series 361
Bradley, D. 115 473
Braggs peaks 467
Brandenburg, F.-J. 36
Brans, R. 297
Braunholtz, C.H. 32
Breitbart, Y. 437 478
Bresenham, J.E. 296 297
Breslauer, D. 31 35
Breusch, R. 67
Bricard, R. 476
Brillhart, J. xvi 114 122 123 473
Brimkov, V.E. 246
Brinkhuis, J. 35
Britton, J.L. 34
Brlek, S. 341 476
Brousseau, Br. A. 209
Brown, Jr., J.L. 125
Brown, T.C. 37 124 296 297 476
Brubaker, D.A. 472
Brucksteiu, A.M. 296 297
Bruyere.V. 172 350 478
Brzozowski, J.A. 31 35 36
Bucher.W. 36 150 475
Buck, M. 210
Buechi, J.R. 171 172 350
Bullett, S. 297
Bums, S. 36
Bumside problem for groups 34
Bumside problem for semigroups 34
Bumside, W. 34
Bundschuh, P. 297
Buneman, P. 209
Burdfk, C. 123
Bush, L.E. 119 341
Byrnes, J.S. 122 123
Cahn, J.W. 467
Cai, T. 121
Calkin, N. 478
Calliope 5
Canonical base-k representation 73
Capocetli, R.M. 125
Carlitz zeta function 360
Carlitz — Goss gamma function 362 377
Carlitz, L. 122 123 125 360 473 478
Carlson, R. 404
Carpi, A. 33 35—37 476
Cartier operations 376
Cartier operators 376
Cartwright, M. 67
Cassaigne, J. 33 37 341—344 426 437 468 477
Cassels, J.W.S. 68
Castelli, M.G. 32
Castle, C.M.A. 297
Cateland, E. 123 124 172 211 426
Cauchy sequence 63
Cauchy, A. 124
Cayley — Hamilton equations 465
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 251
CDOL sequence 245
Cellular automata 427 437
Cemy, A. 33 208 426
Cesaro mean 67
CFG 143
CFL 143
Chain 49
Chakrabarti, A. 469
Chakrabarti, S. 125
Champernowne, D.G. 478
Chan, T.-H. 209
Chang, K.-N. 473
Chang, R.K. 32
Characteristic block 286
Characteristic morphism 285 294
Characteristic polynomial of a matrix 250
Characteristic sequence 3
Characteristic, positive 58
Chebyshev polynomials 62
Chekhova, N. 246 343
Chen, R.-J. 209 210
Chen, Y.-G. 478
Cheo, P.-H. 120
Cherif, H. 377
Chess 26
Chevauchemem 33
Choffrut, C. 31 244 246
Chomsky — Schfltzenberger theorem 144 367
Chomsky, N. 150 151
Choquet, G. 118
Chrislol, G. 33 211 352 376 378
Christoffel words 296
Christoffel, E.B. 295
Christol's theorem 356
Chu, D.D. 472
Chu, I.-R. 210
Chuan, W.-R. 246 296
Chung, F.R.K. 68
Chvatal, V. 476
Chytil, M.P. 437
Cire 187 189 219
Clark, W.E. 473
Clearing algorithm 110
Clements, G.F. 113 120 473
Clint. M. 209 476
Closed set 5
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