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Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations |
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Rideout, J. xv
Rider, D. 122 123
Ridout, D. 404
Riemann zeta function 360
Right dense 345
Right-invariant 133
Rightmost derivation 144
Rigo, M. 172
Riklund, R. 469
Ring 56
Ring, euclidean 66
Risley, R.N. 342
Ritchie, R.W. 171 172
Rivier, N. 469
Robbins, D. 210
Robbins, N. 478
Robert, A. 127
Roberts, J.A.G. 468
Roberts, J.B. 113 172
Robson, G.C.A. 209
Robson, J.M. 150 437
Robust 157
Robust letter 232
Robustness of a computational model 131
Rocked, A.M. 68
Rohl, J.S. 209
Rokicki, T.G. 172
Ronse, C. 297
Rosaz, L. 38
Rosenfeld, A. 297
Rosenman, M. 245
Ross, R. 36
Rosser, I.B. 69
Rossmanith, P. 474
Rote, G. 342 477
Roth, K.E. 67
Roth, P. 36 37 476
Roth, T. 209
Rothstein, J. 297
Roy, C.L. 469
Rozenberg, G. 35 36 246 340—342 47:
Rudin — Shapiro formal power series 353
Rudin — Shapiro sequence 78 121 122 205 339 459 462 469
Rudin — Shapiro sequence, 2-kernel of 186
Rudin — Shapiro sequence, complete 459 462
Rudin — Shapiro sequence, counterexamples and 123
Rudin — Shapiro sequence, generalized 467 479
Rudin — Shapiro sequence, palindromes in 468
Rudin — Shapiro sequence, square-root property 79 80 121
Rudin, W. 121 403 473
Ruiz, J. 469
Ruler function 27
Run lengths 25
Running product 196
Running Sum 196 206
Ruzsa, I.Z. 478
Rytter, W. 35
Ryu, C.S. 469
s-index 30
Saffari, B. 122 123
Sajo, A. 342
Sakarovitch, J. 125
Salejda, W. 468
Salem, R. 123 472
Salemi, S. 30 33
Salinas, S.R. 469
Salman, A. 469
Salomaa, A. 68 125 150 151 342
Salon, O. 211 376 426
Samborski, I.R. 115 473
Samuel, P. 68
Sankar, P.V. 125
Sano, Y. 123
Sanov, I.N. 34
Santean, N. 32
Santini-Bouchard, M.L. 343
Sarkar, U.K. 210
Sarkitey, A. 120
Saupe, D. 209
Schatz, J.A. 36 37
Scheicher, K. 454
Schmidt's theorem 394—396
Schmidt, U. 37
Schmidt, W.M. 68 210 394 404 472 478
Schnellnhuber, H.I. 467
Schoenbcrg, I.J. 476
Schoenfeld, L. 69
Schroeder numbers 170
Schroedinger equation 467 468
Schroedinger equation, tight-binding 464
Schroedinger operator 464
Schuetzenbcrger, M.P. 10 32 38 150 171 472
Scoppola, E. 468
Scorer, R.S. 209
Scott, D. 150
Scott, W.T. 210
Scoville, R. 125
Seebold, P. xv 33 36 171 208 246 296 342 475 476
Seeman, T. 341
Segal, A.C. 116 473
Seki, S. 246
Sekiguehi, T. 124
Self-number 121
Selfridge, J.L. 119 472 473
Sellers, J.A. 478
Semenov, A.L. 350
Semigroup 55
Semiring 56
Senechal, M. 467
Senge, H.C. 120
Sentenac, P. 297
Separating collection 117
Sequence, digital 83
Sequence, infinite 2
Sequence, locally catenative 237
Sequence, morphic 10 212
Sequence, paperfolding 181—185
Sequence, pure morphic 10 212
Series, C. 296
Serrato, D. 210
Set, closed 5
Set, k-automatic 168
Set, open 5
Set, perfect 24 34
Severin, M. 469
Shallit, J.O. 32 34 67 119 123 172 209—211 246 296 341 403 426 437 454 471—478
Shamir, E. 150
Shank, H. 171
Shannon, C.E. 125
Shapiro, H.N. 119—121
Shapiro, H.S. 121
Sharif, H. 376 378 426 472 477
Shechtman. D. 455 467
Shelton, R.O. 34—36
Shen, C. 476
Shepherd, S.C. 123
Shift map 5 300
Shimshoni, M. 296
Shiokawa, I. 120 296 342 473
Shiota, Y. 124
Shiu, P. 297
Shiue, P.J.-S. 296 297 476
Shshsh 14
Shur, A.M. 33 38
Shyr, H.J. 32 471 472
Siddiqi, J.A. 123
Sierpinski carpet 405 406 425 426
Sierpinski carpet, automaton for 407
Sierpinski carpet, morphism for 407
Sierpinski, W. 426
| Siggia, E.D. 467
Silber, R. 476
Silberger, D.M. 32 471
Simon, B. 468
Simpson, R.J. 36 68 341 472 478
Singular continuous 465
Siromoney, R. 36 426
Siurmian morphism 296
Skalba, M. 124 126
Skolein, T 476
Skordev, G. xv 172 211 378 426 427 477
Skyum, S. 472
Slater, M. 120
Slater, N.B. 68
Slekys, A.G. 126
Sloane, N.I.A. xiii 118
Smeiilders, A.W.M. 297
Smith number 121
Smith, C.A.B. 209
Smith, H.J.S. 295 296
Smyth, W.F. 35 37 246 343
Soittola, M. 151
Solinas, J.A. 120
Solitar, D. 34
Solomyak, B. 123
solvable 148
Songster, G.F. 125
Soni, R.P. 35 36
Sos, V.T. 68 126
Space-filling curve 155
Spanier, E. 150
Spectral radius 80 396 398
Speer, E.R. 124
Spencer, Jr., S.M. 377
Spins in hing chain 457
Sprague, R. 476
Sproull, R.R. 297
Square 14
Square, abelian 24
Square, minimal 28 31
Square-root property of the Rudin — Shapiro sequence 79 80 121
Squarefree 14—16 24 25 27 30 32—35
Squarefree integer 66
Squarefree morphism 35
Squarefree words, algorithm for 27
Squarefree words, enumeration of 35
Squarefree words, lexicographically least 30
Squarefree words, uncountably many 27
Squarefree, abelian 24
Squarefree, strongly 37
Squares, efficient detection of 35
Squares, maximum number of 29
Start symbol 143
Steacy, R. 476
Stearns, R.E. 403 477
Steele, J.M. 295
steering wheels 471
Stein, A.H. 121
Steinhardt, P.J. 467
Steinhau's conjecture 53
Stephens, N.M. 475
Stepin, A.M. 343
Stern — Brocot sequence 478
Stewart, B.M. 120 209
Stewart, C. 120
Stewart, L. 471
Stochastic matrix 250
Stockmeyer, L. 437 478
Stockmeyer, P.K. 210
Stolarsky, K.B. 120 124 245 295 342 473 476
Stolboushkin, A.P. 36
Stolfi, J. 426
Straight-line program 242
Straight-line program, length 242
Straus, E.G. 120
Strauss, N. 478
strings 1
Strongly cubefree 33
Strongly k-additive 120
Strongly k-multiplicative 120
Strongly nonrepetitive 37
Strongly primitive 32
Strongly squarefree 37
Sturmian sequences, palindrome complexity of 479
Sturmian words 284
Sturmian words, applications of 295
Sturmian words, computer graphics and 296
Sturmian words, repetitions in 320
Sturmian words, slope of 284
Sturmian words, subword complexity of 312
Sturmian words, total number of subwords in 297
Stux, I.E. 121
Sub-base for a topology 6
Submultiplicative 251
Subramanian, K.G. 36 426
Subsequence 29 31
Subset construction 130
subspace 56
Substitute 245
Substitution 208
Substitution matrix 282
Substitutive sequence 245
Subword 2
Subword complexity 298 341
Subword complexity generalizations 341
Subword complexity in two dimensions 413
Subword, bispecial 341
Subword, European use of 31
Subword, recurrent 324
Succinctness 130
Suffix 2
Sukhanov, E.V. 37
Sum of Fibonacci digits 126
Sum-of-digits function 74
Sums of three squares 206 447
Sundar Raj, P.A. 297
Suranyi, J. 68
Swart, D. 246
Sweet, M.M. 172 209 210 472 477
Swierczkowski, S. 68
Symbolic trajectory 340
symbols 1
symmetric 133
Syndetic 346 350
Szabo, J. 126
Szegoe.G. 404
Szuesz, P. 68 476
t (Thue — Morse infinite word) 15 16 23 31 32 36
Tables 405
Taitslin, M.A. 36
Tamura, J.-l. 209 296 297 342 426
Tanaka, T.-A. 404
Tang, C. 467
Tang, S.C. 120
Tao, R. 468 469
Tapsoba, T. 341
Tartar 471
Tassa, U. 295 296 342
Taylor, W. 30 38
Temperature 457
Tenenbaum, G. 122 124 210 282 479
Terauchi, H. 468 469
Terminals 143
Terr, D.C. 121
Tesies 471
Testard, D. 468
Tewari, U.B. 123
Thakur, D.S. 210 373 375—378
Thierrin, G. 32 472
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