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Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations |
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Предметный указатель |
Gardner, M. 32 121 125 210 467
Garrett, C. 209
Gasparian, V. 469
Gaujal, B. 295
Gault, D. 209 476
Gauss, C.F. 126 447
Gaussian integer 414
Gazeau, J.P. 123 469
Gedeon, T.D. 209 210
Geelen, J.F. 68
Gelfomi, A.O. 120 122
Generalized digits 70
Generalized finite automaton 131
Generates 152
Genolini, C. xv
Gerety, C. 209
Geshwind, E. 122
Gessel, I.M. 378
GFA 131
Ghez, J.-M. 468 469
Ghosh, A. 469
Giancarlo. R. 32
Giintzer, U. 473
Gilbert, P. 473
Gilbert, W.J. xv 125—127 172 211 426
Ginsburg, S. 150
Girgensohn, R. 477
Girstmair, K. 477
Gixirmaghtigh, R. 121
Glaisher, J.W.L. 115 473
Glaister, I. 437 474
Glasses 455
Glaubman, D. 468
Goda, M. 469
Godreche, C. 468
Golay, M.J.E. 121
Goldstein, S. 124
Goldstine, J. 36
Golomb, M. 117 473
Golomb, S.W. 473
Good, I.J. 32 343
Goodman, T.A. 121
Goralcik, P. 36 37
Gossan, C. 126
Gottlieb, A.J. 118
Gottschalk, W.H. 33 343 350
Goudjil, A. 295
Gould, H.W. 297
Gouvea, F.Q. 67 68
Gouyou-Beauchamps, D. 297 378 477
Grabner, P.J. 120 123—125
Graham, R.L. 68 116 297 473 476
Grammar, ambiguous 144
Grammar, context-free 143
Grammar, context-sensitive 146
Grammar, unambiguous 144
Granville, A. 473
Granville, V. 476
Grassl, R.M. 208
Gratias, D. 467 469
Grazon, A. 475
Greatest common divisor 250
Greedy algorithm 71
Greedy representation 71
Green, A.J.R. 297
Green, J.A. 35
Green, R.J. 125
Griffith, J.S. 120
Grillenberger, C. 476
Grimm, U. 36 468
Grinberg, V.S. 437
Griswold, R.E 476
Grossman, E.H. 126
Grounds, W.V. 32
Group 56
Group, abelian 56
Growing letter 243
Grundman, H.G. 121
Grundy, P.M. 209
Grunwaid, V. 125
Gruska, J. 426
Grytczuk, J. 246 476
Guille-Biel, C. 468
Gumbs. G. 468 469 476
Gunturk, C.S. 206
Gupta, N. 34
Gupta, S.K. 123
Guy, R.K. 32 119 454
Gyssens, M. 472
Hadamaid matrix 424 451
Hadamard product 358
Hadamard, J. 376
Haddad, T.A.S. 469
Haferman, J. 407
Halava, V. 32
Hall, Jr.M. 34
Halmos, P.R. 31
Halting problem 148
Halton, J.H. 68
Hamiltonian 457
Hamm, D. 246
Hamming weight 119
Hamming, R.W. 119
Hankel determinant 209
Hankel matrix 208
Hanoi, Tower of 177
Hansel, G. 172 350 478
Harase, T. 376 378 426
Harborth, H. 471
Hardy, G.H. 67 68 119 404 477
Harju, T. 31 32 36 171 244 472
Harrison, M.A. 34
Hartmanis, J. 171 403 477
Hauschildt, D. 32 !50
Haussler, D. 36 150 475
Hautus, M.L.J. 378
Hawkins, D. 33
Hayes, P.J. 209
Head, T. 246
Heaslet, M.A. 454
Heath, F.G. 119
Heath-Brown, D.R. 69
Hecke, E. 404
Hedlund, G.A. 32 33 35 295 340—341 472
Hegstrom, R.A. 32
Height 394
Heinis, A. 341
Hellegouarch, Y 377
Hellerstein, L. 437
Hendel, R.J. 246
Hennite, C. 67
Heppner, E. 120
Herman, G.T. 246
Hermisson, J. 468
Hershey, J. 478
Herstein, I.N. 68
Heuberger, C. 473
Higgins, P.M. 246
Hilbert's tenth problem 148 451
Hillman. A.P. 473
Hinz, A.M. 34 209 210 474
Hirschhom, M.D. 478
Hkkeison, D.R. 473
Hodgson, B. 350
Hoemquist, M. 469
Hof, A. 468
Hoggatt, Jr., V.E. 125 297
Hoit, A. 120
Hollander, M. 119
Holton, C. 246 342 343
| Holzer, M. 474
Holzman, R. 68
Homogeneous 458
Homomorphism 8
Homomorphism, depth of 9
Homomorphism, identity 23
Homomorphism, inverse 9
Homomorphism, iterated 9
Homomorphism, length-preserving 31
Homomorphism, nonerasing 9
Homomorphism, overlap-free 17
Homomorphism, size of 9
Homomorphism, width of 9
Honkala, J. 171
Hopcroft, J.E. 31 150
Horadam, A.E 476
Hordijk, A. 295
Horvath, G. 32 150
Horvith, S. 32
Houselander, L.S. 125
Hu, A. 469
Huang, D. 469
Huang, K. 467
Huang, Y 476
Hubert, P. 246 342 343
Huffman, D.A. 150
Hull 464
Hungerford, T.W. 68
Hurwitz, A. 68
Il'in, V.I. 469
Ilie, L. 32
Iliopoulos, C.S. 246
Incidence matrix 248 266
Indegree 323
Index of a finite subword 322
Index of imprimitivity 256
Index, infinite 322
Indistinguishable states 148
Induced subshift 464
Infinite sequences 2
Infinite words 2
Infinite words, recurrent 325
Infinite words, uniformly recurrent 328
Infinity series 448 454
Inflation rules 208
Ingalls, C. 172
Inherently ambiguous 144
Initial state 128
Insulator 466
Integers, p-adic 63
Interior sequence 177
Inverse homomorphism 9
Iochum, B. 468
Irrationality of 40
Irrationality of e 40
Irreducible element 66
Irreducible matrix 250
Ising chain 457
Ising chain, configuration of 457
Ising chain, cyclic 457
Ising chain, homogeneous 458
Ising chain, sites of 457
Ising chain, transfer matrix of 457
Ising mode 457
Ising, E. 467
Istrail, S. 32 472
Iterated morphisms, music and 245
Ito, M 32 150
Ito, S. 123 127 296
Ivanov, S.V. 34
Jackson, D.E. 36 37
Jacobs, K. 25 342 471
Jacobson, N. 68
Janner, A. 468
Janssen, T. 468
Jedwab, J. 473
Jeffreys, H. 67
Jezek, J. 36
Jiang, S.S. 469
Jiao, Z.K. 469
Jin, G.J. 469
Johansson, M. 469
Johnson, T. 245
Johnsonbaugh, R. 210
Joseph, D. 468
Joshi, V.S. 121
Journal of Integer Sequences xiii
Jungen, R. 376
Jurgens, H. 209
Justin, J. 32 37 343 477
k-additive function 120
k-aligned subword 4
k-automatic sequences, definition of 1
k-automatic set 168
k-block compression 5
k-context-free sequences 208 340
k-fiber 160
k-kernel 185 21)1
k-multiplicative function 120
k-quasiautomatic sequence 435
k-recognizable 172
k-regular power series 446
k-regular sequences 438
k-regular sequences, transcendence and 454
k-uniform morphism 173
Kadanoff, L.P. 467
Kahane, J.P. 122
Kakutani, S. 474
Kamae, T. 33 118 120 209 341 376 468
Kamer, G. 68
Kanal, L.N. 297
Kanani, D.V. 125
Kaneps, J. 437
Kannakar, S.N. 469
Kano, H. 473
Kaprekar, D.R. 121
Karaman, A. 343
Karevski, D. 469
Karhumaki, J. 31 33—35 245 246 342 476 477
Kari, L. 32
Karp, R.M. 437
Karrass, A. 34
Kasa, Z. 341
Kaszonyi, L. 32 150
Katai, I. 120 124 126
Katok, A.B. 343
Katsura, M. 32 150
Kautz, W.H. 125
Kawai, H. 120
Kcane, M.S. 208 342 343 476 477
Keir, J. xv
Keller, T.J. 125
Kelley, J.L. 31
Kelly, K. 124
Kempner, A.J. 125 403
Kennedy, R.E. 121 124 473
Keraenen, V. 35—37 472
Kernel, generalized to two dimensions 409
Kervaire, M. 123
Ketkar, P. 477
Kfoury, A.-J. 33 36 471
Khan, A. 469
Kieffer, J.C. 295
Kim, C.E. 297
Kim, J.B. 297
Kimberling's sequence 448
Kimberling, C. 125 448 454 476
Kirschenhofer, P. 123 124
Kitaev, S. 475
Kites, in Penrose tiling 455
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