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Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations |
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Mouline, J. 341
Mourant, W.J. 123 404 473 478
Move in lower of Hanoi 177
Move in lower of Hanoi, legal 177
Mozes, S. 426
Mrowka, S. 125
Mukherjee, M. 68
Mullhaupt, A.P. 208 478
Multigrade 153
Multiplicatively dependent 52
Multiplicatively independent 52
Murata, L. 120 124
Murmur 471
Murugesan, S. 125
Mushkin, M. 295 296 342
MUSIC 33 245 448
Musikhin, S.F. 469
Muulin-Ollagnier, J. 37
Myhill — Nerode theorem 133 137
Myhill — Nerode theorem, generalization of 149
Myhill, J. 150
Nadler, M. 126
Nait Abdallah, A. 426
Narbel, P. 343
Nathanson, M. 341
Nazareno, H.N. 469
Nelson, A.H. 125
Nelson, E. 36
Nerode,A. 150
Newman, D.J. 120 123 124
Newman, M. 477
NFA 130
NFA- 131
Nicol, C. 123
Nicolas, J.-L. 341
Niederreiter, H. 68 201 474
Nielsen, P.T. 471
NIM 454
Nim product 453
Nim sum 448 451 453
Nim, game of 450
Nishiuka, K. 296 403 404 454
Nival, M. 31 36
Niven number 121
Niven, I. 67 68
Nogueira, A, 342
Noiselets 122
Noland, H. 32 209
Non-negative matrix 250
Non-negative vector 250
Nondeteiminism 130
Nondeterministic finite automaton 130
Nonerasing 9
Nonerasing morphism 9
Nonrepctitive words 32
Nonrepctitive words, strongly 37
Nonzero pattern sequence 78
Noonan, J. 35
Norgard, P. xv 33 448
Nori, F. 468
Norm 107
Norm, Euclidean 80
Norm, matrix 80
Norm, operator 251
Norm, submultiplicative 251
Normal number 401
Novikov, P.S. 34
Nuernberg, R. 208
Number-of-divisors function 401
Numeration system 70
Numeration system, complete 71
Numeration system, perfect 71
Numeration system, representation in 70
Numeration system, unambiguous 71
O'Connor. L. 473
O'Keefe, K.H. 125
O() notation 63
Occurrence function 278
Odlyzko, A.M. 125
Oettinger, A.G. 151
Oh, G.Y. 469
Okada,T 124
Ol'shanskii, A.Yu. 34
Olivier, M. 31 117 473
Olivos, J. 473
Olson, E.C. 297
Oltikar, S. 121
Open set 5
Operator norm 251
Orbit of an infinite word 327
Order-preserving 72
Ore's Theorem 355
Ortuno, M. 469
Osbaldestin, A.H. 124
Osclund, S. 467
Ostrowski, A. 126
Ouchterlony, T. 469
Outdegree 323
overbar 16
Overlap 14
Overlap-free 14 16 35
p (characteristic sequence of the primes),p-adic valuation 39
p (spectral radius) 80
p-adic integers 63
p-adic numbers 62
p-adic numbers, automatic 402
Palindrome complexity 466
Palindromes 5 28
Palindromes, detecting efficiently 31
Pan, F.M. 469
Pandit, R. 467
Pansiot, J.-J. 33 37 171 246 342 476
Paperfolding 122
Paperfolding sequences 181—185
Paperfolding sequences, continued fractions and 183—185
Paperfolding sequences, regular 155
Papert, S. 171 172 282
Parent, D.P. 472
Parry, W. 123 208
Partial order 64
Partition function 457 458
Parvaix, B. 342
Pascal triangle, modulo d 420
Patashnik, O. 297
Patel, R.B. 121
Pattern avoidance 24
Pattern sequence 78
Pattern sequence, nonzero 78
Pattern sequence, zero 78
Pattern transform 82 119 449
Paul, M. 473
Paul, M.E. 343
Paun, G. 32 471 476
Pawlak, Z. 125
PDA 145
Pedoe, D. 454
Peitgen, H.O. 172 209 211 426 427
Penney, W. 125 126
Pennington, I.V. 245
Penrose tiling 455
Penrose, R. 467
Perfect numeration system 71
Perfect set 6.24 30 34
Perfect shuffle 5
Period 4 220
Period, least 4
Period-doubling sequence 176 209 467
Periodic 24
Periodic, purely 4
Periodic, ultimately 4
| Periodicity of two-sided infinite words 220
Perles, M. 150
Permutation matrix 250
Permutation number 340
Perrin, D. 31 150 350
Perron — Frobenius eigenvalue 256 258 261 266
Perron — Frobenius theorem 256 260 282
Perron, O. 67 282
Persistence 118
Petersen, A. 426 427
Petersen, H. 32 150 378
Pethoe, A. 126
Pettomssi, A. 209
Peyrierc, J. 209 246 282 426 468
Phillips, G.M. 125
Pin, J.-E. 31
Pinho, S.T.R. 469
Pirillo, C. 37 209 246 343 477 479
Pitteway, M.L.V. 297
Pitts, W. 150
Plandowski, W. 35
Pleasants, P.A.B. 34 37 295 296 467 468 475
Plouffe, S. xiii xv 400 402
Point, E. 208 350
Pollak, H.O. 116 473
Pollington, A. 296
Polynomial 58
Pomerance, C. 437
Poole, D.G. 209
Poon, A. xv
Popken, J. 477
Porges, A. 120
Porta, H.A. 295 342 476
Positive characteristic 58
Positive closure 8
Positive matrix 250
Positive vector 250
Post, E. 172
Potehiola, M. 296 297
Pottle, S. 437
Pour-El.M.B. 403
Power series 351
Power series, Cantor 353
Power series, multivariate 413
Power series, Rudin — Shapiro 353
Power series, Thue — Morse 352
Pratt, V. 245 476
Prefix 2
Prefix language 204
Preparata, F.P. 35
Preperiod 4
Preperiod, least 4
Price, J.F. 121
Priday, C.J. 471
Primary 28
Prime number theorem 280
PRIMES2 (primes in base 2) 2 147
primitive 344
Primitive matrix 31 250
Primitive morphic 401
Primitive morphism 9
Primitive polynomial 374
Primitive words 13 29 32
Primitive words, enumeration of 13 367
Primitive words, unsolved problem on 366
Prodinger, H. 36 123 124 210 473
productions 143
Prolongable 10 173 212
Pronhet, E. 32 208
Propagating morphism 31
Proper 2
Proper prefix 2
Propp, J. 478
Pumping lemma 136 150
Pumping lemma for context-free languages 148
Pure morpliic sequence 10 212
Pure point 465
Purely periodic 4
Pushdown automaton 145
Qin, M.-G. 469
Quasiautomatic sequence 435
Quasicrystals 455 467
Quasicrystals in botany 469
Queffelec, M. 123 342 404
Quotient 8
r (Rudin — Shapiro sequence) 78 186
Rabin, M.O. 35 150
Rabinowit, A.S. 473
Rabizo, O.V. 469
Raimi, R.A. 282
Ramshaw, L. 126
Rand, D. 467
Randall, J. 34 209 474
Rande, B. 282 350 454
Rank of an equation 42
Rao, A.N. 121
Rao, G.S. 125
Rao, M.N. 125
Rasson, J.P. 476
Rational function 59
Rauzy graphs 343
Rauzy, G. 33 342—344 376 477
Ray 340
Ray, G.C. 209 210
Rayleigh, J.W.S. 476
Razafy Andriamampianina, D. 210
Reachable state 129
Read, R.C. 35
Real number, algebraic 41
Real number, transcendental 41
Recaman, B. 121
Recht, L. 245
Rectilinearly connected 425
Recurrence function 328
Recurrent infinite word 325
Recurrent subword 324
Recurrent, uniformly 328
Recursively enumerable 147
Reduced adjoint 250
Reducible matrix 250
Reeher, R 377
Rees, D. 35 477
Reflexive 133
Regular expressions 8
Regular language 8
Regular paperfolding sequence 155 182 203 205 339
Regular paperfolding sequence, bounded repetition of 210
Regular paperfolding sequence, Toeplitz characterization 170
Reingold, E.M. 121
Reiter, C.A. 426
Reitwiesner, G.W. 473
Relation 133
Renyi, A. 123
Repeat-free 32
Repetitions in words 14—16
Representation 70
Representation, bijective 101
Representation, Fibonacci 105
Representation, greedy 71
Representation, unary 73
Representation, valid 70
Restivo, A. 30 32 33 36 472
Reutenauer, C. 36 454 472
Reverend Back's abbey floor 410 426
Reversal 5
Reward 5
Ribenboim, P. 124
Richards, J.I. 403
Richomme, G. 35 36 296
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