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Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations |
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Предметный указатель |
Closed under the shift 331
Closure 7
Cobham's theorem on k-uniform morphisms 174
Cobham, A. 150 172 209 211 245 350 404 476 477
Coding 9
Cohen, H. 172 207 474
Coifman, R. 122
Collalz conjecture 204
Collatz — Wielandt function 255
Collet, P. 209
Colson, J. 124
Complete DFA 129
Complete numeration system 71
Complete residue system 102 104
Complexity, subword 298 341
Composite number 453
Compton, K.J. 475
Computer graphics 426
Concatenation 2
Concatenation operator 1
Condon, A. 437
Conductivity 465
Conductor 465
Configuration of a pushdown automaton 145
Configuration of a Turing machine 147
conjugate 29 219
Conjugate transpose 80
Conn, H. 245 296
Connell, I.G. 476
Context-free grammar 143
Context-free language 143 144
Context-sensitive grammar 146
Context-sensitive language 146
Continued fractions, finite 44
Continued fractions, generalized 65
Continued fractions, infinite 46
Continued fractions, simple 45
Continued fractions, unusual 291—293
Conway, J.H. 454
Cooper, C.N. 121 124 473
Copeland, A.H. 478
Coquet, J. 120 121 124 126
Cori, R. 37
Cosnard, M. 471 478
Coster, M 453
Coupland, D. 402
Coupling constant 457
Coven, E.M. 341—343
Coxeter, H.S.M. 476
Crandall, R.E. xv
Crisp, D. 296
critical exponent 24 27
Crochemore, M. 35 36 38 245 472
Crowe, D.W. 209
CSG 146
cube 14
Cubefree 14 24 25 28 30 32 36
Cubefree, abelian 37
Cubefree, strongly 33
Cubefree, weakly 33
Cuckcr, F. 378
Cuevas, E. 469
Culik, H.K. 35 36 244 245 476
Cull, P. 209
Cummitigs, L.J. xv 35—37 471 476
Currie, J.D. xv 28 30 34—36 38 425 475 478
Cutting sequence 290
Cyclic chain 457
Cyclic shift 29
Cylinder 6
d'Ocagne, M. 473
D0L sequence 245
da Silva, C.A.A. 469
Damamme, G. 377
Damanik, D., xv 37 209 343 468 479
Danilov, L.V 297
Darts in Penrose tiling 455
Dartyge, C. 31
Davies, R.O. 471
Davio, M. 126
Davis, C 210 474 475
Davis, M.D. 125
Davisou, J.L. 297 404
Daykin, D.E. 125
De Bra, P. 472
de Brito, P.E. 469
de Bruijn graph 339
De Bruijn sequence 323
de Bruijn word 323
de Brutjn, N.G. 343 467
De Felice, C 35
de Luca. A. 35 36 246 296 297 340 476 477
de Mathan, B. 377 472
De Morgan, A. 124
de Oliveira, C.R. 469
de Parville, H. 209
de Regt, M.P. 125
de Weger, B.M.M. 474
Dead letter 232
Dean, R.A. 36
Decision problem 147
Decision problem, solvable 148
Degree of a field extension 57
Deinaine, E. 118
Dejean's conjecture 30
Dejean, F. 36
Dekking, F.M. 36 37 209 210 246 404 474—476
Delange, H. 120 124
Deligne, P. 376 378 426
Delyon, R 468
Denef, J. 376 378
Dense 49
Depth 9
Derivation 144
Derivation, rightmost 144
Derived set 6
Deschamps, J.P. 126
Deshowillers, J.-M. 172
Deterministic finite automaton 128
Deterministic finite automaton with output 138
Devroye, L 295
Deych, L.I. 469
DFA 128
DFA, complete 129
DFA, minimal 134
DFAO 138
Diamond, H.G. 476
Didier, G. 343
Dietmeyer, D.L. 125
Digit set 70
Digital sequence 83
Dilcher, K. 476
Dillon, T.S. 209 210
Diophantine approximation 377
Dirichlet's theorem 48 280
Distinguishable slates 148
Diwan, A.A. 476
Doche, C. 475
Domaratzki, M. xv
Dombi, G. 473
Domosi, P. 32 150
Dorst, L. 297
Double sequence 405
Doubly infinite word 31
Downey, P.J. xvi 476
Dragon curve 155
Drawer 5
Drazin, M.R 120
Dress, F. 209 476
Drinfeld modules 377
| Dringo, L. 124
Drmota, M. 121 124 126
Droubay, X. 246 479
Dubey, G.S. 469
Dubuu, S. 208
Dudeney, H.E. 209
Dudley, U. 121
Dulea, M. 469
Dulucq, S. 297
Dumas, P. 454
Dumont, J.M. 124
Dupain, Y. 126
Durand, R. 350 477
Duverney, D. 477
Dwork, C. 437 478
e, irrationality of 40
e, transcendence of 43 67
Ecklund, Jr.E.P. 209
Eckmann, J.-P. 209
Edlin, A.E. 36
Edwards, R.E. 121
Ehrenfeucht, A. 30 35—37 246 341 478
Eigenvalue 250
Eigenvalue, Perron — Frobenius 256 261
Eigenvector 250
Eilenberg, S. 172 211 478
Ekhad, S.B. 36
Ellis, M.H, 295
Elqortobi, A. 208
Elser, V. 34—36
Eminyan, K.M. 121
Empty word 2
En passant 26
Energy 457 464
Entringer. R.C 36 37
entropy 303
Epifanio, C. 426
Equivalence relation 133
Equivalence relation, right-invariant 133
Er, M.C. 209 210
Erdoes, P. 37 122 125 469 472 473 477 478
Euclidean norm 80
Euclidean ring 66
Euler's constant 401
Eulerian cycle 324
Euwe, M. 26 32 471
Evdokimov, A.A. 37
Even, S. 403 477
Evey, J. 151
Expanding morphism 9
Exponential of a matrix 87
Extension of field 57
External field 457
F (Fibonacci word) 212 213 245 246 455 465—468 479
F (Fibonacci word), critical exponent of 246
F (the so-called Fredholm number) 385 403
Fabre, S. 350
Faciorial 149 335 474
Factor 2
Factor graphs 343
Factor, European use of 31
Fagnot, I. 342 350 378
Fan, L. 469
Fatou, P. 472
Faucheux 476
Feigenbaum cascade 209
Feigenbaum, M.J. 209
Ferenczi, S. 209 341—343 404
Ferns, H.H. 125
Fiber 160 415
Fiber, generalized to multidimensional sequences 408
Fibonacci morphism 212
Fibonacci morphism, generalized 244
Fibonacci numbers 65
Fibonacci representation 105
Fibonacci word 339 455 465—468
Fibonacci word, almost commutative 213
Fibonacci word, finite 213
Fibonacci word, infinite 212
Fibonacci word, subword complexity 298
Fibonacci-regular sequences 454
Field 56
Field of fractions 56
Fife, E.D. 33 34
Figa-Talamanca, A. 121
Filaseta, M. 123
Filippuni, P. 125
Final state 128
Fine — Wilf theorem 13—14 26 32
Fine — Wilf theorem, generalizations of 32
Fine, N.J. 13 32 120 471—473
Finite automaton, generalized 131
Finite index 133
Finite-state function 138
Finite-state transducer 140
First difference sequence 450
First-digit sequence 201
Fixed point of a morphism 10 23 173 175
Flajolet, P. 123 124 378
Fliess, M 376
Florek, K. 68
Flye Sainte-Marie, C. 343
Folding lemma 183
Fon-Der-Flaass, D.G. 341 477
Formal Laurent series 60 351 359
Formal Laurent series, continued fractions for 61
Formal power series 59 351
Formal power series, Cantor 353
Formal power series, multivariate 413
Formal power series, Rudin — Shapiro 353
Formal power series, Thue-Morse 352
Formal power series, transcendence of 365
Formisano, M.R. 37
Forslimd, R.R. 125
Foster, D.M.E. 120
Fournier, J.-C. 209
Fowler, T. 124
Fractional part 48
Fractional power 23
Fraenkel, A.S. 36 68 119 125 126 295 342 472 476
Frame, J.S. 68
Franek, F. 343
Fredholm number 403
Fredholm series 376
Fredholm, I. 376 403
Fredricksen, H. 209 343
Free monoid 55
Freeman, H. 297
Freitag, H.T. 125
Freivalds, R. 437
frequency 4
Frequency of letters 247—280
Frequency, logarithmic 267
Fresnel, J. 377
Friant. J. 474
Frid, A.E. xv 341 343 344 473 477
Fried, E. 68
Friedman, H.M. 29 472
Frobenius, C. 282
Frougny, C. 119 123 125
Function, finite-state 138
Furstenberg, H. 343 344 376 378
Gaafar, M. 297
Gabarro, J. 36 378
Gabrielian, A. 35 36
Galambns, J. 123
Galil, Z. 31 35
Gambaudo, J.-M. 476
Gantmacher, F.R. 282
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