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Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations |
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Klamer, D.A. 378 478
Klaviar, S. 210
Klcman, M. 468
Kleene closure 7
Kleene's theorem 132
Kleene, S.C. 31 150
Klein, B.G. 246 282
Klein, C.S. 209
Klepinin, A.V. 37
Klop, J.W. 472
Klosinski, L.E 36 473
Kmosek, M. 210
Knight, M.J. 403
Knill, O. 468
Knopp function 208
Knuth, D.E. 68 115 116 119 125 245 297 404 473—476
Kobayashi, Y 33 34
Koblitz, N. 67 68 473
Kobuchi, Y. 246
Kochman, F. 341
Koenig infinity lemma 28
Koermendi, S. 126
Koerner, T.W. 121 122
Kohmnto, M. 467
Koksma, J.E 68
Kolaf, M. 468 469
Kolakoski word 337 476
Kolakoski, W. 476
Kolden, K. 68
Kolpakov, R. 35
Komatsu, T. 294 296 476
Koplowitz, J. 297
Korec, I. 427
Korobov, A.N. 478
Korshunov, A.D. 437
Kosa, M. xv
Kosaraju, S.R. 35
Koskas, M. 210 342 377 426
Kovses, B. 126
Krawelz, B. xv
Krejcar, R. 123
Krishnamurthy, E.V. 125
Kristiansen, M. xv
Kritikos, N. 68
Kronecker's theorem 49
Kucherov, G. 35
Kudlek, M. 32 150
Kuich, W. 68 150
Kuipers, L. 68
Kullberg, E. 454
Kurka, P. 343
L (left part of an infinite word) 3
Laakso, T. 245
Lacampagne, C. 119
Lalanne, L. 124
Lallement, G. 35
Lambek, J. 476
Lambert, J.H. 67
Landau, E. 341
Lando, B. 246
Lanford III, O. 476
Lang, S. 68
Lange, E. 427
Langevin. M. 68
Langford suing 25
Langford, C.D. 471
Language 2
Language, context-free 143 144
Language, context-sensitive 146
Language, factorial 149 335 474
Language, regular 8
Languages 7
Languages, product of 5 7
Languages, quotient of 8
Larcher, G. 121
Larson, L.C. 36 473
Lasjaunias, A. 210
Laubie, R 296 372
Laud, P.W. 122 123
Laurent series 359
Laurent series, continued fractions for 61
Laurent series, formal 60
Laurier, E. 296
Lavallee, I. 209
Lavine, D. 297
Lazarkiewicz, A. 125
Le Rest, M. 38
Leading-zeros problem 70
Lecomte, P.B.A. 172
Leconte, M. 35
Lee, K.P. 342
Lee, M.H. 469
Leech, J. 33
Legendre, A.-M. 74 119
Lehmer, D.H. 172 474
Lehr, S. 403
Leighton,W. 210
Leinfellner, H. 124
Leiss, E.L. 209
Lekkerkerker, C.G. 125
Lenard, A. 115 473
length function 74
Length-preserving morphism 31
Lengyel, T. 453
Lennholm, E. 469
Lenr, D. 37 343
Lepisto, A. 245 476
Lepp, B. 116 473
letters 1
LeVeque, W.J. 67
Levi's lemma 10
Levi, F.W. 32
Levine, D. 467
Levine, E. 473
Levitt, J. 296
Levy, L. 209
Lexicographic order 5
Li, S.-Y.R. 208
Li, Z. 121
Liang, F.M. 68
Liang, J.J. 473
Liardet, P. 121 122
Limit of a sequence of words 4
Limit point 6
Lin, Z. 468 469
Lindemann. F. 67
Lindenbaum, M. 297
Lindenmayer system 245
Lindenmayer, A. 245 246
Lindhurst, S. xv
Lindquist, B. 469
Lindstroem, B. 113 120 473
linear combination 56
Linearly dependent 56
Linearly independent 56
Linna. M. 171
Liouville function 208
Liouville number 43
Liouville, J. 67
Lipshitz, L. 376 378
Lisyansky, A.A. 469
Little-o notation 63
Littlewood, J.E. 121 122 404
Liu, N.-H. 469
Liu, Y. 469
Liviotti, E. 469
Locally catenative sequence 237
Loftus, J. 472
Logarithmic frequency 267 268 274 279
Lomont, J.S. 122 473
| Lopez, J. 210
Lopez, L.-M. 343
Loraud, K. 119
Lorentz, R.J. 35
Lothaire, M. 31 32 123
Loxton, J.H. 403 404
Lu, X.M. 209 210
Lubiw, A. 150 210
Lucas, E. 209
Luccio, R. 297
Luck, J.M. 468
Lunnon, W.R. 210 295 296 467 475
Ly, O. 171
Lyndon — Schuetzenberger theorems 10—13
Lyndon. R.C, 10 32 36 472
Lysenok, I.G. 34
Ma, H.-R. 469
MacCluer, C.R. 282
MacMurray, D. 471
Madan, S. 123
Maes, A. 350
Magnus, W. 34
Mahler functional equations 454
Mahler, K. 32 67 68 118 377 403 404
Mahmoud, B.S. 469
Main, M.G. 35 36 150 474 475
Majumdar, A.A.K. 209 210
Makovvski, A. 121
Mallol, C. 210
Mandelbrot, B.B. 426
Manila, D.W. 125
Marcus, S. 471 474
Markoff, A.A. 295 296
Martin, G. 478
Martin, J.C. 208
Martin, M.H. 343
Martinez, A.A. xv
Martinez. P. 478
Massarotti, A. 297
Masser, D.W. 404
Massias, J.-P. 341
Matiyasevich, Yu.V. 151
Matrix exponential 87
Matrix norm 80
Matrix, adjoint 249
Matrix, incidence 248
Matrix, irreducible 250
Matrix, non-negative 250
Matrix, permutation 250
Matrix, positive 2511
Matrix, primitive 31 250
Matrix, reducible 250
Matrix, stochastic 250
Mauclaire, J.-L. 120 121 124
Mauduit, C. 31 120 209 341 342 404
Mays, M. 37
McCallum, M. 473
McCulloch, W.S. 150
McDaniel, W.L. 121
Mcllroy, M.D. 120 121 297
McMullen, J.R. 121
McNaughton, R. 35 171 350
McNulty, G.F. 30 37 38 478
Mealy, G.H. 150
Mean value theorem 42
Measure 7
Meijer, H.G. 477
Mellin transform 124
Mendes France, M. xv 33 120—123 172 210 282 363 376 377 403 467 468 472 475 479
Mephisto waltz 25
Merekin, Yu.V. 476
mesh 49
Messaoudi, A. 246
Metric 6
Metric space 6
Meyer, Y. 122
Michaux, C. 172 350 478
Michel, P. 282 342
Microserfs 402
Miekisz, J. 468 469
Mientka, W.E. 33
Mignosi, F. 32 37 246 296 297 342 343 426
Miller, W. 342
Mills, W. 210
Milutinovic, U. 210
Mine, H. 31 282 476
Minimal 331
Minimal DFA 134
Minimal interior sequence 177
Minimal polynomial of a matrix 250
Minimal square 28 31
Minsker, S. 209
Minsky, M. 171 172 282
Mione, L. 341
Mirror invariance 29 339
Mirsky, L. 119
Mitchell, C.J. 473
Mitrana, V. 32
Mkaouar, M. 210
mod as a binary operation 15 48
Modular trellis 426
Moebius function 13
Mogyorodi, J. 120
Moitra, R.K. 469
Monoid 2 55
Monoid, free 55
Monteferrante, S.A. 246
Montgomery, H.L. 31
Moore, C. 372
Moore, D. 246 476
Moore, E.F. 150
Moore, E.H. 454
Moore, F.R. 474
Moose antlers 8
Mootha, V.K. 474
Morain, F. 473
Moran, W. 296
Morcrette, M. 426
Mordell, L.J. 477
Moribund letter 232
Morphic sequence 10 212
Morphism 8 31
Morphism, -free 31
Morphism, characteristic 285 294
Morphism, depth of 9
Morphism, expanding 9
Morphism, identity 23
Morphism, iterated 9
Morphism, k-uniform 173
Morphism, length-preserving 31
Morphism, nonerasing 9
Morphism, overlap-free 17
Morphism, primitive 9
Morphism, prolongable 10 173 212
Morphism, propagating 31
Morphism, size of 9
Morphism, squarefree 35
Morphism, Sturmian 296
Morphism, trivial 9
Morphism, uniform 9
Morphism, width of 9
Morris, J. 245 476
Morrison, D.R. 297
Morse, M. 26 32 35 208 295 340—344 47!
Mortal letter 9 212
Mortality exponent 9 212
Morton, P. 114 122 123 404 473 478
Moser, L. 476
Mosse, B. 34 341
Mossinghoff, M. 123
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