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Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations |
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Thomas, A. 124
Thompson, G.C. 473
Three squares, sums of 206 447
Three-distance theorem 53
Three-gap theorem 53
Thue — Morse continued fraction 394
Thue — Morse formal power series 352
Thue — Morse formal power series as diagonal of rational function 369
Thue — Morse morphism 9 28 33 339
Thue — Morse partition 208
Thue — Morse real number 387 400 401
Thue — Morse real number, transcendence of 387
Thue — Morse sequence 15 23 122 152 173 192 201 203 204 206—208 327 336 338—340 371 425 436
Thue — Morse sequence, appearance 334
Thue — Morse sequence, automaton for 174
Thue — Morse sequence, chess and 32
Thue — Morse sequence, complexity of 335
Thue — Morse sequence, complexity of, generalized 335
Thue — Morse sequence, critical exponent of 24
Thue — Morse sequence, first differences 201
Thue — Morse sequence, generalized 208 335
Thue — Morse sequence, history of 32
Thue — Morse sequence, mirror invariance of 29
Thue — Morse sequence, music and 33 245 448
Thue — Morse sequence, origins 208
Thue — Morse sequence, physics and 469
Thue — Morse sequence, polynomials and 207
Thue — Morse sequence, prefixes are primitive 28
Thue — Morse sequence, recurrence function of 329
Thue — Morse sequence, recurrent subwords of 325
Thue — Morse sequence, two-sided 26
Thue — Morse sequence, unusual infinite products and 174
Thue — Morse word 15
Thue, A. 32 208
Thuswaldner, J.M 120 124 125 127 473
Tichy, R.F. 121 123 124 454
Tijtleman, R. 341 342
Toeplitz construction 156
Toeplitz word 339
Toeplitz, O. 342
Toffin, R 120
Tognetti, K. 68
Tompkins, C.B. 125
Tong, P. 469
Topological space 5
topology 5
Toshimitsu, T. 120
Tower of Hanoi 177
Tower of Hanoi, cyclic 210
Tower of Hanoi, more than three pegs 209
Tower of Hanoi, optimal solution 178
Town, H.-S. 472
Trace maps 465
Trace of a matrix 457
Trakhlenbrot, B.A. 437
Tramp, J. 341 403 476
Transcendence of 43 67
Transcendence of characteristic real numbers 393
Transcendence of e 43 67
Transcendence of Thue — Morse continued fraction 394
Transcendence of Thue — Morse real number 387
Transcendental 41
Transducer, finite-state 140
Transducer, k-uniform 140 194
Transfer matrix 457
Transition diagram 128
Transition function 128
Transition matrix 282
Transitive 133
Tratratratra 471
Tresser, C. 476
Triangle inequality 6
Triangular numbers 449
Tribonacci morphism 246
Trigg, C.W. 115 473
Trivial morphism 9
Troi, G. 121
Trollope, J.R. 120 124
Trotter, W.T. 208
Tsai, C.-H. 469
Tsai, S.-C. 473
Tu, F.K. 32
Turban, L. 469
Turing machine 146
Turing, A.M. 151 379 403
Turner, J.C. 246 476
Turnwald, G. 121
Twaddle, R.D. 125
two-dimensional array 405
Two-dimensional [k, l]-DFAO 408
Two-sided infinite words 3 218
Two-sided infinite words, periodic 24 220
Uchida, Y. 120
Ullman, J.D. 31 150
Ultimately periodic 4
Ultimately periodic, subword complexity 298
Ultrametric inequality 7
Unambiguous grammar 144
Unambiguous numeration system 71
Unary representation 73
Unbordered 28
Unexpended input 145
Unfolding instructions 182
Unidirectional infinite word 3
Uniform tag sequences 172
Uniform, morphism 9
Uniformly distributed 49
Uniformly recurrent 328
Unique factorization domain 66
Unnonnalized 110
Unreachable state 129
Urbanek, F.J. 36 210 340
Urzyczyn, P. 36
Uspensky, J.V. 295 454 476
Vaidya, A.M. 121
Vaillancourt, R. 123
Valid representation 70
Valuation 39
| van de Liefvoort, A. 210
van den Bosch, P. 126
Van der Poorten, A.J. 68 210 296 403 404 472 475
Van der Waerden theorem 207
Van der Waerden, B.L. 472
Van Eetvelt, P.W.J. 123
van Enter, A.C.D. 468 469
van Lint, J.H. 68
van Ravenstein, T. 68
Vanden Eynden, C. 401 477
Vandermonde identity 444 449
Vandeth, D. xv 37 343
Vanicek, T. 37
Variable 143
Variable in a context-free grammar 143
Varricchio, S. 36 340 341 476 477
Vasiga, T.M.J. xv
Vector space 56
Vector, non-negative 250
Vector, positive 250
Veech, W.A. 343
Venkov, B.A. 295 296
Verraedt, R. 472
Vielhaber, M. 201 474
Villemaire, R. 172 350 478
von Haeseler, F. 205 426 427
von Koch, H. 202
Voss, K. 297
Vuillon, L. 342 343 426
Wade, L.I. 361 377
Wadel, L.B. 125
Wakelin, J.H. 125
Wakulicz, A. 125
Wall, H.S. 210
Walsh, T.R. 209 210
Wang, M.-W. xv 32 246 471 472 475—477
Wantiez, R. 208
Wax 187 189 219
Wayland, K. 121
Weakley, W.D. 476
Weakly cubefree 33
Wegner, L. 426 472
Weiman, C. 297
Wells, Jr., C.H. 125
Wen, Z.-X. 209 246
Wen, Z.-Y. 209 246 377 404 469
Wender, P. 38
Weyl's theorem 50 462
Weyuker, E.J. 125
Wheeler, F.S. 473
While, T. 473
width 9
Wigderson, A. 437
Wilansky, A. 121
Wilf, H.S. 13 32 471 473 478
Wilson, D. xv 113 400 475 478
Winkler, P. 208
Winklmann, K. 36
Winley, G. 68
Wlazinski, F 35
Wolfram, S. 404 437
Wood, D. 209 246
Woodcock, C.R. 376 378 426 472 477
Woods, D.R. 172
Word chain 242
Word graphs 323 343
Words 1
Words, bi-infinite 31
Words, binary balanced 313
Words, doubly infinite 31
Words, infinite 2
Words, infinite, left-infinite 3
Words, infinite, length of 2
Words, infinite, one-sided 3
Words, infinite, primitive 13 32
Words, infinite, right-infinite 3
Words, infinite, Toeplitz 339
Words, infinite, two-sided 3
Words, infinite, unboidered 28
Worm in Penrose tiling 455
Wozny, N. 342
Wright, E.M. 67 68 172 477
Wu, J.-S. 209 210
Wu, L.-D. 297
Wyatt-Millinglon, C.W. 123
Wythoff's game 293
Wythoff, W.A. 476
Xie, H. 472
Yaglom, A.M. 119 454 478
Yaglom, I.M. 119 454 478
Yan, J.R. 469
Yao, J.Y. xv 208 210 363 377
Yarlagadda, R. 478
Yasutomi, S. 296
Yates, S. 121
Yazdani, S. 208 475
Yeung, D. xv
Yien, S.-C. 120
You, J.Q. 469
Yu, J. 377
Yu, S. 31 32
Yu, S.S. 32
Yu, X. 36
Yuen, C.K. 125
Zalcbtein, Y. 35
Zamboni, L.Q. xv 246 341—343 477
Zare, D. 479
Zariski, O. 68
Zasluvsky, D. 469
Zech, T. 34 471
Zeckeudorf, E. 125
Zeilberger, D. 35 36
Zelterstrom, H.O. 473
Zero pattern sequence 78
Zhong, J.X. 469
Zimin, A.I. 37
Zohar, S. 125
Zorat, A. 297
Zunnier, U. 121
Zygmund, A. 123
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