Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Aigner M. — Graph theory |
Предметный указатель |
-component 192
-edge 196
-piece 192
0-chain 153
0.1-matrix 110
Achromatic chain group 159
Adjacent vertices 2
Admissible graph 200
Algorithm, unloading 182
Arboricity 121 152
Articulation 181
Basis of a matroid 146
Basis of a set 146 157
Bipartition 65 152
Birkhoff diamond 176
Birkhoff number 40 172
Birkhoff’s theorem 175 176
Block of a chain group 164
Block of a graph 49
Block, Desargues 164
Block, Fano 166
Block, Petersen 168
BOND 60 148
Bondy — ChvStal theorem 134
Boundary 35
Boundary operator 153
Bridge 6 153
Brook’s Theorem 80
C-bridge 128
C-reducible configuration 180
Carrier of a chain 153 155
Chain 155
Chain group 155
Chain group, achromatic 159
Chain group, chromatic 159
Chain group, cographic 158
Chain group, colorable 159
Chain group, dual 155
Chain group, full 161
Chain group, graphic 158
Chain group, irreducible 162
Chain, elementary 155
Chain, Kempe 10
Chromatic index 76
Chromatic number of a graph 25 76
Chromatic number of a map 6 19
Chromatic number of a surface 20
Chromatic polynomial 37 90
Chromodendron 195
Circuit 3
Circuit of a matrod 146
Circuit, alternating 44
Circuit, Hamiltonian 45 124
Circuit, length of a 3
Clique number 85
Closed surface 18
Closed surface, nonorientable 18
Closed surface, orientable 18
Closure of a graph 134
Coboundary operator 153
Cocycle 66 152 153
Cocycle group 158
Cocycle space 66 153
Color conjecture 6 4
Color theorem 205
Coloring of a chain group 159
Coloring of a graph 25 76 154
Coloring of a map 6 25
Complement of a graph 86
Component 3
Component, odd 115
Configuration 174
Configuration, geographically good 188
Configuration, reducible 12
Configuration. C-reducible 180
Configuration. D-reducible 179
Connectivity number 48 53 131
Connectivity number, local 53
Contraction of a chain group 160
Contraction of a graph 64 87 160
Contraction of a matroid 160
Contraction of an edge 61
Convex polytope 47
Coordinatization matrix 157
country 1
Country, outer 5
Country-edge-incidence matrix 32
Covering number 152
Critical set 109
Crossing number 67
Cube graph 14
Cubic graph 41
Cut vertex 48
CYCLE 32 152 153
Cycle group 160
Cycle space 66 153
D-reducible configuration 179
Defect 106
Degree 7
Degree sequence 123
Degree, maximal 79
Degree, minimal 79
Desargues block 164
Diagonal 110
Directed edge 71
Disjoint paths 54
Distance 78
Dominates 135
Doubly stochastic matrix 112
Drawing 72
Duality 25
Edge coloring 13 76 81
Edge set 60
Edmond’s theorem 149
Euler characteristic 19
Euler formula 8
Euler subgraph 35 65 152
Euler trail 33
Euler — Poincarl formula 20
Exchange axiom 146
Factorization 41 103
Fano block 166
Fibonacci numbers 98 102
First neighborhood 190
Fleischner’s theorem 137
Forest 121 144 4
Fundamental cycle 33
Fundamental solution 33
Gale — Ryser Theorem 119
General position, points in 167
Genus of a graph 26 67
Genus of a surface 18
Golden ratio 98
Golden ratio theorem 98
Graph 2
Graph, admissible 200
Graph, almost Hamiltoian 142
Graph, bipartite 28 77 103
Graph, complete 26 52 69
Graph, complete bipartite 28 52 67
Graph, connected 3
Graph, cube 14
Graph, cubic 41
Graph, disconnected 3
Graph, dual 25 59 61
Graph, embeddable 25
Graph, irreducible 171
Graph, maximal plane 125
Graph, n-colorable 76
| Graph, n-connected 48
Graph, n-critical 86
Graph, n-edge colorable 76
Graph, perfect 86
Graph, planar 4
Graph, plane 4
Graph, Platonic 28
Graph, polytopal 46 48 130
Graph, r-factorable 41
Graph, r-regular 41
Graph, simple 3
Graph. Euler 32
Graph. Hamiltonian 45
Graph. Herschel 130
Graphs, isomorphic 5
Grinberg’s theorem 130
Group, chain 155
Group, cocycle 158
Group, cycle 160
Group, dual 155
Hadwiger’s Conjecture 87 159 162
Hall’s theorem 107 108
Hamiltonian circuit 45 124
Hamiltonian path 133
Heawood’s theorem 17 21 30
Homeomorphism 18
If-good coloring 192
Incidence matrix 31 65
Incident edge-country 5
Incident, edges 3
Incident, vertex-country 5
Incident, vertex-edge 3 5
Inclusion-Exclusion Principle 91
Independence number 84 131
Independent edge set 145
Independent set in a matroid 144
Independent vertex set 84
Induced subgraph 79
Initial loading 181
Interior vertex 180
Irreducible chain group 162
Isolated vertex 3
Joining number 54
Jordan curve 3
Jordan curve theorem 4
Kempe chain 10
Klein bottle 24
Konig’s theorem 104
Kuratowski’s Theorem 53 56
Latin rectangle 122
Latin square 113
Leg of a vertex 180
Length of a circuit 3
Length of a diagonal 111
Length of a trail 3
Line graph 76
Loading 182
Loop 2
Loop in a matroid 145
M, reconfiguration 190
MA 7
Mac Lane’s theorem 66
Manifold 17
MAP 5 67
Map, cubic 12
Map, dual 24
Map, irreducible 39
Maps, isomorphic 5
Matching 103
Matching number 104 116
Matroid 144
Matroid of a chain group 156
Matroid, binary 157
Matroid, cographic 148
Matroid, dual 147
Matroid, graphic 145
Matroid, linear 145
Matroid, simple 145
Matroid, transversal 150
Matroids, isomorphic 145
Maximal degree 79
Menger’s theorem 54
Minimal degree 79
Minor of a chain group 161
Minor of a matroid 161
Missing at a vertex 82
Multiple edges 3
Multiple neighborhoods 124
N-chromatic 6
N-edge coloring 76
N-vertex 180
Nash — Williams theorem 121 136
Neighborhood classes 202
Neighboring countries 5
Nonorientable surface 18
Obstruction 180
Obstruction (A) 201
Obstruction (B) 201
Obstruction (C) 202
Odd component 115
Ore — Dirac theorem 133
Orientable surface 18
Orthogonal chains 155
Outer country 5
Packing number 152
Partial transversal 150
Path 3
Permanent 111
Permutation matrix 122
Petersen block 168
Petersen graph 28 45
Petersen’s theorem 43
Platonic graph 28
Polygon 60
Power of a graph 137
Projective space 163
Property (X) 194
Property (Y) 194
R-factor 41 103
R-factorization 41
Ramsey number 141
Ramsey’s theorem 141
Ramsey’s theorem generalized 143
Rank of a chain group 155
Rank of a matroid 144
Rank of a set 144 163
Reducibility conjecture 190
Reductor 180
Restriction of a chain group 159
Restriction of a matroid 159
Ring 39 174
Ring, size of a 174
Rotation scheme 70
Separating circuit 172
Separating edge set 60
Separating vertex set 53
Set system 107
Simple triangulation 125
Size of a ring 174
Skeleton of a map 5 25
Skeleton of a polytope 47
Spanning subgraph 92
Steinitz’s Theorem 49
Subdivision of a graph 53 89
Subdivision of an edge 53
Subgraph, induced 79
Subgraph, spanning 92
Submodular function 149
Sum of matroids 151
Sum of sets 32
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