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Abramovich Y., Aliprantis C. — An Invitation to Operator Theory (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 50) |
Предметный указатель |
, band generated by x 20
, extended continuous functions 115
, functions vanishing at 406
, order dual of E 21
, ideal generated by x 20
, space of n x n square matrices 318
, eigenspace with eigenvalue 384
, essential spectral radius of T 302
, convergence along an ultrafilter 38
, ultrapower of B-space X 40
, ascent of operator T 80
, descent of operator T 80
-sum of Banach spaces 472
-sum of Banach spaces 281
-sum of Banach spaces 472
, semi-Fredholm operators 166
, complex numbers 2
, the natural numbers, {1,2, ..} 2
, the rational numbers 2
, the real numbers 2
, the integers 2
-invariant subspace 387
, algebra generated by T 387
, the orbit of x under A 387
-invariant collection 410
, finite-rank operators from X to Y 125
, Fredholm operators 163
, compact operators from X to V 89
, bounded operators on X 2
, bounded operators from X to Y 2
, order bounded operators from X to Y 15
, regular operators from X to Y 14
, regular integral operators from E to F 188
, vector sublattice generated by A 233
-limit of sequence 38
, weakly compact operators from X to Y 89
, the Calkin algebra 299
, -finite-rank operators 125
-integral operators 193 430
-Dedekind complete Riesz space 16
-order closed set 18
-order complete Riesz space 16
-order continuous function 18
, spectrum of operator T 238
, approximate spectrum of T 249
, continuous spectrum of T 249
, essential spectrum of T 299
, point spectrum of T 248
, residual spectrum of T 248
, Weyl spectrum of T 312
, norm of set D 410
(B], super left-commutant of B 399
*-convergence 67
A.e. equal functions 52
Absolute integral operator 187
Absolute value of vector 15
Abstract integral operator 193 368 430
Additive semigroup 409
Adjoint operator 4 244
Adjoint operator, Hilbert space 453
AL-space 94 101
Algebra 3 386
Algebra of operators 386
Algebra of operators, generated by a sot 387
Algebra of operators, non-transitive 387 440
Algebra of operators, transitive 387
Algebra, 387
Algebra, Calkin 299
Algebra, closed 387
Algebra, dual 387
Algebra, generated by set of operators 387
Algebra, non-transitivc 387 440
Algebra, transitive 387
Algebra, unital 3 386 387
Algebraic complement of subspace 169
Algebraic homomorphism 144
Almost essentially disjoint operators 477
Almost integral operator 193 430
AM-compact operator 401
AM-space 94 101
AM-space with unit 94
AM-space, complex 106
Analytic function 45
Annihilator 8
Annihilator of a set 328
Annihilator of a vector subspace 8 328
Annulus 49
Antisymmetry 13
Approximate eigenvalue 249
Approximate point spectrum 249
Approximation property 125
Archimedean ordered vector space 15
Ascent of operator 80 270
atom 86
Atomic measure space 193
Atomless Riesz space 86
Automatic continuity 147 154
Averaging operator 213
Averaging property 213
Backward shift operator 251
Banach function space 194
Banach function space, associated with or 194
Banach function space, rearrangement invariant 223 494
Banach lattice 22
Banach lattice with order continuous norm 84
Banach lattice, AL 94
Banach lattice, AM 94
Banach lattice, complex 105
Banach space 2
Banach space, direct sum 5 10
Banach space, function 194
Banach space, locally uniformly convex 460
Banach space, quotient 8
Banach space, reflexive 465
Banach space, uniformly convex 12 457 465
Banach space, uniformly rotund 457
Banach space, uniformly smooth 457
Banach — Steinhaus theorem 4
Band 20
Band irreducible operator 349
Band of abstract integral operators 193 430
Band of integral operators 188
Band preserving operator 112
Band projection 21
Band, generated by a set 20
Band, principal 20 118
Band, projection 21
Basic sequence 30
Basic sequence, unconditional 35
Basis 28 436
Basis constant 29
Basis in 36
Basis problem 28
Basis, monotone 29
Basis, normalized 29
Basis, unconditional 32 500
Biorthogonal functional 31
Bishop operator 451
Bistochastic projection 221
Bound 15
Bound, greatest lower 15
Bound, least upper 15
Bound, lower 15
Bound, upper 15
Bounded function 64
Bounded function from above 64
| Bounded operator 2
Bounded operator from below 69
Calkin algebra 299
Canonical projection 299
Caratheodory extension of measure 61
Caratheodory's theorem 61
Carleman operator 192
Carrier of ideal 27
Carrier of ideal in 60
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 318
Center of Banach function space 209
Center of Banach lattice 112
Center of Banach lattice, trivial 116
Central operator 112
Cesaro operator 247 450
Chain of open sets 51
Characteristic polynomial 317 327
Characteristic polynomial of operator 321
Characterization of narrow operator 494
Closed algebra 387
Closed graph theorem 5
Closest point to a set 12
Codimension of vector subspace 155
Cofinal set 66
Collection, strictly transitive 387
Collection, transitive 387
Commutant 138 357 388 398 410
Commutant of family of operators 410
Commutant, super left, (B] 399
Commutant, super right, [B) 399
Commutator of two operators 398
Compact operator 88 272
Compact-friendly operator 425
Complement of a closed subspace 386
Complement, algebraic of subspace 169
Complemented subspace 134 386 486
Complete measure 66
Completely continuous function 444
Completion, Dedekind 26
Completion, Maeda — Ogasawara — Vulikh 116
Completion, universal 116
Complex AM-space 106
Complex Banach lattice 105
Complex lattice isometry 105
Complexification 5
Complexification of Banach lattice 105 110
Component of a vector 16
Composition operator 142 378
Conditional expectation of function 212
Conditional expectation operator 212
Cone 14 440
Cone, generated by a basis 437 440
Cone, generating 14
Conjugate of matrix 317
Continuous spectrum 249
Contraction 78
Control function 315
Convergence in measure 53
Convergence of Laurent series 49
Convergence, * 67
Convergence, notions in 209
Convergence, order 16
Convergence, pointwise 53
Convergence, uniform 53
Convergence, weak 3
Convergence, weak* 3
Convolution of kernels 210
Corank of operator 155
Countable sup property 22 354
Cyclic point of a set 288
Cyclic set 288
Cyclic vector 328 383
d(T), defect of operator T 155
Daugavet equation 456 470
Daugavet property 467 473
Decreasing net 16
Dedekind complete Riesz space 15
Dedekind completion 26
Defect of operator 155
Derivative of a function 45
Descent of operator 80 270
Diagonal matrix 118
Diagonal part of operator 117
Diagonal projection 117
Diagonal property 56
Diagonalizable matrix 319
Diagonalizing matrix 319
Differentiable function 45
Direct sum Banach space 10
Direct sum normed space 5
Direct sum of Banach spaces 247
Direct sum of operators 393
Direct sum operator 247
Direct sum property 208
Dirichlet's theorem 236
Discrete vector 86
Disjoint complement 21
Disjoint operators 16
Disjoint operators, almost essentially 477
Disjoint operators, essentially 477
Disjointly strictly singular operator 178
Disk 44
Domain of analyticity of function 258
Domination of operators 89 109
Double adjoint 4
Double dual 3
Doubly power bounded operator 247 450
Dual 3
Dual algebra 387
Dual, double 3
Dual, Koethe 198
Dual, norm 3
Dual, order 21
Dual, order continuous 21 193
Dual, second 3
Dunford — Pettis operator 409 498
Dunford — Pettis property 360
Eigenspace 384
Eigenvalue 248
Eigenvalue, approximate 219
Eigenvector 248
Entire function 47
Equation, Daugavet 156
Equimeasurable functions 223 494
Essential property 299
Essential singularity 264 270
Essential spectral radius 302
Essential spectrum of an operator 299
Essential sup 64
Essential sup norm 64
Essential upper bound 64
Essentially bounded function 64
Essentially bounded function from above 64
Essentially disjoint operators 477
Essentially invertible operator 299
Essentially quasinilpotent operator 302
Euclidean norm 316 321
Euclidean norm of matrix 318
Euclidean topology 321
Expanding operator 350
Exposed point 490
Exposing linear functional 490
Extremally disconnected space 96
Extreme point 490
f(T) 258
Factorization of an operator 477
Family of operators, finitely quasinilpotent at a point 410
Family of operators, non-transitive 410
Family of operators, quasinilpotent at a point 410
Family of operators, transitive 410
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