Авторизация |
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Abramovich Y., Aliprantis C. — An Invitation to Operator Theory (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 50) |
Предметный указатель |
Operator, interval preserving 24 154
Operator, invertible 10 298
Operator, isometry 11
Operator, kernel 181
Operator, Krein 350 371
Operator, lattice homomorphism 23
Operator, lattice isometry 23
Operator, lattice isomorphism 23
Operator, linear 2
Operator, Lomonosov 396
Operator, Markov 100
Operator, multiplication 136
Operator, multiplicative 144
Operator, narrow 494
Operator, nilpotent 82 244 323
Operator, non-quasianalytic 450
Operator, non-scalar 383
Operator, normal 453
Operator, nuclear 134
Operator, order adjoint 200
Operator, order bounded 15 296
Operator, polynomially compact 390
Operator, positive 14 437
Operator, power compact 272
Operator, projection 21 386
Operator, quasianalytic 450
Operator, quasinilpotent 244
Operator, quasitriangular 454
Operator, rank-one 123 430
Operator, real on a complex B-space 6
Operator, regular 14 107
Operator, residue 266
Operator, Riesz 302
Operator, Riesz homomorphism 23
Operator, Riesz isomorphism 23
Operator, rotation 385
Operator, scalar 383
Operator, semi-Fredholm 156
Operator, shift 251
Operator, stochastic 100
Operator, strictly positive 14 408
Operator, strictly singular 170
Operator, strong Krein 350 371
Operator, strongly expanding 350
Operator, subnormal 453
Operator, symmetric 465
Operator, unbounded 2
Operator, Volterra 275
Operator, weakly compact 89
Operator, weakly expanding 350
Orbit 383
Orbit space 383
Order adjoint operator 200
Order bounded operator 15 296
Order bounded set 14
Order closed set 18
Order complete Riesz space 15
Order continuous dual 21 193
Order continuous function 18
Order continuous norm 84
Order continuous topology 84
Order convergence 16
Order convergence of sequences 18
Order convergent net 16
Order dense Riesz subspace 58 66
Order dual 21
Order interval 84
Order limit 17
Order relation 13
Order spectrum 292
Order unit 20 94
Ordered vector space 14
Ordered vector space, Archimedean 15
Orthogonal matrix 317
Orthomorphism 112
Outer measure generated by a measure 61
Pair of reducing subspaces 386
Partially ordered set 14
Partially ordered vector space 14
Partially ordered vector space, archimedean 15
Partition of set 227
Peripheral spectrum 245
Permutation matrix 333
Permutation of a set 31
Perron — Frobenius theorem 341
Perturbation 163
Perturbation of operator 163
Point spectrum 248
Point, closest to a set 12
Point, cyclic 288
Point, exposed 490
Point, extreme 490
Point, internal 101
Point, nearest to a set 12
Point, quasi-interior 135 349
Point, strongly exposed 490 503
Point, support 13
Pointwise bounded set 4
Pointwise convergence 53
Pole 264
Pole of the resolvent 264 268
Pole, simple 264
Polynomial, characteristic 317
Polynomial, minimal 327
Polynomially compact operator 390
Positive matrix 329
Positive operator 14 437
Positive operator on a B-space 436
Positive part of vector 15
Positive semidefinite matrix 319
Positively complemented subspace 230
Positivity of the norm 2
Power compact operator 272
Power series expansion of function 46
Predual of ideal generated by a functional 119
Primitive matrix 343
Principal band 20 118
Principal ideal 20 95 119
Product -algebra 62
Product measure 62
Product rule for derivatives 50
Production matrix 315
Projection 21 386
Projection band 21
Projection, band 21
Projection, bistochastic 221
Projection, canonical 299
Projection, diagonal 117
Projection, Markov 213
Projection, Miyajima 235
Projection, proper 386
Projection, spectral 262
Proper projection 386
Property, antisymmetry 13
Property, approximation 125
Property, countable sup 22 354
Property, Daugavet 467 473
Property, direct sum 208
Property, Dunford — Pettis 360
Property, essential 299
Property, Kadets — Klee 465
Property, Radon — Nikodym 503
Property, reflexivity 13
Property, Schur 448
Property, transitivity 14
Pseudoinverse of operator 167
Quasi-interior point 135 349
Quasianalytic operator 450
Quasinilpotent operator 244
Quasitriangular operator 454
| Quotient Banach space 8
Quotient map 8
Quotient norm 8
Quotient vector space 8
r-norm of operator 22
Rademacher functions 497
Rademacher functions, generalized 497
Radius of convergence 44
Radon — Nikodym property 503
Range ideal of operator 399 408
Range of function 69
Range of operator 79 155
Rank of finite-rank operator 124
Rank of matrix 328
Rank of operator 155
Rank-one operator 123 430
Real operator on a complex B-space 6
Real part of complex functional 7
Rearrangement invariant B-function space 223 494
rectangle 62
Reducible matrix 333
Reducing pair of subspaces 81 262 322
Reducing subspace 81 386
Reflexive Banach space 465
Reflexivity property 13
Regular operator 14 107
Regulator of convergence 53
Representation of finite-rank operator 124
Representing kernel 484
Representing matrix 321
Residual spectrum 248
Residue operator 266
Resolvent 238 245
Resolvent function 238 245 265
Resolvent identity 240
Resolvent identity, second 246
Resolvent set 238
Retract of a space 12
Retraction 13
Riesz homomorphism 23
Riesz isomorphism 23
Riesz operator 302
Riesz space 15
Riesz space, -Dedekind complete 16
Riesz space, -order complete 16
Riesz space, atomless 86
Riesz space, Dedekind complete 15
Riesz space, non-atomic 86
Riesz space, normal 21 193
Riesz space, normed 22
Riesz space, order complete 15
Riesz subspace 84
Riesz subspace, order dense 58 66
Riesz — Kantorovich formula 16 107
Riesz — Thorin theorem 224
Rotation invariant set 340
Rotation invariant spectrum 290
Rotation operator 385
Scalar operator 383
Schauder basis 28 436
Schauder system 36
Schur property 448
Second dual 3
Second resolvent identity 246
Semi-Fredholm operator 156
Semigroup ideal 417
Semigroup ideal, generated by a set 417
Semigroup of operators 409
Semigroup of operators, additive 409
Semigroup of operators, generated by a family 412
Semigroup of operators, multiplicative 409
Semigroup of operators, Volterra 451
Semigroup, ideal irreducible 415
Semigroup, ideal reducible 415
Seminorm 22 126
Seminorm, lattice 22
Semiring of sets 60
Separation of points 209
Separation of sets 13
Separation Theorem, Finite Dimensional 13
Series, convergent unconditionally 31
Series, Laurent 49
Series, Neumann 239
Series, weakly unconditionally Cauchy 480 486
Set, -order closed 18
Set, cofinal 66
Set, cyclic 288
Set, order bounded 14
Set, order closed 18
Set, partially ordered 14
Set, pointwise bounded 4
Set, resolvent 238
Set, rotation invariant 340
Set, solid 20
Set, spectral 261
Shift operator 251
Similar matrices 318
Similar operators 253
Simple pole 264
Slice of a set 488
Solid set 20
Space, AL 94
Space, AM 94
Space, Banach 2
Space, Kantorovich — Banach 85
Space, KB 85
Space, L 122
Space, m 122
Space, normed 2
Space, orbit 383
Space, Riesz 15
Space, Stonean 115
Space, structure of B-lattice 136
Spectral mapping theorem 260
Spectral projection 262
Spectral radius 243 245
Spectral radius, essential 302
Spectral radius, joint 425
Spectral radius, Rota — Strang 125
Spectral set 261
Spectrum 245
Spectrum of operator 238
Spectrum of operator, approximate point 219
Spectrum of operator, continuous 249
Spectrum of operator, essential 299
Spectrum of operator, Fredholm 299
Spectrum of operator, order 292
Spectrum of operator, peripheral 245
Spectrum of operator, point 248
Spectrum of operator, residual 248
Spectrum of operator, rotation invariant 290
Spectrum of operator, Weyl 312
Spectrum of vector in a B-algebra 245
State function 315
Stochastic matrix 103
Stochastic operator 100
Stone space of a Riesz space 116
Stonean topological space 96 115
Strictly monotone norm 216
Strictly positive matrix 329
Strictly positive operator 14 408
Strictly positive vector 135 316
Strictly singular operator 170
Strictly transitive collection 387
Strong Krein operator 350 371
Strong operator topology 438
Strong unit 20 94 370
Strongly expanding operator 350
Strongly exposed point 490 503
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