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Semple Ch., Steel M. — Phylogenetics
Semple Ch., Steel M. — Phylogenetics

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Название: Phylogenetics

Авторы: Semple Ch., Steel M.


'Phylogenetics' is the reconstruction and analysis of phylogenetic (evolutionary) trees and networks based on inherited characteristics. It is a flourishing area of intereaction between mathematics, statistics, computer science and biology. The main role of phylogenetic techniques lies in evolutionary biology, where it is used to infer historical relationships between species. However, the methods are also relevant to a diverse range of fields including epidemiology, ecology, medicine, as well as linguistics and cognitive psychology This book is intended for biologists interested in the mathematical theory behind phylogenetic methods, and for mathematicians, statisticians, and computer scientists eager to learn about this emerging area of discrete mathematics. 'Phylogenetics' in the 24th volume in the Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications. This series contains short books suitable for graduate students and researchers who want a well-written account of mathematics that is fundamental to current to research. The series emphasises future directions of research and focuses on genuine applications of mathematics to finance, engineering and the physical and biological sciences.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 239

Добавлена в каталог: 10.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$N_2$-model, extended      198
$N_r$-model      197
$\mathcal{T}$-metric      146
Acyclic, digraph      7
Acyclic, graph      7
Adams consensus tree      54
Adjacent      5
Ancestor      8
ARC      7
Arc, head of      7
Arc, tail of      7
Asymptotically equivalent      3
Augmented pedigree graph      14
Balanced tree      22
Bayesian methods      208
Bayes’ rule      4
Binary character      65
Binary phylogenetic forest      35
Binary phylogenetic forest, rooted      36
Binary phylogenetic forest, unrooted      36
Binary phylogenetic tree      17
Binary phylogenetic tree, rooted      19
Build algorithm      119
Buneman graph      56
Buneman index      156
Catalan number      29
Caterpillar tree      22
Caterpillar tree, rooted      22
Central edge      27
Changing number      84
Changing set      84
Character compatibility problem      69
Character distribution      188
Character states      65
Character, binary      65
Character, full      65
Character, generalized      77
Character, non-trivial      65
Character, r-state      65
Character, trivial      65
Cherry      8
Chordal graph      10
Chordalization      10
Circular ordering      55
CLIQUE      6
Clique, k-      6
Closed      129
Closure      129
Closure, dyadic      129
Closure, semi-dyadic      129
Cluster      51
Clustering graph      119
Co-phylogeny      35
Coalescent, process      24
Coalescent, sequence      24
Compatibility graph      75
Compatible, pair of X-splits      44
Compatible, set of characters      69
Compatible, set of generalized characters      77
Compatible, set of generalized characters relative to a set of directional constraints      78
Compatible, set of rooted semi-labelled trees      118
Compatible, set of semi-labelled trees      113
Compatible, set of X-trees      48
Compatible, span (co)      113
Compatible, strongly      74
Compatible, weakly      163
Competition, graph      11
Competition, number      12
Complete graph      6
components      6
Conditional probability      4
Conjugate elements      174
Consensus tree      53
Consensus tree, Adams      54
Consensus tree, strict      53
Consistency      155
contracting      6
Contraction of an edge from an X-tree      49
Convergent transition      68
Convex      65
Convex, generalized character      77
Convex, generalized character relative to a directional constraint      77
Convex, set of characters      79
Cover digraph      7
Cut-edge      64
Cut-set for a character      86
Cut-set of a graph      64
Cut-set, minimum      86
CYCLE      6
Cycle, k-      6
Defines by a set of characters      79
Defines by a set of semi-labelled trees      114
Defines, phylogenetically      80
Definitive      130
Degree of a vertex      5
Deleting a vertex      6
Deleting an edge      6
Descendant      8
Determinant      183
Directed graph (digraph)      7
Directed graph, underlying graph of      7
Discriminating $\mathcal{G}$-dating map      170
Discriminating symbolic representation      166
Displays a partial split      143
Displays a rooted semi-labelled tree      118
Displays a semi-labelled tree      113
Displays a set of rooted semi-labelled trees      118
Displays a set of semi-labelled trees      113
Dissimilarity distribution      188
Dissimilarity map      145
Dissimilarity, G-      169
Dissimilarity, tree ordinal      164
Distinguished by a character      79
Distinguished by a quartet tree      131
Distinguished by a set of characters      79
Distinguishes      131
EDGE      5
Edge attachment      37
Edge-preserving map      100
End-vertex of an edge      5
Equal input model      195
Equidistant edge weighting      150
Equidistant representation of an ultrametric      151
Equilibrium vector      194
Erdoes — Szekely path system      88
Evolutionary distance $(\emph{k})$      195
Excess      134
Excess, -free      134
Exponential of a matrix      184
Extension of a character      84
Extension, minimum      85
Farris transform      149
Felsenstein zone      202
Fitch — Hartigan algorithm      90
Food web      11
Forest      7
Four-point condition      146
Four-point condition, weak      172
Generalized character      77
Generating function, exponential      3
Generating function, ordinary      2
Graph      5
Graph, connected      6
Graph, disconnected      6
Graph, simple      5
Graphical distance      6
Gromov product      149
Group      2
Group, abelian      2
Group, homomorphism      2
Group, isomorphism      2
Group-based model      210
Hadamard matrix      199
Hadamard representation      198
Hierarchy      51
Hierarchy, maximal      137
Hierarchy, weak      56
Homoplasy of a character      86
Homoplasy, -free      67
Homoplasy, total      86
Hyperbolicity      178
Identifies by a set of semi-labelled trees      114
Imperfection of a set of characters      75
incident      5
Incompatibility graph      76
Interior, edge      7
Interior, vertex      7
Intersection graph      9
Interval graph      9
Isolated vertex      5
Isolation index      160
Isomorphism of graphs      6
Isomorphism of X-trees      17
k-cube      99
Kimura 3ST model      211
Label set of a set of semi-labelled trees      17
Label set of an X-tree      17
Labelling map      16
Law of total probability      4
Leaf      7
Leaf elimination basis      132
Linear order      1
Logarithm of a matrix      184
Logdet transform      192
Majority rule consensus tree      54
Markov chain      186
Markov model      186
Markov process on a phylogenetic tree      188
Markov process on a tree      185
Markov property      185
Markov random field      187
Matrix representation with parsimony analysis (MRP)      125
Maximal clique tree representation      10
Maximum agreement subtree      111
Maximum compatibility      75
Maximum likelihood      207
Maximum parsimony method      84
Maximum parsimony tree      85
Median of a set      93
Median of three vertices      98
Median, closure      109
Median, extension      93
Median, graph      98
Median, intersection property      94
Median, subgraph      99
Median, tree      63
Menger’s theorem      87
Metric      2
Metric, $l_{\infty}-$-      174
Metric, discrete      2
Metric, space      2
Metric, tree      145
Minimum evolution      159
Minimum Steiner tree      97
Molecular clock      195
Most recent common ancestor      19
Nearest neighbour interchange (NNI)      31
Neigbour joining      157
Neighbour      5
Order equivalent      164
Order of a quartet rule      129
Ordinal methods      163
Orientation of a graph      7
Paralinear distance      192
Parsimony operation      108
Parsimony score of a character      84
Parsimony score of a set of characters      85
Parsimony, classical      85
Parsimony, generalized      92
Parsimony, metric space setting      92
Partial order      1
Partition      1
Partition intersection graph      69
Patchwork      136
Patchwork, ample      137
Path      6
Path set      200
Path, graph      7
PDA model      29
Pedigree      13
Pendant, edge      5
Pendant, vertex      5
Perfect elimination ordering      10
Perfect phylogeny problem      69
Permutation matrix      184
Phylogenetic forest      35
Phylogenetic forest, extension      38
Phylogenetic invariant      213
Phylogenetic invariant, linear      215
Phylogenetic invariant, model invariant      213
Phylogenetic invariant, trivial      213
Phylogenetic tree      17
Phylogenetic tree, binary      17
Phylogenetic tree, rooted      18
Phylogenetically informative      213
Polynomial-time algorithm      3
Probe interval graph      13
Product rule      4
Proper k-colouring      14
Proper path      88
Properly weighted edge      173
Pruning      31
Pseudometric      2
Quartet rule      128
Quartet tree      116
Random binary phylogenetic X-tree      102
Random character      102
Random variable      4
Random variable, mean      4
Random variable, variance      4
Rank function      23
Ranked phylogenetic tree      23
Refines      47
Regrafting      31
Representation, equidistant      151
Representation, ordinal      164
Representation, tree metric      146
Representation, vertex      150
Representing a split      58
Restricted chordal completion      69
Restricted chordal completion, minimal      79
Restriction      110
Reticulate evolution      33
Retract of a graph      100
Retraction map      100
Return-trip weights      173
Reverse transition      67
Root      8
Rooted phylogenetic tree      18
Rooted triple      118
Rooted X-tree      18
Rooting of a phylogenetic tree      188
Semi-labelled tree      16
Semi-labelled tree, rooted      18
Shape equivalent      25
Simplicial vertex      10
Spanning tree      95
Spanning tree, minimum-weight      95
Split decomposition      161
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