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Cao Z.-Q., Kim K.H., Roush F.W. — Incline algebra and applications |
Предметный указатель |
, , 42 84
-incline 12
-algebra 83
Antiautomorphism 57
Antiincline 61 154
Asymptotic form 123
Basis 32 63
Basis, Semilattice 34
Basis, standard 32 44 64
Belt 22
Blog 22
Chain condition 7 69 75
Clustering 148
Column basis 73
Column rank 33
Column space 33
Combinatorial semigroup 125
Complexity, group-theoretic 124
Congruence 4 9
Continuous Hasse diagram 88
Convergence 100
Convex cone 88
Convex function 100
Cyclic incline 4
Decidability 78
Derivative 100
Directed set 107
Doubly stochastic matrix 157
Dual antiincline 74
Dynamic programming 145
Eigenvalue 108
Eigenvector 108
Extension of functionals 106
First countable topology 82
Fuzzy algebra 19
g-decomposable 49
Generalized inverse 49
Generation 4
Generators 4
Generators and relations 9
Greatest subinverse 54
Green's relation 34
Group 70
Group choice 137
Hausdorff topology 81
Hilbert space 103
Homeomorphism 5
Homotopy 85
i-basis 32
Ideal 4 62
Idempotent 41 47
Identity 27
Incline 1
Incline, Compact 86
Incline, Cyclic 4
Incline, Finitely generated 18
Incline, Integral 28
Incline, Linearly representable 18
Incline, Metric 35
Incline, Nil 13
Incline, Noncommutative 6
Incline, Quotient 5
Incline, Type I 44
Indecomposable matrix 109
Independence of irrelevant alternatives 138
INDEX 88 113
Integral equation 102
Inverse 30 66
Jar metric principle 148
| Lattice 8
Lattice,Distributive 2 115 117
Least squares g-inverse 57
Linear functional 105
Linear system 132
Linearly dependent 32 44
Linearly independent 32
m-simple 65
machine 137
Measurable function 101
Measure 83 100
Minimum norm g-inverse 57
Module 136
Module, free 136
Moore — Penrose inverse 56
Net 107
Neutrality 139
Nonsingular matrix 42
One parameter semigroup 92
Pareto optimality,Path algebra 22
Period 114
Period Order 114
Permanent 157
Permutation matrix 28
Quadratic form 102
Quotient 4
Rank 46
Regularity 41
Relations 9
retract 88
Row basis 33
Row nonempty matrix 75
Row rank 33
Row space 33
Schein rank 128
Semidirect product 72 124
Semilattice 3 82 87
Semiring, Idempotent 2
Semiring,Positive 29
Semiring,Semigroup 72
Semiringof endomorphism 72
Semiuniform convergence 104
Shift equivalence 122
Shortest path 145
simplex 85
Simplicial complex 84
Simplicial Hasse diagram 89
Social welfare function 138
span 32 63
Square 92
Subincline 4
Subinvetse 54
subspace 32
symmetric 57
Thoneson condition 20
Topology product 104
Topology,Weak 103
Universal matrix 27
Vagner — Thierrin inverse 55
Variety 77
Vector space 63
Vector space, subspace 63
Vectors 25
Vectors, column 2 7
Vectors, row 2 7
Words 61
Wreath product 124
Zero 27
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