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Burden R.L., Faires J.D. — Numerical analysis |
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Factorization Algorithm 376
norm of a matrix 400
norm of a vector 399
norm of a matrix 397 403
norm of a vector 391
norm of a matrix 397
norm of a vector 391
, approximating 174
A-stable 317
Absolute deviation 437
Absolute error 15
Absolute stability, region of 317
Accelerating convergence 78
Accuracy, degree of 179
Adams Fourth-Order Predictor-Corrector Algorithm 279
Adams Variable-Step-Size Predictor-Corrector Algorithm 284
Adams — Bashforth method 275
Adams — Moulton method 276
Adaptive Quadrature Algorithm 196
Adaptive quadrature method 192
Aitken's method 78 515
Algebraic polynomial 96
Algorithm, description of 24
Algorithm, stable 26
Algorithm, unstable 26
Annihilation technique 521
Annuity 67
Approximating 174
Approximation theory 435
Asymptotic error constant 70
Augmented matrix 326
Average value of a function 6
B-splines 613
Backward difference formula 116 158
Backward difference method 639
Backward difference notation 116
Backward error analysis 431
Backward Euler method 321
Backward substitution 325
Band matrix 379
Band width 379
Basis for 498
Basis functions, B-spline 613
Basis functions, piecewise bilinear 670
Basis functions, piecewise linear 607
Beam deflection problem 577 598 604
Bell-shaped spline 613
Bernoulli equation 270
Bernstein polynomial 111
Bessel function 104
Bezier Curve Algorithm 153
Bezier polynomial 151
Bilinear basis functions 670
Binary digit 13
Binary representation of a number 13
Binary search method 40
Bisection Algorithm 41
Bisection method as a starting procedure 43
Bisection method description 40
Bisection method rate of convergence 43
Bisection method stopping procedure 42
Bit 13
Block tridiagonal matrix 384
Boundary-value problem definition 578
Boundary-value problem extrapolation 596 602
Boundary-value problem, B-splines 613
Boundary-value problem, centered difference formula 592
Boundary-value problem, collocation method 618
Boundary-value problem, Cubic Spline Rayleigh — Ritz Algorithm 616
Boundary-value problem, finite-difference method 592 598
Boundary-value problem, Galerkin method 618
Boundary-value problem, linear 578 592
Boundary-value problem, Linear Finite-Difference Algorithm 594
Boundary-value problem, Linear Shooting Algorithm 580
Boundary-value problem, nonlinear 585 598
Boundary-value problem, Nonlinear Finite-Difference Algorithm 601
Boundary-value problem, Nonlinear Shooting Algorithm 588
Boundary-value problem, Piecewise Linear Rayleigh — Ritz Algorithm 610
Boundary-value problem, Rayleigh — Ritz method 605
Boundary-value problem, reverse shooting technique 583
Brent method 94
Bridgedruss 389 423
Broyden Algorithm 563
Broyden method 561
Cauchy method 94
Cauchy — Buniakowsky — Schwarz inequality for sums 393
Cautious Romberg method 203 230
Center of mass problem 221
Centered difference formula 118 592
Centered difference method 626
Centered difference operator 121
Characteristic 13
Characteristic multistep method 309
Characteristic polynomial matrix 401
Characteristic value 401 see
Characteristic vector 401 see
Chebyshev economization 466
Chebyshev polynomial 91 459
Chebyshev Rational Approximation Algorithm 476
Choleski Algorithm 376
Choleski method 366
Chopping arithmetic 15
Clamped boundary 133
Clamped Cubic Spline Algorithm 138
Closed method 271 see
Closed Newton — Cotes formula 179
Coaxial cable problem 635
Collocation method 618
Column vector 326
Composite midpoint rule 188
Composite numerical integration 184
Composite Simpson's Algorithm 186
Composite trapezoidal rule 187
Computer arithmetic 12
Computer graphics 150
Condition number definition 426
Condition number, approximating 427
Conditionally stable 638
Consistent multistep method 308
Consistent one-step method 304
Contagious disease problem 269
Continued fraction 474
Continuous function from to 2
Continuous function from to 546
Continuous function from to 547
Contraction mapping theorem 547
Convergence, accelerating 78
Convergence, cubic 77
Convergence, linear 70
Convergence, order of 70
Convergence, quadratic 70
Convergence, rate of 29
Convergence, superlinear 82 561
Convergence, vector 394
Convergent matrix 404
Convergent multistep method 309
Convergent one-step method 304
Convergent sequence 3
Convergent vectors 390
Convex set 234
Cooley — Tukey algorithm 486
Coordinate function 545
Corrugated roofing problem 156 192 204
Cramer's rule 361
Crank — Nicolson Algorithm 644
Crout method 366
Crout Reduction for Tridiagonal Linear Systems Algorithm 380
Cubic convergence 77
Cubic Hermite interpolation 131 150 251
| Cubic spline algorithm, clamped 138
Cubic spline algorithm, natural 136
Cubic spline interpolation 132 613
Cubic Spline Rayleigh — Ritz Algorithm 616
Decimal machine number 15
Deflation 86 516
Degree of accuracy 179
Degree of precision 179
Derivative approximation 157
Derivative definition 3
Derivative relative to continuity 4
Determinant of a matrix 358
Diagonal matrix 348
Difference backward 116
Difference equation 239
Difference forward 79
Differentiable function 3
Differential equation, approximating 233 578 623
Differential equation, boundary-value problem see "Boundary-value problem"
Differential equation, initial-value problem see "Initial-value problem"
Differential equation, perturbed 236
Differential equation, well-posed 236
Differentiation see "Numerical differentiation"
Diffusion equation 624
Direct Factorization Algorithm 366
Direct factorization of matrices 362
Directional derivative 569
Dirichlet boundary conditions 623
Discrete least-squares 436
Disk brake problem 191
Distance between matrices 396
Distance between vectors 393
Distribution of heat, steady-state 623
Divided difference 112
Doolittle's method 366
Double integral 210
Drug concentration problem 67
Economization of power series 466
Eigenvalue definition 401
Eigenvalue, approximating 498
Eigenvalue, bound for 503
Eigenvector definition 401
Eigenvector, linear independence 500
Eigenvector, orthonormal 502
EISPACK 36 541
Electrical circuit problems 167 247 288 297 323
Electrical transmission problem 657
Electrostatic potential problem 584
Elliptic partial-differential equation 623 625
Equal matrices 345
Error function 12 111 205
Error in computer arithmetic 12
Error, absolute 15
Error, control 263 282
Error, exponential growth 26
Error, global 304
Error, linear growth 26
Error, local truncation 248 274 305
Error, relative 15
Error, round-off 15
Error, truncation 8
Escape velocity problem 229
Euclidean norm 391 see
Euler algorithm 240
Euler method 239
Euler modified method 257
Explicit method 179 271
Extended midpoint rule 188 see
Extended Simpson's rule 186 see
Extended trapezoidal rule 187 see
Extrapolation Algorithm 290
Extrapolation, derivative 168
Extrapolation, initial-value problem 288
Extrapolation, integration 199
Extrapolation, linear boundary-value problem 596
Extrapolation, nonlinear boundary-value problem 602
Extreme Value Theorem 5
Factorization of a matrix 362
False position, method of 63
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm 492
Fast Fourier transform method 486
Fibonacci problem 92
Fibonacci sequence 31
Finite-difference method, linear 592
Finite-difference method, nonlinear 598
Finite-digit arithmetic 15
Finite-Element Algorithm 664
Finite-element method 657
First divided difference 112
Five-point formula 161
Fixed Point Iteration 50 549
Fixed Point Iteration Algorithm 50
Fixed point theorem 52 547
Fixed point, definition of 46 547
Floating-point form 13
Forward difference, formula 158
Forward difference, method 637
Forward difference, notation 79 116
Fourier series 455
Fourth-order Adams — Bashforth technique 271
Fourth-order Adams — Moulton technique 271
Fredholm integral equation 337
Free boundary 133
Frobenius norm of a matrix 400
Function, average value 6
Function, Bessel 104
Function, continuous 2 546
Function, coordinate 545
Function, differentiable 3
Function, limit 2 546
Function, orthogonal 454
Function, orthonormal 454
Function, rational 469
Function, weight 453
Functional iteration 50
Fundamental theorem of algebra 82
Galerkin method 618
Gauss 38
Gauss transformation matrix 363
Gauss — Jordan method 336
Gauss — Seidel Iterative Algorithm 411
Gauss — Seidel iterative method 410
Gauss — Seidel method for nonlinear systems 550
Gaussian Double Integral Algorithm 218
Gaussian Elimination with Backward Substitution Algorithm 330
Gaussian Elimination with Maximal Column Pivoting Algorithm 340
Gaussian Elimination with Scaled-Column Pivoting Algorithm 343
Gaussian elimination, operation count 332
Gaussian quadrature 205 214
Gaussian Triple Integral Algorithm 219
Gaussian — Kronrod method 230
Generalized Rolle's Theorem 7
Gerschgorin Circle Theorem 503
Global error 304
Golden ratio 31
Gompertz population growth 68
Gradient 569
Gragg extrapolation 288
Gram — Schmidt process 456
Graphics, computer 150
Gravity flow discharge problem 559
Grid lines 626
Growth of error, exponential 26
Growth of error, linear 26
Guidepoint 150
Heat distribution, steady state 623
Heat equation 623
Heat Equation Backward-Difference Algorithm 640
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